Biyernes, Enero 13, 2006
Leave Me a Comment, Please

Created by Paper Napkin to encourage readers who are too shy to leave a comment to speak up, De-Lurker Day has been extended to an entire week. That way everyone has a chance to work up the courage to speak up. And this is National De-Lurker Week!

So please just leave me a line or so in the comment box below. How long have you been reading my blog? Or what is your favorite book, movie, or TV show? Or what is the weather like today where you are? I'm not picky. I will repost this daily so it is always near the top of my blog this week

20 comment(s):

del_button Enero 10, 2006 nang 12:55 AM
Roz ayon kay ...

Well, I don't qualify as a lurker, but I'm the type to speak up, even when not asked.

I found you due to your "picked by a saint" initiative, and I look forward to seeing you often. The weather here in Michigan is unseasonably mild, drizzly and gray. Two books I've read recently and enjoyed are The Brothers K and Dancing at the Rascal Fair, both contemporary fiction which I don't usually read.

So, stop by and say hello, please, at

del_button Enero 10, 2006 nang 2:34 AM
Hindi-nagpakilala ayon kay ...

I first came across your blog by reading the Anchoress and recomending the Saint-of-the-Year draw. Which, my pick was pretty providential! Since, I have enjoyed reading your blog for my daily dose of all things Roman Catholic. (Which, it looks as If I might be crossing the Tiber soon...)

Favorite Books: The Interior Castle, St. Teresa of Avila; The Autobiography of Madame Guyon; and anything by AW Tozer. All very nice spiritual reading. TV Shows: Law & Order and the West Wing, all not very spirtual.

I live at Milligan College, TN where I am currently pursuing my BA in Pastoral Ministry(Read: Theology) and a minor in philosophy. The weather was a warm fifty degrees, which was strange since I had just came from Indiana where the weather was cold!

Anything else you'd like to know?

I enjoy reading your blog and God bless you!

del_button Enero 10, 2006 nang 6:20 AM
Matthew ayon kay ...

Thanks, you two for visiting my blog and commenting.

As for the weather's cold and damp. :)

del_button Enero 10, 2006 nang 6:54 AM
Jennifer ayon kay ...

I actually first came across your blog by clicking next blog. I don't usually click it but I am glad I did.

I have been reading it for well over a month and have spent time reading the sidebar posts quite a bit. I love your blog because it is so informative and I have learned alot. It has also strengthened my faith.

I live in southwest Ontario. It is actually quite warm here for this time of year, but I'm sure the snow is about to come at anytime.

del_button Enero 10, 2006 nang 7:48 AM
Hindi-nagpakilala ayon kay ...

I've been reading your blog for a few months now, and I love it! I find it to be very uplifting :)
You reflect God nicely through your blog. I am sure your impressive in person, too!

del_button Enero 10, 2006 nang 8:15 AM
Belinda ayon kay ...

I've only been reading about a week, but I found you through (I think) the Anchoress, who I found while traversing other links in St. Blog's Parish. I really liked the Saint Of the Year, and decided to blogroll you and visit more often! As a relatively recent (3 years) convert, I'm always interested in the perspective of fellow Catholics, both convert and cradle.

I'm a software engineer down in Florida, where at the moment it's 68F and partly cloudy. We just had a 'cold' snap (which I liked but native Floridians didn't) but it's warming up again. For the most part it's been somewhat warm for this time of year.

Two books I've read recently are Anne Rice's _Christ the King_, definitely a departure from her usual fare but got me thinking about life in first-century Palestine, and Sandra Worth's _Rose of York: Love and War_, the first of a trilogy about the much-maligned Richard III. I got _A Year with C.S.Lewis_ for Christmas and have found it a nice supplement to my devotionals.

But enough about me - it's your blog!

del_button Enero 10, 2006 nang 8:39 AM
Hindi-nagpakilala ayon kay ...

I found you through another blog -- maybe martha, martha, for the saints draw (but I recognized that I had visited before, when I saw your blog).

Mom with 4 kids, convert for almost 10 yrs, live in the midwest. Favorite blogs include; fructis ventris, , and Praise of Glory, when Seraphim was with us. I've commented before (the Holy See website review, for instance).

del_button Enero 10, 2006 nang 9:32 AM
Marie Cecile ayon kay ...

Hi Moneybags,
I discovered your wonderful blog via another blog posting your let the Saint pick you. I was curious and here I am.
I'm from western Ma., the weather is always nice no matter whether is rains or snows, it's all part of God.
I have read Abandonment to Divine Providence, working on the list of next to read is Interior Castle.
I enjoy reading your blog and look forward to reading more.
God Bless You

del_button Enero 10, 2006 nang 12:44 PM
Hindi-nagpakilala ayon kay ...

I, too, found you when reading how martha, martha received her saint-for-the-year, and was totally intrigued. The Holy Spirit is at work here, for certain.

The weather here in the mid-Hudson Valley (New York state) is typical for January - cold, damp, cloudy, with piles of snow still everywhere. Fresh snow is always welcome.

Favorite books include (off the top of my head) "Fire Within" (Dubay), and on a far lighter note, "Coffee with Nonna", which I received from my Dutch Reformed mom-in-law for Christmas - a book of reminiscences about an Italian Catholic grandmother.) Also "Twentieth Maine", one of the most entertaining Civil War books I've ever read. (Great on its own, but it does help to be a bit of a CW geek.)

del_button Enero 10, 2006 nang 8:01 PM
Dymphna ayon kay ...

Hello, I think I found your blog via The Anchoress. I really enjoy it.

del_button Enero 10, 2006 nang 9:43 PM
Tom.... ayon kay ...

about a month for me....always something of interest....thanks for the saint, ST. John of God...while I have little connection to him, it is nice to know he is there for my family.

del_button Enero 10, 2006 nang 9:57 PM
Hindi-nagpakilala ayon kay ...

I came in on the Saint for the Year post, and have been reading since. I'm in the process of converting (RCIA class of 2006!), so I enjoy reading other Catholic blogs. :D

del_button Enero 10, 2006 nang 11:59 PM
Susan Rose Francois, CSJP ayon kay ...

Found you via penni and you were kind enough to help St Teresa of Avila pick me for 2006.


del_button Enero 11, 2006 nang 9:15 AM
Darren ayon kay ...

A faithful reader for about a month now. Found you linked on someone else's (don't remember) blog.

Cold and wet in KY. Would like a little snow before winter is over - just enough to cover the ground....

Keep up the great blog!

del_button Enero 11, 2006 nang 1:46 PM
Jean Heimann ayon kay ...

Hi Moneybags,

I read your blog daily and enjoy it very much. You are doing a great job -- keep it up!


del_button Enero 12, 2006 nang 6:21 PM
Hindi-nagpakilala ayon kay ...

I'm new here - I came because of the saint of the year thing which my family loved. My daughter was thrilled with her saint whom we had never heard of. The little connections are fun and we now have 8 new saints to add to our litany we sing at bedtime.

I'm a SAHM, I homeschool the bottom 5 while my oldest goes to the all-girls Catholic hs in the neighborhood. I love my 10 min breaks throughout the day where I sit and read my favorite blogs.

Bless you all.

del_button Enero 13, 2006 nang 6:49 AM
Hindi-nagpakilala ayon kay ...

Just returning the favour, Moneybags. Keep up the awesome work!

del_button Enero 13, 2006 nang 9:22 AM
Antonia ayon kay ...

I think I found your blog sometime ago, but came across it once more because of the "saint of the year" project.

I'm a computer engineer working at my own startup now, so I read technical books & books on high-tech startup topics, and yeah, on the Catholic teachings too. Last book read was: How the Catholic Church Built Western Civilization. I live very close to the Equator, and the weather here alternates between sunny and thundering rain.

del_button Enero 14, 2006 nang 12:56 PM
Hindi-nagpakilala ayon kay ...

I first linked to your blog through The Anchoress to find the saint waiting for me. Thank you for bringing Our Lady Help of Christians and me together. I started researching Her right away and found the picture of her - holding the child, Jesus and a sceptor. I didn't remember ever having seen it before. A few days later as I was leaving church, I reached into my purse for my keys and out came a holy card with that very picture on it. I was so shocked that it took me awhile to remember where it came from. Just a few days earlier, my step-mother-in-law had given it to me. Coincidence? I think not!

Anyway, I am in west-central Florida where it is very windy today and will be in the 30s tonight. How will we bear it?

I have become a frequent visitor to your blog - there's something special here! Although I am a cradle Catholic, last year my husband and I returned to church after a 15 year abscence. It's better than it ever was and we have so much to learn and atone for. This is the BEST journey we have ever been on!! And, you have become a part of it!!

del_button Enero 15, 2006 nang 3:56 PM
Matthew ayon kay ...

Thank you all for coming and being part of my blog. Cathy M, I am humbled and honored to be part of your journey in the faith.

May God bless all of you.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

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