Catholic and Pro-life Issues
- Prayer for the Helpless Unborn
- In vitro Fertilization
- Catholics and the End of Life issues
- Human Cloning
- Contraception
- The Catechism of the Catholic Church on abortion
- What is the Cost of abortion?
- Petition against Planned Parenthood
- Amnesty International and Abortion
This is a list of all of my pro-life news & legislation updates to date. (More recent at the top)
- Partial Birth Abortion Ruled Unconstitutional
- American Cancer Society funds Planned Parenthood
- Colorado Gov. Signs Bill Mandating Catholic Hospitals Provide Abortion Drug
- Portugal Legalizes Abortion
- Fr. Frank Pavone's Homily from January 18, 2007
- Choose Life Plates for Illinois
- 34th Anniversary of Legalized Abortion
- 2006 US Election Results
- Vote Pro-life on November 7, 2006
- FDA Guidelines on Vaccines/Aborted Fetal Cell Lines Open for Public Comment
- Nicaragua votes to ban all abortions; UN tried to stop vote
- Missourians: Vote NO on Amendment 2
- The Pill causes cancer
- Help the South Dakota Abortion Ban
- Plan B will not stop abortions
- FDA approves Morning after pill!
- President Bush supports Plan B!
- Unborn children murdered for cosmetics!
- Ask President Bush to stop Plan B
- Contact Ms. Magazine
- Child Custody Protection Act passes Senate, stopped
- Bush vetos embryonic stem cell research bill YES!
- Crucial Stem cell research update!
- European Union- embryonic stem cell research
- Today's Crazy News
- Abortion mill becomes Catholic chapel
- Omaha abortion center closes
- A living miracle
- British abortion rates rise
- Independence Day: Pro-life Wisdom
- Curves: Pro-life
- Alabama Pro-life law goes into effect
- Microsoft is a huge abortion supporter
- End of trouble at NKU
- South Dakota abortion law to be voted on in November
- Governor Blanco signs Louisiana abortion ban into law
- A Child of an Abortion Practitioner Insists on Life for the Unborn
- Annual report on Planned Parenthood
- Ohio abortion ban
- Philippines abolishes the death penalty
- Start the 77 Day Novena to close Tiller's abortion mill
- Updates on Abortion in South Dakota
- Amnesty International and Abortion
- Wisconsin newspaper funds Planned Parenthood
- Blythe Danner & Gwyneth Paltrow support abortion
- Proposition 73 is back!
- Clinton asked to use abortion to kill the poor
- Victory for Life in Britain
- Andrea Clark has died
- Colorado Governor vetos bill that would allow morning after pill without a prescription
- Hawaii protects abortion after Roe v. Wade
- Arizona vetos pain-awareness act bill
- Breast cancer risks drastically increase after an abortion
- Updates with South Dakota
- Amazon.com gives in to abortion activists
- Some Catholic colleges support abortion
- Day of Prayer for the Conversion of Abortionists
- National polls released on the South Dakota abortion ban
- Gov. Rounds signs ban on abortions in South Dakota (Mar 2006)
- Walmart begins to sell the morning-after-pill
- Abortion bans in Mississippi and Missouri
- 55 Catholic Democrats in the House support abortion
- Gov. Rounds of South Dakota needs prayers
- Supreme court sides with pro-lifers in regard to RICO laws
- South Dakota passes abortion ban
- Governor Blagojevich funds embryonic stem cell research
- RU-486 in Australia
- US Family Planning Funds Slashed (Feb. 16th)
- IL Paper allows pro-life advertisements
- "Abortions have decreased" - President Bush
- Florida parential notification law upheld by judge
- NARAL's abortion grades
- US Supreme Court ruling on N. Hamsphire law
- US Supreme Court ruling in Oregon suicide law
- Diocese to require contraception classes
- Pope Benedict XVI - "God loves every embryo"
- Illinois Abortions at a 30 year low
- Boycott American Girl
- Best Christmas Gift for a mother
- Umbilical Cord Blood Bill becomes Law (Dec. 21, 2005)
- An abortion survivor's story - Read the amazing story
- Prop. 73 will be back!
- Phillipines support the Church on birth control
- Prop. 73 fails in California (Nov. 13, 2005)
- Missouri abortion clinic closed; new law (Oct. 26, 2005)
- Don't support "Save lids to Save lives"
- Adult Stem cells cure paraplegic
- The Truth on Life Checks
- UNFPA denied funding from US; Canada increases funding
- Missouri pro-life bill signed into law on Sept. 16, 2005
- Susan Torres's child dies on Sept. 11, 2005
- Pro-life bumper sticker saves a life
- Priests for life announce lay association
- CBS pro-life statistics as of Aug. 11, 2005
- Minnesota signs abortion-fetal pain law on Aug. 2, 2005
- New York Contraception Bill is vetoed in Aug. 2005
- Susan Torres gives birth
- Embyronic Stem Cell Research
- Benefits of adult stem cell research
- Pro-life survey
- Abortion laws in other countries
- Tell Senators not to support Embryonic stem cell Research
- If Roe v. Wade is overturned
4 comment(s):
Here are 7 hrs of 60 second AD's for Pro-life Jewels by Dr. John Willke..
Life Jewels
I am concerned because i had an abortion and went to confession truly repentent then read that St Padre Pellegrino denied a woman absolution for her abortion. I thought abortion was an opportunit to be forgiven. HELP!
Dear Anonymous---
God forgives all those who are truly repentant--Padre Pio was a mystic...we don't know the whole story there, but we do know about St. Paul and Moses and others who committed grave sins against life. Peace be with you ...Trust in HIS Mercy and sin no more. Your Baby is in Heaven ( by the Baptism of Blood) for God in His eternal Mercy changes evil into good,. He is the ONE & Only "reader of hearts" you may name your baby. Please Pray for those who are considering an abortion. ...Especially on Saturday when it is so prevalent.
Go in Peace
Jesus Mary We love You Save Souls.
God's Love and Forgiveness span the galaxies for the contrite and there are 500 billion galaxies known to date.
Peace...Love-Bonnie Blue
Abortion is definitely an ending of. Whoever tries to explain to him or herself that it is not is trying to express something so complex that if we consider it un-discussable we make a big mistake. That is why being able to post opinion, while it is done with respect, is so important. Those of us women who have gone through an instance of abortion in most cases were not guided by our will to end a life. On the contrary, we were in many cases so young and so fearful of killing in other ways: our parents´ trust, bringing a child into the world that would have had an awful life due to many reasons in our environment, possibly even lack of love and care. Not one woman who loves humanity and respects God has gone through that process unscathed, on the contrary, I know of not one that does not have the spiritual image of that child close to her, in her heart, where that child exists and is protected. Abortion should not be. But life is the greatest of challenges. Jesus Christ would not hurl the first stone.
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