This post is a means to provide links to some of my many posts on this topic. Since the Traditional Mass is at the very heart of living a traditional Catholic life, nearly all of my posts will touch on this topic. Please browse by the tag of Traditional Latin Mass in addition to visiting these posts linked below.
What is the Tridentine (Traditional) Latin Mass?
It is all too common that Catholics unfamiliar with the Church’s Traditions may think that the Traditional Latin Mass is simply the same as the standard Novus Ordo Mass, albeit said in Latin and with the priest having his “back to the people.” It is, after all, simply called the “Latin Mass” by many traditionalists. This is completely false. The Tridentine Mass is about much more than Latin - it is about the very prayers themselves which are said. The Novus Ordo Mass vastly differences from the Tridentine Mass in dozens of ways. Read how here.
For an English explanation of the Latin Mass, click here. For the English/Latin texts of the Mass, including the actual prayers and much more, please purchase a 1962 Roman Catholic Daily Missal.
Basic Information on the Mass:
- Why have a Mass for a deceased loved one?
- What graces do I receive at Mass?
- Common Questions on the Eucharist and the Mass
- A Prayer for Before & After Mass
Basic Information on the Tridentine Mass:
- What Should I Do For My First Time At A Latin Mass?
- Traditional Sunday Latin Mass Readings and Prayers
Videos of the Tridentine Latin Mass:
Latin Mass Locations:- Traditio Mass Directory (PDF including all societies and groups but details are often outdated and need independently verified)
- SSPX USA Mass Locations (MAP)
- Latin Mass Directory (Always updated but doesn't list independent or SSPX locations)
- Latin Mass Locator (Includes SSPX, FSSP, ICKSP, Diocesan but no independent chapels)
- Roman Missal in Latin and English by Rev. F. X. Lasance
- Know Your Mass by Fr. Demetrius Manousos, O.F.M
- The Church's Year by Rev. Fr. Leonard Goffine
- An Essay on the Development of Christian Doctrine by John Henry Cardinal Newman
- Calvary and the Mass by Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen
- How Christ Said the First Mass by James Luke Meagher
- The Mass of All Time by Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre
- Explanation of the Holy Mass by Dom Prosper Gueranger, OSB
- How to Understand the Mass by Dom Gasper Lefebvre, OSB
- Christ Acts Through the Sacraments by Father A.M. Roguet, OP
- Treasure and Tradition: The Ultimate Guide to the Latin Mass by Lisa Bergman
- The Latin Mass Explained by Msgr. George Moorman
- The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass by Father Michael Mueller
Recommended Reading on the Crisis in the Modern Church:
- Catechism of the Crisis in the Church by Fr. Matthias Gaudron
- The Great Facade: Vatican II and the Regime of Novelty in the Roman Catholic Church by Christopher Ferrara and Thomas E Woods, Jr.
- Open Letter to Confused Catholics by Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre
- Against the Heresies by Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre
- Iota Unum: Study of the Changes in the Catholic Church in the 20th Century by Romano Amerio
- Love in the Ruins: Modern Catholics in search of the ancient Faith by Anne Larson
- Old Errors and New Labels by Archbishop Fulton J Sheen
- Peace of Soul by Archbishop Fulton J Sheen
- The Restoration of Christian Culture by John Senior
- SSPX: The Defence by Kennedy Hall
Traditional Altar Server Resources:
5 comment(s):
Deo Gratias for Pope Benedict XVI and Summorum Pontificum in freeing the Mass of the Ages. I can't wait till the Holy Father offers the Mass in the Traditional Latin Rite.
Vatican II, in my opinion, changed the Catholic Church for the worse.
We opened the windows to let the fresh air in and everything blew out. Priests, nuns and brothers in great numbers. The ones that stayed, some of their habits blew out the window too. Beautiful Vestments, music, prayers and traditions followed too.
Once the priest faced the people, he became an entertaineer, working the crowd. Jokes, clapping, disrespectful ways of dressing, and the entire sacredness of the Mass and Church was gone too.
Priests do not wear cassocks, some do not even fold their hands in procession to make the Mass more solemn. Altar girls??????? PLEASE. Give me a break. Women without their heads covered and so many lay people on the Alter. It is all so sloppy. It seems that many priests are not even interested in TRYING to make the current Mass prayerful and solemn.
With the old Tridentine Mass, especially the High Sung Solemn Mass, you could almost feel the presence of God in your midst. This Mass just seems like a bunch of people together without any direction or purpose. Children not behaving, people talking, coming late and leaving early. Nothing is ever mentioned from the Pulpit. Confession lines are almost non existent but the Communion lines are endless. Sin is not talked about as well as the presence of the devil in the world
I could go on and on but I would be typing for the next several days. If the priests at least made the Mass we have now more solemn and gave a peertinent sermon, it would be bearable. Something like the EWTN Mass on TV every day. However, bring back the Church before Vatican II with everything that went out of the window.
P.S. How many Confirmation eligible children know what the 7 gifts of the Holy Ghost are.
Come Holy Ghost and renew the Church and the face of the earth!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The Lectionarium is the Lectionary for the Mass. It is the book used when the Epistle is chanted during Mass (i.e. at a Solemn High Mass). The Lectionarium is also used in the Novus Ordo but of course the readings are quite different in many respects.
re: joseph lupo -- girls or women are firstly human beings and just as much image of God as men, so these human beings should be treated, valued and respected as such especially in church even as altar persons doing their holy duty.
Anonymous, you make a common error. Just because all peoples are in God's image and share in the gifts of grace and salvation from Christ, that doesn't mean each are called to the same roles in life. Just as Christ, The 2nd person of the Blessed Trinity, has a different role than the Almighty Father and the Holy Ghost, just as the father has a different role than a mother, men and women have different roles in the Church of God. Women are not called to serve at the altar.
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