A Catholic Life seeks a return to and preservation of authentic Roman Catholicism, as practiced in the decades before the Second Vatican Council.
"There are not one hundred people in this world who dislike Catholicism, but there are millions who dislike what they mistakenly believe Catholicism to be." - Archbishop Fulton Sheen
Detailed History:
First off, I am a Roman Catholic aspiring to live in greater holiness in order to serve Our Lord, Jesus Christ. I began attending Mass in 2002 and instantly realized that the Church of Jesus Christ is the Catholic Church. After attending RCIA, I entered the Catholic Church in 2004, and right now I have further come to realize that I believe in and wish to preserve the Traditional Catholic Religion, as most expressed before the Second Vatican Council.
I created this site to be in accordance with the Holy Catholic Church and clear up misconceptions about the Church as well as to help proclaim the Gospel under the Command of Christ (cf. Matthew 28:18-20). This blog will present recent news on the Catholic faith along with prayers and information on promoting the Culture of Life and the true Catholic Faith.
My Philosophy as adapted from Concerned Roman Catholic for America, Inc.:
Let me remind everyone that opinions in the comments section do not necessarily adhere to Magesterium's teachings. The information and opinions presented on this blog do not necessarily reflect the opinions of all Catholics or the Vatican itself. I wanted to thank everyone who comes here regularly for participating in this blogging endeavor.
Detailed History:
First off, I am a Roman Catholic aspiring to live in greater holiness in order to serve Our Lord, Jesus Christ. I began attending Mass in 2002 and instantly realized that the Church of Jesus Christ is the Catholic Church. After attending RCIA, I entered the Catholic Church in 2004, and right now I have further come to realize that I believe in and wish to preserve the Traditional Catholic Religion, as most expressed before the Second Vatican Council.
I created this site to be in accordance with the Holy Catholic Church and clear up misconceptions about the Church as well as to help proclaim the Gospel under the Command of Christ (cf. Matthew 28:18-20). This blog will present recent news on the Catholic faith along with prayers and information on promoting the Culture of Life and the true Catholic Faith.
My Philosophy as adapted from Concerned Roman Catholic for America, Inc.:
I will not allow the Holy Catholic Church to be torn apart and assaulted by the forces of Modernism, Syncretism, Heresy, and the gross immorality of some of its clergy in the name of the "Spirit of Vatican II". I will not allow our Catholic youth to be robbed of their faith or have their innocence destroyed in the name of "tolerance", "ecumenism", "diversity" or any other politically correct ideology of the day. I am here to promote true Catholicism as taught by those orthodox, faithful members of the clergy. I am here to be a light shining in the darkness of sin that is destroying the Internet through such means as pornography and atheism...I encourage everyone here, Catholics and non-Catholics, to participate on my blog. I'd love to hear your comments and or suggestions if they are presented in a polite manner.
I object to individuals or groups of individuals being given access to Catholic schools, churches, conferences and Church property to promote any belief, teaching, or idea contrary to Catholic teaching as defined by two thousand years of Tradition and Church teaching. I expect every Catholic priest to follow the disciplines of the Catholic Church as he solemnly vowed to do. I expect every bishop to do all he can to safeguard the souls of our children by exercising his authority to ensure proper teaching within Catholic schools and parish religion programs. And I insist that Catholic colleges and universities either teach the True Faith or cease calling themselves Catholic. I assert that homosexual men and pedophiles are not to be admitted to the seminary and that women and married men should never become priests. I object to the use of extraordinary ministers of Holy Communion since it has always been taught that only the hands of the ordained minister should touch the Eucharist. I assert that it is a sin to attend Protestant services or worship services of other religions. And I desire for all priests to be taught Latin in the seminary and Gregorian Chant to return in all our churches.
I object to any priest treating the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass as his personal possession by adding, changing, or removing any part of the Mass on his own authority. Furthermore, I assert that the right of every Catholic priest to celebrate the Traditional Latin Mass must be recognized, and I consider it a grave scandal that such a right is not recognized while at the same time countless liturgical and theological novelties are promoted by many in the hierarchy.
Let me remind everyone that opinions in the comments section do not necessarily adhere to Magesterium's teachings. The information and opinions presented on this blog do not necessarily reflect the opinions of all Catholics or the Vatican itself. I wanted to thank everyone who comes here regularly for participating in this blogging endeavor.
27 comment(s):
Facts would be infallible statements and defined dogma.
Moneybags (interesting name),
I sincerely don't understand why, but after living my entire adult life as a non-denominational Christian (born again, love Jesus Christ), I feel compelled to POSSIBLY to back to the Catholic church. I raised in the Catholic church and left at age 14, a year after my Confirmation. My aunt is a nun, my mother goes to Mass every Sunday and Holy Day.
I just can't get past certain things that bother me - like praying to Mary, and the Saints, and why priests can't be married. I'd appreciate your insight my email is listed on my blog profile if you would like to write me back there.
I'm living as Catholic born again Christian,
baptized by the Holy spirit. And my vision
for this church is that this is a place for really all kind of Christians (this is what the word Catholic says) and that we have the courage not only to have saints, but to be saints like them (that's the real message of them). I hope that the we as Catholics have the courage and the sense to cleanup our tradtions and go back to what Jesus has said and done.
Happy belated Birthday, and may God bless you, you are in my daily prayers. I visit your site daily very inspiring.
Very well stated. If only it were so. I long for a church that adheres to the true doctrine. Good for you! My brother is a wonderful, faithful priest and a great inspiration to me. I wish you well on your journey.
I'm from Brazil and am a Catholic. Since my childhood my parents taught how to pray to God, praying the rosary with all the family (we are sixteen brothers and sisters). Both my father and my mother were devoted to Our Lady, Mary, the mother of Jesus and so am I. They were examples of good Chrstians, pious Catholics, and gave us all the instructions on how to live our lives according to God's will.
I'm the youngest among my brothers and sisters, and since my mother died aged 90, it has been too difficult for me to live without her. But I pray to God every day, so that He can give me all the strenght and support I need.
I'd like to share my prayers with all the people who come to this forum to praise the Lord Jesus Christ.
Let's also pray to Our Lady, so that She can interced to Jesus in our favour.
Raimundo, you are completely correct when you say that we must remain close to Our Lady. She is the Star of the Sea - the beacon of hope. Prayers to her always lead to Jesus. Stay close and pray to Mary for peace and comfort but also for the repose of your mother's soul. She will pray for Jesus. Let us also never forget to pray to Our God each and everyday.
I'm glad you are a reader of this blog.
God Bless you.
I agree with everything you have said and I applaud you for your stand on behalf of the faith. However, I must say that the one thing you have said about Ministers of Holy communion causes me much concern. As I had this reserve myself, and approached many orthodox priests in regard to this question because of my feeling of unworthiness as a lay person. We are none of us worthy.
I firmly believe we must be obedient to the majesterium of the church, none are worthy to hold Our lord, but we must also be willing to give of ourselves in whatever capicity that will fulfill the call of The Lord to bring him to those who otherwise would not be able to recieve him, especially when the access to a priest is not possible. We are installed by a bishop, being instructed and trained to serve not to be served, and not to replace the priest, but to assist the priest,strictly in accordance with the rule and guidlines of the Church. Above all, each and everyone must be in strict obedience to the Church no matter what the ministry. If I am in error, please teach me how, so that I cam tell my priest and spiritual director that I am offending my Lord, as I have had this same train of thought before I became a minister of communion
Bob, I recently wrote on extraordinary ministers:
I see a deterioration of the Catholic Church after Vatican II and believe the new modernism after Vatican II is a push towards protestantism. I object strongly to anyone adding, changing, or removing any part of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. To require a priest to have special permission to say the Latin Tridentine Mass is wrong. Additionally your discussion on the reverence for the Holy Eucharist is right on.
Your are on your journey to priesthood in very difficult times. My thoughts and prayers are with You.
God Bless...
I find your statement:
"I will not allow our Catholic youth to be robbed of their faith"
a bit strange. This seems to me a twisted look at what is truly going on.
Sometimes when I hear this type of thinking, it makes me despair that we will be burdened by these destructive beliefs for countless years to come.
See, the truth is, the indoctrination into "faith" is what truly robs our children. Children aren't born with "faith". It is foisted upon them.
Because faithful parents insist on indoctrinating their own children, into their "faith", propagating the false and corrupting ideas of their religion, I work hard to explain the truth about their parents false beliefs, to change the minds of some of your children, and help them see the truth and rationality of atheism. In this way, I hope I can help to make the world a better place in the future.
You should be following the traditions PRIOR to Pope John XXIII. He had much to do with the demise of our traditions.
you should be following the traditions prior to John XXIII. He was responsible for the demise of the very traditions you speak. interestingly, you do not seem to know this fact.
"I assert that it is a sin to attend Protestant services or worship services of other religions."
Does this apply to the Holy Father?
Touring a protestant/non-Catholic place as an observer is different than attending their "liturgical services". The Holy Father has visited other places of worship but has not attended their services.
"I work hard to explain the truth about their parents false beliefs, to change the minds of some of your children, and help them see the truth and rationality of atheism."
This will be my second year helping my Catholic Church with a CCD class my son attends, age 11.
I'll be sure to make those children and their parents aware of what this man said. Thanks for the warning there, Mike.
Seminarian Matthew, it would sure be nice when you had the time to do a piece I can show the children regarding life in the Seminary. I think it would do them good to understand just what it is you study that sets you apart from the average layman that looks to the religious for guidance.
I would also like to say, thank you and God bless!
i am wondering why i have not seen a hermitage of the Traditional Latin mass for women/or men for that matter. i am searching for one with ecclesiastical approval.
i have found two; one by Gemma, founderess and one in PA. Surly there are more here in the USA?
"I assert that homosexual men and pedophiles are not to be admitted to the seminary and that women and married men should never become priests."
Would you still obey the Bishop of Rome if it is proven somehow that he is a closet homosexual, or worse, a pedophile?
What about Simon Peter, the Rock, which traditional Catholics claim to be the first Pope? Simon Bar-Iona was married, because at least one canonical Gospel account claims that he had a mother-in-law (Mark 1:30). Should his "ordination" then be considered invalid?
Vatican II is not Church law and can/should be rejected in totality.
What about the proper interpretation and intention of Vatican 11 as explained by Pope Emeritus Benedict?
I would like to say simply that is you read the documents of Vatican II you will discover that it states that the Divine Office and all of the responses should remain in Latin. It was not until later (1970) well after the end of the council that the Missale Romanum was changed. I myself go often to the TLM at my parish but i recognize the fact that the Novus Ordo that was translated by Pope Pius VI is excepted and used by much of the church.
May our Lord shed light upon the truth for all of us!
I agree with all you have said regarding the priest hood and I was raised Catholic and was taught by Nuns who as like priest were not married. I feel these were the true followers of God. They gave up there life for God. And I have just finish reading the Bible. I found it quite interesting but hard to pronounce some of the names. I was amazed of all I learned from reading the Bible of things I was never taught in school. I'm just wondering about something. I know the church is Gods house and if because of a medical condition if a person can not attend services will God forgive him for that.
Hello anonymous, please check out the catechism programs at CatechismClass.com that help explain Scripture in light of the Tradition of the Church.
So refreshing to come across and read your blog Matthew you are a bright light in our dark world. I agree completely with what you say, and draw comfort and strength from your words. May God Bless you. O. from The Netherlands.
Dear Fr.Matthew,
I appreciate your zeal of faith in the orthodoxy but why abide only until Pope Benedict XVI.
Do you not recognize the Papacy of Pope Francis?
I would really love a blog from you encouraging more Catholic Men to be involved in teaching the catechism at a parish level. Sometimes the catechist programs feel like a hen party, but for the young men learning their Catholic Faith at a certain age they are simply less likely to take the words of a woman seriously, I understand this is developmental. I see this problem in middle and high-schools too. But Catholic MEN really need to step forward in this area so that young men do not come to see religion as something that women do.
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