This compilation of books and articles is based on years of research.
- English Paperback & Kindle Version
- Spanish Paperback & Kindle Version
- Polish Paperback Version
- PDF Version of English, Spanish, or Polish
8 Part Series on the History of Catholic Fasting & Abstinence:
- The Purpose of Fasting
- Fasting in the Early Church Through the 5th Century
- Lenten Fasting in the Medieval Church: 5th – 13th Centuries
- Other Fasts in the Medieval Church: 5th – 13th Centuries
- Fasting During the Renaissance: 13th – Middle 18th Centuries
- Fasting in the Early Modern Era
- Fasting in the 1900s Pre-Vatican II
- Fasting Post-Vatican II
Various Individual Articles on Fasting & Abstinence:
- Catholic Fasting and Abstinence Principles & Practices
- Who is Exempt from the Law of Fasting or Abstinence?
- A History of Holy Days of Obligation & Fasting for American Catholics: Part 1
- A History of Holy Days of Obligation & Fasting for American Catholics: Part 2
- Early Christians Fasted Even from Water During Lent
- Abstinence & Fasting Is Not Automatically Dispensed on Solemnities
- How St. Pius X & the 1917 Code of Canon Law Liberalized Fasting, Abstinence, and Holy Days of Obligation
- Is Fasting or Abstinence Required on Holy Days of Obligation in Lent?
- At What Age Do Catholics Fast?
- What is Better: Shared Days of Penance or Private Acts of Penance?
- The Traditional Fasting Days Kept in Rome
- Can Unclean Food Defile a Man?
- What is the Eucharistic Fast?
- Why is 12 PM Called Noon?
- Year Round Friday Abstinence is Still MANDATORY
- Why Do Catholics Eat Fish on Fridays?
- Saturday Fasting and Abstinence in Honor of Our Lady
- The Monastic Fast
- The Immemorial Practice of Wednesday Abstinence
- What is a Black Fast?
- The Forgotten History of Dispensation from Fasting from the Spanish Crusade Bulls
- Saturday Fasting & the Binding Force of Custom
- What Liquids are permitted on fasting days?
- The environmental benefits of fasting
Liturgical Year-Related Articles for Fasting & Abstinence:
- St. Martin's Lent as the Advent Fast
- The Importance and History of Ember Days
- Rogation Day and Ember Day Manual
- Advent Ember Days
- Saturday Abstinence Dispensed in Christmastide
- Ash Wednesday: Rules for Fasting & Abstinence; Traditional Mass Propers; Prayer for Ashes
- History of Lenten Fasting: How to Observe the Traditional Lenten Fast
- Chart: A Comparison of Lenten Regulations Over the Centuries
- Abstinence from Meat & Animal Products on Sundays in Lent
- Can I Eat Meat on St. Patrick's Day in Lent?
- Lenten Ember Days
- Friday Penance Still Required in Eastertide
- Minor Rogation Days
- Vigil of Pentecost Fast & Abstinence
- Whit Ember Days
- Vigil of Corpus Christi Fasting
- Is Abstinence Obligatory on the Solemnity of the Sacred Heart?
- The Apostles Fast
- Fast & Abstinence on the Vigil of Ss. Peter and Paul
- The Dormition Fast
- Vigil of St. Lawrence
- Vigil of the Assumption
- St. Michael's Lent: The 40-Day Fast Before Michaelmas
- Vigil of All Saints
- Does the Turkey Indult Exist?
- Is Friday Abstinence Required When the Immaculate Conception Falls on a Friday?
- Christmas Eve Fast & Abstinence
- Holy Innocents As A Day of Abstinence in Some Places
- The Traditional Vigils of the Apostles
- How to Live A Liturgical Life
Fasting Calendars (in JPG and ICS Format):
4 comment(s):
I never know what to do...AM A Convert and have been vegetarian/ vegan all my life ??? Thank You if You would give me some guideline THANK YOU 🙏🙏🙏
Hello, if you are already vegan/vegetarian then you do already fulfill the rqeuirements for days of abstinence. Fasting days still though require fasting (i.e., eating only one meal). So that would be the "extra" that you do above and beyond.
You should also look at doing more prayers and almsgiving as well to make up somewhat for already observing the abstinence. Of course that is optional but something you may want to prayerfully consider.
God bless!
Really enjoyed this post and found it helpful. I think I've come across a lot of the information here in disparate places so it's nice to find it all consolidated in one post. Have attempted to maintain a "soft" black fast on Wednesdays and Fridays, more so during Lent with varying degrees of success. Could be wrong but fasting, in the truest sense of the word, seems to be a lost practice for the most part.
What a tremendous collection of information vital to Catholics! Thank you for your dedicated work on the important subject of fasting and penance.
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