Catholic Feastdays are days set aside to remember important people and events through the course of the Faith from the time of Mary's birth all the way through today honoring the saints. The calendar of saints has been changed throughout Church history to remove some saints in order that others may be celebrated too. One of these changes occurred in 1969, which greatly altered (arguably in a very bad way), the calendar.
Today, some Traditional Catholics like to follow the pre-1955 Calendar, some prefer the 1955 Calendar, and some prefer the 1962 Calendar. These three calendars are very similar. The exceptions are noted below
The following calendar lists the General Roman Catholic Calendar. Many saints are not on the General Calendar and some are only on specific calendars of specific orders or for specific areas of the world. Yet, all saints have a feast day in the year, even if it is not universally celebrated on the General Calendar.
Temporal vs. Sanctoral Cycle:
This page concerns the Proper of Saints, called the Sanctoral Cycle, which is the annual cycle of feasts not necessarily connected with the seasons. We commemorate and ask the intercession of those holy men and women who set a marvelous example that we should all strive to imitate. We also commemorate various events and mysteries of the faith in the Sanctoral Cycle.
There is also the Proper of Seasons, called the Temporal Cycle, traces the earthly life of Our Lord Jesus Christ. It consists mainly of Sundays related to the various liturgical seasons. This maps onto the 7 liturgical seasons contained in the two cycles we previously discussed: the Christmas Cycle and the Easter Cycle. It starts with Advent then goes through Christmas, Epiphany, Septuagesima, Lent, Easter, and Time after Pentecost. For that reason, when you go to Mass on Sundays you likely will not hear the readings for the saints mentioned here. You should refer to the Traditional Sunday Propers for the Sunday readings since in most cases, the temporal cycle takes precedence over the Sanctoral Cycle.
The Liturgical Year (15 Volume Set) by Father Dom Gueranger (A MUST READ!)
Pre-1954 vs 1962 Calendar:
The following list by month indicates the Liturgical Year according to the General Roman Catholic Calendar as of 1954. In 1954, Pope Pius XII instituted the feast of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Queen on May 31, and to make room for it, he moved the feast of St. Angela Merici to June 1. That was the final change before significant changes occurred in 1955. Besides the drastic changes and alterations to the Holy Week Liturgies in 1955 as part of the temporal cycle, there were a few other noteworthy changes. With the advent of the 1955 Calendar, Pope Pius XII instituted the feast of "St. Joseph the Worker" on May 1 (moving the feast of "Saints Philip and James" from May 1, where it had been since the sixth century, to May 11th, and suppressing the Patronage of St. Joseph that, since Pope Pius IX's decree of September 10, 1847, had been celebrated on the second Wednesday after the Octave of Easter).
Additional changes that occurred in 1960 under John XXIII include the removal of most saints who were on the calendar twice. For instance, the Feast of the Finding of the Holy Cross, the 2nd feast of St. Agnes commemorating her apparition to her parents, and the Feast of St. John before the Latin Gate were all removed. These changes were incorporated in the 1962 Missal, however, a priest may still choose to offer a votive Mass for those saints on those traditional feastdays.
Some of the Movable Feasts (Some are part of the Temporal Cycle but included here for easy reference):
- The Holy Name of Jesus
- The Holy Family of Our Lord
- Ash Wednesday
- Our Lady of Sorrows in Lent (Friday after Passion Sunday)
- Lazarus Saturday
- Palm Sunday
- Holy Thursday
- Good Friday
- Easter Sunday
- Patronage of St. Joseph (Eastertide Feast of St. Joseph)
- Ascension Thursday
- Octave Day of the Ascension
- Vigil of Pentecost
- Pentecost
- Trinity Sunday
- Corpus Christi
- Octave Day of Corpus Christi
- Sacred Heart
- Octave Day of the Sacred Heart
- Christ the King
Movable Masses in Some Places (Relating more to the temporal cycle but included here for easy reference):
- The Prayer of Christ (Tuesday after Septuagesima. This was kept by the Dominicans, who had separate feasts for most of the Mysteries of the Rosary not already on the general calendar.)
- Commemoration of the Passion of Christ (Tuesday after Sexagesima. This was a Passionist Feast)
- Feast of Reparation of Insults Offered to the Most Holy Sacrament (Thursday after Sexagesima)
- Votive Feast of the Holy Face of Our Lord Jesus Christ Deformed in the Passion (Tuesday after Quinquagesima. Mass said in reparation for the sins of Marti Gras)
- The Sacred Crown of Thorns (Friday after Ash Wednesday. This was kept at Notre Dame in Paris and also at St Peter's, which has two of the thorns)
- The Sacred Lance and Nails (Friday after the First Sunday in Lent. This was very popular in late medieval Germany and the Low Countries, under the title "Arma Domini", but usually kept in Eastertide, on the Friday after Low Sunday)
- The Holy Shroud (Friday after the Second Sunday in Lent. This was kept in Turin, Italy)
- The Five Holy Wounds (Friday after the Third Sunday in Lent)
- The Precious Blood (Friday after the Fourth Sunday in Lent. This was the original date for the Precious Blood Fathers and also for Westminster Cathedral.)
- Our Lady Queen of the Apostles (Saturday after the Ascension)
- The Eucharistic Heart of Jesus (Thursday the Sacred Heart)
- The Most Pure Heart of Our Lady (Second Saturday after Corpus Christi)
- Our Lady Mother of Mercy (Saturday after the 4th Sunday of July)
- Our Lady of Consolation (Saturday after the Feast of St. Augustine)
- Our Lady Help of the Sick (Saturday before the last Sunday in August)
- Our Lady Mother of Divine Providence (Saturday before the 3rd Sunday in November)
Differences related to different calendars are noted in italics. Some Masses that were only celebrated in certain places at this time and were not on the Universal Calendar are noted as "Mass in Some Places". In the Month of November, various locations or orders keep special feasts of their own saints. Those are noted as well.
- Jan 1st Feast of the Circumcision of Jesus
- Jan 2nd Feast of the Holy Name of Jesus;(**) Octave Day of St. Stephen Protomartyr
- Jan 3rd Octave Day of St. John (Change in the 1962 Calendar: Feria)
- Jan 4th Octave Day of the Holy Innocents (Change in the 1962 Calendar: Feria)
- Jan 5th Vigil of the Epiphany; Com. of St. Telesphorus (Change in the 1962 Calendar: Feria)
- Jan 6th The Epiphany of Our Lord
- Jan 7th Within the Octave of the Epiphany (Change in the 1962 Calendar: Feria)
- Jan 8th Within the Octave of the Epiphany (Change in the 1962 Calendar: Feria)
- Jan 9th Within the Octave of the Epiphany (Change in the 1962 Calendar: Feria)
- Jan 10th Within the Octave of the Epiphany (Change in the 1962 Calendar: Feria)
- Jan 11th Within the Octave of the Epiphany; Com. of St. Hyginus
- Jan 12th Within the Octave of the Epiphany (Change in the 1962 Calendar: Feria)
- Jan 13th Octave Day of the Epiphany (Change in the 1962 Calendar: Commemoration of the Baptism of our Lord Jesus Christ)
- Jan 14th St. Hilary of Poitiers; Com. of St. Felix of Nola
- Jan 15th St. Paul the first Hermit; Com. of St. Maurus
- Jan 16th St. Marcellus I
- Jan 17th St. Anthony of Egypt
- Jan 18th St. Peter's Chair at Rome and Com. of St. Paul; Com. of Prisca [Begin Octave of Unity Prayers]
- Jan 19th Sts. Marius, Martha, Audifax, and Abachum; Com. of St Canute
- Jan 20th St. Fabian; St. Sebastian
- Jan 21st St. Agnes
- Jan 22nd Sts. Vincent and Anastasius; [Day of Penance for Violations Against Human Life in the United States]
- Jan 23rd St. Raymond of Peñafort; Com. of St. Emerentiana; Betrothal of the Virgin Mary with St. Joseph (Mass in Some Places); St. Ildephonsus (Mass in Some Places)
- Jan 24th St. Timothy
- Jan 25th Conversion of St. Paul
- Jan 26th St. Polycarp
- Jan 27th St. John Chrysostom
- Jan 28th St. Peter Nolasco; Com. of St. Agnes
- Jan 29th St. Francis De Sales
- Jan 30th St. Martina
- Jan 31st St. John Bosco
- Feb 1st St. Ignatius of Antioch
- Feb 2nd Purification of the Blessed Virgin Mary
- Feb 3rd St. Blase
- Feb 4th St. Andrew Corsini
- Feb 5th St. Agatha
- Feb 6th St. Titus; Com. of St. Dorothy
- Feb 7th St. Romuald
- Feb 8th St. John of Matha
- Feb 9th St. Cyril of Alexandria; Com. of St. Apollonia
- Feb 10th St. Scholastica
- Feb 11th Apparition of Our Lady at Lourdes
- Feb 12th Seven Founders of the Servite Order
- Feb 13th Feria
- Feb 14th St. Valentine
- Feb 15th Sts. Faustinus and Jovita
- Feb 16th Feria
- Feb 17th Feria; Flight into Egypt (Mass in Some Places)
- Feb 18th St. Simeon
- Feb 19th Feria
- Feb 20th Feria
- Feb 21st Feria
- Feb 22nd Saint Peter's Chair at Antioch; Com. of St. Paul
- Feb 23rd St. Peter Damian; Com. of the Vigil of St. Matthias
- Feb 24th St. Matthias
- Feb 25th Feria
- Feb 26th Feria; St. Margaret of Cortona (Mass in Some Places)
- Feb 27th St. Gabriel of Our Lady of Sorrows
- Feb 28th Feria
- Mar 1st Feria
- Mar 2nd Feria
- Mar 3rd Feria
- Mar 4th St. Casimir of Poland; Com. of Saint Lucius I
- Mar 5th Feria
- Mar 6th Ss. Perpetua and Felicity
- Mar 7th St. Thomas Aquinas
- Mar 8th St. John of God
- Mar 9th St. Frances of Rome
- Mar 10th The Forty Holy Martyrs of Sebaste
- Mar 11th Feria
- Mar 12th St. Gregory the Great
- Mar 13th Feria
- Mar 14th Feria
- Mar 15th Feria
- Mar 16th Feria
- Mar 17th St. Patrick of Ireland
- Mar 18th St. Cyril of Jerusalem
- Mar 19th St. Joseph, Spouse of the Blessed Virgin Mary
- Mar 20th Feria
- Mar 21st St. Benedict
- Mar 22nd Feria; St. Catherine of Genoa (Mass in Some Places); St. Isidore the Farmer (Mass in Some Places)
- Mar 23rd Feria
- Mar 24th St. Gabriel the Archangel
- Mar 25th The Annunciation of the Lord
- Mar 26th Feria
- Mar 27th St. John Damascene
- Mar 28th St. John of Capistrano
- Mar 29th Feria
- Mar 30th Feria
- Mar 31st Feria
- Apr 1st Feria
- Apr 2nd St. Francis of Paola
- Apr 3rd Feria
- Apr 4th St. Isidore of Seville
- Apr 5th St. Vincent Ferrer
- Apr 6th Feria
- Apr 7th Feria
- Apr 8th Feria
- Apr 9th Feria
- Apr 10th Feria
- Apr 11th St. Leo the Great
- Apr 12th Feria
- Apr 13th St. Hermenegild
- Apr 14th St. Justin; Com. of Sts. Tiburtius, Valerian, and Maximus
- Apr 15th Feria
- Apr 16th Feria; St. Benedict Joseph Labre (Mass in Some Places)
- Apr 17th St. Anicetus
- Apr 18th Feria
- Apr 19th Feria
- Apr 20th Feria
- Apr 21st St. Anselm
- Apr 22nd Sts. Soter and Caius
- Apr 23rd St. George
- Apr 24th St. Fidelis of Sigmaringen
- Apr 25th St. Mark the Evangelist; Greater Litanies (Major Rogation Day)
- Apr 26th Sts. Cletus and Marcellinus; Our Lady of Good Counsel (Mass in Some Places)
- Apr 27th St. Peter Canisius
- Apr 28th St. Paul of the Cross; Com. of St. Vitalis
- Apr 29th St. Peter of Verona
- Apr 30th St. Catherine of Siena
Wednesday after the III Sunday after Easter: Octave Day of St. Joseph, C - Greater Double
- May 1st Sts. Philip and James; (Change in the 1962 Calendar: St. Joseph, the Worker)
- May 2nd St. Athanasius
- May 3rd Finding of the Holy Cross; Com. of St. Alexander I, Sts. Eventius and Theodulus, and St. Juvenal (Change in the 1962 Calendar: Feria; Com. of St. Alexander I and Companions)
- May 4th St. Monica
- May 5th St. Pius V
- May 6th St. John before the Latin Gate (Change in the 1962 Calendar: Feria)
- May 7th St. Stanislaus
- May 8th Apparition of St. Michael the Archangel (Change in the 1962 Calendar: Feria)
- May 9th St. Gregory Nazianzen
- May 10th St. Antoninus; Com. of Sts. Gordian and Epimachus
- May 11th Feria; (Change in the 1962 Calendar: Sts. Philip and James)
- May 12th Sts. Nereus, Achilleus, Domitilla and Pancras
- May 13th St. Robert Bellarmine
- May 14th St Boniface of Tarsus
- May 15th St. John Baptist de la Salle; (Change in the 1962 Calendar: St. Isidore the Farmer (Mass in Some Places)
- May 16th St. Ubaldus; St. John Nepomucene (Mass in Some Places)
- May 17th St. Paschal Baylon
- May 18th St. Venantius of Camerino
- May 19th St. Peter Celestine; Com. of St. Pudentiana
- May 20th St. Bernardine of Siena
- May 21st Feria
- May 22nd Feria; St. Rita of Cascia (Mass in Some Places)
- May 23rd Feria; St. John Baptist de Rossi (Mass in Some Places)
- May 24th Feria; Our Lady Help of Christians (Mass in Some Places)
- May 25th St. Gregory VII; Com. of St. Urban I
- May 26th St. Phillip Neri; Com. of St. Eleutherius
- May 27th St. Bede the Venerable; Com. of Saint John I
- May 28th St. Augustine of Canterbury
- May 29th St. Mary Magdalene de Pazzi
- May 30th St. Felix I; St. Ferdinand III (Mass in Some Places); St. Joan of Arc (Mass in Some Places)
- May 31st Queenship of Mary; Com. of St. Petronilla; Our Lady Queen of All Saints and Mother of Fair Love (Mass in Some Places); Our Lady Mediatrix of All Graces (Mass in Some Places)
- June 1st St. Angela Merici
- June 2nd Sts. Marcellinus, Peter, and Erasmus
- June 3rd Feria
- June 4th St. Francis Caracciolo
- June 5th St. Boniface, Bishop and Martyr
- June 6th St. Norbert
- June 7th Feria
- June 8th Feria
- June 9th Sts. Primus and Felician; Our Lady Mother of Grace (Mass in Some Places)
- June 10th St. Margaret
- June 11th St. Barnabas
- June 12th St. John of San Facondo; Com. of Sts. Basilides, Cyrinus, Nabor, and Nazarius
- June 13th St. Anthony of Padua
- June 14th St. Basil the Great
- June 15th Sts. Vitus, Modestus, and Crescentia
- June 16th Feria; St. John Francis Regis (Mass in Some Places)
- June 17th Feria; (Change in 1962 Calendar: Gregory Barbarigo)
- June 18th St. Ephrem; Com. of Sts. Mark and Marcellianus
- June 19th St. Juliana Falconieri; Com. of Sts. Gervase and Protase
- June 20th St. Silverius
- June 21st St. Aloysius Gonzaga
- June 22nd St. Paulinus
- June 23rd Vigil of the Nativity of St. John the Baptist
- June 24th Nativity of St. John the Baptist
- June 25th St. William; Com. of Octave of St. John the Baptist
- June 26th Sts. John and Paul; Com. of Octave of St. John the Baptist
- June 27th Within the Octave of St. John the Baptist; Our Lady of Perpetual Help (Mass in Some Places)
- June 28th St. Irenaeus of Lyons; Com. of Octave of St. John the Baptist; Com. of Vigil of Sts. Peter and Paul; (Change in 1962 Calendar: Vigil of Sts. Peter and Paul)
- June 29th Sts. Peter and Paul
- June 30th Commemoration of Saint Paul; Com. of Saint Peter; Com of Octave of Saint John the Baptist
- July 1st The Most Precious Blood of Our Lord Jesus Christ, Com. of the Octave day of St. John the Baptist.
- July 2nd Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary; Com. of Ss Processus and Martinian
- July 3rd St. Leo II; Commemoration of Octave of Sts. Peter and Paul; (Change in 1962 Calendar: St. Irenaeus of Lyons)
- July 4th Within the Octave of Sts. Peter and Paul; All Holy Popes (Mass in Some Places)
- July 5th St. Anthony Mary Zaccaria; Commemoration of Octave of Sts. Peter and Paul
- July 6th Octave Day of Ss Peter and Paul
- July 7th Sts. Cyril and Methodius; St. Lawrence of Brindisi (Mass in Some Places)
- July 8th St. Elizabeth of Portugal
- July 9th Feria; St. Veronica of Giuliani (Mass in Some Places)
- July 10th Seven Holy Brothers; Sts. Rufina and Secunda
- July 11th St. Pius I
- July 12th St. John Gualbert; Com. of Sts. Nabor and Felix
- July 13th St. Anacletus (Change in the 1962 Calendar: Feria)
- July 14th St. Bonaventure
- July 15th St. Henry II
- July 16th Our Lady of Mount Carmel
- July 17th St. Alexius; Humility of the Blessed Virgin Mary (Mass in Some Places)
- July 18th St. Camillus of Lellis; Com. of Sts. Symphorosa and Companions
- July 19th St. Vincent de Paul
- July 20th St. Jerome Emiliani; Com. of St. Margaret
- July 21st St. Praxedes; (Change in 1962 Calendar: St. Lawrence of Brindisi, Comm. of St. Praxedes)
- July 22nd St. Mary Magdalene
- July 23rd St. Apollinaris; Com. of St. Liborius
- July 24th Vigil of St. James the Greater; Com. of St. Christina
- July 25th St. James the Greater; Com. of St. Christopher
- July 26th St. Anne
- July 27th St. Pantaleon
- July 28th Sts. Nazarius and Celsus; St. Victor I; St. Innocentius I
- July 29th St. Martha; Com. of Sts. Felix II and Companions
- July 30th Sts. Abdon and Sennen
- July 31st St. Ignatius of Loyola
- Aug 1st St. Peter's Chains; Com. of St. Paul and the Holy Maccabees (Change in 1962 Calendar: Feria; Com. of Holy Maccabees)
- Aug 2nd St. Alphonsus Liguori; Com. of Saint Stephen I
- Aug 3rd Finding of St. Stephen (Change in 1962 Calendar: Feria)
- Aug 4th St. Dominic
- Aug 5th Dedication of Our Lady of the Snows (St. Mary Major)
- Aug 6th Transfiguration of Our Lord Jesus Christ; Com. of Sts. Xystus II, Felicissimus, and Agapitus
- Aug 7th St. Cajetan; Com. of St. Donatus
- Aug 8th Sts. Cyriacus, Largus, and Smaragdus; (Change in 1962 Calendar: St. John Vianney)
- Aug 9th St. John Vianney; Com. of the Vigil of Saint Laurence & St. Romanus; St. Emygdius (Mass in Some Places); (Change in 1962 Calendar: Vigil of Saint Laurence & Comm. of St. Romanus)
- Aug 10th St. Laurence
- Aug 11th Sts. Tiburtius and Susanna; St. Philomena (Mass in Some Places)
- Aug 12th St. Clare of Assisi
- Aug 13th Sts. Hippolytus and Cassian; Our Lady Refuge of Sinners (Mass in Some Places); St. John Berchmans (Mass in Some Places)
- Aug 14th Vigil of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary; Com. of St. Eusebius
- Aug 15th Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary
- Aug 16th St. Joachim; Within the of Octave of the Assumption; St. Roch (Mass in Some Places)
- Aug 17th St. Hyacinth of Poland; Com. of Octave of the Assumption; Octave Day of Saint Laurance
- Aug 18th Within the Octave of the Assumption; Com. of St. Agapitus; Empress Helena (Mass in Some Places)
- Aug 19th St. John Eudes; Com. of Octave of the Assumption
- Aug 20th St. Bernard of Clairvaux; Com. of Octave of the Assumption
- Aug 21st St. Jane Frances de Chantal; Com. of Octave of the Assumption
- Aug 22nd Immaculate Heart of the Blessed Virgin Mary; (Octave Day of the Assumption) Com. of Sts. Timothy, Hippolytus and Symphorian
- Aug 23rd St. Philip Benizi; Com. of the Vigil of St. Bartholomew
- Aug 24th St. Bartholomew
- Aug 25th St. Louis IX
- Aug 26th St. Zephyrinus
- Aug 27th St. Joseph Calasanctius
- Aug 28th St. Augustine of Hippo; Com. of Saint Hermes
- Aug 29th Martyrdom of St. John the Baptist; Com. of Saint Sabina
- Aug 30th St. Rose of Lima; Com. of Sts. Felix and Adauctus
- Aug 31st St. Raymond Nonnatus
- Sep 1st St. Giles; Com. of Holy Twelve Brothers
- Sep 2nd St. Stephen, King of Hungary
- Sep 3rd St. Pius X
- Sep 4th Feria; St. Rose of Viterbo (Mass in Some Places)
- Sep 5th St. Laurence Justinian
- Sep 6th Feria
- Sep 7th Feria
- Sep 8th Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary; Com. of St. Adrian
- Sep 9th St. Gorgonius; St. Peter Claver (Mass in Some Places)
- Sep 10th St. Nicholas of Tolentino
- Sep 11th Sts. Protus and Hyacinth
- Sep 12th Holy Name of Mary
- Sep 13th Feria
- Sep 14th Exaltation of the Holy Cross
- Sep 15th Our Lady of Sorrows; Com. of St. Nicomedes
- Sep 16th Sts. Cornelius and Cyprian; Com. of Ss Euphemia, Lucy, and Geminianus
- Sep 17th Holy Stigmata of Saint Francis
- Sep 18th St. Joseph of Cupertino
- Sep 19th St. Januarius; Our Lady of La Salette Reconciliatrix of Sinners (Mass in Some Places)
- Sep 20th St. Eustace and Companions; Com. of Vigil of St. Matthew
- Sep 21st St. Matthew
- Sep 22nd St. Thomas of Villanova; Com. of Sts. Maurice and Companions
- Sep 23rd St. Linus; Com. of St. Thecla
- Sep 24th Our Lady of Ransom
- Sep 25th Feria
- Sep 26th Sts. Cyprian and Justina; North American Martyrs (Mass in Some Places)
- Sep 27th Sts. Cosmas and Damian
- Sep 28th St. Wenceslaus
- Sep 29th Dedication of Saint Michael the Archangel
- Sep 30th St. Jerome
- Oct 1st St. Remigius; St. Gregory the Illuminator (Mass in Some Places)
- Oct 2nd Holy Guardian Angels
- Oct 3rd St. Therese of Lisieux
- Oct 4th St. Francis of Assisi
- Oct 5th St. Placid and Companions
- Oct 6th St. Bruno
- Oct 7th Holy Rosary of the Blessed Virgin Mary; Com. of St. Mark, Sts. Sergius and Bacchus, Sts. Marcellus and Apuleius
- Oct 8th St Bridget of Sweden
- Oct 9th St. John Leonard, Com. of St. Denis
- Oct 10th St. Francis Borgia
- Oct 11th The Maternity of the Blessed Virgin Mary
- Oct 12th Feria; Our Lady of the Pillar (Mass in Some Places)
- Oct 13th St. Edward, King of England
- Oct 14th St. Callistus I
- Oct 15th St. Teresa of Avila
- Oct 16th St. Hedwig; Purity of the Blessed Virgin Mary (Mass in Some Places)
- Oct 17th St. Margaret Mary Alacoque
- Oct 18th St. Luke the Evangelist
- Oct 19th St. Peter of Alcantara
- Oct 20th St. John of Kanty (i.e. St. John Cantius)
- Oct 21st St. Hilarion; Com. of St. Ursula and Companions
- Oct 22nd Feria
- Oct 23rd Feria; Feast of the Most Holy Redeemer (Mass in Some Places); Change in 1962 Calendar: St. Anthony Mary Claret)
- Oct 24th St. Raphael the Archangel
- Oct 25th Sts. Chrysanthus and Daria
- Oct 26th St. Evaristus
- Oct 27th Vigil of Sts. Simon and Jude
- Oct 28th Sts. Jude and Simon
- Oct 29th Feria
- Oct 30th Feria; St. Alphonsus Rodriguez (Mass in Some Places)
- Oct 31st Vigil of All Saints
- Nov. 1st All Saints
- Nov. 2nd Commemoration of all the Faithful Departed (All Souls)
- Nov. 3rd Within the Octave of All Saints
- Nov. 4th St. Charles Borromeo; Com. of Octave of All Saints; Com. of Sts. Vitalis and Agricola
- Nov. 5th Within the Octave of All Saints; (All Saints of the Society of Jesus); The Sacred Relics (Mass in Some Places);
- Nov. 6th Within the Octave of All Saints; (All Saints of Ireland)
- Nov. 7th Within the Octave of All Saints
- Nov. 8th Octave Day of All Saints; Com. of the Holy Four Crowned Martyrs; (All Saints of England)
- Nov. 9th Dedication of the Basilica of our Saviour (St. John Lateran), Com. of St. Theodore
- Nov. 10th St. Andrew Avellino, Com. of Sts. Tryphon, Respicius, and Nympha
- Nov. 11th St. Martin of Tours; Com. of St. Mennas
- Nov. 12th St. Martin I; (All Saints of the Dominican Order)
- Nov. 13th St. Didacus; (Change in the 1962 Calendar for the USA: St. Frances Xavier Cabrini with a Comm. of St. Didacus); (Feast of All Saints of the Benedictine Order); (All Dominican Souls); (All Saints of the Augustinian Order); (All Norbertine Saints)
- Nov. 14th St. Josaphat; (All Saints of the Carmelite Order); (All Benedictine Souls)
- Nov. 15th St. Albert the Great; (All Carmelite Souls)
- Nov. 16th St. Gertrude the Great; (All Saints of the Servite Order)
- Nov. 17th St. Gregory Thaumaturgus; (All Souls of the Servite Order)
- Nov. 18th Dedication of the Basilicas of Sts. Peter and Paul
- Nov. 19th St. Elizabeth of Hungary; Com. of St. Pontianus; (All Saints of the Order of Malta)
- Nov. 20th St. Felix of Valois
- Nov. 21th Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary
- Nov. 22th St. Cecilia
- Nov. 23th St. Clement; Com. of St. Felicitas
- Nov. 24th St. John of the Cross; Com. St. Chrysogonus
- Nov. 25th St. Catherine of Alexandria
- Nov. 26th Saint Sylvester; Com. of St. Peter of Alexandria; St. Leonard of Port Maurice (Mass in Some Places)
- Nov. 27th Feria; Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal (Mass in Some Places)
- Nov. 28th Feria
- Nov. 29th Vigil of St. Andrew; Com. of St. Saturninus; (Feast of All Saints of the Franciscan Order)
- Nov. 30th St. Andrew
- Dec. 1st Feria
- Dec. 2nd St. Bibiana
- Dec. 3rd St. Francis Xavier
- Dec. 4th St. Peter Chrysologus; Com of St. Barbara
- Dec. 5th Com. of St. Sabbas
- Dec. 6th St. Nicholas of Myra
- Dec. 7th St. Ambrose; Com. of the Vigil of the Immaculate Conception
- Dec. 8th Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary
- Dec. 9th Within the Octave of the Immaculate Conception
- Dec. 10th Within the Octave of the Immaculate Conception; St. Melchiades; Holy House of Loreta (Mass in Some Places)
- Dec. 11th St. Damasus I; Com. of the Octave of the Immaculate Conception
- Dec. 12th Within the Octave of the Immaculate Conception; Our Lady of Guadalupe (Mass in Some Places)
- Dec. 13th St. Lucy; Com of the Octave of the Immaculate Conception
- Dec. 14th Within the Octave of the Immaculate Conception
- Dec. 15th Octave Day of the Immaculate Conception
- Dec. 16th St. Eusebius
- Dec. 17th Feria
- Dec. 18th Feria; Expectation of the Blessed Virgin Mary (Mass in Some Places)
- Dec. 19th Feria
- Dec. 20th Vigil of St. Thomas the Apostle
- Dec. 21st St. Thomas the Apostle
- Dec. 22nd Feria; St. Frances Xavier Cabrini (Mass in Some Places); (Change in the 1962 Calendar for the USA: Feria)
- Dec. 23rd Feria
- Dec. 24th Vigil of the Nativity of Our Lord (Christmas Eve)
- Dec. 25th Nativity of Our Lord Jesus Christ (Christmas Day); Com of St. Anastasia
- Dec 26th St. Stephen the First Martyr; Com. of the Octave of the Nativity
- Dec 27th St. John the Apostle; Com. of the Octave of the Nativity
- Dec. 28th Holy Innocents; Com. of the Octave of the Nativity
- Dec. 29th St. Thomas Becket
- Dec. 30th Within the Octave of the Nativity
- Dec. 31st St. Sylvester I; Com. of the Octave of the Nativity
21 comment(s):
I need the important ones only!!
Plzz list them
Thank you so much!!! This really helped me with my Confirmation homework. :)
Thank you for this helpful information. I needed this for reference on projects. God bless you.
bah thares too much but thanxx anyway theres like one for every dayy!!!
thank you
thxx soooooooo much helping wiff confirmation homework but ONLY IMPORTANT ONES!!!!!! :] :) x]
this helped alot. thanks
In regards to your calendar of Catholic feast days, I do not understand why you continue to utilize what you call the "traditional" calendar.
Is that not simply a form of "cafeteria-Catholicism"; refusing to accept the current calendar as decreed by the Vatican?
Catholics are free to use the traditional Catholic Calendar. Realize that different Rites in the Church have different calendars. The byzantines, for example, have both Old and New Calendars. The Roman Rite has several legitimate options. Saying that the Vatican has decreed for use to follow subsequent calendars is unfounded - there is no decree requiring such
Your calender needs a VERY IMPORTANT addition:
That should never be missed. It's the very next Sunday right directly after Easter, as decreed by the Lord through St. Faustina and established by Bl. Pope John Paul II after the hard-pushing promotion of Bl. Fr. Sopocko - St. Faustina's spiritual director.
Any who abide by the request of Holy Confession (within 8 days before or after that Sunday) and then on THAT specific Sunday, receives Him in the state of grace in Holy Communion, receives full pardon for their sins. That's a big one to be noted in a bright-colored circle on all of our calenders.
<3 Please add that one in. :) Lord God love you.
Divine Mercy Sunday is not part of Catholic Tradition. For that reason it is not on the calendar.
What has happened to St Vincent De Paul on Sept 27th
From the time of his feast's introduction in 1737 up until 1969 his feast was always held on July 19th.
The main feast is Easter
Thank you for this list!
Does St. Thomas More "only" fall with some categorization of holy martyrs? I didn't see him listed anywhere and didn't know his day or if he shared a day.
Anonymous, Pope Leo XIII beatified St Thomas More, St John Fisher and 52 other English Martyrs on 29 December 1886. Pope Pius XI canonised More and Fisher on 19 May 1935, and More's feast day was established as the 9th July. Since this blog uses the traditional feastdays before Vatican II, we observe it on July 9th. Since 1970 the General Roman Calendar has celebrated More with St John Fisher on the 22nd of June (the date of Fisher's execution).
But St. Thomas More's feastday was kept only in England and Wales as a regional feastday through the 1960 Roman Catholic Calendar.
What is the source of the artwork for each month? Beautiful.
The source is: Enid M. Chadwick, My Book of the Church's Year (London : Mowbray).
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