Miyerkules, Marso 1, 2006
Prayers Needed for Governor Rounds, Abortion to be Stopped

We have begun the long penitential season of Lent. I am asking my fellow Catholics to please prayerfully offer to God your sufferings in reparation for our sins and those of the whole world as well as for the Holy Father and the souls in purgatory.

However, Governor Rounds of South Dakota needs prayers. He is debating whether to sign a piece of legislation that would ban all abortions in the state. This bill has passed the South Dakota Senate and House and is awaiting his action. If signed, Planned Parenthood is planning to immediately file suit, and this case will likely wind up at the Supreme Court.

Gov. Rounds says that many other governors have expressed interest in such legislation including the state of Washington.

Abortion advocates are urging abortion-supporters to boycott South Dakota tourism if the bill is signed. South Dakota depends heavily on its $2 billion tourism industry.

Please offer your prayers and penance up to God for Gov. Rounds to have the courage to sign this bill into law. Please, for the sake of the unborn, the greatest holocaust in our history.

Also, please write to Governor Rounds asking him to sign this bill into law. You can contact him by visiting the Governor of South Dakota website and clicking on "Contact the Governor" in the left-hand menu.

Image Source: Believed to be Life News

3 comment(s):

del_button Marso 1, 2006 nang 9:19 PM
Tom.... ayon kay ...

I e mailed the governor today...hope he can do it.
Thanks again for checking in to my site.
Hope your Lent is off to a great start. Our Mass couldn't have been more spiritual tonite.

del_button Marso 2, 2006 nang 10:57 AM
Deacon Bill Burns ayon kay ...

Funny, I wonder what demographics frequent South Dakota as a travel destination?

del_button Marso 2, 2006 nang 3:18 PM
Matthew ayon kay ...

...Conservative Americans?

Very good point, Theocoid.

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