Martes, Agosto 1, 2006
Watch a Latin Mass video!

This is a full-length Tridentine (Latin) Mass video. It was filmed on Easter Sunday in 1941 at Our Lady of Sorrows church in Chicago. The film presents the ceremonies of the Solemn High Mass in full detail with narration by Monsignor Fulton J. Sheen. Sheen explains everything that happens!

More information and other videos can found found on my category post: Traditional Latin Mass.

10 comment(s):

del_button Agosto 2, 2006 nang 5:45 AM
Jean Heimann ayon kay ...

It reminds me of the good old days of Latin Masses and makes me feel nostalgic. Of course this Mass took place before I was born. It was an era when there was much more respect for the Holy Eucharist and for priests. People dressed up for Church and they seemed more reverent during Mass.

Thanks for posting this.

del_button Agosto 2, 2006 nang 9:22 AM
Argent ayon kay ...

I'm glad that you found this since you were looking for a video of the Latin Mass. It's interesting that my teenage boys really love the Latin Mass with its majestic and soaring nature.

del_button Agosto 2, 2006 nang 11:11 AM
Vidimusdominum ayon kay ...

One word: Beautiful.

del_button Agosto 2, 2006 nang 4:41 PM
Hindi-nagpakilala ayon kay ...

Great vid, moneybags! :-)

I hope when you're a priest, you'll allow me to come and soak in the beauty for awhile.

del_button Agosto 3, 2006 nang 3:05 PM
tlwest ayon kay ...

wonderful! very cool!

del_button Agosto 7, 2006 nang 8:41 PM
StBlog ayon kay ...

Majestic, simply majestic. The sacredness of the Holy Mass could never be mistaken for anything else. This really is a jewel of a video! Thank you!

(P.S. I like their haircuts too!)

del_button Oktubre 3, 2006 nang 5:22 PM
Elena LaVictoire ayon kay ...

A great find! Thanks for sharing it!

del_button Hunyo 13, 2010 nang 9:08 PM
Ancilla Indigna ayon kay ...

I like their haircuts too.
Boy, the singing is ... uh... different.

Did I miss the Easter Sequence, or was it edited out? Or was this sequence for Easter (the Vidi Aquam) not sung in the Mass at this time?

del_button Hulyo 25, 2010 nang 3:01 PM
Hindi-nagpakilala ayon kay ...

This the Roman Catholic Mass I remember, and miss.

del_button Setyembre 5, 2010 nang 5:14 PM
Hindi-nagpakilala ayon kay ...

Here's the appeal of the Latin Mass to me: despite post-Vatican II attempts to bridge the distance between Church and congregation, I fall into the type of person who wants to be awed by God, the Church, and the clergy. The Otherness of spiritual and pageantry displayed in the video removes us from our day to day concerns and, for a moment, transports us through fear and humility to a spectacle far outside our normal experience. Thanks for posting this.

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