Huwebes, Enero 4, 2007
The Eventual End of This Blog

Today I read from several other people that seminarians at the seminary I will be attending are not allowed to have blogs or use forums online. I was extremely disappointed, but I will do whatever I must to live in obedience to my superiors. I plan on keeping this blog on the Internet forever. I have worked and put months worth of hours into this blog. I hope that it is a source of information for months while I am not blogging. Specifically, the "Catholic Categories" has very valuable information.

I do, however, hope to post on this blog throughout the summer. So, starting in Fall 2007, I will be unable to post for a significant amount of time - probably until Summer 2008. However, I will be able to email people, so I will remain in touch with my readers. I have grown so close to many readers that it will be very difficult to stop blogging for those months. I pray that I will be able to do whatever is required of me.

Update: As you are aware, I am no longer in the seminary now and intend to keep this blog indefinitely now

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