Biyernes, Enero 19, 2007
Italian Priests Are Working to Stop Satanists

I found this story posted on A Catholic Mom in Hawaii, and I was very pleased to read about it. With 600,000 Satanists predicted to be in Italy, it is great news that Italian priests are going out into the streets to protect the Lord's flock. For a priest is called to lay down his life for the Flock, and that is what these priests are doing.

The devil is real. He is not a metaphor but a real fallen angel seeking to destroy the Lord's flock. We must resist Him always in this life. For Jesus came to destroy the words of the devil (1 John 3:8). And while it remains a mystery while he is allowed to remain (CCC 395), we must fight the good fight and continue living for God. Let us frequently say the Prayer to St. Michael the Archangel.
Priests are to work alongside Italian police officers to tackle a rising tide of crimes linked to devil worship.

The clerics have been seconded to the Squadra Anti Sette (SAS) anti-sect squad by the Vatican after Church officials became concerned about the number of churches being desecrated by Satanists. In recent months there have also been a string of murders that have been linked to devil worship.

One of the Vatican's leading experts on Satanism and the occult, Don Oreste Benzi, has been brought in to liaise with police. He told The Sunday Telegraph that the natural curiosity of young people meant they were particularly attracted to the occult, and drugs were also used to influence and manipulate them.


St. Michael the Archangel, ora pro nobis!

1 comment(s):

del_button Setyembre 26, 2009 nang 4:11 AM
drew ayon kay ...

I will support your actions for the sake of everyone else.

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