Linggo, Abril 8, 2007
Pope Benedict XVI: "Hell Exists"

The below article, which is very relevant and important, was found on LifeSiteNews:

Pope Warns: "Hell . . . Exists and is Eternal"

By John-Henry Westen

ROME, March 27, 2007 ( - In a homily delivered Sunday, Pope Benedict XVI stated, "Jesus came to tell us that He wants us all in heaven and that hell - of which so little is said in our time - exists and is eternal for those who close their hearts to His love."

The warning about hell comes in the context of love. In fact, it is because of God's love that He warns us about the possibility of eternal separation from Him. God is, "above all, love," said the Pope. "If He hates sin it is because He has an infinite love for all human beings." The Lord's aim, said Benedict, was "to save a soul and to reveal that salvation is only to be found in the love of God."

While it is true that hell is rarely spoken of even from the pulpit nowadays, some bishops have been moved to warn about hell when motivated by love - by an overwhelming concern for the salvation of those entrusted to their care.

Image Source (of Easter Sunday 2007): AP Photo/Gregorio Borgia

1 comment(s):

del_button Abril 8, 2007 nang 3:41 PM
Saint Peter's helpers ayon kay ...

Thanks for this Moneybags. Seldom do we here about hell at the pulpit but we should listen to the Holy Father in this regard. For it is just too easy to disregard the existence of hell.

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