Miyerkules, Hunyo 20, 2007
Gothic Cathedrals in Original Colors

Via the Fish Eaters Forum, I found a post at Daniel Mitsui's blog, which shows Gothic Cathedrals in their original colors and beauty. Some of these Cathedrals are truly magnificent!

7 comment(s):

del_button Hunyo 20, 2007 nang 10:03 AM
tlwest ayon kay ...

Just divine!!

del_button Hunyo 20, 2007 nang 10:41 AM
Jean Heimann ayon kay ...

Gorgeous! Heavenly!

del_button Hunyo 20, 2007 nang 11:19 AM
RobKPhD ayon kay ...

Quite breathtaking. Architecture so matters. It helps us become aware of God's presence.

del_button Hunyo 20, 2007 nang 3:31 PM
Hindi-nagpakilala ayon kay ...


These are just amazing. The inside of Nôtre Dame just blows my breath away.

Now, if only we could get some amazing lighting technicians for our Churches and Cathedrals these days...

del_button Hunyo 22, 2007 nang 6:02 AM
Hindi-nagpakilala ayon kay ...

amazing pictures!

del_button Hunyo 29, 2007 nang 8:36 PM
Hindi-nagpakilala ayon kay ...

Deo Gratias - another soul in the Church! I hope you will think about being ordained in the old pre-1960s rite so you can be sure it is really Catholic and not closer to protestantism. http://cmri.org has links to the CMRI's seminary in Omaha and their priests are very compassionate and would do anything for God. The Novus Ordo is not traditional in any sense of the word. I grew up in its errors and I was a female altar server, and now I know better.
Thank you for posting that awesome picture. It is great to see how our Catholic ancestors gave glory to God.
You might be interested in this blog and the scholarly newspaper behind it: http://www.thefourmarks.blogspot.com/
and these websites:
http://drbo.org (The Holy Bible)

del_button Disyembre 5, 2013 nang 6:48 AM
Hitch-Hikers Handbook ayon kay ...

Lovely cathedral! We also love visiting cathedrals whenever we travel!
Check out our latest post about the Cathedrals in Salamanca, Spain. I think you will like it. Have a nice day!

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