Lunes, Marso 26, 2012
1956 Changes to the Roman Breviary and Catholic Missal

Included below are the 1956 changes to the breviary and the missal. They are formatted for easier reading and printing.  Please distribute these and use them as you need.

De Rubricis Ad Simpliciorem Formam

The changes are not complete, however as there is another document (Maxima Redemptoris) that changed the Holy Week and Vigil of Pentecost. Please search online to find this document.

Also, below is a list of main documents that address these changes. Usually they can be found in Canon law digests and tracts or if you read Latin the Acta Apostolicae Sedis

1951, Feb. Dominicae resurrectionis, De Solemni Vigilia Pashchali Linstauranda. (The restoration of the Solemn Paschal Vigil.)
1955, Mar. "Cum nostra haec aetate" "De rubricis ad simpliciorem formam redigendis." (On the simplification of the rubrics).  This is the document that I have included above.

1955, Nov. 16: Maxima redemptionis nostrae mysteria, Liturgicu Hebdomadae Sanctae Ordo instauratur. (The restoration of the liturgy of Holy Week).
1960, July 25: Codex Rubricarum
General rubrics
General rubrics of the breviary
General rubrics of the missal
Additionally it addresses the changes to the martyrology, the new calendar of 1960, etc.

1961, "De calendariis particularibus et Officiorum ac Missarum Propriis ad norman et mentem CSR revisedis." "The particular calendars and Proper Offices and Masses revised according to the norm and mind (spirit) of the Code of Rubrics"

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