Huwebes, Abril 17, 2014
America & the French Revolution docudrama

Dear Friend in the Faith,

I would love for you to know about a fascinating new film that we are trying to finish.  It is a docudrama called The Hidden Rebellion that showcases the brave defense of religious liberty by the Catholic farmers of Vendee during the French Revolution. Surprisingly, this story means a lot to America now…

The events were incredible – in both aggressiveness and forgiveness (you can see this in the trailer). These events help explain many things that are happening in our world today.
Powers in education and the media have scrubbed clean the French Revolution because they want to advance the same goal in America.

The new fact now is that historians are finding that the French Revolution was guilty of genocide on the Vendeans.  This will surely change many things in the public debate… But we must say it to a lot of people with the help of an attractive new film.

If we succeed in showing on the Big Screen the truth about what happened, I am sure that we will change many, many hearts...

If you feel that the defense of religious liberty is important, and you have an inkling that an attractive docudrama could be a wonderful tool in that defense, I would really appreciate it if you could make a small contribution.  In so doing, you will become an associate to this production.

This is a difficult month because I need to pay editors, music and graphics. I left my position as producer at the EWTN television network after 16 years to produce this show. Without help, the process will stop, and I will need to work on another production.

Don't allow this to happen! – because I think that we hold something very precious here. Please, help me create a docudrama in honor of all those faithful who died at the hands of the first atheistic state.
With gratitude, this Holy Week,

Daniel Rabourdin

Birmingham, AL

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