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Martes, Agosto 6, 2024
Champions of Life: Pro-life Saints

The pro-life movement is dedicated to advancing the protection of all human life from conception to natural death. Abortion and euthanasia, which sentence a life to death, are of the utmost importance, yet we also work for the end of human suffering, poverty, and illness. We understand that suffering when offered up for the glory of God and the good of souls, bears eternal merit. Abortion, the most heinous of all crimes against human life, robs a soul of life on earth and of eternal life by depriving the infant of the Sacrament of Baptism.

We are not alone in our work to end abortion, end euthanasia, alleviate poverty, clothe the homeless, protect migrants, or care for the sick and elderly. The lives of St. Gianna Molla, St. Maria Goretti, St. Jeanne Jugan, St. Damien of Molokai, and others provide us with examples to imitate. And more than that, they serve as powerful intercessors for us before the throne of God, who they see now in Heaven. May we learn from their examples and lives and also fight for the right to life here on earth by defending the natural law.

All CatechismClass Lessons follow a time-tested 7-step format: Introduction, Opening Prayers, Scripture and Commentary, Catechism Passages, Integration of the Lesson Topic, an activity, and a closing prayer. Quizzes end each of the lessons.

Join us in this prayerful course with powerful, real-world examples we can take to help save souls.

The elections this November will be essential to furthering the pro-life message! We really need to make sure we vote for those candidates who agree with the Church's teachings on the five non-negotiables, which are always wrong (abortion, embryonic stem cell research, gay marriage, euthanasia, and cloning). The Church never supports a candidate, but it supports views on issues.

So, please, above all, vote for the candidates that are pro-life. Pro-life, of course, also means being anti-poverty and caring for the less fortunate in society, but opposition to abortion must be our #1 concern. The Church teaches that it is a mortal sin to vote for a politician who supports abortion if there is a candidate running who is against abortion.

Miyerkules, Hulyo 31, 2024
Inspiring Faith and Love: A Journey Through Chad Judice’s Trilogy

In a world where stories of faith and resilience shine a light on the human spirit, Chad Judice’s trilogy stands as a beacon of hope and inspiration. His three books—Waiting for Eli: A Father's Journey from Fear to Faith, Eli's Reach, and Growing With Eli: Our Journey Into Life and Light—offer readers a profound and heartfelt exploration of the trials and triumphs faced by his family. Each book not only narrates the life of their son, Eli, born with spina bifida, but also delves into the depths of faith, love, and the power of community.

I have had the privilege of getting to know Chad personally over the past year, and I'm happy to endorse these books.

Book 1: Waiting for Eli: A Father's Journey from Fear to Faith

Waiting For Eli: A Father's Journey from Fear to Faith is the compelling introduction to Chad and Ashley Judice's journey with their son Eli. From the moment they learn of Eli’s diagnosis with spina bifida, readers are taken on an emotional roller coaster that showcases the power of faith and prayer. This book beautifully illustrates how the Judice family transforms fear into faith, embracing their pro-life and pro-love beliefs. Chad’s vivid descriptions of the small miracles they experience along the way add depth to this touching narrative. For anyone seeking an inspiring story of hope and the profound impact of unwavering faith, this book is a must-read.

Book 2: Eli's Reach

In Eli's Reach, the sequel to Waiting for Eli, Chad Judice continues to share the miraculous influence of Eli’s life. This book expands on the heartwarming and inspirational tale, highlighting how Eli’s story has not only deepened the appreciation for the value of life but has also actively saved unborn babies from abortion. Through Chad’s numerous speaking engagements, the message of faith, hope, and the sanctity of life reaches a wider audience, rekindling faith and encouraging earnest prayer among many. Eli's Reach is a testament to the far-reaching impact one life can have on countless others.

Book 3: Growing With Eli: Our Journey Into Life and Light

The final installment in the trilogy, Growing With Eli: Our Journey Into Life and Light, brings readers up to date with Eli’s life as a healthy, happy nine-year-old. This book tracks Eli’s development and chronicles Chad Judice’s own spiritual growth. Through his deepening Catholic faith, reliance on the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary, and commitment to Natural Family Planning, Chad’s journey is one of enlightenment and unshakable trust in the Lord. Growing With Eli offers a dual narrative of a father and son growing together in faith and light, making it a truly inspirational read for those seeking deeper spiritual understanding.


Chad Judice’s trilogy is more than a collection of books; it’s a heartfelt journey that resonates with anyone who values faith, love, and the power of community. Each book builds upon the last, creating a tapestry of experiences that inspire and uplift. Whether you are looking to strengthen your faith, find hope in challenging times, or simply enjoy a moving story of a family's love and resilience, these books are a testament to the enduring human spirit. Dive into Chad Judice’s works and be prepared to be moved, inspired, and profoundly touched by Eli’s story.

Lunes, Mayo 13, 2024
Why Catholics Must Reject IVF

Earlier this year the Alabama Supreme Court recently ruled, in an 8-1 decision, that the state's law on accidental death of a minor applies to frozen embryos, considering them as "children" under state law. The decision stemmed from a lawsuit by parents whose frozen embryos were accidentally destroyed at an in vitro fertilization clinic. The court examined the "ontological" status of these unborn children, discussing the definitions of "person" and "child" in the context of state law. The judges concluded that frozen embryos are considered "children" and that the Wrongful Death of a Minor Act applies to all children, born or unborn, without limitation. This ruling was influenced by Alabama's previous legal developments, including a 2018 constitutional amendment affirming the sanctity of unborn life and a 2019 abortion ban.

The ruling has led to consequences for In vitro fertilization (IVF), a procedure used to help individuals or couples with fertility issues to conceive a child. The process involves the fertilization of an egg with sperm outside the body in a laboratory setting. Unbeknown to many, the Catholic Church condemns IVF and Catholics are not permitted to use or support it.

IVF Involves the Deaths of Thousands of Embryos

In vitro fertilization is not permitted in the Catholic faith for any reason; instead, adoption is encouraged and there are morally acceptable options for infertile couples. According to a July 2005 issue of Newsweek, IVF costs $9,000 and only 25% of all cycles involve a live birth. It should also be noted that there is a serious though rare side effect, Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome (OHSS), that has killed patients using IVF. Through IVF, 6 million embryos, human beings like us, have died because of this procedure. That is roughly 80-90% of all embryos created in IVF. In the US, 170,000 embryos die each year. 

From a purely biological standpoint, an embryo is the early stage of development after fertilization of an egg by sperm. In human reproduction, fertilization marks the beginning of a new genetically unique organism making embryos, even in the scientific community, individual human beings with human DNA. Embryos therefore are human beings with a human soul.

IVF Separates the Unitive and Procreative Aspects of Marriage

The procreative aspect of marital relations underscores the sacred and inherent openness to the transmission of life. Sexual intimacy within marriage is viewed as a partnership with God in the act of creation, acknowledging the potential for the conception of a child. This aspect emphasizes the natural purpose of human sexuality in contributing to the ongoing generation of life and participating in the divine plan for the family. The intentional obstruction or manipulation of this procreative potential, such as through the use of artificial contraceptives, is mortally sinful.

The unitive aspect of marital relations in a Catholic context emphasizes the profound unity, mutual self-giving, and love between husband and wife. Sexual intimacy within marriage is a sacred expression of the spouses' commitment to one another, fostering emotional and spiritual closeness. This dimension recognizes the significance of the marital act in deepening the bond between partners, reflecting the selfless love that is meant to characterize the marriage. Practices that undermine the unitive aspect, such as extramarital affairs or artificial reproductive technologies that separate procreation from the marital union, seriously disrupt the intended unity and sanctity of the marital bond.

With these in mind, it is crucial to recognize that the Catholic objection to IVF extends beyond the murder of innocent human beings. Any form of insemination outside of marital intercourse is morally wrong, constituting a transgression against the dignity of the child being conceived.

Artificial Fertilization Condemned Both Inside & Outside of Marriage

In an address given on September 29, 1949, to Catholic Doctors in Rome at their 4th International Congress, Pope Pius XII delivered the following remarks on why artificial insemination is not morally permissible. And his words are crucial to make known today given the recent ruling in the State of Alabama. The Holy Father stated:

"Artificial fertilization, outside of marriage, is to be condemned outright as immoral. Such is indeed the natural law and the positive divine law, that the procreation of a new life can only be the fruit of marriage. Marriage alone safeguards the dignity of the spouses (mainly the woman in this case), their personal property. By itself, only it provides for the good and education of the child. Consequently, on the condemnation of artificial fertilization outside the conjugal union, no difference of opinion is possible between Catholics. A child conceived under these conditions would, by the very fact, be illegitimate.

"Artificial fertilization in marriage, but produced by the active element of a third party, is also immoral and, as such, to be condemned without appeal. Only the spouses have a reciprocal right over their body to engender a new life, an exclusive, non-transferable, inalienable right. And that must also be taken into consideration of the child. To anyone who gives life to a small being, nature imposes, by virtue of this bond, the burden of its conservation and education. But between the legitimate husband and the child, the fruit of the active element of a third party (the spouse was he consenting), there is no bond of origin, no moral and legal bond of conjugal procreation.

"As for the lawfulness of artificial fertilization in marriage, it suffices for us, for the moment, to recall these principles of natural law: the simple fact that the result to which we aim is achieved by this route, does not justify the use of the medium itself; nor the desire, in itself very legitimate among spouses, to have a child, is not enough to prove the legitimacy of the recourse to artificial fertilization, which would fulfill this desire.

"Let it not be forgotten: only the procreation of a new life according to the will and the plan of the Creator carries with it, to an astonishing degree of perfection, the achievement of the aims pursued. It is, at the same time, in conformity with the bodily and spiritual nature and with the dignity of the spouses, with the normal and happy development of the child."


The Church does not condemn scientific progress or medical interventions. However, the Catholic Church supports the responsible use of medicine and healthcare to alleviate suffering, promote health, and preserve life that is in accordance with natural law. The ethical use of medicine in line with Catholic teachings must always include respect for the sanctity of human life, recognition of the dignity of each human person, and fidelity to the natural law.

While the Church supports ethical approaches to fertility treatments, certain assisted reproductive technologies, such as in vitro fertilization (IVF), are often opposed since they involve practices inconsistent with Catholic moral teachings, such as the destruction of embryos and the separation of the procreative and unitive aspects of marital relations. 

Lunes, Setyembre 11, 2023
Prayer to Our Lady of Guadalupe to Defeat the Pro-abortionists in Mexico and Latin America

After the horrific decision to see the legalization of abortion in Mexico, join me in daily praying for the swift defeat of these anti-Catholic and pro-abortion zealots who send unbaptized souls to Hell by their actions.

O Holy Mary, Virgin Mother of God, who as Our Lady of Guadalupe didst aid in the conversion of Mexico from paganism in a most miraculous way, we now beseech thee to bring about in these our times the early conversion of our modern world from its present neo-paganism to the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church of thy divine Son, Jesus Christ, starting in the Americas and extending throughout the entire world, so that soon there may be truly “one fold and one shepherd”, with all governments recognizing the reign of they Son, Jesus Christ the King. This we ask of the Eternal Father, through Jesus Christ His Son Our Lord and by thy powerful intercession – all for the salvation of souls, the triumph of the Church and peace in the world. Amen.

Source: Angelus Press 1962 Roman Catholic Daily Missal, page 1794

Biyernes, Hunyo 24, 2022
Do The Souls of Unborn Babies Go to Heaven?

BREAKING NEWS TODAY: After nearly 50 years, Roe has been responsible for the deaths of over 60 million preborn American children. Today, the Supreme Court has finally overturned the grievous error of Roe v. Wade that has cost so many precious lives.

The Souls of Baptized Infants Go Directly to Heaven

With the exception of the Most Blessed Virgin Mary, all human persons are conceived with original on their souls. Such a view is a dogma of the Faith that must be believed: “Original sin is transmitted by natural generation.” The Catechism of St. Pius X therefore counsels, "There should be the greatest anxiety to have infants baptized because, on account of their tender age, they are exposed to many dangers of death, and cannot be saved without Baptism."

In the way in which God has created the world, it is necessary to receive Baptism in order to see God in Heaven. Seeing God and being present with Him in Heaven is the beatific vision. It is the greatest joy of Heaven. 

Of course, not everyone who is baptized will be saved. To be saved requires dying in the state of sanctifying grace. That is why we must work out our salvation our entire life and have frequent recourse to the Sacrament of Confession so that we may be forgiven for our mortal sins and restored to sanctifying grace. Heaven is not possible for those who die without sanctifying grace in their souls.

Because a baby who was born and who was baptized cannot commit any actual sins, we know without any doubt that these children, if they die before they are old enough to know right from wrong, will go straight to Heaven. They are truly saints.

Do the Souls of Unborn & Therefore Unbaptized Babies Go to Heaven?

"Souls who depart this life in the state of original sin are excluded from the Beatific Vision of God" (Council of Florence: 1438 – 1445 AD).

Dr. Ludwig Ott, the famous theologian, in quoting the de fide dogma of the Council of Florence teaches:

The 2nd General Council of Lyons (1274) and the Council of Florence (1438-45) declared:  illorum animas, qui in actuali mortali peccato vel solo irginali decedunt, mox in infernum descendere poenis tamen disparibus puniendas (the souls of those who die in original sin as well as those who die in actual mortal sin go immediately into hell, but their punishment is very different).  D 464, 693.

The dogma is supported by the words of Our Lord: "Unless a man be born again of water and the Holy Ghost he cannot enter into the Kingdom of God" (John 3, 5).

The spiritual re-birth of young infants can be achieved in an extra-sacramental manner though baptism by blood (cf. the baptism by blood of the children of Bethlehem).  Other emergency means of baptism for children dying without sacramental baptism, such as prayer and desire of the parents or the Church (vicarious baptism of desire -- Cajetan), or the attainment of the use of reason in the moment of death, so that the dying child can decide for or against God (baptism of desire -- H. Klee), or suffering and death of the child as quasi-Sacrament (baptism of suffering -- H. Schell), are indeed, possible, but their actuality cannot be proved from Revelation.  Cf. D 712.

In the punishment of Hell theologians distinguish between the "poena damni," which consists in the exclusion from the Beatific Vision of God, and the "poena sensus" which is caused by external means, and which will be felt by the senses even after the resurrection of the body.  While St. Augustine and many Latin Fathers are of the opinion that children dying in original sin must suffer "poena sensus" also, even if only a very mild one (mitissima omnium poena: Enchir. 93), the Greek Fathers (for example, St. Gregory of Nazianzus, Or. 40, 23), and the majority of the Schoolmen and more recent theologians, teach that they suffer "poena damni" only.  The declaration of Pope Innocent III, is in favour of this teaching:  Poena originalis peccati est carentia visionis Dei (= poena damni) actualis vero poena peccati est gehennae perpetuae cruciatus (= poena sensus).  D 410.  A condition of natural bliss is compatible with "poena damni."  Cf. St. Thomas, De malo, 5, 3; Sent. II d. 33 q 2 a. 2.

Theologians usually assume that there is a special place or state for children dying without baptism which they call limbus puerorum (children's Limbo).  Pope Pius VI adopted this view against the Synod of Pistoia.  D 1526.

Consequently, we must conclude that the souls of unbaptized and unborn children who die with original sin on their souls can not enter Heaven. But with St. Gregory of Nazianzus, Pope Pius VI, and others we can hope for an eternity of blessedness for them in the Limbo of the Infants (not to be confused with the Limbo of the Fathers where the Old Testament saints waited until Christ opened Heaven) which is a place of tranquility and peace even though they can never gaze on the face of God.  This is a place of perfect natural happiness - imagine a life of happiness on a place like earth. They will not suffer the flames of hell.

Can Unbaptized, Miscarried Babies Go to Heaven Through a “Vicarious Baptism”?

It is held as de fide doctrine that along with water Baptism there is a Baptism of Blood and a Baptism of Desire that are equal in merit to water Baptism. They remove original sin from a soul and save a soul from Hell and also open the possibility of Heaven to them.

Thomas Cardinal Cajetan, a leading figure in the Catholic Church against the Protestant Revolt, held the view that there may be reason to hope for a “vicarious” Baptism of Desire of miscarried babies whose parents had intended to baptize the child at birth. While the child died in the womb before baptism, he held the hope that in God’s mercy, the children would be spared even Limbo and admitted to the beatific vision of God for all eternity. 

The 1980 document by the Congregation of the Doctrine of the Faith stated: “The Church has thus shown by her teaching and practice that she knows no other way apart from Baptism for ensuring children’s entry into eternal happiness.” For the souls of miscarried babies, we can assert that they are not in Hell since they had no actual sins on their souls. But whether or not mortal sin was removed in a manner as proposed by Cardinal Cajetan is a theory that we can certainly hope is the case. But it is not certain. 

Nevertheless, the parent or a priest should baptize the body of the miscarried child as soon as possible with the following formula: "If you are capable of being baptized, I baptize you in the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost." 

Do Aborted Babies Go to Heaven or Hell?

What does it mean for aborted children? We believe that in God's mercy these children will not suffer the pains of Hell, through no fault of their own, but they are nevertheless unable to go to Heaven since they were murdered with original sin still on their souls.

They will not be in pain. But they are not in Heaven. They will never see the face of God. They will never have a chance to enter Heaven. And since they were murdered by their own mother, there is no credible reason to hold that Cardinal Cajetan’s theory applies to them.

This sad reality is one of the many reasons that we must reject abortion completely - it deprives a human soul of Heaven. While the child will not suffer, he will never see God. And the guardian angel that God has appointed to guard that child weeps. Not only does the sin of abortion, which is the willful murder of a human being, cry out to Heaven for vengeance, but it also deprives a soul of seeing God forever. 

Huwebes, Hulyo 30, 2020
The US Constitution Is Not The Supreme Law

In front of St. Cecilia's Cathedral in Omaha is a copy of the divine law

This past month American Catholics - and all of those fighting for the rights for the lives of the unborn - were dealt another setback from the Supreme Court with some of the alleged Catholic justices ruling in a way that will only allow more innocent lives to be murdered before they can be baptized. Justice Clarence Thomas, the most arguably faithful Catholic on the bench, wrote in his dissent to the decision: “Today a majority of the Court perpetuates its ill-founded abortion jurisprudence by enjoining a perfectly legitimate state law and doing so without jurisdiction.” He was joined by the recent Trump-appointed justices, though neither went as far as Justice Thomas in calling for an undoing of the legalization of abortion.

The decision leading to the striking down of a Louisiana law that would have led to fewer abortions reveals a key point that is often forgotten. We can not rely on secular institutions to do what can be done only by the Church. Our efforts as Catholics must be directed at converting souls, hearts, and minds to the Traditional Catholic Faith. Only then will life be protected. Secular laws enacted by governments that are not founded on Catholic principles will never do what evangelization alone can do. Secular laws are not a replacement for divine law. We must make abortion unthinkable in America not primarily by passing legal restrictions (although these are certainly good and meritorious since they help prevent the weak and pressured from murdering their children). Our focus must instead be anchored in Catholic doctrine.

By helping form another generation of true Traditional Catholics we can make abortion unthinkable. Abortion is a two-fold murder - first, it destroys sanctifying grace in the mother's soul who murders the child. It also destroys any grace in those who perform or help foster, encourage, fund, or support the murder of human life in any way. But it even more tragically sentences the child (a truly human life with an immortal soul) to an eternity away from God. Baptism is necessary for salvation. These aborted babies are not baptized. We are not aware of any way how aborted children can go to Heaven. While we trust in God's mercy that they will spend an eternity in Limbo away from the fires of Hell, they will ultimately never see the face of God in Heaven since they were deprived of Baptism.

This reality, which is hardly taught even by Catholic priests anymore who fear offending people, must be proclaimed even more loudly. How many souls have been deprived of Heaven because of secular governments divorced from God's laws and founded on the false principle of man's rights? The United States was founded on the notion that the government derives its ability to govern from the consent of the people - directly contrary to the Lord and His Church which affirms that all authority comes from God (cf. Romans 13:1) and governments traditionally obtained the ability to govern by divine right, leading to the consecration and coronation of the monarch.

The failures of America and the world as a whole including formerly Catholic nations like Ireland, Spain, and Italy to prevent divorce, artificial contraception, and abortion all stem from the rapid onset of modernism which continues to obscure the truths of life, government, and God. The errors of French Revolution the Enlightenment continue to pollute our minds, our schools, our institutions, and even our seminaries and priests.

There is only one supreme law and that is not the United States Constitution. It is not a document of the United States, the United Nations, or the EU. It is also not the Code of Canon Law. It is not a document published by the Vatican. The Supreme Law of the Church is the Salvation of Souls. And that law is what must be the cornerstone of all efforts or else they will fail. As King David reminds us, all our efforts if not based on the Lord's true law and true Church will fail: "Unless the Lord build the house, they labour in vain that build it. Unless the Lord keep the city, he watcheth in vain that keepeth it" (Psalms 126:1).

All Catholics must work for the salvation of souls with an ardent and generous spirit. This is not optional. This commitment must underscore our day to day lives. We must be missionaries to our families, our friends, and everyone we meet. Everyone must know that we are Catholics. And our efforts at converting others by our example, our charity, and our unwavering commitment to the Faith will be our tools to make abortion unthinkable. And in addition to this, let us support Catholic pro-life work which understands that we are above all fighting for the salvation of souls, not just for earthly lives.
Sabado, Enero 25, 2020
The Catholic Teaching on Artificial Insemination & In Vitro Fertilization

The practice of this artificial fertilization, since it is a question of man, cannot be considered neither exclusively, nor even mainly, from the biological and medical point of view, leaving aside that of morality and law.

Artificial fertilization, outside of marriage, is to be condemned outright as immoral. Such is indeed the natural law and the positive divine law, that the procreation of a new life can only be the fruit of marriage. Marriage alone safeguards the dignity of the spouses (mainly the woman in this case), their personal property. By itself, only it provides for the good and education of the child. Consequently, on the condemnation of artificial fertilization outside the conjugal union, no difference of opinion is possible between Catholics. A child conceived under these conditions would, by the very fact, be illegitimate.

Artificial fertilization in marriage, but produced by the active element of a third party, is also immoral and, as such, to be condemned without appeal. Only the spouses have a reciprocal right over their body to engender a new life, an exclusive, non-transferable, inalienable right. And that must also be taken into consideration of the child. To anyone who gives life to a small being, nature imposes, by virtue of this bond, the burden of its conservation and education. But between the legitimate husband and the child, the fruit of the active element of a third party (the spouse was he consenting), there is no bond of origin, no moral and legal bond of conjugal procreation.

As for the lawfulness of artificial fertilization in marriage, it suffices for us, for the moment, to recall these principles of natural law: the simple fact that the result to which we aim is achieved by this route, does not justify the use of the medium itself; nor the desire, in itself very legitimate among spouses, to have a child, is not enough to prove the legitimacy of the recourse to artificial fertilization, which would fulfill this desire.

Let it not be forgotten: only the procreation of a new life according to the will and the plan of the Creator carries with it, to an astonishing degree of perfection, the achievement of the aims pursued. It is, at the same time, in conformity with the bodily and spiritual nature and with the dignity of the spouses, with the normal and happy development of the child.

All is an Excerpt: Speech of Pope Pius XII to Catholic Doctors in Rome for their 4th International Congress (Sept. 29, 1949), Acta Apostolicae Sedis 49
Martes, Enero 22, 2019
Day of Penance for Violations Against Human Life

As a reminder, January 22nd (when not a Sunday) is a Day of Penance in the United States for violations against human life due to the dangerous Roe vs. Wade Court Decision. We must do penance and continue to work for the protection of the sanctity of all human life from conception to natural death.

Don't forget it is an official day of Penance in the United States: "Day of Prayer and Penance for Life."

Cardinal William Keeler responded when asked if abstaining from meat in asked: "It is not asked, but obliged by all the faithful under Church law. This time it cannot be substituted with acts of charity or service... I hope the pastors informed their parishioners of this from the pulpit last Sunday!..."

Liturgically, today is the feastday of St. Vincent of Saragossa.


O God our Creator, we give thanks to thee, who alone hast the power to impart the breath of life as thou dost form each of us in our mother’s womb: Grant, we pray; that we, whom thou hast made stewards of creation, may remain faithful to this sacred trust and constant in safeguarding the dignity of every human life; through Jesus Christ thy Son our Lord, who liveth and reigneth with thee, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, ever one God, world without end. Amen.

Prayer Source: Anglican Use Missal
Lunes, Nobyembre 26, 2018
12 Pro-Life Charities for Catholics

Almsgiving is a hallmark pillar of Lent yet it is something that we can and should do all year in order to support worthy causes, advance the Kingdom of God on earth, and atone for our sins by our sacrifice.  I've written before of several worthwhile charities for Catholics (see my post: 10 Traditional Catholic Charities: Almsgiving for Traditional Catholics), but it is also important to consider our impact on the pro-life movement in addition to worthwhile missionary endeavors.

But as Traditional Catholics, which pro-life charities are worth pursuing?  While all pro-life charities should be committed to the fight against abortion, some do so from a purely materialistic and irreligious perspective that is not worthy of supporting (e.g. atheists for life).  On the other hand, some Catholic charities are staunchly Protestant and are not supportive of Catholic blessings, Masses, prayers, or priests.  These charities should also be avoided.

As a result of my research, I'm happy to present a start.  Here are 12 Pro-life Charities for Catholics:

1. Human Life International

Human Life International "defends both the God-given life and dignity of all human persons from conception until natural death and the natural family based on marriage—the fundamental human institution defined by a lifetime union between one man and one woman that is open to life. As followers of Jesus Christ and members of the Catholic Church, our goal is to build a Culture of Life and of Love around the world through education, outreach, and advocacy." 

Like the PRI (mentioned further down this list), Human Life International was founded by a priest - Fr. Paul Marx.

2. American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family, and Property

American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family and Property (TFP) is "an organization of lay Catholic Americans concerned about the moral crisis shaking the remnants of Christian civilization. Its earliest origins date back to January 1971, when the first TFP members started to group around the publication Crusade for a Christian Civilization. Today, with over 120,000 active members, volunteers and donors, the TFP is on the front lines of the Culture War, peacefully defending the values of tradition, family and private ownership. The first TFP was founded in Brazil in 1960 by Prof. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira. The American TFP is one of many autonomous TFPs that now exist around the world dedicated to the same ideals and at the service of Christian Civilization"

3. Sisters of Life

The Sisters of Life is "a contemplative/active religious community of women founded in 1991 by John Cardinal O’Connor for the protection and enhancement of the sacredness of every human life."  As stated on their website: Our missions are carried out with the heart of the Church and with the hope of revealing to those we serve the inherent goodness and beauty of their own lives, so that each person may see and experience the truth that they are an unrepeatable creation of the Master. We welcome pregnant guests to live with us in the Holy Respite of one of our convent, assist pregnant women in need of practical assistance through our Visitation Mission, host retreats at Villa Maria Guadalupe Retreat Center, [and] invite those who have suffered abortion to hope and healing through day and weekend Entering Canaan Retreats."

4. Center for Family and Human Rights - C-Fam

The Center for Family and Human Rights - C-Fam is formerly known as the Catholic Family and Human Rights Institute exists "to defend life and family at international institutions and to publicize the debate".  They are attacked by the liberal left for their "radical" pro-life, and anti-LGBT stance which of course is in line with the unchanging teachings of the Faith.

5. 40 Days for Life

After living most of his life as a Protestant, David Bereit, Founder and CEO of 40 Days of Life, entered the Catholic Church in 2018.  40 Days for Life is a prayer and fasting campaign outside of abortion facilities. In times past, it was considered an evangelical charity but with this change, I'm encouraging their support.

Patti Armstrong wrote in the National Catholic Register on April 25, 2018: "He estimates that 75%-80% of 40 Days participants are Catholic, as is his wife of 26 years. And as of this past Easter, Bereit is Catholic, too. He entered the Church from the Presbyterian tradition, during the Easter vigil Mass at St. Mary of the Immaculate Conception parish in Fredericksburg, Virginia. His wife, Margaret, was his sponsor, his high-school son Patrick was an altar server, and his 20-year-old daughter Claire and mother-in-law were there to welcome him into the Church. He recently spoke to the Register about his decision."

6. Population Research Institute

The Population Research Institute is "a non-profit research group whose goals are to expose the myth of overpopulation, to expose human rights abuses committed in population control programs, and to make the case that people are the world’s greatest resource. Our growing, global network of pro-life groups spans over 30 countries."

The Population Research Institute was founded in 1989 by Fr. Paul Marx (1920–2010), a family sociologist, a Catholic priest and Benedictine monk who had established Human Life International as well. PRI became an independent institute in 1996. Steven W. Mosher, the current president of PRI, is a practicing Catholic.

7. Priests for Life

Popularized by their national director, Fr. Frank Pavone, Priests for Life "refers to a very specific effort to galvanize the clergy to preach, teach, and mobilize their people more effectively in the effort to end abortion and euthanasia."  They continue, "On another level, Priests for Life represents a family of ministries that reach and enrich every aspect of the pro-life movement, for clergy and laity alike, in a wide variety of activities. This has come to pass precisely because priests are not ordained for themselves, but for the people. So in activating clergy, we are activating all the segments of the Church, the pro-life movement, and the wider society in the defense of life."

8. The Women's Center of Greater Chicagoland

The Women's Center of Greater Chicagoland "is a nonprofit organization that reaches out to women contemplating abortion with services and support that affirm the dignity of life of both mother and child."  They often raise money at Catholic charities in their Baby bottle campaigns and funds directly support pregnant women who are contemplating abortion.  These are true warriors helping save lives each and every day.  They also have a chapel on their premise and have close relationships with traditional Catholic priests at the Chicagoland Institute of Christ the King Shrine.

9. Thomas More Society

Named for the martyr for the sanctity of the Sacrament of marriage, the Thomas More Society is "a not-for-profit, national public interest law firm dedicated to restoring respect in law for life, family, and religious liberty." They are lawyers who help protect, defend, and advance pro-life laws. They often battle the lawyers of abortion giants liked Planned Parenthood. They need our support to advance the laws necessary to secure a pro-life society. 

10. Tepeyac

Be familiar with charities in your area too.  For example, Tepeyac is an excellent organization for those in and around the Virginia area to support.  Tepeyac is "a pro-life, OB/GYN, integrated healthcare practice with professional medical expertise that cares for the whole person. Tepeyac offers a full range of obstetrical and gynecological services, including well-woman care and cancer screenings, fertility consultation, minimally invasive procedures, global maternal care, a perinatal hospice, and level I and II ultrasounds while respecting the dignity and the intrinsic worth of each patient."

11. American Life League

The American Life League "is an American Catholic grassroots pro-life organization. The group opposes abortion under any circumstance and opposes all forms of contraception, embryonic stem cell research, and euthanasia."

12. Children of the Immaculate Heart

Another regional charity worth supporting is "Children of the Immaculate Heart," which is supported by Matt Fradd.  Children of the Immaculate Heart (CIH) is "a 501 (c)(3) non-profit corporation operating in San Diego, CA. Our Mission is to serve survivors of human trafficking and open the door to their restoration in Jesus Christ. We currently have a housing and rehabilitation program for adult women who are survivors of trafficking and have children. We are also in the process of opening a residential treatment facility for minors who are survivors of human trafficking."

They continue, "CIH sees the rise in human trafficking as evoked by the widespread cultural objectification of women, the breakdown of the family, sexual activity outside of marriage, pornography, abortion, and contraception. Because human trafficking arises from these issues, CIH seeks to evangelize both the individual human heart and society as a whole."


In addition to the above, support those traditional Catholic communities and parishes who regularly pray outside abortuaries and do what they can to raise money for pregnant women.  While this does not often occur in liberal or middle of the road "Catholic" parishes, it is a part of the Traditional Catholic community.

Next time you are considering donating to a pro-life charity such as on #GivingTuesday, please do so to a pro-Catholic one.  And even more important, try to support ones that are truly traditional Catholics.
Linggo, Pebrero 5, 2017
Pope is Disturbed over Contraceptive Scandal?

Order of Malta leader Fra' Matthew Festing talks to Pope Francis (AP)

Guest Post by David Martin

Cardinal Raymond Burke who serves as patron to the Knights of the Order of Malta met with Pope Francis at the Vatican on November 10, 2016, and told him how the organization has been distributing contraceptives in Burma and other countries. The pope was "deeply disturbed" by what the cardinal told him and he ordered Burke to clean out the Freemasons from the Knights of the Order of Malta.

To recap, the Order of Malta through the years has been distributing contraceptives and abortifacient drugs through Malteser International (MI), the humanitarian arm of the order. Included in this distribution has been over a half million condoms. Edward Pentin has provided details of MI’s programs in his comprehensive article on the subject. An investigation by the Lepanto Institute provides further information about MI’s work promoting condoms and abortifacient drugs worldwide.

Throughout this period Malteser International was headed by Albrecht Freiherr von Boeselager. An investigation by the Order of Malta found that von Boeselager was responsible for the programs involving the distribution of condoms and abortifacient drugs. This led to his dismissal by the Grand Master, Fra Matthew Festing, on December 6, 2016, who was acting on the advice of his spiritual advisor Cardinal Burke.

Von Boeselager then appealed to the Vatican. A commission was appointed to investigate his dismissal, though Edward Pentin provides extensive and disturbing information about the make-up of this commission, which seems to have consisted largely of von Boeselager’s friends and associates. The Military Order of Malta refused to accept the Vatican's interference into their internal affairs.

On January 24, Fra Matthew Festing was then asked by Pope Francis to resign, which he did. The next day it was announced by the Vatican Secretary of State that Pope Francis was declaring null and void all of Fra Festing’s acts since December 6, thus nullifying the dismissal of von Boeselager. Fra Festing’s resignation was accepted by the Sovereign Council of the Order of Malta on January 28 and it was announced that von Boeselager was restored to his position as Grand Chancellor of the Order.

In short, Pope Francis restored to office a man ultimately responsible for the distribution of condoms and abortifacient drugs, while removing from office the man who tried to ensure that Malteser International remained faithful to Catholic teaching.

The report says that the pope was "deeply disturbed" by MI's distribution of contraceptives. If this is truly the case, why did the pope fire Fra Matthew Festing for dismissing Albrecht von Boeselager for his distributing abortaficient drugs and contraceptives? The pope told Cardinal Burke that he wanted the Freemasons cleansed out of Malta, so why is he upset that Fra Festing removed an agent who works for the Freemasons?

And too, why is the pope allowing Freemasons and U.N. anti-life agents to use his Vatican to advance population control? It is no secret that pro-abortion advocate Paul Ehrlich, father of the modern population control movement and author of the 1968 best-seller "The Population Bomb," has been invited to speak at the Vatican during a February 27-March 1 conference that will discuss "how to save the natural world."

This is deplorable when we consider the possible millions of deaths globally that he and his ideas may have indirectly been responsible for over the past five decades and how he has repeatedly slammed the Catholic Church for its anti-abortion policy. Is the Vatican deliberately seeking to put the unborn to death?

The Stanford biologist, who advocates forced abortion for population control along with every kind of contraception, will be given a platform to lecture the Church on how it should conform to the United Nations "Sustainable Development Goals" of making the planet a safer place through population control.

Hence the pope's "disturbance" over the contraceptive scandal in the Knights of the Order of Malta raises some serious eyebrows. Why isn't he disturbed about Ehrlich's upcoming speaking engagement at the Vatican or about the Vatican's collusion with pro-abortion advocate Jeffrey Sachs who has spoken now at 19 Vatican conferences?
Biyernes, Enero 13, 2017
Graduates of Jesuit Colleges in Congress Overwhelmingly Pro-Abortion

Image Copyright 2013 by A Catholic Life Blog
The Association of Jesuit Colleges and Universities recently celebrated the fact that 56 members of the new 115th U.S. Congress (a full 10 percent) attended a Jesuit college or university.

AJCU President Father Michael Sheeran, S.J., said, “A hallmark of Jesuit education is service to others, and we are proud to see that commitment represented by the alumni of Jesuit institutions who serve in the House and Senate. We appreciate their leadership and look forward to working with them during the 115th Congress.”

As boastful as the AJCU seems about this (it’s on the banner of their home page), I’m not sure a celebration is in order as among those legislators there are precious few who are reliably pro-life.

I searched their voting records and found that out of the 12 Jesuit-educated Senators, there are only two reliably pro-life legislators. Two! The rest are either reliably pro-abortion or have mixed voting records.

Out of the 44 congressmen who attended a Jesuit college or university there are only 12 reliably pro-life legislators while there are 32 legislators with pro-abortion or mixed records.

Those who defend and promote the abhorrent evil of abortion are not deserving of praise for “leadership” nor of “service to others.” One would think that the rejection of fundamental Catholic teachings on the dignity of life by alumni might cause Jesuits to reconsider how they’re educating their students.

Source: Cardinal Newman Society
Biyernes, Nobyembre 11, 2016
Petition: President-Elect Trump: The Unborn need you to keep your Pro-life Promises!

To: Donald J. Trump

Congratulations on winning the presidency! After eight years of the most pro-abortion presidency in U.S. history, I am thrilled that the highest office of the land will now be used to defend the right to life of all U.S. citizens - including the innocent unborn. As such, I encourage you to follow through on the pro-life promises that you made during the campaign without delay. I also want you to know that you will my have full my support for any and all pro-life initiatives that you take as president, particularly when the going gets tough and you face opposition.

In particular, I encourage you to sign the Pain Capable Unborn Child Protection Act, to defund Planned Parenthood, and - if and when the opportunity arises - to nominate staunchly pro-life Supreme Court justices.

I would also strongly encourage you to follow through on your pro-life convictions by: re-enacting the Mexico City Policy, thereby banning U.S. funding from paying for or supporting abortions overseas; repealing the oppressive HHS mandate; attending in person the annual March for Life in Washington D.C.; banning government funding of destructive research on human embryos; ensuring that judicial appointments at all levels of the court system are pro-life; and re-evaluating your personal support for abortion in the cases of rape and incest.

In addition, I will stand with you as you to take steps to defend religious freedom, which has been under continuous assault these past 8 years, by repealing the Johnson Amendment, and protecting the conscience rights of civil servants, teachers, businesses, and all others.

Finally, I pledge to pray for you, that you may be given the strength, conviction, and courage to fight for the right to life of the unborn and for religious freedom despite the strenuous opposition that you are likely to face in the coming months and years.

Click here to Sign
Sabado, Setyembre 26, 2015
The Milgram Experiment & Its Implications to Sin

Background: For those unfamiliar with the Milgram Experiment, please watch the above video.  This experiment has been repeated many times since it was first performed over 40 years ago and the results are consistent each time it is performed. 

Implications to a Catholics: What insights can be gleaned from the Milgram experiment to understand why so many in our society contravene the laws of God and "go along" with the status quo of abortion on demand, contraception, death, and the violation of the laws of God and His established Church?

As seen in the Milgram experiment, there is a tendency to support unjust and evil actions and laws by the mere presence of a government "hovering over" us.  In the Milgram experiment, many of the participants wished to stop administering painful and ultimately legal electrical shocks to the test subject; however, the presence of the scientist in the room propelled them on.  So too do we see many in our world going along with abortion, the violation of the holiness of Sunday by shopping on it, the use of the Lord's name in vain, and so many other evils. 

Likewise, if the patient was in the room for the Milgram experiment and the one pulling the level could see the pain inflicted, researches believe far fewer individuals would go all the way and administer lethal electrical shock to the participant.  Planned Parenthood and the liberal agenda similarly remove us from the evils of abortion by calling it "reproductive rights," "women's choice," and the like.  There is no mention of the murder of a human life - in this way, we see great benefit from organizations that work to expose the evil that abortion is and how grotesque the procedure is. 

But for all sins, if we saw the pain it caused our Divine Savior and the way it marred our soul, so few of us would have the audacity to betray the simple commands of such a loving God.  By desensitizing the participants in the Milgram experiment and by doing likewise in our world, we see a proliferation of sin and a loss of true morality.

Two powerful take aways come for a Catholic from the Milgram Experiment.  First, we feel forced to go along with sin and injustice when it is the "law" or even "the status quo."  Second, we are desensitized to the evils of sin and grow accustomed to such heinous sins as abortion because we do not see its full effects.

The Angelic Doctor, St. Thomas Aquinas, in his Summa reminds us that an unjust law is no law at all - in fact, obeying such a "law" is a sin against God.  Such a statement was previously said by St. Augustine and other true philosophers. 

We must pray for the courage to at times stand up and declare the Truth, leading by our example, to increase in virtue and avoid sin.  And if we should suffer rebuke, ridicule, or even martyrdom at the extreme, let us have the courage to do what the Faith and the virtues of religion and of justice demand of us.

May God have mercy on our fallen world!

Martes, Mayo 26, 2015
CORDAID Funds Planned Parenthood and Dispenses Contraception

CORDAID, which stands for "Catholic Organization for Relief and Development Aid," is a co-founder and current affiliate of Caritas Internationalis, the Vatican-run umbrella organization that oversees Catholic charity, aid, and development organizations (like Catholic Relief Services) all over the world.

Caritas constitutes part of the governing body for the international Marxist organization known as the World Social Forum, which is avidly pro-abortion and pro-homosexual. CORDAID is the local Caritas affiliate for the Netherlands.

CORDAID promotes abortion, funds Planned Parenthood and Marie Stopes International, and dispenses contraception of every kind, including abortifacient contraception. CORDAID goes out of its way to make condoms and contraception readily available to the youth at little or no cost. CORDAID indirectly is part of the Vatican's network of charity relief organizations, but CORDAID is passionately anti-Catholic and pro-death.

Linggo, Nobyembre 2, 2014
Vote This Tuesday!

The elections this November will be essential to furthering the pro-life message! We really need to make sure we vote for those candidates that agree with the Church's teachings on the five non-negotiables, which are always wrong (abortion, embryonic stem cell research, gay marriage, euthanasia, and cloning). The Church never supports a candidate, but it supports views on issues.
So, please above all vote for the candidates that are pro-life. Pro-life of course also means being anti-poverty and caring for the less fortunate in society but opposition to abortion should be our #1 concern. The Church teaches that it is a mortal sin to vote for a politician that supports abortion if there is a candidate running who is against abortion (read more)

According to the exit polls from the 2012 Presidential election, 51% of Catholics voted in favor of the pro-abortion, anti-Catholic Obama while 49% voted in favor of the pro-life candidate.   Even more discouraging is the continued trend in which states that contain large number of Catholics - even the majority of the state’s population - have consistently voted for anti-Catholic Democrats (and anti-Catholic Republicans at times).  Why is it that New England is a Democratic stronghold even though 36.6% of Connecticut’s population is Catholic?  Why is 37.1% of New York is made up of Catholics when the state always elects abortion supporters?

Catholics - the country's largest religious group with one-quarter of the population - have supported the winner of the popular vote in every presidential election since 1972.

To see how your politicians have voted, please see the National Right to Life legislative scorecard. Democrats for Life also has a list of some pro-life candidates. Let us stand up for the right of every little unborn child; let us further the Kingdom of God. I advise all people to vote against the pro-abortion candidates NARAL has endorsed for Congress. Check out Priests for Life for a lot of endorsement information.
Lunes, Oktubre 20, 2014
UNICEF Trick or Treat Campaign: Abortion Fundraiser

Taken from LifeSiteNews:
NEW YORK, NY, October 24, 2001 (LSN.ca) - “Parents would be scandalized to know UNICEF actively promotes abortion and sexual rights to children,” said Anna Halpine, president of the World Youth Alliance (WYA). “On top of that, the realization of these goals and programs are largely fueled by donations obtained from children trick-or-treating for UNICEF programs each Halloween.”

Halpine, a former Campaign Life Coalition leader and WYA founder, noted that UNICEF was founded in 1946, to help starving children after the destruction of World War II, in a WYA press release last year. She noted that over the past couple of decades, however, UNICEF’s mission of direct action and service to children in need has shifted towards a stated policy of child advocacy, or the promotion of controversial ‘child rights.’ This new direction, advanced by UNICEF’s current executive director, continues to de-emphasize providing services to children in need, while favoring the promotion of programs that advance sexual and reproductive rights for children. This UN-speak translates to confidential abortion services for children as young as 10 years old.

This shift in direction was emphasized in 1996 when the Vatican finally had to withdraw its symbolic contribution to UNICEF. This has not been reinstated. At issue is UNICEF’s collaboration and participation in programs that promote and fund abortion, contraceptive use and sex education. UNICEF has moved far beyond its original purpose of protecting and defending children, to actively assisting in the destruction of millions of tiny lives.

“It’s appalling that UNICEF exploits children to raise funds for the destruction of children and women in the developing world,” Halpine added. “With a radical ‘adolescent sexual rights’ agenda, which seeks to limit parental involvement and which refuses to define the limits of these terms, UNICEF is abusing the trust which the public has placed in this supposedly child-centered organization.”

Pro-lifers have taken to inserting notes into UNICEF boxes noting refusal to donate due to the organization’s support for abortion. Moreover, Toronto-area children are encouraged to use Aid-To-Women boxes as an ethical alternative to the UNICEF boxes. Aid to Women, is a centre devoted to caring for mothers in crisis pregnancy with life-affirming support.

To acquire Aid To Women boxes contact call Aid to Women at 416-921-6016
Lunes, Hunyo 30, 2014
Supreme Court: Hobby Lobby Wins in Fight over Birth Control in ObamaCare

WASHINGTON, D.C. – This morning the U.S. Supreme Court decided Hobby Lobby cannot be compelled to furnish potentially abortion-inducing drugs to its employees.
The Religious Freedom Restoration Act allows for closely-held corporations like Hobby Lobby to maintain their religious outlook and still do business, the justices ruled. 
“The Court says that the government has failed to show that the mandate is the least restrictive means of advancing its interest in guaranteeing cost-free access to birth control,” according to the SCOTUSblog. “Justice Kennedy's concurring opinion says that the government could pay for the coverage itself, so that women receive it.” 
Hobby Lobby argued in court that the HHS mandate provision of the Affordable Care Act – which requires all employers to provide contraception, sterilization, and abortion-inducing drugs to female employees without charging a co-pay – violates its owners' evangelical Christian faith. 
Hobby Lobby is the largest and only non-Catholic privately owned business to file a lawsuit against the HHS mandate.
This decision is a stand for truth and for the Catholic Faith. We, as Catholics, may not support birth control or help in the dissemination of such.   As I've recently detailed in 4 Disastrous Effects of Birth Control, society is degenerating rapidly as a result.  This is one victory in a battle to restore Christian Civilization.
Linggo, Hunyo 22, 2014
Listing of Pro-Life Pharamacies


Does anyone know of a listing of pro-life pharmacies?  Specifically I'm looking for pharmacies that do not carry or offer to fill contraceptive or abortion medicine.  It's important that we do not financially support companies that are enemies of the Cross of Christ.  And the enemies of the Faith include organizations that promote or cooperate in the spread of anti-life contraceptives and abortificants. 
Martes, Hunyo 17, 2014
4 Disastrous Effects of Artificial Contraception

Paul VI, despite his deficiencies which led to unprecedented disasters in the Liturgy and the Faith as part of the aftermath of Vatican II, was notably accurate in his predictions on the effects of contraceptives.   The effects of artificial contraception as outlined in his landmark encyclical “Humanae Vitae” are worth mentioning and evaluating:

1.       General lowering of moral standards
2.       A rise in infidelity and illegitimacy
3.       Reduction of women to objects used to satisfy men
4.       Government coercion in reproductive matters

As forty years have passed since this landmark encyclical, let us explore the effects of contraception as it concerns what Paul VI predicted.  The results are grave.

Contraception has become commonplace in our culture.  Whether in the form of the birth control pill, injections, implants, or condoms, the purpose of contraception is to prevent procreation, or the creation of a child.  But while contraception may be readily available in pharmacies, supermarkets, and doctors’ offices that does not mean that it is morally acceptable.

Since contraception is designed to prevent the development of a new human life, it is anti-life in nature.  Therefore, it opposes the Will of God, the Divine Author of Life.  As Pope Paul VI stated in the encyclical Humanae Vitae, “Every action which, whether in anticipation of the conjugal act, or in its accomplishment, or in the development of its natural consequences, proposes, whether as an end or as a means, to render procreation impossible” is intrinsically evil.

The Catholic Church recognizes a definite link between contraception and abortion.  To begin with, some contraceptives, known as abortifacients, cause chemical abortions.  Both IUDs and the birth control pill can kill tiny human embryos.   In his book, A Consumers Guide to the Pill and Other Drugs, author John Wilks noted that the birth control pill is contraceptive in nature when it prevents ovulation or blocks the sperm from reaching the egg.  If, however, the pill prevents the implantation of the fertilized egg, it is, in fact, causing a chemical abortion, since life begins at fertilization, or conception.  

From a simple compare and contrast point of view, there is little room to doubt that society over the past 60 years has become degenerate in its moral standards.  Look no further than the media. What is permissible for a child to say or be exposed to and what is allowed to be discussed in public are abhorrent.  The list is long and as Paul VI predicted, society has become more and more lacking in morals in the years since artificial contraception became prevalent in society.

As to his second point, the amount of children being born to parents who are not married is staggering.  The percentage of first births to cohabiting women tripled from 9% in 1985 to 27% for births from 2003 to 2010. This rise in first births to cohabiting women parallels increases in first births to unmarried women overall. Of first births from 2006-10, 46% were to unmarried mothers, compared with 38% in 2002. (Source: National Center for Health Statistics, National Survey of Family Growth 2006-2010). 

Infidelity is the act of cheating on a spouse.  Statistics show the rate of infidelity in the US rose drastically over the last 25 years.  The divorce rate has risen from 20% in 1960 (that is population wide and not only Catholics who at the time were virtually zero) to over 50%!
For those who continue to claim that contraception reduces abortion, the statistics over the past fifty plus years shows this to be far from true.  An article in LifeSiteNews by journalist Peter Baklinski states:

“Most abortions result from failed contraception,” admitted Joyce Arthur, founder and executive director of the Abortion Rights Coalition of Canada, earlier this year. 

The United State’s highest court had no difficulty in seeing the causal link between contraception and abortion in a 1992 ruling that confirmed Roe v. Wade, the 1973 decision that brought legal abortion to America. 

In Planned Parenthood v. Casey, the Supreme Court argued that in some critical respects abortion is of the same character as the decision to use contraception: “...for two decades of economic and social developments, [people] have organized intimate relationships and made choices that define their views of themselves and their places in society, in reliance on the availability of abortion in the event that contraception should fail.” 

What the Supreme Court pointed out is that in a contracepting society, abortion not only becomes a necessity, but it becomes the ultimate fail-safe method of birth control. In the mind of the court, contraception doesn’t lessen the need for abortion, but on the contrary, contraception precipitates abortion.

Dr. Janet Smith, a professor, author, and national speaker, agrees with Dr. Irving: "Contraception leads us to believe that sex can be a momentary encounter, not a life-long commitment. It has brought about the concept of 'accidental pregnancy.'" 

“The connection between contraception and abortion is primarily this: contraception facilitates the kind of relationships and even the kind of attitudes and moral characters that are likely to lead to abortion,” she wrote.  

Put differently, contraception radically changes the meaning and purpose of sex. Contraception turns the sexual act between a man and a woman that is biologically ordered towards the creation of a new life into a parody of the act, where a newly created life can suddenly be viewed as an uninvited and unwelcome guest. Abortion becomes the easy solution by which the parent permanently and violently disinvites the unwelcome guest. 

With the Governmental mandate forcing individuals and companies to provide contraceptive coverage to their employees, and with other anti-information initiatives including ObamaCare, we see again the prediction of Paul VI coming true.

Contraceptives are destroying marriages, killing lives, increasing violence against women, and destroying society.  It would be in the best interest of us – not only from a spiritual but even from a secular point of view – to eliminate contraceptives altogether.

Note: If you check out a post of mine back from 2008, you'll see that Fr. Eutenuer agrees.
Martes, Disyembre 31, 2013
Does St. Jude Hospital Fund Stem Cell Research?

I recently wrote to St. Jude's Hospital to determine the answer to this important question for Catholics.  As to the answer, it is a positive one to hear.

Question: I received information in the mail to donate to St. Jude. I am interested but I need to know does St. Jude in any way support or fund Planned Parenthood, abortion, or human embryonic stem cell research? I can not and will not donate to anyone who does. Thank you.


Dear Matthew,

Thank you for your interest in St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital. St. Jude is one of the world’s premier centers for the research and treatment of childhood cancer and other deadly childhood diseases. All donor contributions are provided directly to St. Jude Children's Research Hospital to support St. Jude programs. We do not support or fund the programs that you mentioned in your email.

If you would like additional information on the lifesaving work of St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, please visit our website at www.stjude.org. If we can be of further assistance, please feel free to contact our Donor Services department at 1-800-822-6344 Monday through Friday 7:00 am to 11:00 pm CT. Thank you again for contacting St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital.


Sherry Howard
Donor Services
ALSAC/St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital
501 St. Jude Place
Memphis TN 38105

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