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Ipinapakita ang mga post na may etiketa na Stem Cell Research. Ipakita ang lahat ng mga post
Martes, Disyembre 31, 2013
Does St. Jude Hospital Fund Stem Cell Research?

I recently wrote to St. Jude's Hospital to determine the answer to this important question for Catholics.  As to the answer, it is a positive one to hear.

Question: I received information in the mail to donate to St. Jude. I am interested but I need to know does St. Jude in any way support or fund Planned Parenthood, abortion, or human embryonic stem cell research? I can not and will not donate to anyone who does. Thank you.


Dear Matthew,

Thank you for your interest in St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital. St. Jude is one of the world’s premier centers for the research and treatment of childhood cancer and other deadly childhood diseases. All donor contributions are provided directly to St. Jude Children's Research Hospital to support St. Jude programs. We do not support or fund the programs that you mentioned in your email.

If you would like additional information on the lifesaving work of St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, please visit our website at www.stjude.org. If we can be of further assistance, please feel free to contact our Donor Services department at 1-800-822-6344 Monday through Friday 7:00 am to 11:00 pm CT. Thank you again for contacting St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital.


Sherry Howard
Donor Services
ALSAC/St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital
501 St. Jude Place
Memphis TN 38105
Biyernes, Hunyo 8, 2007
Cardinal Pell defends human life in Australia

For those unaware, Australia has been considering a bill that would allow therapeutic cloning. This is a response from Cardinal Pell.

By Cardinal George Pell
Archbishop of Sydney
8 June 2007

Is all human life equally precious?

We should not be distracted away from the elephant in the corner of the room. A huge diversionary tactic has been mounted to focus attention on hypothetical punishments for Catholic politicians by authoritarian bishops, and away from the destruction of human life.

Human life is the issue at hand. Serious anti-lifers and publicity seekers have been trying to shoot the messenger, while they work to bury the message.

Neither should anyone be tricked into believing that opponents of this bill are insensitive to human suffering or inactive in the search for cures.

Three days ago the science journal Nature reported that mouse tissue cells in U.S.A. and Japan were turned into embryonic-type stem cells without the use of eggs or embryos. Old age blindness through macular degeneration might be curable within ten years.

"We now have the right mechanism for sourcing cells without ethical quibbles" said Peter Mountford, head of the Melbourne and London based Stem Cell Sciences.

While objections to the creation and destruction of human life are not quibbles, this development shows the hot air and irrelevance of much of the low level debate on cloning and Christian teaching.

Despite the many advances in adult stem cell research, the Federal and Victorian parliaments have already passed bad legislation legitimizing the destruction of human embryos. The Anglican archbishop of Sydney and the Catholic Bishops of New South Wales continue to oppose such a bill in N.S.W., because we are serious about the importance of human life and oppose State sponsorship of the destruction of human life. This is a marker event and such unethical research is unnecessary.

Caring for the sick is a core business of the Catholic Church, and so is supporting medical research. Research institutes around St. Vincent's Hospital make up one of the largest bio-medical research complexes in the Southern Hemisphere health care. In health care, the Catholic Church is a player, not a wrecker. We've been in this field for two millennia, and we back healing and research with institutions, people, and dollars.

Professor Alan Mackay Sim's Queensland team of scientists working on nasal stem cell research for spinal cord injuries and Professor Pritinder Kaur's team at Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre working on using adult stem cells for burns victims are both supported by grants from Sydney archdiocese.

Such adult stem cell research has been much more productive than work on embryonic stem cells which so far has proved to be a dead end. Little has been produced except massive grants for the researchers.

After more than 25 years of experiments with embryonic stem cells in animal models, researchers have yet to develop one successful treatment in mice for any disease that could be used as a model to undertake the first steps for a clinical trial with human patients.

Meanwhile, in the US alone there are currently 1422 government-approved clinical trials related to adult stem cells either on patients or recruiting patients. There is also peer reviewed evidence of the therapeutic benefit to patients who have received an adult stem cell treatment for 72 disease and conditions.

Adult stem cells have also been successfully used in treating type -1 diabetes, the Journal of the American Medical Association reported recently. Most government efforts in Australia are backing the wrong horse.

Finally however, have the Pope and some bishops gone one step too far in even hinting at sanctions for Catholic legislators who reject important teachings? Does this imperil the separation of Church and State? Perhaps legislators should be above Church laws and immune to sanctions for lapses of moral judgement?

Certainly a Catholic Church without sinners would be like a hospital without patients. That is why the blunt instrument of excommunication has hardly ever been used in Australia, as we are a church of the imperfect, not a sect for the elite.

But all of us who wish to remain Catholics have to be measured against Catholic teaching.

To be a disciple of Christ means accepting discipline because the Catholic Church has never followed today's fashionable notion of the primacy of conscience, which is, of course secular relativism with a religious face.

In a pluralist democracy bishops are free to explain Catholic doctrines and discipline, while all individuals and legislators are free to accept or reject what is proposed. But actions have consequences, some of which follow naturally, some of which are imposed and just as members of a political party who cross the floor on critical issues don't expect to be rewarded and might be penalized, so it is in the Church.

On May 9th Pope Benedict explained one Catholic teaching quite succinctly; speaking about abortion he said, "It simply states in Canon Law that the killing of an innocent child is incompatible with going to Communion, where one receives the Body of Christ". While recognizing that legislating for abortion or destructive human cloning is another matter again, it is useful to remember that Archbishop Hickey of Perth, Cardinal O'Brien of Edinburgh and Archbishop Smith of Cardiff have all spoken recently on life issues in a similar vein.

Pro-life forces are grateful to the N.S.W. Premier and Leader of the Opposition for allowing a conscience vote on this issue. Politicians and voters will make up their own minds, but everyone should be clear at least about Catholic teaching on the sanctity of human life.

I regret the vote of the Legislative Assembly on cloning and hope that the legislative Council will be better informed.
Linggo, Agosto 27, 2006
Vatican's Response to New Stem Cell Research

In response to a new method of embryonic stem cell research, "A Vatican official on Saturday criticized a new method of making stem cells that does not require the destruction of embryos, calling it a 'manipulation' that did not address the church's ethical concerns." It appears that the 16 human embryos Advanced Cell Technology used to come up with the process did indeed die during the procedure (1).

Remember, that as Catholics we are to follow the teachings of the Church on both faith and morals - which include their view of embryonic stem cell research and In-vitro fertilization. To disagree with the Magesterium of the Church, on even one issue of dogma would put our salvation at risk. Follow the Church as you would follow Christ Himself; as St. Joan of Arc said, "About Jesus Christ and the Church, I simply know they are just one thing and we shouldn’t complicate the matter.”  Yet, of course, do not confuse matters of dogma with matters of discipline (e.g. liturgical practices) since many times Vatican officials, priests, and bishops error on such matters, which are of still great importance in the sacramental life of the Church.

Image Source: Currently unknown. Believed to have been post 2007 via a news source.
Huwebes, Agosto 17, 2006
Adult Stem Cells Treat 72 disorders

According to an August 14, 2005, poll, ABC news reported that 6 in ten Americans claim to have some understanding of stem cells, yet some just don’t care. So for the other 4 in 10 who don’t what it is, lets chat. First and foremost, stem cell research is based on the concept of cells that have not yet differentiated and become the specific type of cell that they will become. Take for instance a blood cell - it specializes in blood just as a bone cell specializes in bones. Stem cells much like people have all kinds of potential, but unlike people they don’t get yelled at for not living up to their potential. Stem cells are unique because they have the potential to become any future type of cell.

This is what makes them so important because they can be used to serve as a repair system for the body. Stem cells theoretically can divide without limit so they can replenish needed cells. Stem cell research is founded on the principle that stem cells can become any specialized cell. But, there are several different approaches to obtaining these cells, some of which cross moral boundaries. Most of you are probably wondering why you should care about stem cell research and the purpose lies in the distinction between the two types of stem cells. Stem cells are divided into two dominant categories – adult stem cells and embryonic stem cells. Adult stem cells come from a live human patient, and scientific research has revealed a higher success rate for those patients using their own stem cells. According to StemResearch.org, Adult stem cells have helped cure patients suffering from a variety of diseases including twenty-three types of cancer.

Embryonic stem cells, as opposed to adult stem cells, are extracted by taking a human embryo and removing the cells, which kills the embryo. Scientists have argued that embryonic stem cells have more potential, but where is the potential? There has been no scientific research that shows anyone being helped through the use of embryonic stem cells.

Consequently, embryonic stem cells research has attracted attention in the political arena and herein lies the controversy. Embryonic stem cell research is far too destructive between the existence of life and science by taking an innocent life, so this form of research should be immediately disbanded. Again, no one has been helped through stem cells. According to the International Communications Research Foundation, 70% of Americans do not want their tax dollars invested in stem cell research. All of us should care because our taxes dollars would then not only fund an unproductive form of research but also the death of a human embryo. So, what’s is one human embryo worth anyway? Well, for each stem cell removed, it takes on average five embryos. Yes, for one stem cell to be removed five embryos must die.

Most of these embryonic stem cells are used from In vitro fertilization clinics where 12% of the embryos are discarded. But still, we must not allow ourselves to step down to the level to experiment with human life without that life’s consent. The genesis of the problem is that embryos cannot voice their consent to die for another to supposedly benefit – why are they treated as if they were not even humans? This destructive and completely unsuccessful form of research could quite possibly lead to further experimenting with humans. Even the 2003 book, “Medicine,” introduces a society where organ harvesting of the living is overwhelmingly accepted. Why should we, in another affront again the dignity of life, step down and not voice our opposition to killing? When is killing of an innocent life every justified? Would you actually sacrifice someone else’s life to walk again if you were paralyzed? Would you willingly take the entire life away from dozens of embryos to no avail? There is no rest to the arguments in stem cells today although there are solutions to the stem cell debate.

Ultimately, it comes down to us to know that we are the future of this country. Pope John Paul ll said, “The future starts today, not tomorrow,” and he could very well have been talking to us about stem cells. What can we do in reality to circumvent this ominous problem? We must bring awareness to the success of adult stem cells. Adult stem cells have put Khron’s disease in remission, fixed fractures, and restored a blind man’s sight. Our physicians today rely on the Hippocratic Oath that binds a doctor to take care of their patient to the fullest extent possible. If a doctor were to intentionally kill their patient they would be put into opposition to their solemn oath.

According to the Illinois Right to Life Campaign, most embryos taken to be killed are from IVF clinics and three to five days old. If the clinic knew they would not need these embryos just five days ago why did they waste them? The carelessness of IVF clinics has lead to the death of roughly 6 million embryos. America must be informed; we, American citizens, must care about the building block of life. All of us were once embryos and would you have wanted to die to no avail. America could very well spend their money in better areas then experimental research. In 2001, President Bush stopped federally funding for embryonic stem cells except for 60 existing lines. Today, 13 lines exist, private research is still pouring in, and yet, there is no progress. Let’s move on past the deception of some and realize that adult and not embryonic stem cells are the solution.
Huwebes, Hulyo 27, 2006
European Union - Embyronic Stem Cell Research

There has been a lot of talk during the past few weeks concerning the European Union forcing its member states to fund embryonic stem cell research. Remember, that this research destroys embryos and has proven useless.

Well, Monday, July 24, 2006, the European Union made a compromise that the Catholic Church is upset about still. Now, "The Monday vote would make sure that the EU does not directly pay for embryonic stem cell research but member nations would be free to use EU science funds they receive to pay for it in their own countries."
In its Wednesday issue, the L'Osservatore Romano condemned the effort to find a compromise between funding the research, which involves the destruction of days-old unborn children, and pro-life concerns about taking human life. The paper said the EU is condoning "a macabre illicit trade." Expanding on the Vatican's response to the vote, Bishop Elio Sgreccia, head of the Pontifical Academy for Life, told Vatican Radio that the vote violated a "primordial right" to life and authorized "the use of a human being on the basis of 'I kill you in order to gain benefits for others.'" "To not be opposed to research that is destructive and inherently violent" is "an act of serious inconsistency," he said.

Source: LifeNews

Concerning the Compromise:
The compromise means that some money from the EU's $65 billion science budget will fund some embryonic stem cell research over the 2007-2013 period that it covers. But it also includes consessions to nations oppose to embryonic stem cell research that the funding would not go to pay for destroying human embryos but rather for research on existing embryonic stem cells or on research conducted after the destruction of human life has taken place. A coalition of nations, led by Germany, had been working to block any funding for embryonic stem cell research and appeared to be on the verge of winning the debate. However, Finland, which holds the EU presidency this year, proposed the compromise and Slovenia, one of the members of the coalition, reversed its position and supported it.

Source: LifeNews
Martes, Hulyo 18, 2006
Crucial Stem Cell Research Update!

Update (July 20, 2006): President George W. Bush vetos HR 810 and the House of Representatives by a 235 - 193 vote, fell short to override the veto. Source: CNN

The United States Senate approved HR 810, which would use our taxdollars to fund embryonic stem cell research, on a 63-37 vote. You should see how your Senators voted. Thankfully, President George W. Bush is expected to veto the bill, and it is unlikely the House and Senate will get the needed 2/3 majority to override the veto.

On to the pro-life bills, the United States House of representatives by a 273-154 vote failed to pass the Santorum-Specter bill, lacking the necessary 2/3 majority to send a bill to the President urging the federal government to find alternative ways to obtain embryonic stem cells without destroying human life. On to the good news - The House of Representatives approved a ban on the practice of fetal farming on a 425-0 vote. It will soon become a crime to create, acquire, or traffic in tissue specifically derived from a human embryo created and grown for tissue harvesting. The Senate previously approved it unanimously.

President George W. Bush is expected to sign the ban on fetal farming into law, and he has promised to veto HR 810. I ask you to contact President Bush and just ask him to veto the bill. Thankfully the President is acting on his morals - embryonic stem cell research is always wrong.
Lunes, Hulyo 17, 2006
Today's Crazy News

In today's LifeSiteNews report, here are some of the horrifying articles that I read. Please pray for the conversion of sinners and an end to evil.
  1. Lord of the Rings Profits Used to Support Embryonic Stem Cell Research
  2. Dutch Court Approves Pedophile Political Party

Image Source: L'Excommunication de Robert le Pieu
Biyernes, Hulyo 14, 2006
Contact your Senators: Stem Cell Research vote on Tuesday!

This coming Tuesday, July 18, 2006, the United States Senate will be voting on three very important life bills - two of which are pro-life. Cardinal William Keeler is urging the Senate to reject HR 810 while supporting the other two bills. Please email your US Senators immediately.

Most importantly, ask your United States Senators to vote against HR 810, which would use taxpayer funds to pay for embryonic stem cell research. According to today's LifeNews report, it is very likely that HR 810 will pass; however, President George W. Bush has promised to veto this bill! That is excellent. And if he does veto it, it is very unlikely that a 2/3 majority will pass the bill in the House of Representatives (1) It would be his first veto as President.

At the same time ask your Senators to vote in support of Brownback-Santorum bill to ban "fetal farming" and the Santorum-Specter bill to fund alternative methods of producing genetically controlled, pluripotent stem cells -- the same kind of stem cells we would get from cloning, but without the embryo destruction. Congress can support stem cell research without destroying life! (2)

Please contact your represenatives. You can quickly find addresses, phone numbers, and email contact information for your two senators by going to the official website of the United States Senate. Since the vote is just this coming next Tuesday, I recommend sending them an email. After you contact them, please pass this along to others through your blogs and email. We need to get the word out as soon as possible.

Myths and Facts on Embryonic Stem Cell Research:
Myth: Embryonic stem cell research is curing patients and doing a better job than the use of adult stem cells.

Fact: Embryonic stem cell research has not only yet to cure a single human patient, but it has never been tried on humans because of failures in animal testing. On the other hand, adult stem cells have already produced 70 cures or treatments for various conditions including various cancers such as breast cancer, lymphomas, leukemia, arthritis, heart damage, Parkinson’s, Sickle Cell Anemia and other disorders. (See http://www.stemcellresearch.org/facts/treatments.htm).

Myth: Embryonic stem cell research has the potential to cure Alzheimer's patients like President Ronald Reagan.

Fact: Leading researchers say stem cell research will not likely yield cures for Alzheimer's. "Alzheimer's is a more global disease, with an effect on numerous kinds of cells," Steve Stice, a stem cell researcher at the University of Georgia, told the Atlanta Journal-Constitution newspaper. "That makes it much more difficult for a cell therapy to be effective." Marilyn Albert, a Johns Hopkins University researcher, adds, "I just think everybody feels there are higher priorities for seeking effective treatments for Alzheimer's disease and for identifying preventive strategies."

Myth: An overwhelming majority of Americans want to spend federal funds on embryonic stem cell research.

Fact: The most recent poll on the subject, conducted by International Communications Research in mid-May, finds 48% of Americans oppose federal funding of stem cell research that requires destroying human embryos. Just 39% support such funding and another 12 percent had no position. The ICR survey found 57% favored funding only the research avenues that do not harm the donor. Just 24% favored funding all stem cell research, including the type that involves destroying human embryos.

(Received the Myth/Fact sheet in an email)
Martes, Abril 4, 2006
Pope Benedict XVI Continues to Advocate the Pro-Life Message

Last year John Paul ll left this world for the next, but Pope Benedict XVI has continued to preach the truth of the pro-life movement. This not only includes the sinfulness of abortion but also embryonic stem cell research, in-vitro fertilization, artificial insemination, artificial contraception, gay marriage, and euthanasia to name only a few.
Pope Benedict XVI said, "Every human life as such deserves to be always defended
and promoted," Benedict observed. "Life is exalted while it is enjoyable, but there is a tendency to stop respecting it when it is sick or experiences some kind of disability."
An April 2005 Quinnipiac poll found that most American Catholics agreed with John Paul ll's condemnation of abortion. The poll also found that two-thirds of Catholics oppose abortion in all or most cases. Eighty percent said that the pope's position should also remain the same.

Let us pray that two-thirds will become three-thirds one day because abortion is an intrinsic evil, something that is never acceptable in any situation.

I am also pleased to report that abortions have substantially declined in recent years according to LifeNews.
Linggo, Pebrero 19, 2006
Governor Blagojevich Funds Embryonic Stem Cell Research

Governor Blagojevich of Illinois just announced in his 2006 budget proposal to take $100 million in funds from tobacco lawsuit settlement funds to fund embryonic stem cell research. This money deserves to be spent to on finding cures for diseases like lung cancer and not wasted on immoral research.

He calls for spending $15 million next year and increasing it by $2.5 million annually for each of the next five years. Last year he diverted $10 million to embryonic stem cell research and $4-6 million of those have already been spent. And what has embryonic stem cell research amounted to? Nothing other than the destruction of human embryos. This research is a waste of taxpayer's dollars and completely immoral.

For more information on this, visit Life News. I strongly recommend you contact the Governor and voice your disapproval.

At the same time please voice your disapproval on his contraception mandate.

In April 2005, Governor Rod Blagojevich of Illinois instituted a mandate requiring all pharmacists to distribute the morning after pill and other emergency contraceptives. Before this, pharmacists with conscience objections could refer the client to another near-by pharmacy. Not only do contraceptives fail, cause serious health side effects, and induce abortions, but now the Governor is forcing all pharmacists to distribute them. There is now no exception for pharmacists who know it's wrong!

One pharmacist was John Menges, an Illinois pharmacist, fired for refusing to sell the morning after pill. He stood up for the firm belief of our faith - artificial contraception and abortion are morally wrong. John Menges said, "Life begins at conception, and anything done to interfere with that is wrong." And for that he was fired from his $100,000 job and forced onto unemployment. How sad...
"Now, I understand that several bills have been introduced that would overturn my executive order," he said in his State of the State address last week. "So let me make something else very clear -- if any of those bills reach my desk, they are dead on arrival." Source: Life News
Those bills in question that would overturn his mandate did not get scheduled for a vote and therefore are gone. It is morally wrong for him to refuse conscience rights to pharmacists, the same rights given to doctors who refuse to perform abortions.

Please speak out against this. Even if you are not from Illinois, please just write Governor Blagojevich and tell him you are displeased with his mandate. Let him know that pharmacists are entitled to conscience rights. Please spread this message on so that others can contact him.

Image Source: Photo believed to be in the Public Domain
Linggo, Enero 15, 2006
Thank You For Prayers for My Speeches

Thank you, everyone for your prayers. I gave my speeches again yesterday to a fairly good audience. Almost everyone liked my opinion against embryonic stem cells, and one man said he did learn a lot from my speech.

Thank you! Without your prayers I wouldn't have been able to succeed. Thanks be to God.
Sabado, Enero 7, 2006
Thank You For Prayers for My Speeches

Thank you everyone that prayed for me today. My speeches went excellent. My first speech was on embryonic stem cell research, where I defended the Church's position. My second speech today was something I made recently on the Avian Bird Flu. I talked about means to prevent a possible outbreak and how we can help.

I hope to post some of my research on this blog soon for others to read, but right now it is all just hand-written. I'll have to wait for extra time to get around to that.

Thanks for all the prayers. They truly helped.
Biyernes, Enero 6, 2006
Please Pray for Speeches Tomorrow

I'm asking for prayers for two things:

First, for the family of the miners that they might be comforted by God. It was so horrible for them hearing that their loved ones were okay to have the joy snatched out of her hands. Please pray for them.

Second, I'm giving my speeches again tomorrow. One is a speech on stem cells and I'm hoping to do well. Please pray for me.

God Bless
Huwebes, Disyembre 22, 2005
President Bush signs Umbilical Cord Bill into law

I was very pleased to hear that the Umbilical Cord Adult Stem Cell bill passed by Congress was just signed into law by President George W. Bush on December 20, 2005. This bill will help Adult Stem Cell Research and not embryonic stem cell research.

The measure would provide $79 million in federal funding for the collection and storage of umbilical cord blood. It provides a total of $265 million for life-saving stem cell therapeutic therapy, cord blood and bone marrow treatment. The bill also reauthorizes the national bone marrow transplant system, combining it and the cord blood in the same database. (SOURCE: Life News)
Linggo, Disyembre 18, 2005
A Pro-life Victory! Senate Passes Bill Providing Blood for Collection and Storage of Umbilical Cord Blood

Update: The bill has become law

Good news! A bill has just passed the Senate that will help the pro-life cause by providing blood for collection and storage of umbilical cord blood. This is a victory for the adult stem cell cause. I'm glad to see this news.

Note: Catholics don't support embryonic stem cell research because it kills a living person. And this research hasn't helped anyone like adult stem cells have helped others.
Sabado, Disyembre 17, 2005
Christmas Speeches

Last Wednesday I gave my adult stem cell speech again and was delighted to hear people come up to me and tell me that their opinions have changed. Many now support adult stem cells over embroynic stem cells. Today I gave the speech again, and I will continue in January.

Thanks for your prayers.
Biyernes, Disyembre 9, 2005
Prayers again, please

Tomorrow I will be giving my speech again on how we should use adult stem cells over embryonic stem cells. Please pray for me again that it will go well all day.

Thank you, all. God bless
Lunes, Disyembre 5, 2005
Catholics and Genetic Engineering

I would like to especially thank one reader of this blog, who sent me an email directing me to a great site on Catholics and bio-engineering called Mary meets Dolly. I have been giving speeches on embryonic stem cell research, so this help is a great help.

Remember, Catholics can not support this procedure because embryos die as a result!

No one has benefited from embryonic stem cells as opposed to a myriad of benefits to adult stem cells.
Linggo, Disyembre 4, 2005
Embryonic Stem Cell Speech

My speech went over extremely well on the account of little notice before the event. I presented it several times yesterday to a wide audience, and it was generally well received. I will be continuing to present my speech over the course of the next few months, so please keep me in your prayers.

Biyernes, Disyembre 2, 2005
Wish me well

I'm going to be presenting a speech tomorrow on stem cell research and how adult stem cells are the true source of value. Please pray for me that I might do well.

God Bless

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