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Ipinapakita ang mga post na may etiketa na Vocations. Ipakita ang lahat ng mga post
Martes, Mayo 2, 2006
Novena for Vocations: Day Seven

I can't believe we have already been praying this Novena for vocations for seven days. Please pray today's short novena prayer, which is posted on K's blog.

Image Source: Jasna Gora
Lunes, Mayo 1, 2006
Novena for Vocations: Day Six

K has posted the six day of this wonderful novena to St. John Vianney. Please join us in praying for greater vocations to the priesthood and religious life.

Image Source: Unknown, Believed to be in the Public Domain
Linggo, Abril 30, 2006
Novena for Vocations: Day Five

Day Five of this novena for greater vocations to the priesthood is up at K's blog.

Image Source: Believed to be in the Public Domain
Sabado, Abril 29, 2006
Novena for Vocations: Day Four

Please pray the fourth day of this novena for greater vocations to the priesthood. It's posted at K's Blog.

Image Source: Believed to be in the Public Domain
Biyernes, Abril 28, 2006
Novena for Vocations: Day Three

Please remember to say the third day of the Novena for Vocations which is available at K's blog.

Image Source: Believed to be in the Public Domain

Questions on Novenas:

Also, a commentor of this blog asked if Novenas can be said anytime in the year. I answer is yes. Some novenas have more preferred times for their usage like the nine-days leading up to a certain feast, but they can be prayed anytime of the year. For example, I can start a novena to St. Thomas Aquinas any day in the year, but it would be more popular to pray it for the nine-days before St. Thomas's feastday.

Also, some novenas involve chaplets, which are said on Rosary beads, but most do not require a rosary to say the prayers. Many novenas have different prayers for each of the nine-days, so you would need to use the Internet, get a prayerbook, or just print out to Novena to pray it later on.

I hope this helps for the person that asked. Let me know if you'd like to know more about Novenas.

Image Source: Believed to be in the Public Domain, Image of Fr. James Coyle, who was murdered in the Southern USA
Huwebes, Abril 27, 2006
Novena for Vocations: Day Two

Please join in the second day of the Novena for more vocations to the priesthood and religious life. It is available at Cirque de moi.

Image Source: Believed to be in the Public Domain
Miyerkules, Abril 26, 2006
Novena for Vocations - Day One

Please join me in a novena for Vocations to the Priesthood that K has started on her blog. I'm completely humbled and so grateful that she started this novena for me!

We need priests, and we all need to follow our vocations in life. Everyone is a sinner and in need of God's strength to fulfill their vocations. Please join me in this novena for more priests, religious brothers and sisters, and more dedicated lay people. We all are in need of God's mercy, so please join me in prayer.

Visit K's Blog for Day One

Image Source: Believed to be in the Public Domain
Martes, Abril 25, 2006
God or the Girl: First Episode

Well this last Sunday when I got back from meeting the diocese about my own vocation to the priesthood, I watched the final episode of God or the Girl. I was overall very pleased with the series although I wish more of them would have entered the seminary. I'm extremely happy for Mike, who obviously loves his job, as well as Joe, who is serving God as a lay counselor.

I was actually somewhat disappointed in Dan. I hope he serves the Lord as a youth minister, but in my own opinion, he really needs to focus more of the group's time on studying the faith and the Bible. I think that his inability to defend the Church against the fundamentalist's accusations show this. I agree with Gerald's statement that Dan is under too much of an evangelical influence; he needs to just focus on quiet contemplation and prayer and apologetics above some other things.

However, I'm very happy for all of them to have made a decision. I'm was so happy for Steve when announced his decision to enter the seminary. It was so heartfelt and poignant as he stood before his parish and announced His decision. I wish him the best, and I ask all of you to join me in praying for Him and for greater vocations to the priesthood in general. Think about it, without the priesthood we would not have the Eucharist. For hundreds of years priests and Christians in general were murdered for their faith, and today we live in an age where we can worship without fear. Yet, only a small percentage of Catholics attend Mass! Hundreds of years ago, nearly all Catholics attended Mass and would even accept martyrdom for Jesus Christ.

This series has really helped us remember the importance of vocations, but it also brought to mind the need for lay Catholics committed completely to the faith. We must be the light shinning in the darkness for Christ; we must proclaim the Good News!

Prayer for Vocations:

Compassionate Heart of Jesus, graciously listen to our prayers. Give us generous hearts to respond to your call in our lives. Lift up courageous men and women willing to follow after your heart as priests, sisters, brothers, and deacons.

Help parents and teachers to share the faith and to encourage young people to explore religious vocations. Guide all people, Lord, in your ways of compassion, truth, and peace, that we may find happiness in fulfilling our vocation. Amen.
Linggo, Abril 16, 2006
God or the Girl: Update on my own vocation

The blogsphere has been filled with news on the recent A&E production: "God or the Girl". Since I am also contemplating the priesthood, I was really interested in seeing the show. And, after seeing the first episode I'm really hoping that some of them will answer the call we need priests so much. That is why I want to follow Our Lord. I'm finding it a very interesting show, but I'm really interested in how it will all turn out.

Next Sunday is Divine Mercy Sunday, and I will be meeting with my diocese's vocations director concerning the priesthood. This is really important to get the process started. Please keep me in your prayers during this time.

Thank you all!
Sabado, Enero 21, 2006
Pray for Religious Vocations

Please say a prayer for an increase in vocations to religious life. I just read this:

"Let's look at the numbers in the US first. In 1965, at the end of the Council, there were 58,000 priests. Now there are 41,000. By 2020, if present trends continue (and there is no sign of a dramatic upsurge in vocations), there will be only 31,000 priests, and half of those will be over 70. (To offer a personal example of the effect of these demographics, I was ordained in 1981 at the age of 27. Today, at the age of 52, I can still attend gatherings of priests and find myself one of the younger members present.) In 1965, 1,575 new priests were ordained. In 2005, the number was 454, a decrease of more than two-thirds — and remember that the Catholic population in the US increased during these years from 45.6 million in 1965 to the 64.8 million of 2005, a rise of almost 50%."

by Father John McCloskey
The State of the US Catholic Church at the Beginning of 2006

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