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Lunes, Oktubre 23, 2006
Words of Inspiration: October 23, 2006

"If we want a love message to be heard, it has got to be sent out. To keep a lamp burning, we have to keep putting oil in it" (Mother Teresa)
Huwebes, Setyembre 21, 2006
Words of Inspiration: September 21, 2006

"True obedience is a genuine act of love.
Obedience makes us practice the other virtues.
It likens us to martyrs,
for it is a much greater martyrdom to persevere
in obedience all through life
than to die in a moment by a stroke of the sword."
Martes, Setyembre 12, 2006
Words of Inspiration: September 12, 2006

St. Padre Pio:

"Be cheerful. Jesus will take care of everything. Let us pay no attention to people who do not know what they are saying. Let us trust in Jesus and our heavenly Mother; and everything will work out well."
Lunes, Setyembre 11, 2006
Words of Inspiration: September 11, 2006

Image: The body of St. John Bosco is still incorruptible to this day.

"If you are humble, nothing will touch you, neither praise nor disgrace,
because you know what you are.
If you are blamed, you won´t be discouraged;
if anyone calls you a saint, you won´t put yourself on a pedestal.
If you are a saint, thank God;
if you are a sinner, don´t remain one.
Christ tells us to aim very high,
not to be like Abraham or David or any of the Saints,
but to be like our Heavenly Father."
Sabado, Setyembre 9, 2006
Words of Inspiration: September 9, 2006

Archbishop Fulton Sheen:

“What has happened to that double side of sympathy which is the basis of the Christian philosophy of life; ‘Rejoice with those who rejoice, and weep with those who weep?’ It has been said that the wounded deer sheds tears, but it belongs to man to weep with those who weep and by sympathy to divide another’s sorrows and double another’s joy.”

Blessed Mother Teresa:

"Surely if God feeds the young ravens which cry to Him, if He nourishes the birds which neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns, if He vests the flowers of the field so beautifully, how much more will He care for men whom He has made in His own image and likeness and adopted as His children, if we only act as such."

St. Padre Pio:

"This heart of mine is Yours… my Jesus, so take this heart of mine, fill it with Your love and then order me to do whatever You wish."

Sabado, Agosto 26, 2006
Words of Inspiration: August 26, 2006

Blessed Mother Teresa: "There is no limit to God’s love. It is without measure and its depth cannot be sounded."

St. Padre Pio: "My children, we can never prepare ourselves too much for Communion"
Sabado, Agosto 19, 2006
Words of Inspiration: August 19, 2006

"We must become holy not because we want to feel holy, but because Christ must be able to live His life fully in us. We are to be all love, all faith, all purity for the sake of the poor we serve."
Miyerkules, Agosto 9, 2006
Words of Inspiration: August 9, 2006

"Find Jesus, and you will find peace."
Linggo, Hulyo 30, 2006
Words of Inspiration: July 30, 2006

"We need to be someone for the naked who not only lack clothing but mercy."

"We need to be someone for the destitute who not only lack a roof over their heads, but who are deprived of having someone who cares, someone to belong to."

Blessed Mother Teresa
Martes, Hulyo 25, 2006
Words of Inspiration: July 25, 2006

Blessed Mother Teresa: "We too must be: the Light of Charity, the Truth of Humility, the Life of Sanctity"

Image Source: Images in the Public Domain. If you are interested in obtaining all of the images of this series in high resolution, please click here to visit my post to obtain them.
Huwebes, Hulyo 13, 2006
Words of Inspiration: July 13, 2006

"Even if you give somebody a glass of water, you do it to Jesus" (Blessed Mother Teresa)

Image Source: Unknown, Believed to be in the Public Domain
Miyerkules, Hulyo 12, 2006
Words of Inspiration: July 12, 2006

Archbishop Fulton Sheen:

"The difference between the penitent and proud: Take the other case of those who suffer unjustly but with faith and love of God in their hearts. They may have a sadness in their hearts from pain and torture, but never remorse. They end in penitence or a making up for guilt by bearing patiently the trials of others. This is illustrated in the case of Judas and Peter. There is much similarity between the two, up to a point. Our Lord warned both of them that they would fail; He even told them that each would be a devil."

St. Padre Pio:

"The most beautiful credo is the one that bursts forth from your lips in the dark, as a sacrifice, as a suffering, as a supreme effort of an infallible will to do right; this is what dispels, like a flash of lightning, the gloom of your soul, it is what leads you to God in the fury of the storm" (CE 57).
Lunes, Hulyo 10, 2006
Words of Inspiration: July 10, 2006

" When a poor person dies of hunger, it has not happened because God did not take care of him or her. It has happened because neither you nor I wanted to give that person what he or she needed" (Blessed Mother Teresa of Calcutta)
Sabado, Hulyo 8, 2006
Words of Inspiration: July 8, 2006

Archbishop Fulton Sheen -

"It has been my lot to spend much time with men who have suffered in prisons, death marches, Siberia, concentration camps and other forms of Communist tortures. But I have never known any one of them who ever said a harsh word against his persecutors. Like some trees which bathe with perfume the ax which cuts them, they had nothing but pardon for those who did them violence. They hated Communism, but they loved the Communists."
Biyernes, Hulyo 7, 2006
Words of Inspiration: July 7, 2006

Words of Wisdom from St. Padre Pio:

"Make a particular effort to practice sweetness and submission to the will of God, not only in extraordinary natters, but even in the little things that occur daily. Make these acts not only in the morning, but also during the day and in the evening, with a tranquil and joyful spirit. And if you should fail in this, humble yourself, make a new proposition, get up and continue on your way" (Letters III p 708).

If you have not done so, read about the Miracles of St. Padre Pio.
Huwebes, Hulyo 6, 2006
Words of Inspiration: July 6, 2006

St. Padre Pio:

"A lively faith, blind belief and complete adherence to the authorities constituted by God over you; this is the light that illuminated the steps of the people of God in the desert, and this is the light that always shines in the tip of those souls who are acceptable to the Father. This is the light that led the Magi to adore the newly-born Messiah" (Letters III p 404).

If you have not done so, read about the Miracles of St. Padre Pio. I'd love to hear your opinions on them.
Miyerkules, Hulyo 5, 2006
Words of Inspiration: July 5, 2006

Blessed Mother Teresa:

"God will never, never, never let us down if we have faith and put our trust in Him."

St. Padre Pio:

"See how much scorn and sacrilege is committed by the sons of men towards the most holy humanity of His Son in the sacrament of love? It is up to us to defend the honor of the meek Lamb who is always concerned when the case of souls is in question, but always silent where His own case is concerned" (Letters III p 64-65).

St. Teresa of the Andes:

"I wish I could help people understand that the Eucharist is a heaven. Heaven is only a tabernacle without doors. God lives on altars with infinite love in order to unite our souls to Him"
Martes, Hulyo 4, 2006
Words of Inspiration: July 4, 2006

Blessed Mother Teresa:

"On the Cross Jesus said: ‘I thirst.’ From the Blessed Sacrament Jesus continues to say to each of us: ‘I thirst.’ He thirsts for our personal love, our intimacy, our union with Him in the Blessed Sacrament. His longing for us to be with Him in the Blessed Sacrament is infinitely greater than our longing to be with Him."

St. Padre Pio:

"My Jesus, save everyone; I offer myself as a victim for everyone; strengthen me, take my heart, fill it with Your love and then command me to do whatever You want" (AD 53).
Lunes, Hulyo 3, 2006
Words of Inspiration: July 3, 2006

"The humbler the work, the greater should be your love and efficiency. Be not afraid of the life of sacrifice."

~Blessed Mother Teresa
Linggo, Hulyo 2, 2006
Words of Inspiration: July 2, 2006

Blessed Mother Teresa:

"We stand before the world as ambassadors of peace by preaching the message of love in action that crosses all barriers of nationality, creed, or country."

St. Padre Pio:

"God does not want you to experience the feeling of love for Him and your neighbor in a perceptible manner… How fortunate we are to be held so tightly to our heavenly tutor! We need do no more than we are doing at present; that is to love divine Providence and abandon ourselves in His arms and heart.No, my God, I desire no greater pleasure than my faith, my hope, my love; to be able only to say sincerely, even if sometimes without feeling, that I would rather die than abandon this virtue" (Letters III p 425).

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