St. Padre Pio (1887 - 1968) lived in our modern world but was everything other than ordinary. On September 20, 1918, St. Padre Pio received the stigmata, the five wounds of Christ. He is the only priest in history to receive the Stigmata. Roughly 300 others in Church history have also received it including St. Francis of Assisi, St. Catherine of Sienna, St. Frances of Rome, and others. While the Church has yet to issue an official statement on this phenomenon, it is surely an act in accordance with the Divine Will.
Doctors examined St. Padre Pio and could find no natural cause of the wounds. These wounds remained his entire life until his death when, as he predicted, they were healed. However, there was no scarring of the flesh. The blood that flowed from the stigmata was reported by others to have a smell of roses and flowers. St. Padre Pio was a living example of how holy an individual can become by faith.
He had the Gift of Bilocation:
"Among the most remarkable of the documented cases of bilocation was the Padre's appearance in the air over San Giovanni Rotondo during World War II. While southern Italy remained in Nazi hands American bombers were given the job of attacking the city of San Giovanni Rotondo. However, when they appeared over the city and prepared to unload their munitions a brown-robed friar appeared before their aircraft. All attempts to release the bombs failed. In this way Padre Pio kept his promise to the citizens that their town would be spared. Later on, when an American airbase was established at Foggia a few miles away, one of the pilots of this incident visited the friary and found to his surprise the little friar he had seen in the air that day over San Giovanni." (Source: EWTN)
There are numerous other bilocation miracles that have been confirmed by numerous eyewitnesses. Read about them here.
"In order to attract us, the Lord grants us many graces that we believe can easily obtain Heaven for us. We do not know, however, that in order to grow, we need hard bread: the cross, humiliation, trials and denials" (Padre Pio)
He had the Gift of Levitation:
In his life, St. Padre Pio was a miracle worker. He also could levitate. On one occasion, St. Padre Pio levitated through the air in order to reach the Confessional without being seen and stopped. He immediately began to receive penitents. A man in the church was amazed how the priest had gotten to the confessional because so many people were outside of his door waiting to talk with him. St. Padre Pio said to him that God made him invisible and he walked on their heads to the confessional.
He healed others:
In 1919, St. Padre Pio received a penitent using two canes. The doctors could not help the 62-year-old man, but after Confession St. Padre Pio said, "Stand up and go away! You have to throw away these canes." The man could walk perfectly again. There have been numerous other healings too.
He had the Gift of Perfume:
Sometimes God allows saints to emit a beautiful perfume in order to draw more people to Himself and holiness. This perfume is smelt only by a privileged few, not all. St. Padre Pio had this gift and the smell of roses, incense, ammonia, and others was emitted from him. He said to some inquiring about them: "They are only a sign of my presence."
Father Agostino of San Marco in Lamis had a malfunctioned olfactory gland and could only smell strong odors. He said, "I smelt a number of times the perfume that many people smell. Even when I was distant from San Giovanni Rotondo I smelt it." The Gift of Perfume continued after St. Padre Pio's death. Not just places connected with him but also places in American and distant places of the world smelt the distinct perfume.
The Gift of Light:
On October 5, 1925, Dr. Giorgio Festa operated on St. Padre Pio for a hernia. Before he had to stitch the wound, the doctor noticed St. Pio had lost consciousness. He took advantage of this and look at his left side - the place of Jesus' wound from his stigmata. And, he saw the wound was "fresh and of a vermilion red and in the shape of a cross...From the edges of the wound emitted small but unmistakable rays of light." Dr. Giorgio put on the bandage and St. Padre Pio regained his senses.
He also had the Gift of Visions, the spirit of Prophesy, Clairvoyance, the power to read hearts in Confession, and Xenoglossy (i.e. the ability to write, speak, or understand an unknown language).
To assist your spiritual life, pick up a copy of "Padre Pio's Spiritual Direction for Every Day."
328 comment(s):
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 328 Newer› Newest»We were in San Giovanni Rotundo in April of 2004 and at that time, were able to "write a letter" to St. Pio, asking for his prayers and intercessions and were able to deposit these letters right at his tomb! I have an address where you can write to him and I also have a website where you can post your prayers. If you go to the website and post, your prayers will be placed at St. Pio's tomb that evening. If you write, your letter will also be placed at the tomb. This is what the Friars do for us faithful to St. Pio ...
"Every evening, at 8:30 pm, the Frati Cappuccini will be gathered to the grave of the blessed Padre Pio to recite the S. Rosario according to the intentions of all those people that ask to be remembered in the prayer. To that time, your prayers and intentions will be deposed on the grave. If you find it possible, anywhere you find yourself, spiritually unite to us with recitation of the S. Rosario."
The website is
You can change the language to English and then on the left side, click in to where it says "Letters to Saint Pio".
If you prefer to write, address your letter to:
Convento Frati Minori Cappuccini
"Santa Maria Dell Grazie"
71013 S. Giovanni Rotondo (FG)Italy
c/c postale n 189712
Telephone 0882.4171
Fax 0882.417252
God Bless!
St. Pio, pray for us!
I learnt about Padre Pio in 2002. I like praying to him. Books about him make me see the wonders of God. I also visit the official padre pio website and post prayer requests. May God grant requests of all who ask for his Intercession.
I just returned from the Padre Pio Shrine in Barto,PA. What a wonderful experience! I am truly devoted to Padre Pio. Howerver, I'm hoping someone can help husband, son and I were in Santa Barbara, CA and met a nun who said thet she was one of the miracles that actually helped with Padre Pio's canonizatio. I would love to find out who she is and her story. She told us of her falling and the miracle involved her leg being miraculously healed but I would really like to know more. Can anyone tell me where to obtain this kind of info?
My son had testicular cancer and we prayed to padre Pio and it turned out not to be the aggresive cancer that we were advied from the beginning. The doctors were even in disbelief.
I will be forever grateful and promote Padre Pio's miraculous ways.
An older article describes the first miracle, which was attributed to a woman from Salerno being healed in 1995:
One church-appointed medical board recently approved Padre Pio's miracle -- he is credited with curing a 42-year-old woman in Salerno in 1995 who was due for surgery for a buildup of lymphatic fluid in her chest, which disappeared after she prayed to Padre Pio. Two more church boards must approve it before he can be beatified. A second miracle would have to be approved for canonization.
So, I do not know anything about the healing of this nun. While I see that she is not one of the official two miracles required for canonization, I am sure that many people have been healed through his intercession. And even if these were not official at the time, they certainly could have moved his cause further.
I typed but it came back with an error message. Could you post a correct website name?? Thanks
I don't know which profile I should choose. It won't let me post this comment without choosing a profile.
I am requesting prayers for a nine year old girl in Miami, FL who has trouble swallowing causing her to seriously lose weight. The doctors don't know what is causing it since there is no underlying cause. Her parents are turing to spiritualists instead of our Lord Jesus and Mary. I am praying to Fr. Pio to intercede on her behalf and ask Jesus to have mercy on her and heal her if it is his will.
To: Anonymous
I had a hard time getting into the website also .. instead of typing at the end .it try .com
Thats what worked for me :)
Father Pio,
This note is in gratitude and thanksgiving for your intercession to Our Lord for my daughter's continued healing from her vertigo and the results, which were good, of her CT Scan done.
Forever grateful for my faith. OCL
Dear Saint Pio
I ask for your healing ; for my twitching face ; it upsets me please ask god to heal me
I will pray at 8 30 pm
Ma Norminda bernardo said oct 11,2009
I was advice to have an operation in removing my ovary.I intend to have a 2nd opinion at UST hospital.A day before i was scheduled at UST i went to Saint Pio church and ask for his miracle.Thank God through the intersession of Saint Pio my ultrasound was clear and i had no problem with my ovary.I still continue praying SaintPio now. Nov 8,2009
Father Pio...I pray to you all the time, please hear my prayers for my friend who has severe post tramtic stress disorder and my self and my daughter who have severe anxiety..please let me smell the sweet smell that your are present for us..thank you Father Pio for your blessing.
Padre Pio I am asking for your help in helping me get over my problem, you know what I am talking about, Please help me and pray for me. I am also asking for help financially this way I can go and have my problem taken care of, which I promise you I will do if you grant my request.
Thank you
Come to my life Padre Pio.Change me and everything around me.Cure my body and soul.Hold me tight and never ever let go.Help my family and friends.Show me the way.Miss you.Marzena
Padre Pio cure Michael form his fears.Give him understanding of others feeling.
Help my family.Help my family in Heaven.Give us all strenght.Give me a mission in my work.Give us LOVE.x
Help me to find a good husband and have healthy children.Help Michael fo find a way to God and Santa Maria and you Padre Pio.If he is for me bless that.Come into my life.Forgive me my sins,pray to Santa Maria for me.x
Padre Pio, please could you help my husband keep his job, Thank you for your help x
Dear Padro Pio, can you help my sister, as she has alot of health problems, she is desparate for another baby, please heal her. Thank you xx
Padre Pio:
Please continue to impact the lives of all believers, and even those who may deny the power of God. I am forever mindful of your influence, and know that you are always around. I pray that you can assist my uncle with his cancer and also help my family understand God's will through this whole ordeal. Thank you for always listening to my prayers. I pray that all of the intentions that people present to you are answered, or that these believers may too feel a sense of peace and calm.
I had lump and 2 cysts in my breast for 7 years.I done biopsy every 1 year.1 week I prayed to Padre Pio and after I went for scan there left only cyst.Week later I went for bipsy and there was no sign of anything.I know its HIM.Thank you Padre Pio.
Padre Pio help me and my boyfriend.Help me to find a work and my way in life.Help us to have children and be a good parents and catholics.
Padre Pio.Use me as your sender to world.I will do my work and I will give 70 or 80 % to others they need our help.Give me that to satisfy my mind.I am begging you.I will work with you.You already sent me so many good people.I am missing you.Especially you helped me already.I am kissing your feet.x
Padre Pio through your intercession please pray for my son Klein that he will not relapse, and he will continue to be leaukemia free. Pray
also that all his Blood and Laboratory work will have good results on Monday December 14 and all clinic days. Padre Pio please continue to pray for my son's complete healing in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen
Padre Pio,please pray for my quick recovery and all my intentions to Lord Jesus because I feel sad. I promise to be kind,give me the miracle I need and give me a chance to prove my word. Thank you so much!
Padre Pio, please help me get all of the charges against me dismissed. Please pray for me and my family to get through these tough times. Please help me with my health issues in getting rid of my sugar diabetes and arthritis. I pray that you come to me. I pray to you that I keep my pay so I can continue to support my family. I truely believe in you and know you will come to me soon. Thank you for all you have done for my family and I thus far....I BELIEVE IN YOU...
Dear Padre Pio, please pray that my mother's unknown cause of cancer be diagnosed soon and be treated successfully. She desperately needs your intervention.
Oh my Padre Pio, please help me.. Tell God to heal me. I am so sad, I can't sleep, I always think of my problem. I need your miracle. I love Jesus! Thank you very much..
Padre Pio help me to be positive and find my way.Help to heal my sickness.Help my family and people around.
Padre Pio Please continue to intercede for Curt with Jesus and God in his healing of lung cancer. Send a sign to us if it is your will. Your love is with us. I will pray at 8:30 for all those who need intercession. Thank you.
Padre Pio calm me down with my problems,give me relief.Help me with my new home and addaptation there.Help me achive what I planned.Help me with my love life to find right person and heal me from my sickness.I feel next to me.
Padre Pio help me for my life,im diagnose of hepa pls help me i dnt know wat to do,and help 2 have work and to have a baby ill waiting so long pls help me padre me to my sickness i feel us..
Dear Padre Pio, I beg you to cure my sister's cancer and give her many more years....please.
Padre Pio please help my sister, she just lost her son. Pray for her strength, acceptance and if you can, any revelation. Thank you
Pls St. Pio, help us to be the best we can be..
Dear St. Pio, today is my moms bday, pls grant all her wishes and give her a long and healthy life. Thank you..
Padre Pio,please cure me from my illness.
St.Pio, help me to find the right job for me abroad. Thank you.
Padre pio please give daniel vitelli second
chance for his brains to function and keep
all infections , complications from him that may cause his life.
dearest st padre pio.... please help my cousin's wife who is suffering from a rare disease... help them survive the agony... cure all her illnesses.... thank you so much.
my blessed ST. PADRE PIO , I ask for you help in choosing the right person for me... i dont want to be alone for the rest of my life... help me choose the right one..... thank you.
St Pio of Pietrelcina... please intecede for me... heal me from all infectious diseases and illnesses... Make my blood count normal and bring back my health... that I may serve God and make you known to everybody in my own way. Padre Pio, Pray for Us. Sacred Heart of Jesus, I place all my trust in You
St.Padre Pio,
Please intercede in the lives of my friend and my cousin. Help them fully recover from their diseases. Also please continue to help with my personal problems. Please pray for me.
Padre Pio please help my husband find a job like the one he had. I barely came to know you and I believe in you and trust my soul to you and the well being of my family. I specially pray for all those who are suffering from cancer specially oscar's dad. I also pray for my siblings that they may come to know God. por jesuscristo senor Amen
Help me Padre Pio with my diagnosis on wednesday,cure me from that problem.Thank you for changing my heart and communion.
Help me Padre Pio with my health.I need your help.Saint Mary give bless me.
Help me Padre Pio by Blessed Holy Mother Mary and Her Son Jesus Christ.
If Michael is for me help me if not is ok.
Thank you Padre Pio for the answer...pray for me to Mary and Baby Jesus of Czestochowa.
Thank you Padre Pio for letting me know you. I feel that your presence whenever I would close my eyes and pray.Pls help me conceive and give birth to a healthy baby boy this year. Help us and guide us always. I love you with my heart and soul. Thank you Lord God....Thank you St. Therese....Thank you Mama Mary
Padre Pio, please help my sister and her family.Be the center of their lives and give them direction. The whole family is falling apart.Pls unite them with your love and guide them to start all over again. Let them be closer to you and to God. I believe that its only prayers that can save them now. Pls help them....Thank you.
Padre Pio cure me by your relic.Jesus and Mary give me a favour to be cured.
Padre Pio, please heal me.. I'm mentaly tortured. I don't wanna go crazy! HELP!!! I'm depressed! I don't wanna die young,I'm only 23.
St. Pio help me and my brother to get a visa.. Thank you.. I know you're always with us..
Padre Pio, I will start my chemotherapy session today, Feb 18. Pls make this chemo totally cure my cancer and I will be permanently healed. Pls intercede for me so that I will have physical, spiritual and emotioanl strength to undergo this..lbc
dear padre pio,
please pray for me. I pray for healing of living with a mental illness and for the relationship i have with someone i love. thankyou padre pio.
pray for me
dear saint pio pray for my business am stranded.ineed 10000 dollars for my busines.
Padre Pio
please heal my soul and body and help me to get work ,i know im not worthy but with your help ill mend my ways ,i want to get my faith back
lead a better life i have not direction in life
please help pray for me amen
padre pio, please pray for my family so we can live a good life and have nothing to worry about. padre pio i please ask of you to give me and my family good luck and that we dont have to struggle anymore my husband and i are depressed no money he got hurt at work in 2008 and we have no money to support the family, please give us a miracel please AMEN Rose
Dear Padre Pio, first let me thank you for helping my sister Ann in her appointment to NY, our family is very gratefull. Please intercede for my brother Ramon in his appointment to the CA.
Dear Padre Pio please intercede for me that the Lord will grant me justice in the case I filed against an oppressor, you know who our oppresors are. Help me and my family Padre Pio grant us healing not only physically but also spiritually and emotionally and protection from all forms of oppresion by the evil forces.
Dear Padre Pio please intercede for our country the Philippines , may we be guided accordingly to elect the right president and if Gilbert Teodoro is the right candidate please help us to get him elected. Thank you very much.
Dearest Padre Pio,
Please help the Lord cure baby Isaiah May that he will very soon wake up. Don't let the hospital take him off life support. Comfort and guide his family as they fight for his life. Help me to be a better Catholic, mom, wife, daughter, friend and person. Help me as I fight my own illness. You are so wonderful and I appreciate your interceding on my behalf. I pray that you will always watch down on me and my family. Thank you for all the miracles and lessons.
Dear Padre Pio,
I ask for your healing touch over my inner ear problem and at times issues with balance. Please heal me with my health issues and with the sonogram I underwent today and that your healing touch and grace of our Father and Blessed Mother grant me speedy health and well-being to be able to help others in my career. Please watch over me and my family. Thank you for your past intecessions and miracles.
Dear Padre Pio please intercede for my brother Ramon to our Lord that he will be appointed in the CA soon. Thank you very much and we look forward to God's Blessing through your prayers and intercession.
Dear Padre Pio today we got the great news about my brother Ramon's appointment to the CA, thank you very much for interceeding for our family's intention.
Thank you for yout intercesion Padre Pio. Please guide my brother and sister in conducting their duties in the new posts in a manner pleasing to God, may they serve Him well and be guided by the Holy Spirit at all times.
Dear padre pio thanks very much for your help clearing a blood clot from my husbands brain.
Dear Padre Pio. Please pray that my mother successfully overcomes her cancer and that she has many more years left with us. Please also help me overcome my demons and find a direction in life which is pleasing to God. Thank you.
Padre Pio, Pls intercede for me that i will be able to have a baby. Thank you
padre pio please help my children guide them through each day and help them make the right decisions. open the door for them and they will do the rest. keep healthy safe and happy. amen lc
padre pio here my prayers please i know u will.
My Dear Padre Pio, I am asking for help for my husband. He is on a heart transfer list, but as long as he can maintain with medications he has life. The quality of life is not great, but he can live with it. I ask that you pray for my husband ( Jim) to help him be able to get rid of all his water weight so he can breath better.
His loving wife Marilyn of 46 years.
Fr. Pio,
With your intercession, please help me conceive for us to have a baby. Also, please help my husband to look for stable job. I hope you can help me pray to our Almighty Father for this petitions. I believe in your miraculous help Fr. Pio.
Thank you.
Padre Pio, i am feeling very sad, i thank the lord everyday that i have a healthy family, but i have one child very unhappy, please guide him, in making his dream of becoming a ? come true open the door for him and he will do the rest. My daughter just had a knee operation please help her heal properly and help her get into teachers college so she could get on with her life and my baby boy please be by his side everyday to help him make the right decisions as he is growing up. I will try my best to give back and be kind to others. i will pray everyday
Dear Father Pio,
With deep faith in your intercession to our Heavenly Father, I wish to ask your help for my daughter's complete healing and that she may have continued good health from now on. She too has a strong Catholic Faith and great love for Our Lord and His Blessed Mother. Eternally grateful for your intercession. OCL
Dear Padre Pio please pray for the Philippines, may the Lord grant us guidance from the Holy Spirit in electing the right candidate for President and if Gilbert Teodoro is the right candidate please pray for his physical, spiritual and emotional strength and help us to do our own little way to extend our help in his campaign.
Dearest Padre Pio please intercede for me that the Lord in His mercy will grant me justice in the case I filed against an oppressor, please help me in this Padre Pio as this case has been dragging for years already because my oppressor uses her money to prolong the case. I have only my Lord to help me through your prayers and the help my lawyer. Thank you very much
Dearest Padre Pio
Please prayer over my intentions which i am eagerly waiting ie. for my sister Mrs. Alice D'Costa who is going through a lot of difficulties in her life her husband is not talking to her for the past 2 years and she and her daughter wants to come for my wedding for which he is not saying a word about the wedding whether he is going to send them or no. My brother in law John D'Costa needs to send an No objection Certificate for his daughter to make the passport please make him to send this document and make him to talk to my sister remove all bondages in life from her way from her husband and make them united to oneanother. Make her daughter Cressida to do well in her studies and pass her in her exams. Make the other son my nephew Cashel that his job to be safe and secure and Make the other nephew Cavell to do well in his studies give them the good mind to study.Make my sister Mrs. Alice D'Costa to get cured from Enzema and all sickness from her body. Make her big miracle that her husband John D'Costa to give her the go ahead to come for my wedding.
Make my mother Mrs. Maria D'Souza to get cured completely from enzema and remove all her worries out from her mind. Give her peace and good health always and also long life.
Make my other sister Lucy D'Souza to get cured completely from Thyroid and make her to get a good job as she is jobless for over 9 years.
Make my brother Joseph D'Souza not to fight in the house bring peace and happiness in my house. My brother is always fighting with me that my boyfriend is not good there is no smile and he is black in colour. Please change my brother's mind. Make my job to be safe and secure. Make my boyfriend Augustine Rodrigues to get a good job his financial status is bad. Make my marriage to work well and make my boyfriend to be friendly person. For my brother to get cured completely from limping and pain in his leg and his van business to grow. Make my daddy's property case to get finished in Goa and make the judge to give the property papers in my sister's hand.
Give peace in our country, our home. Make my cousin Eddie his job is not secure and make his job to be secured. Make his wife also to get a good job. THeir financial status is also bad.
Padre Pio please keep us in ur prayers.
Rose D’Souza
Karachi, Pakistan.
when my di was dying I could smell that smell of roses and we even asked the priest and he said it was , thanks fir helping my di . I know he's gone but at least he's not suffering anymore . ThankYou xxx
on this good friday padre pio please bless my children, my husband, my entire family keep them healthy and help them keep their faith even when times get rough please help them always keep their faith.
We found out today the doctors say my father, Jack, will die from cancer within 8 weeks probably sooner. He loves Padre Pio. Please pray for his healing even though i know it is all God's will. I have been remiss in my prayers, but I believe in miracles. Thank you so much
Dear Padre Pio - please intercede on my behalf and ask that God heal my son, Michael, of the glioblastoma that is growing in his brain and stealing his life. Please let him recover and lead a long and happy life. Please save him, Padre Pio. Only a miracle can accomplish this. Thank you.
padre pio, here my prayers, please. i will try to be a better person. i will pray to u everyday.
Dear Padre Pio,
These are times of uncertainty in our country, please join us in prayer for a peaceful and honest elections this coming May 10, 2010 and most of all interced for us Filipinos that we will be guided by the Holy Spirit in voting for the right candidate and if Gilbert Teodoro is the right candidate to win may the Lord Almighty bless him with physical, spiritual and emotional strength to withstand the rigors of this campaign and emmerge victorious for the people. God Help Us All
Padre Pio, I ask that you please intercede on behalf of my cousin and her family. The doctors have given her little hope of recovery, but I know God grants miracles. I pray for your help in asking God's mercy and grace on our family's behalf. Let her recovery be our testimony to the wonders of prayer and faith.
Padre Pio, please help my cousin her 6 mos daughter died the other day, heal her broken hearted. Amen
Padre Pio, my boyfriend and I have plan to get married, but unfortunately he lost his job, and I was resigned on my work. Dear Padre Pio, this coming Friday he'll be having his interview help him get the job. Padre Pio I love you and I believe in you. Amen.
Yeah, he seems nice. I'm his Australian relative. (Cousin 4th)
Dear Padre Pio, help me to choose the right school for me.. Give me wisdom and strength to overcome all the obstacle in life for me to go on my plans.. And also help my brother to moved on with his life and to be find his happiness.. Thank you and i believe in you! God is Good all the time!
please padre Pio pray for me give me faith in all what I do ask god to give me my recovery for my disease. Thank you so much and I believe in you. I have just learnt about all the good things you did to all these people why not to me. PLEASE LISTEN TO MY WORDS I WANT TO GET BACK MY GOOD HEALTH
Dear Padre Pio,
I implore you to please intercede for my sister Ann, that she may be able to leave for New York on May 20 to assume her post in the Philippine Mission, protect her from people who are trying to stop her from leaving please help her and may the Holy Spirit enlighten her boss that she may allow her to leave soon. Please help her Padre Pio she has been delayed enough. Thank you very much.
Dear Padre Pio,
Tomorrow May 10, 2010, is election day for the Philippines, please join the Filipino nation in prayer and intercede for us that the Lord Almighty will bless us with the wisdom of the Holy Spirit to vote for the right candidate and if Gilbert Teodoro is the right candidate may God bless us with his victory. Be with us tomorrow Padre Pio , be with our candidate Gilbert Teodoro, we implore your intercession to God and the Blessed Virgin Mary for an honest, peaceful elections and for a God fearing, honest, intelligent and sincere President.
Dear Padre Pio,
Please help my sister Anne that she may be allowed to proceed to her post in NY soon. Than you very much
Dear Padre Pio,
Please let my wife conceive to bear us another child without further miscarriages so that our son will have companion. Bless me with the job of my heart.
Chuks Victor
Dear Padre Pio,
I know that you have not forgotten our request for your assistance in the apporval of Anne's request for immediate cross-posting, it has been already approved and only a matter of allowing her to leave soon , please intercede for her that her memo will be signed soon. Please help her Padre Pio. Thank you very much.
Dear Padre Pio please help Ann.
Thank you very much
Dear Padre Pio,
This is the first day i have known you and I already feel blessed.You have healed so many sick people especially those who has impossible cure for it.I come to you and pray for Mr.Arturo serquina Sr. who is afflicted with cancer.He is already 90 yrs old and he himself didn't want to go to any deep medication.But he is in very deep pain.I pray to you Padre Pio to just touch him and ease his pain and let him carry on with his everyday activities.I pray to let him hang on for a little bit longer without any pain until he meet his children who lives far away from where he is right now.I pray this through Christ our Lord and the intercession of our blessed Mama Mary.
Padre Pio guide me with choosing my job.I am hesitating,help me to find the best way.As well give me a chance to have a family my clock is ticking.
padre pio.i do beleive in your divine intervention.please bless all our familywithpeace hapiness joy and love always.ibeleivein youpadrepio.thank you.
Dear Padre Pio,
Please take care of my family. If it is the will of God for me to separate from my husband because he cannot leave his mistress, I pray that God would give me the strength to do it. May he grant me victory to overcome this problem that is killing me. I pray that you take care of my daughters who are witness to their father's infidelity while I work abroad. I am so lost.
Thank you Padre Pio.
Thank you
Dear Padre pio,
Please ask our saviour lord Jesus to pray for South Africa that all race groups can co-exist withone another and live in harmony.Ask Jesus to put the end to racial hatred and murder that is tearing our country apart.
Thank you Padre pio
Dear Padre Pio,
I ask that you intercede with our Lord and loving Blessed Mother for the complete healing of my friend/sister(Terry Valadez). She was just diagnosed with a large mass in her head and was operated today. Please heal her of this illness and grant her full healing of this illness and that you intercede that this is not malignant. Please Father Pio...heal her of all illness and have her recover well from this all. I ask that you keep her family in your prayers of healing and intercession. I ask you and pray for your blessing and healing of Terry with both the intercession of our loving Lord and Blessed Mother...Amen...Thank you Father Pio
Father Pio, Please intercede to Our Lord through his Blessed Mother for the child of our Dear Friends, we are like family, whose name is Teresita and was operated today of a mass behind her ear. Our Faith assures us that she is already healed and that all results are benign. Please ask Our Lord to let Terry and her family feel His Loving Presence and strength.
Once again I am asking for your intercession Dear Father Pio and in complete confidence I Thank You in advance. Terry has had serious illnesses since her childhood and Our Lord and His Blessed Mother have always been there as I am confident in faith it will be today.
Eternally grateful for my faith...
O. Lopez
Thank you Father Pio for your intercession with the Grace of Our Lord and His Blessed Mother that Terry was healed from the mass that she was operated on and everything was benign. As I had prayed she will not have to have any other treatments. Thank You Father Pio for interceding for her and her family that was so very worried. Praise God for the gift of Our Faith. OL
Thank you Padre Pio...for your complete blessing and healing of my friend/sister Terry as she received recent news of the complete healing of her surgery due to a mass that was removed as all was benign and no further treatments needed. I thank you Padre Pio for you, Our Lord and our loving Blessed Mother's blessing. Keep her safe in our Lords loving arms and bless her always and her family.
Please intercede and bless me with good health-family's health as you have always interceded for us. Bless me with my new home as you, our Lord and our loving Blessing Mother will intercede request and keep me calm during any future transitions. I need your strength and blessing Padre Pio. Thank you...Padre Pio.
Dear Padre Pio , it has been several months now since the approval of my sister's posting and she has yet to get her order for NY, please help her and protect her, through your intercession her crossposting has been approved last March, please fly to her assistance Padre Pio and intercede to our Father for her immediate transfer to NY. Thank you very much in advance.
Dear Padre Pio,
Thank you for your intercession as I was able to complete my chemo sessions without much difficulty. I continuously ask for your intercession so that the cancer will totally be gone from my body and it will never come back. I thank you for the blessings -- my very supportive family, career and friends who only wants the best for me...lbc
padre pio, i'm planning to get board exam in architecture on this coming january 2011,please help me and guide to pass the heart touched by your miracles,i'm just newly knew you and i do beleive in you and your holliness.thank you...
Dear St Padre Pio. please heal my wife of all her health complications. make her whole again. Thank you. And help me with a personal request. Thank you. I do believe in you.
Dear Padre Pio,
thank you for giving me the chance to serve you...pls stay with me whenever i do my service as a still in the process of emotional healing, pls pray for me that my sins will be forgiven and help me to forgive those who hurt me. Pls healed me completely by a renewed heart..i do believe and love you Padre Pio..thank you so much!
Dearest Padre Pio,
Please intercede for my sister Ann to be released from all forms of oppression especially unforgivenes, be with her this very moment and join her in prayers for forgiveness and reconcilliation. Thank you very much.
Dear Padre Pio,
I ask for your full healing and intercession through our Blessed Mother and Lord that you provide complete healing to a friend/co-worker who was recently re-diagnosed with returning breast cancer as this illness has spread, but please stop and heal her cancer. She has been referred to medical intervention immediately for survivial, but your healing intervention Padre Pio is what we ask for her. Please be with her, heal and strengthen her to obtain complete healing. I ask this prayer request through you Padre Pio and our Lord and Blessed Mother. Please heal her of her cancer. I ask in the name of Jesus our Lord, Blessed Mother and your healing touch and intervention. I thank you Padre Pio.
Padre Pio, I pray that through your intercession to our Almighty Father, my son Neil Carlo will be completely healed of his illness. Please help us Padre Pio.. Please.. Thank you Father God, for giving us St. Pio because many were healed of their sickness and disease. Thank you because through him, many were united with Jesus, your son..
Padre Pio please help Monet and Teddy, intercede to God fro them to achive a peaceful relationship. May God send his angels and St Michael to protect them from all forms of oppression by evil , be it physical, spiritual or emotional.
Thank you beloved Jesus for giving us Yourself, Your holy Mother the Blessed Virgin Mary, St. Joseph, all the Saints and Angels, and specifically for St. Padre Pio.
oh padre pio when i go to church i light a candle beside ur statue i look up at u and i pray and i know u are listening to me and i know u will try to grant all i am asking. please padre pio i dont want riches all i want is my family to be healthy and happy and safe please padre pio try to grant their wishes because when they are sad i am sad, they are good christiansplease padre pio please listen to my prayers for them. I will pray every day.
Dear Padre Pio, may I humbly implore for the complete healing of Ado physically , spiritually and emotionaly. Touch him with your healing hands, that his tinnitus will be completely healed and all his blood chemistry will return to normal. Thank you very much Padre Pio.
Dear Padre Pio please lay
your hands on Alan for his complete recovery from his ulcer. May the Lord grant him not only physical but also spiritual and emotional healing. Thank you very much.
I come before you to ask you to please heal my family..It is shattered and broken as is my heart. I implore your intersession and send my prayers uo to you. Please help in the healing and my depression. With admiration and love, Denise
Dear Padre Pio, please lay your healing hands over Ado , may he be completely healed of his tinnitus and may all his medical work-up and scans be normal. Also please intercede for his spiritual and emotional healing.Thank you very much.
Dear Lord, please do not be tired of my prayers. I thank you and pray through the powerful intercession of Padre Pio and our Immaculate Mother I ask for my family to be restored. Please bring back the father of my children a changed man, a God fearing man and a loving, respectful and humble man. I pray that we get married soon, with your Blessings Lord. I pray for my studies that I stop failing and start excelling, help me Lord to be accepted and graduate in the profession I am interested in.
I pray for the healing of my Aunty and my friends Aunty. Please heal them of their Breast and Ovarian cancers.
I pray for the health and well being of my children and mother. I thank you Lord for all. I pray for the poor souls in purgatory. I also ask for a reconciliation in my family and that peace and love prevail. I pray trusting and believing that the Lord shall answer me.
With faith and Hope, thankyou Lord, thank you for your help Padre Pio.
ST Padre Pio i come to you with my heart filled with sorrow. Heal me of this virus and change my positive result to a negative one grant me the healing i pray for.
Padre Pio please intercede for me in my situation. Please pray that my boyfriend Steve will start treating me better and like his girlfriend and putting me first before his friends and treating me with respect and love. Pray that he will be separated from his ungodly friends who have addictions and who are not serving the Lord especially E.A., M.A, J.W.,J.A., & G.C.. These guys do what they can to take him out and get him drunk and chase other woman. Take the desire out of his heart to cheat or go off with another woman. We have been together 10 months and he has been very wild and rebellious but I love him because he has a nice sweet side too. He says that he believes in Jesus but he lives in the world too. Pray that he will serve the Lord Jesus and not follow satan and the ways of the world. Pray that there will be a wall of fire around him so that he will not be tempted by the barflies or loose woman that satan sent to tempt him. He needs deliverance from selfishness, pride, anger, violence, alcohol, drugs, womanizing, cheating, lying, being deceptive, and rebellious. May him be a giver and not a taker. Move in his hear to call me and apologize and reconcile. Give me favor with him above his friends. Make him stop being mean to me and putting them first and going out with them and leaving me home. His friends find it funny when he is mean to me. Transform him and give him a true transformation so that he is unrecognizable, make him more loving, kind, patient and gentlemanly. Make him honest with me and not deceptive. Help him to know how to treat me and to control himself and his temper. Pray for restoration of our relationship. A renewal of our relationship with Jesus at the center. Please send me a sign to know that things are changing in my favor and that God is working on his heart right now, tonight. In Jesus name I pray. Thank you Father Pio.
Please help me find a new job in my field. Help me to move out on my own and grant me favor with my boyfriend. Pray that his spiritual eyes and ears would be open and that he would appreciate me, respect me and long for me again and put for the effort to build out relationship instead of doing horrible things to tear it down. Padre Pio pray for his deliverance from rebellion, and abandonment issues, anger issues, cheating. Make him keep things private between us and quit humiliating me, lying about me to his friends, and getting people to not like me. Stop him from following satan and evil friends. separate him from E.A. this friend is a cheater and a liar who is always telling him to be with other woman. Intercede Padre Pio. Help him to make the money to pay child support so he will have a relationship with his son again. Make him respect me and put me first and friends second. And before me I want him to put Jesus. Send me a sign tonight that things are chaning in my favor. Thank you. I am expecting miracles.
please keep my boyfriend out of the arms of another woman. Bring heavy conviction in his heart of his sins and wrong treatment of me. Show him the error of his ways. Bring him to repentance. Make him want to be a better man. Pray that all wrong thinking, mental mindsets, ideas on woman and control issues, rebellion will be broken down. Put his priorities in the right order. Heal him of any mental problems or wrong thinking patterns. Heal his family line and tree of suicide, familiar spirits, drugs, alcohol, floundering, wandering/gypsy living, womanizing, anger, violence, divorce, mental illness, broken relationships. Make him miss me and grant me favor with him.
restored eye site for Joe.
Dear Padre Pio, I come once again to you for the healing of Ado spiritually, emotionally and physically, may you grant him total healing for all his physical and emotional ailments, I ask thee humbly that our Lord Jesus Christ through your healing hands Padre Pio to grant him release from all forms of oppression. Please come to his aid very soon Padre Pio for he has faith in thee and on our Lord Jesus Christ. Thank you very much.
Thank You Father Pio for your intercession to Our Lord and His Blessed Mother for my Son's complete healing from his nasal surgery. I pray that the medication he is using now will help him to stay completely free of what was removed the day of his surgery. I have great faith and I trust that you will go to Our Lord is this great need. Thank You and I place my Son in Our Lord's healing hands.
Mrs. OL
Dear friends
I am at the end of my rope. both my children have neurological disorders and I am close to financial ruins. I suffer from depression as well. Please join me asking our beloved Padre Pio to help my family, especially amy 2 boys. But most of all, pray that I will never loose my faith.
Dear Padre Pio,
Please pray for a cure for my beautiful 13 year old daughter. I have taken her to four doctors, and still, her ailments persist. Before this health ordeal, she was always a happy, little girl, bringing sunshine to everyone's life, but now she has become suicidal and sees no light at the end of the tunnel. She just wants to be healthy and a happy girl once again so she can continue doing good in school and to be active within the community. Thank you and God bless.
Dear St.Padre Pio,
Please pray for me to discern my vocation. If it is a religious life show me where the Lord wants me to be placed but if is marriage, please bring into my life him whom God has palnned to be my husband.Padre Pio please be with me always and guide on the way to heaven. Pray that I may become pure and holy. I want to love Jesus from the depths of my heart. My Spiritual father guide me and walk with me.
st padre Pio please i pray to obtain my nephew
and my mother Suzanne cure and to help my husband Jocelyn in his day to day difficulties at his work and his life and bless all the sick people of the world
Mme Sylvia
Dear St.pio i prayed for my friend for having lupus please give her a miracle to cure her illness. thank you st. pio..
Dear Saint Padre Pio,
Please pray for my friend who has asked that you be his patron saint and help him fulfil the call of leadership in accordance with the Father's will. Please also pray for me as I will be sitting my law exams in two weeks time.
With much love
A spiritual daughter from the Fiji Islands
Dear Padre Pio, Please help my 8 yr old son be cured of his brain cancer let him live we need a miracle. Thank You Joan
Padre Pio, a friend of mine told me that you create miracles. I believe her and saw the little girl you gave to her through intercession to God. Please inteceed to God and help me and my sons. We need a home, a car, and I need a good job that pays enough to support our family. Most of all, please provide healing for my fibromyalgia pain and healing for my eyesight. My son needs healing for dystonia seizures. I do not want to be alone in my old age and please send a christian husband to love.
Dearest Padre Pio Please heal my fathers Eyes.
I remember I petitioned to Padre Pio last September 9, 2010 my friend who was still a brother then. I asked intercession from him that he will help my friend become a priest.. Just this year he was ordained in priesthood exactly the same date I petitioned my friend.(september 9, 2010).. Thanks a lot to Padre Pio!=)
Dearest Padre Pio it is with deep faith in your intercession to our heavenly father that I wish to ask for complete healing for that ear gland so I can continue to work in my job and help others which I so love to do. I love our lord and blessed mother and I am eternally grateful for your intercesion.
saint pio of pietrelcina, please pray for john that his kidneys do not fail him, and that geri's health improves and the pain goes away. thank you, saint pio of pietrelcina
Dear Padre Pio, Please help my daughter, Megan. She has been suffering from anorexia nervosa for almost 5 years. She has been hospitalized four times without success. May God grant us a miracle with your intercessian. I humbly ask that she may be healed in body, mind and spirit. Amen
Padre Pio through your intercession, pray for my father who is bedridden and my mother for strength and courage.
Padre Pio, i ask for your intercession that i be completely cured and healed of my breast cancer.
Padre Pio
Firstly thank you, thank God and Mary for all the graces you have bestowed on my family especially on my mother. 23 years ago my mother had a brain heamorage while she was a few months pregnant, the doctors were unsure if she would survive and gave no hope for the baby, she was blessed with your glove and her doctors hands had been blessed by you, she survived without any major complications and my baby brother was born to perfect health to top it off she gave birth to my sister 11 months after. 10 years ago she was diagnosed with breast cancer which again thanks to your help she survived, a few weeks ago she was told that her recent leg pain is more than likely the breast cancer back and after spreading to her bones, she is awaiting test results on Wednesday, please Padre Pio intercede on her behalf and please once again ensure she is cured, she means the world to me and my family and we would be lost without her. Also thank you, Mary and God for saving my uncle a few years ago when he fell 30 ft and was impailed on iron railings and he too pulled through without any major complications. thank you for the signs you have given me the last three weeks that you are listening including the sweet fragrance i smelt a few days ago. I beg you to interecde for my mother and to cure her and also to help my family and keep them strong though this difficult period. Thank you, I am forever in your debt
Padre Pio
Thank you, Mary and God once again for curing my mothers brain heamorage 23 yrs ago and for letting her and the baby survive, thank you for letting her survive the breast cancer 10 yrs ago and thank you for the good news we got yesterday, thank you for once again keeping the cancer in tact and not letting it spread, thank you for letting her have a controllable form of it and thank you for the wonderful care and treatment given to her by the doctors. Padre Pio please continue to intercede for my mum help her to stay as stong and positive as she has always been in the past. God Mary Padre Pio please let my mam be cured. Thank you
Dear Padre Pio,
It has been almost a year since my last prayer for justice in a case I filed against a moneyed oppressor, please intercede for me to our Lord almighty that He will grant me overwheling justice from this woman who has robbed me of a chance to practice a profession, it has been years since I filed the case, may the Lord finally grant me the justice I have been praying for not only for my sake but also for the sake of all the cancer patients that I can help,Please be with my lawyer on my birthday for the hearing and may I receive as a birthday gift on February 11 the justice I have long been praying for. Thank you Padre Pio and the Blessed Virgin Mary who is my patron saint.
Dear Padre Pio please intercede for the success of the surgery of our Aunt Mely on March 8, 2011 and for the complete recovery of our Uncle Herming. Thank you very much.
Dear Padre Pio please intercede for the safe trip of our mother Percy our sister to our home province and for a happy birthday on March 1 and that the Lord will answer her prayers for justice.
Thank you very much.
Dear Padre Pio, please intercede to our Lord Jesus for the people of Japan may they be comforted from their great loss and may they be spared from a nuclear disaster. Also please pray for the countries in the ring of fire that they may be spared from a natural disaster of biblical proportions.
Dear Father Pio,
Once I'm asking for your intercession for the daugther of our Dear Friends. Please ask our Lord and Our Blessed Mother for Teresita's complete healing from a recent diagnosis. I trust in your great intercession and have a very strong faith. Please ask Our Lord that her parents may remain strong in all they need to do for her.
padre pio,
please guide our family to a spritual life to jesus way mama mary pray for us
Padre Pio,
Thank you for your continuous blessing and intercession. Since I finished my radiation and chemotherapy sessions, my life has been great and back to normal. I always feel that you are beside me in every check-up, blood tests and doctor's visit. Pls continue to intercede me so that I will be forever free from cancer
Dear Padre Pio,
My daughter and I are in need of prayers for anxiety and physical problems. Please help us to better understand each other. And pray for my family and friends and their many needs.
Dear Padre Pio, please intercede for my brother Ramon for his release from the oppression of the dark forces, that he may be healed physically, spiritually and emotionally and if his wife is the medium by which he is oppressed please intercede for her that our Lord Jesus Christ will free her as well from the oppression, please come to their rescue Padre Pio. Thank you very much.
Padre Pio,
Please help my Mother who is sick and far away. Please cure both of her nodules. Please help me with my own health, keep me strong change my present situation. I have been struggling for so many years, please intercede for me to our Lord to make a miracle in my life. Thank you so much, Padre Pio. me
Please heal us of our emotional and physical problems. Stay with us and guide us. thank you for my answer prayers
Dear Padre Pio,
I have known you only for 2 days but I already believe in you. My wish is for me to get pregnant. I know it will make my husband so happy and it will complete our family. i know you will not fail me. i will give yu my complete trust. I love you padre and hope to visit one of your churches soon.
Shalom Padre Pio!!! How Blessed are you since you were born in flesh and now you are in eternity with our Heavenly Father/Creator forever Amen. Padre Pio, I am in deep trouble and i need help, Please intercede for me in the name of the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit. I don't need to tell my problems as you know already through the Gift of the Holy Spirit Amen. Love you in Christ...
Dear St. Pio
Please help me, heal my illness from head to feet especially the pain in my head in the left side and my acid reflux or GERD and all the pain emotional and physical problems.Please take care also my mother and heal her illness. Please help us Saint Pio. Thank You. AMEN..
Mary Ann of Philippines
Padre Pio: Please intercede to Jesus, our Lord, for a new job for our son,and his wife's new job. They need help desparately-soon. In Jesus' name. 'C
Padre Pio,Please help my uncle he cannot speak or move and his heart is to big for his body the doctor said he has 3 days to live one of his lungs have stopped working and his liver today is the last day please pray for him he lives in colombia and i am in canada i am very scared for him thank you.
St. Pio,
Please pray for my father. He recently had a stroke and is very weak on his right side, unable to take nourishment and difficulty speaking. He wants to go home with my mother and I for a little longer. He is my hero. Please, please pray my father.
Thank you, L
I remember reading in the Wanderer, a Catholic
publication based in St.Paul Minnesota in the
70's or 80's that there was a report that St.
Pio came from Heaven to teach Catholic
Children the Penny Catechism in England.
Does anyone remembers this article, and can
fill in more on this subject.
Dearest St. Padre Pio,
Enable my son to believe In Jesus, enable me to
stay on the right path and to cast forth the truth in my doubts. Enable my aging mother to have hope and love and happiness and God always by her side.
padre pio am a lapsed catholic as is my husband to would you intercede dear padre and ask god. his sonjesus, and our blessed mother mary bless you all, help with my husbands illnesses and mine as you must know nowhelp my weaker side get stronger and my husbands health get better as he is the carer for me plus we have a son who lives @ home yet who doesnt know what direction to take in his faithand occupation, pls grant these wishes dear padre pio i will get back to my faith i pray to god i smell your sweetness or i get a sign of your will pls pls help usgod bless you
When I was 9 years old, I had a brain tumour and was not supposed to survive. I came out of the operation after about 15 hours of surgery.Mum was there and I remember her saying "oh you are alive"... I said mum, i was told I would be okay. She assumed and said to me it was a doctor or nurse who said this to me. I said no, it was someone tall with a beard, dressed in dark robe and has something on his hands. He had marks on his hands. I remember vividly saying this. From her bag she took out a picture of someone and showed it to me. I just said thats the man who said it to me. About 4 years later we made a pilgimage to San Giovanni Rotondo. Mum also mentioned that my brother and father met Padre pio in about 1965 in San Giovanni and something unusual happened to them also.
I firmly believe he guided the surgeons when operating on me. I was 9 years old, there were no CT or MRI scans, only rudimentary EEG technology. This was in 1975. I am now 46 years old and was truly blessed by him. His presence is never far from me.
dear padre pio am just an hour from posting my mention, bout my son u putting him on the right road with his occupation, after 15mins he got a call from the care home he wanted to work in, they have offered him well he has to go for an interview tomorrow, god bless you padre thank you thanks to god. jesus. and his holy mother
dear holy padre pio, my youngest daughter came back to us after taken our granddaughter away from us for 10mnths we opened the door to them both today we are overjoyed padre its all down to you thank you thank you a 1.00000 times god bless you it would be loverly to have the rest of our family back in the fold also, would u try pls padre btw my son got the job as carer im so overwhelmed at your work holy father may you go on to help others in need we thank you fromm the bottom of our hearts
Dear Padre Pio, please help me and guide me on how to go about my taxes. Intercede for me that the Holy Spirit will guide me to choose the right accountant to assist me and that I may be enlightened to do what is pleasing and according to the will of God.I thank the Lord for all Hid blessings.
Dear Padre Pio, I just came to know you about 3 months thru the search internet, but I felt so close to you reading all about you. I felt that you have help me and my family thru this tough economy. Whatever we worked for the past 30 years, all gone, all our houses are forclosed, friends betrayed us, the only thing valuable to me is the relationship with my husband and my children are intact. The past 2 years I just want to kill myself so I can end all the pain, suffering, guilt that I destroyed our financial but God and Mother look after me, and recently I asked you to pray for me stop worrying and peace in my mind so I can be strong and go and look for jobs. Now I know nothing last, life is so fragile. Please continue pray for us.
Thank you Padre Pio.
Father, I send you my love and healing thoughs to you to use in any way you wish, as i know there is much suffering in this world as I speak and i would not know who to send it to. I ask that the spirit come with Gods love so that I can see and hear them, for the benifit of others. XXX
dear padre pio
plz help my friends sister to heal from cancers
she has faced death many times and has been in a lot of pain
also i hope they can find a cure for cancer seeind that my best friends died from it 2 years ago
Thank you Padre Pio for prayfully interceding for me in my time of need.
dear Padre Pio,
Praying for goodhealth, peace and happiness... May will continue to guide us and grant the prayers that I keep on asking from you.. please give me a chance to live the abundant life i've been dreaming...thank you so much..
Padre Pio please pray for my three children. Two of them are away from the Catholic church and I fear for their souls. One of those two is in the military and will probably be deployed again soon; will you please pray that he will be filled with God's love and protection? The other of those two is thinking of getting married and has not received an annulment from her first marriage. Please show her that she needs that and bring her back to God. My third child was very close to God for a long time, but I fear now that he is falling away too. Please help him to come back to God too and show him that he doesn't have to change for the secular world. I love you!
dear padre pio, i thank you once again my son is happily settled in his new career our grand daughter has given me and my husband so much joy can i ask you to intercede to jesus his father and mother, that they may pray for my husbands pain that went from his kidney area to his neck, pray that it goes away soon god bless you dear padre i love and believe in u and ur works have done now for some 40yrs or sohelp heal my husbands pain plz
Dear Padre Pio I ask that you intercede with the healing of my marriage. Please ask God to bless us and restore a family with great healings. I think there might be someone else standing in the way of our reunion. I ask you Dear Padre Pio to ask God to blessed our family and get rid of the distraction that holds my husband so far away from his family. Please show me the sign of sweet smelling flowers that you are asking God to answer my prayers. Please show my husbands Gods great works and let him know that He will Never leave him.
Dear Padre Pio,
First of all please join my family in prayer for thanksgiving for the recovery of our mother Priscilla from a stroke. Please continue to intercede with us to our Lord Jesus the great healer for the complete recovery of our mother Priscilla, not only physcally but also spiritually and emotionally. Please pray for the spiritual, physical and emotional healing of each and every member of my family, our mother Priscilla, Ann, Teddy, Chemai, Nenette, Hannah, Aaron, Baham, Aimee, Arthur, Monet, Cherry ,Cora and myself. Also for healing of our relatives and dear friends and our protection from all forms of oppression by dark forces. Thank you Padre Pio for your continuing protection, prayers and healing.
Blessed Mother grant us your protective mantle, St Micheal the Archangel protect us. St Benedict, St Joseph and all the holy angels and saints in heaven interecede and pray for us all always.
Dear Padre Pio,
Please intercede for the complete recovery of Mama Priscilla , may your healing touch reach her at this time. help her cardiologist in prescribibng her the right medicines to control her bllod pressure in Jesus name we pray Amen. Mama Mary please grant our mother your protective mantle. Thank you very much
PLEASE help me Father Pio to pass the board exam last July 2, 3.Im so depressed coz I really found it difficult.Please help me.In Jesus name, I pray.AMEN.
I am on the Padre Pio site and was wondering how I can change the language from Spanish to English. Please help me because I would like to send him a letter. Thank you
Dear father Pio,
Please help us to pray to our GOD that my father who is in severe sick right now may recover from this agony. Also, I'm praying that your healing touch may be with me likewise with my jesus name...Thank you very much.
Dear Padre Pio, May I humbly request for my mother's complete recovery physically and her complete emotional and spiritual healing. Thank you for being always there for us Padre Pio, thank you for the general well being of my family and loved ones. Also please intercede for our family to achieve peace among ourselves and the relatives of my father. We also pray for justice and may the Lord reach out to our hearts through the Holy Spirit that we may be released from the spirit of oppression of bitterness, anger, revenge and resentment. This I humbly pray for your assistance together with our most Blessed Virgin Mary, St Joseph, St. Benedict and St. Michael the Archangel to our Lord and Savior JESUS CHRIST. Amen
st.padre Pio i am an artist and make a living out of this. i truly believe that these amazing and miraculous things happened and you are God sent for a reason. i pray that all the prayers through you by me come to pass. i pray through you to intercede for me through Mary and Jesus that i find a good companion who will make a good husband and that i gain favor over the works of my hands that whatever i make comes with good results. Amen
Dear Padre Pio please intercede on behalf of MY MOTHER Val and ask our divine savior Jesus Christ to heal her from her neck condition so that next time she has x-rays she may be cured.
Padre Pio our beloved Lord chose you and many others do do his work on earth.I come to you humbly and ask please to intercede on behalf of my mother and ask our savior the right to heal her neck from all disformities that no traces may be left we ask this in JESUS NAME AMEN.Thank you for interceding for us.
We had a Healing Mass earlier this noon. Right after the mass, we received a rose petal with an image on it. The petal I received has the image of Father Pio. I really don't know Father Pio, so i searched him to figure the explanation why the petal i received is the image of Father Pio. The one thing i am sure of is that the petal has the healing power to heal me and my love ones. I pray, through Father Pio, and through Jesus Christ to lessen the excessive thirst and urination i am suffering. I also pray for the recovery of my love ones who are also suffering from illness. Amen!
We are one, the one is many, the many is one, the one is my father.
Father help me develop my lords gift...R
Dear Padre Pio please please intercede for my aunt PAT and ask JESUS CHRIST our saviour the permission to heal her as she is in a very bad way.Padre Pio i come to you humbly and ask this of you for the sake of the family.Amen
First of all thank you Padre pio for your intercession on my aunt PAT that is much better.Padre Pio please intercede on behalf of myself and my family and ask lord JEASUS to help us immigrate to another country we have so much hatred here by us and i worry for the safety of my family members.Please Padre Pio intercede and help us immigrate to a safe country.Amen
Padre Pio please heal Anelisiwe a baby girl of 1 1/2 years old from burns suffered to her hands.Please take away the pain and scaring in JESUS CHRIST name amen.Thank you for your constant intercessions my dear patron saint.
Dear Padre Pio,I pray today to you to intercede on behalf of everyone that has put prayer request to you.Please answer all this prayers in JESUS CHRIST name amen.
Padre Pio thank you thank you for all your intercessions please say thank you to JESUS CHRIST for allowing you to answer my prayers on my behalf.All praise and glory goes to Jesus Christ for sending wonderful saints like you PADRE PIO.
Dear St. Pio
Please pray for my sister & her chidren to return to the church & to Jesus. Please pray for me to stregthen my faith even more. Thank you sweet St.Pio.
luv d
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