Miyerkules, Pebrero 22, 2012
Everything Lent

Please bookmark this post and/or share it via email, Facebook, Twitter, etc using the links at the bottom of this post.  This post is a collection of all of my past posts for Lent.  This is meant to be a guide for you to find prayers, devotions, and liturgical information for this holy season.

Q: Why are the forty days called Lent?

A: They are called Lent because that is the Old English word for spring, the season of the year during which they fall. This is something unique to English. In almost all other languages, its name is a derivative of the Latin term, or 'the forty days.' Lent is a time in the Church year lasting forty days (excluding Sundays) from Ash Wednesday to Holy Thursday. It is a period of penance leading up to the joy of Easter.

Words to contemplate throughout Lent: "All things, even humiliation and death, help to save us."

General Lenten Information:

The Origin of Lent
The Purpose of Lent according to Monsignor Massimo Camisasca
Isaiah 53:4-6

Fasting & Abstinence:

Fasting and Abstinence Rules
History of Lenten Fasting: How to Observe the Traditional Lenten Fast
Abstinence from Meat and Animal Products on Sundays in Lent


Fat Tuesday Prayer
Ash Wednesday Prayer
General Lent Prayer
Prayer to Our Lord Jesus Crucified
Stational Churches for Each Day of Lent
Lenten Prayer I
Lenten Prayer II
Prayer before a Crucifix
Stations of the Cross
Prayer for the Grace of the Passion
Prayer in the Steps of the Passion
Lenten Prayer of St. Ephraim
Litany of the Passion

Traditional Mass Propers:

Good Friday

Ash Wednesday:

What is Ash Wednesday, and what are the rules of this day?
Ash Wednesday Prayer
Ash Wednesday Traditional Mass Propers

Holy Week General Information:

Top Ten Suggestions for Holy Week
Palm Sunday
Spy Wednesday - Wednesday before Holy Thursday
Why Do We Celebrate Holy Thursday?
Holy Thursday Plenary Indulgence
Good Friday
Good Friday Indulged Prayer to the Cross
Good Friday Reproaches (Popule Meus) 
The passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ According to St. John (in Gregorian Chant)
Holy Saturday Sermon


The Dolorous Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ
St. Benedict's Words on Lent
St. Leo the Great's Words on Lent
St. Leo the Great's Words on Charity
Advice from the St. Andrew Daily Missal
Pope Benedict XIV (1714) on the Strictness of Lent
Homily For Passion Sunday by Bishop Antoine Godeau


Isaiah 53:11b-12

3 comment(s):

del_button Marso 4, 2007 nang 1:27 AM
RobKPhD ayon kay ...

I think it is great that you posted all of this MB!

del_button Pebrero 9, 2008 nang 7:14 AM
BarbAndJohn ayon kay ...

Some readers who are involved in music ministry may also be interested in some suitable songs for lent for which you don't have to pay copyright (as they are released under a Creative Commons Share-Alike-Attribution license):
The Colour of Jesus
Hey Lord (I can't do this without You)
That World is Empty
Lord, Increase my Faith
Your Kingdom Come
And for the veneration of the cross on Good Friday:

del_button Pebrero 19, 2010 nang 11:14 AM
Unknown ayon kay ...

The music linked in the comments does not seem sacred and beautiful,nor the kind of music that should be at Mass.It would something like this found at:


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