Biyernes, Nobyembre 4, 2005
St. Martin de Porres

Optional Memorial (1969 Calendar): November 3

St. Martin de Porres (1579 - 1639) showed commendable love, especially for the Holy Eucharist, and he worked tirelessly for the good of others. He set up an orphanage for poor children and a shelter for stray dogs and cats to be nursed back to health. He always helped others and was even called St. Martin of Charity.

St. Martin de Porres was born into poverty and spent time as a surgeon-barber, where he learned medicine. At age 11, he became a servant in the Holy Rosary Dominican priory in Lima, Peru. He begged for money from the rich and collected more than $2,000 a week to care for the poor and sick of Lima. In 1603, he took vows as a Dominican brother. He also fasted regularly, never ate meat, and spent much time in prayer and meditation. St. Martin had many gifts, including levitation and bilocation. He died of a fever in 1639.

Pope Gregory XVI beatified Martin de Porres on October 8, 1837. Pope John XXIII canonized him in Rome on May 6, 1962. He was the first canonized black saint from the Americas. 

Prayers to Saint Martin de Porres:

O GOD, Who has given us In Your humble Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ, The model of all virtue And perfection, Grant to us The virtue of humility. We think so little of You Because we are So full of ourselves. We cannot love You more Until humility shows us Our own nothingness And makes us rejoice In our complete Dependence upon You. You have given to the world a glorious apostle of humility: 

ST. MARTIN DE PORRES. Guide us by his example And strengthen Us through his intercession In our efforts To conform our hearts To the humble Heart Of Your crucified Son. May the glory of sainthood Which you have Deigned to bestow Upon Brother Martin Draw the world closer And closer to You. Renew, O Lord, in these days When pride and forgetfulness Of You are so widespread, The wonders which You performed Through Your humble servant During his lifetime. Through the same Christ Our Lord. Amen. Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory Be (3 times each.)
Miyerkules, Nobyembre 2, 2005
All Soul's Day

Solemnity (1969 Calendar): November 2
Double (1955 Calendar): November 2

Today is the day after the Solemnity of All Saints and is the Commemoration of All the Faithful Departed (All Souls). This feast, dating back to the 11th Century, is a time to remember all of the faithfully depart and pray that they are now in the grace of God. God certainly is Love and He is mercy. The only thing we can do is trust in Him and pray for our loved ones.

In the middle of the 11th century, St. Odilo, the abbot of Cluny (France), said that all Cluniac monasteries were to offer special prayers and sing the Office for the Dead on November 2, the day after the feast of All Saints. The custom spread from Cluny and was adopted throughout the entire Roman Catholic Church. Now the entire Church celebrates November 2nd as All Soul's Day.

To gain a Plenary Indulgence form noon Nov. 1 until midnight Nov. 2, visit the church, pray for the Holy Souls and also for the intentions of the Holy Father. On All Soul's Day and for a week afterward, a Plenary Indulgence for the Holy Souls is granted for a visit to the cemetery with devotion and prayer for the dead. All through November, you can gain partial indulgence every day you visit the cemetery and pray for the dead.

Also a Mass said for a person during life or death is worth immense value because the Mass is the memorial of Jesus Christ's sacrifice of the Cross. Mary, in one apparition, once told someone that Our Lord would die for us again as many times as we have heard Mass. The Mass is extremely important.

Today let's remember to pray for the souls in purgatory and those faithfully departed. Please pray with your whole heart and mind this following prayer, which Our Lord promised St. Gertrude would free 1,000 souls from purgatory.
Eternal Father, I offer Thee the Most Precious Blood of Thy Divine Son, Jesus, in union with the Masses said throughout the world today, for all the Holy Souls in Purgatory, for sinners everywhere, for sinners in the Universal Church, those in my own home and within my family.Amen.


O God, the Creator and Redeemer of all the faithful: grant to the souls of Thy servants and handmaidens the remission of all their sins: that through pious supplications, they may obtain the pardon which they have always desired: Who livest and reignest.

Prayer Source: 1962 Roman Catholic Daily Missal
Martes, Nobyembre 1, 2005
The Feast of All Saints

"The Landauer Altarpiece, All Saints Day" by Albrecht Durer (1471 - 1528) , 1511, oil on panel, Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna, Austria, 123 x 135 cms

Solemnity (1969 Calendar): November 1
Double of the I Class (1955 Calendar): November 1

Today is a great day in the Church year because it is All Saints Day - a Day of Holy Obligation for most countries, meaning all Catholics must attend Mass today. 

For today's traditional Mass Propers, please click here. Today, we remember all of those saints now in Heaven, both known and unknown, and reflect on their lives. Saints are great role models. Go read some of my posts on the Saints and read about a few of them - see that Heaven isn't easy. All Saints Day is preceded by the Vigil of All Saints (i.e. Halloween) which is traditionally a day of fasting and abstinence in preparation for today's great holy day.

The Catholic Encyclopedia provides a short account of the history of All Saints Day:

In the early days the Christians were accustomed to solemnize the anniversary of a martyr's death for Christ at the place of martyrdom. In the fourth century, neighbouring dioceses began to interchange feasts, to transfer relics, to divide them, and to join in a common feast; as is shown by the invitation of St. Basil of Caesarea (379) to the bishops of the province of Pontus. Frequently groups of martyrs suffered on the same day, which naturally led to a joint commemoration. In the persecution of Diocletian the number of martyrs became so great that a separate day could not be assigned to each. But the Church, feeling that every martyr should be venerated, appointed a common day for all. The first trace of this we find in Antioch on the Sunday after Pentecost. We also find mention of a common day in a sermon of St. Ephrem the Syrian (373), and in the 74th homily of St. John Chrysostom (407). At first only martyrs and St. John the Baptist were honoured by a special day. Other saints were added gradually, and increased in number when a regular process of canonization was established; still, as early as 411 there is in the Chaldean Calendar a "Commemoratio Confessorum" for the Friday after Easter. In the West Boniface IV, 13 May, 609, or 610, consecrated the Pantheon in Rome to the Blessed Virgin and all the martyrs, ordering an anniversary. Gregory III (731-741) consecrated a chapel in the Basilica of St. Peter to all the saints and fixed the anniversary for 1 November. A basilica of the Apostles already existed in Rome, and its dedication was annually remembered on 1 May. Gregory IV (827-844) extended the celebration on 1 November to the entire Church. The vigil seems to have been held as early as the feast itself. The octave was added by Sixtus IV (1471-84).

Indulgences for This Time of Year (Each Paragraph is a separate one):
The faithful who recite prayers or perform other devout exercises in supplication for the faithful departed during the month of November, may gain a plenary indulgence on the usual conditions, if they perform these devotions daily for the entire month. 
Those, who during the aforesaid month, take part in public services held in a church or public oratory in intercession for the faithful departed may gain a plenary indulgence, if they attend these exercises on at least fifteen days and, in addition, go to confession, receive Holy Communion and pray for the intentions of the Sovereign Pontiff (Jan. 17, 1888)

The faithful, as often as they visit a church or public oratory, or even a semi-public oratory (if they may lawfully use the same), in order to pray for the dead on the day on which the Commemoration of All the Faithful Departed is celebrated (November 2nd) or on the Sunday immediately following, may gain a plenary indulgence applicable only to the souls detained in Purgatory, on condition of confession and Communion, and the recitation six times during each visit of Our Father, Hail Mary, and Glory Be for the intentions of the Sovereign Pontiff (June 25, 1914)

The faithful who during the period of eight days from the Commemoration of All Souls inclusive, visit a cemetery in a spirit of piety and devotion, and pray, even mentally, for the dead may gain a plenary indulgence on the usual conditions, on each day of the Octave, applicable only to the dead.

Raccolta Source
The Toties Quoties Indulgence

Additionally, from noon on All Saints Day through midnight of All Souls Day, the Catholic faithful, as often as they visit a church to pray for the dead, reciting six times during each visit the Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory Be for the intentions of Holy Mother Church may gain a plenary indulgence applicable only to the souls in Purgatory, under the usual conditions of making a good Confession within a week before or after, worthily receiving Holy Communion within the week and having the right intention of heart. 

Besides assisting at Holy Mass today, consider praying the Rosary at night in anticipation of All Souls Day tomorrow. And keep in mind, prior to 1955, there was an Octave Associated with All Saints!  In the midst of that Octave was the Feast of the Sacred Relics.  Let's keep the memory of these past traditions alive.


Almighty and everlasting God, Who hast enabled us to honor in one solemn feast the merits of all Thy Saints: we beseech Thee, that, with so many praying for us, Thou wouldst pour forth on us the abundance of Thy mercy for which we long. Through our Lord.

Prayer Source: 1962 Roman Catholic Daily Missal
Lunes, Oktubre 31, 2005
Why call yourself "Moneybags"?

I have been asked a lot why I call myself "Moneybags" for a screenname. First off, I don't do this for greed as some would think. The idea for my screenname was a result of Monopoly. I love the boardgame, so I planned on calling myself "Pennybags". However, since I like to be original, I changed it to "Moneybags".

Also, when I was very young I enjoyed playing the video game Spyro. And one of the characters on the game was named Moneybags. That was what caused me to take my original idea of Pennybags and turn it into Moneybags.

I hope I cleared up any questions, and I hope you enjoy the blog!

Note: This was my original username on the blog.
Pro-life Alito nominated to Supreme Court

Well, it's official that in the US, Samuel A. Alito Jr., has been nominated to the US Supreme Court and is enthusiastically supported by pro-life groups. To read the press release by the National Pro-life Action Center, visit this Washington Post article.

Let's remember to thank God for giving us a pro-life nominee that will not only stand up for the unborn but all peoples that are unfortunate.

Also, as Catholic Fire pointed out, if Alito is confirmed then five Catholics would be on the bench and represent a majority (Roberts, Scalia, Thomas, Kennedy, & Alito). And, if each one of them stood up for the Catholic beliefs on abortion, stem cells, euthanasia, etc our society would be so much closer to living by God's standards as He commanded us not to sin.

Alito is known for his decision in our particular case as noted by Wikipedia:

"He is known for his conservative judicial views. In one of his most cited decisions, he was the sole dissenter in Planned Parenthood v. Casey in 1991. In that case, he voted to uphold a Pennsylvania law that required women to tell their husbands before having an abortion, noting that the law allowed certain exceptions such as an abusive spouse. The Supreme Court struck down the law in 1992." (SOURCE)

Again, the issue here isn't at all like some think - taking away womens' rights. The issue lies in protecting the rights of the unborn child that it may have the ability for "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness". Let's pray Alito is nominated and stands up for the rights of all citizens so that no one is left behind to die but all are treated equally.

Image Source: In the Public Domain (same Wikipedia article)
Linggo, Oktubre 30, 2005
November: A Month to Pray for the Souls in Purgatory

I wanted to post today on November, which is the traditional month to especially pray for the souls in purgatory. I have outlined here a few past posts of mine that I'd like to share that could answer questions on purgatory. The recent Synod of Bishops in Rome spoke on many recommendations and one of which is to make homilies more apologetic (defending the Catholic faith). So, I would like to pass on these links to defend the faith and teach it and I hope others at their blogs will mention this month. These poor souls need our prayers since they can't pray for themselves in purgatory; let us pass on the word to pray, pray, and pray for them.
"The holy souls are eager for the prayers of the faithful which can gain indulgences for them. Their intercession is powerful. Pray unceasingly. We must empty Purgatory!" -- St. Padre Pio.
From Catholic Education:
One pain that is likely in store for most of us is the frustration that will come from the awareness that the living have the ability to grant tremendous relief by offering fasts, alms, prayers, i.e., The Rosary, The Act of Reparation, The Acts of Faith, Hope, and Charity, The Stations of the Cross, and The Sacrifice of the Mass, etc., in suffrage for us, but are not doing so because they don’t realize they have this power to help us, nor that there is a spiritual treasury of the Church available for them to relieve us, nor that we even need their help, because we did not pass on to them these enduring truths of the faith.
To gain a Plenary Indulgence form noon Nov. 1 until midnight Nov. 2, visit the church, pray for the Holy Souls and also for the intentions of the Holy Father. On All Soul's Day and for a week afterward, a Plenary Indulgence for the Holy Souls is granted for a visit to the cemetery with devotion and prayer for the dead. All through November, you can gain partial indulgence every day you visit the cemetery and pray for the dead.

Ideas for this November:
Other Recommended Posts:
Begin Prayer for Souls in Purgatory

Today I am beginning a special 7-day long prayer for the poor souls in purgatory especially with All Saints Day and All Souls Day approaching. St. Padre Pio repeatedly called for prayers and prayed for the souls in purgatory as did many of our holy Pontiffs and saints of centuries past. Purgatory is a Catholic Dogma and a required belief of the faith.

Our Lord once appeared to St. Gertrude and gave her a prayer for the souls in purgatory, and He promised that every time it was said that 1,000 souls would escape from purgatory.

Prayers for Each Day

Preparatory Prayer

My Jesus, by the sorrows You suffered in Your agony in the Garden, in Your scourging and crowning with thorns, in Your journey to Calvary, and in Your crucifixion and death, have mercy on the souls in Purgatory, and especially on those that are most forsaken; deliver them from the torments they endure; call them and admit them to Your most sweet embrace in Paradise, where You live with the Father and the Holy Spirit, one God, forever and ever. Amen. (FROM THE RACCOLTA)

(Here say the prayer for the day)

0ur Father

Our Father in Heaven, Your Kingdom come; Your will be done on earth, as it is in Heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our sins, as we forgive those who sin against us; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. Amen.

Hail Mary

Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with you; blessed are you among women; and blessed is the fruit of your womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us, sinners, now and at the hour of our death. Amen.

Eternal Rest

Eternal rest, grant unto them, O Lord; and let perpetual light shine upon them. May they rest in peace. Amen.

Concluding Prayer

Merciful Father, hear our prayers and console us. As we renew our faith in Your Son, Whom You raised from the dead, strengthen our hope that all our departed brothers and sisters will share in His resurrection, who lives and reigns with Thee and the Holy Spirit, one God, forever and ever. Amen.


O Lord God Almighty, I beseech You, by the Precious Blood which Your Divine Son Jesus shed in the Garden, deliver the souls in Purgatory, and especially that one which is the most forsaken of all, and bring him into Your glory, where he may praise and bless You forever. Amen.
Our Father. Hail Mary. Eternal rest, etc.


O Lord God Almighty, I beseech You, by the Precious Blood which Your Divine Son Jesus shed in His cruel scourging, deliver the souls in Purgatory, and, among them all, especially that soul who is nearest to his entrance into Your glory, that he may soon begin to praise You and bless You forever. Amen.


O Lord God Almighty, I beseech You, by the Precious Blood of Your Divine Son Jesus that was shed in His bitter crowning with thorns, deliver the souls in Purgatory, and, among them all, particularly that soul who is in greatest need of our prayers, in order that he may no longer be delayed in praising You in Your glory and blessing You forever. Amen.


O Lord God Almighty, I beseech You, by the Precious Blood of Your Divine Son Jesus that was shed on the streets of Jerusalem, while He carried on His sacred shoulders the heavy burden of the Cross, deliver the souls in Purgatory, and especially the one who is richest in merits in Your sight, so that, having soon attained the high place in glory to which he is destined, he may praise You triumphantly and bless You forever. Amen.


O Lord God Almighty, I beseech You, by the Precious Body and Blood of Your Divine Son Jesus, which He Himself, on the night before His Passion, gave as meat and drink to His Beloved Apostles and bequeathed to His Holy Church to be the Perpetual Sacrifice and life-giving nourishment of His faithful people, deliver the souls in Purgatory, and, most of all, that soul who was most devoted to this Mystery of infinite love, in order that he may praise You therefore, together with Your Divine Son and the Holy Spirit in Your glory forever. Amen.


O Lord God Almighty, I beseech You, by the Precious Blood which Jesus Your Divine Son did shed this day upon the tree of the Cross, especially from His sacred hands and feet, deliver the souls in Purgatory, and particularly that soul for whom I am most bound to pray, in order that I may not be the cause which hinders You from admitting him quickly to the possession of Your glory, where he may praise You and bless You forevermore. Amen.


O Lord God Almighty, I beseech You, by the Precious Blood which gushed forth from the sacred side of Your Divine Son Jesus in the presence and to the great sorrow of His Most Holy Mother, deliver the souls in Purgatory, and, among them all, especially that soul who has been the most devout to this noble Lady, that he may come quickly into Your glory, there to praise You in her, and her in You, through all the ages. Amen.

The St. Gertrude Prayer:

Eternal Father, I offer Thee the Most Precious Blood of Thy Divine Son, Jesus, in union with the Masses said throughout the world today, for all the Holy Souls in Purgatory, for sinners everywhere, for sinners in the Universal Church, those in my own home and within my family. Amen.

Image Source: Believed to be in the Public Domain
What Does it Mean to Be a Saint?

I heard this story once from my parish's pastor, and it is a true story.

One time in a religious education class the instructor asked her students, "What does it mean to be a saint?" One girl raised her hand and said, "I know the answer; I learned this from the stained glass windows in church - to be a saint means to let the light shine through."

Image Source: Believed to be in the Public Domain
Biyernes, Oktubre 28, 2005
Miers Was Not Catholic

According to an article found via the Roman Catholic blog, Harriet Miers was never even Catholic when we all read that she was indeed a Catholic. I'm glad that after past evidence of her possibly being pro-choice and now this news, that another person will be nominated.
Christ-Haunted Blog

It seems that the blog, Christ-Haunted is down in readers. It's a very good blog and one of my favorites to browse through.

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