Optional Memorial (1969 Calendar): November 3
St. Martin de Porres (1579 - 1639) showed commendable love, especially for the Holy Eucharist, and he worked tirelessly for the good of others. He set up an orphanage for poor children and a shelter for stray dogs and cats to be nursed back to health. He always helped others and was even called St. Martin of Charity.
St. Martin de Porres was born into poverty and spent time as a surgeon-barber, where he learned medicine. At age 11, he became a servant in the Holy Rosary Dominican priory in Lima, Peru. He begged for money from the rich and collected more than $2,000 a week to care for the poor and sick of Lima. In 1603, he took vows as a Dominican brother. He also fasted regularly, never ate meat, and spent much time in prayer and meditation. St. Martin had many gifts, including levitation and bilocation. He died of a fever in 1639.
Pope Gregory XVI beatified Martin de Porres on October 8, 1837. Pope John XXIII canonized him in Rome on May 6, 1962. He was the first canonized black saint from the Americas.
Prayers to Saint Martin de Porres:
O GOD, Who has given us In Your humble Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ, The model of all virtue And perfection, Grant to us The virtue of humility. We think so little of You Because we are So full of ourselves. We cannot love You more Until humility shows us Our own nothingness And makes us rejoice In our complete Dependence upon You. You have given to the world a glorious apostle of humility:
ST. MARTIN DE PORRES. Guide us by his example And strengthen Us through his intercession In our efforts To conform our hearts To the humble Heart Of Your crucified Son. May the glory of sainthood Which you have Deigned to bestow Upon Brother Martin Draw the world closer And closer to You. Renew, O Lord, in these days When pride and forgetfulness Of You are so widespread, The wonders which You performed Through Your humble servant During his lifetime. Through the same Christ Our Lord. Amen. Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory Be (3 times each.)
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