Lunes, Pebrero 13, 2006
The Miracles of St. Padre Pio

A reader of my blog asked me to make post on this, and I was more than happy to do so.

St. Padre Pio (1887 - 1968) lived in our modern world but was everything other than ordinary. On September 20, 1918, St. Padre Pio received the stigmata, the five wounds of Christ. He is the only priest in history to receive the Stigmata. Roughly 300 others in Church history have also received it including St. Francis of Assisi, St. Catherine of Sienna, St. Frances of Rome, and others. While the Church has yet to issue an official statement on this phenomena, it is surely an act in accordance with the Divine Will.

Doctors examined St. Padre Pio and could find no natural cause of the wounds. These wounds remained his entire life until his death when, as he predicted, they were healed. However, there was no scarring of the flesh. The blood that flowed from the stigmata was reported by others to have a smell of roses and flowers. St. Padre Pio was a living example of how holy an individual can become by faith.

He had the gift of Bilocation:

"Among the most remarkable of the documented cases of bilocation was the Padre's appearance in the air over San Giovanni Rotondo during World War II. While southern Italy remained in Nazi hands American bombers were given the job of attacking the city of San Giovanni Rotondo. However, when they appeared over the city and prepared to unload their munitions a brown-robed friar appeared before their aircraft. All attempts to release the bombs failed. In this way Padre Pio kept his promise to the citizens that their town would be spared. Later on, when an American airbase was established at Foggia a few miles away, one of the pilots of this incident visited the friary and found to his surprise the little friar he had seen in the air that day over San Giovanni." (Source: EWTN)

There are numerous other bilocation miracles that have been confirmed by numerous eyewitnesses. Read about them here.

"In order to attract us, the Lord grants us many graces that we believe can easily obtain Heaven for us. We do not know, however, that in order to grow, we need hard bread: the cross, humiliation, trials and denials." Padre Pio

He had the Gift of Levitation:

In his life, St. Padre Pio was a miracle worker. He also could levitate. On one occasion, St. Padre Pio levitated through the air in order to reach the Confessional without being seen and stopped. He immediately began to receive penitents. A man in the church was amazed how the priest had gotten to the confessional because so many people were outside of his door waiting to talk with him. St. Padre Pio said to him that God made him invisible and he walked on their heads to the confessional.

He healed others:

In 1919, St. Padre Pio received a penitent using two canes. The doctors could not help the 62-year-old man, but after Confession St. Padre Pio said, "Stand up and go away! You have to throw away these canes." The man could walk perfectly again. There have been numerous other healings too.

He had the Gift of Perfume:

Sometimes God allows saints to emit a beautiful perfume in order to draw more people to Himself and holiness. This perfume is smelt only by a privileged few, not all. St. Padre Pio had this gift and the smell of roses, incense, ammonia, and others was emitted from him. He said to some inquiring about them: "They are only a sign of my presence."

Father Agostino of San Marco in Lamis had a malfunctioned olfactory gland and could only smell strong odors. He said, "I smelt a number of times the perfume that many people smell. Even when I was distant from San Giovanni Rotondo I smelt it." The Gift of Perfume continued after St. Padre Pio's death. Not just places connected with him but also places in American and distant places of the world smelt the distinct perfume.

The Gift of Light:

On October 5, 125, Dr. Giorgio Festa operated on St. Padre Pio for a hernia. Before he had to stitch the would, the doctor noticed St. Pio had lost consciousness. He took advantage of this and look at his left side - the place of Jesus' wound from his stigmata. And, he was the wound was "fresh and of a vermilion red and in the shape of a cross...From the edges of the wound emitted small but unmistakable rays of light." Dr. Giorgio put on the bandage and St. Padre Pio regained his senses.

He also had the Gift of Visions, the spirit of Prophesy, Clairvoyance, the power to read hearts in Confession, and Xenoglossy (The ability to write, speak, or understand an unknown language).


328 comment(s):

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del_button Agosto 24, 2011 nang 4:11 PM
Hindi-nagpakilala ayon kay ...

Father Pio once again I'm asking for your intercession to Our Lord and his Blessed Mother. Please intercede every Grace & Blessing possible for my family, friends, and all whom the Lord places before me everyday. For my Son and his family I pray that somehow their financial difficulties may be resolved or lessened, He (Our Lord) alone can do so, and I Thank You in advance. Please ask also for good health for each of them.

With continued Great Faith I Thank You.

del_button Setyembre 6, 2011 nang 11:49 PM
Hindi-nagpakilala ayon kay ...

St. Padre Pio,I come to ask you for a healing miracle. Please, let me regain my health back, I want to be well. Father intercede for my entire family so they will continue to be well and united, I ask this in Jesus name, Amen.

del_button Setyembre 7, 2011 nang 10:00 PM
Hindi-nagpakilala ayon kay ...

Dear Padre Pio,
As I sit here with my sister who introduced me to you and who believes in you......I ask you to please heal my unborn baby who has been diagnosed with down syndrome, possible heart and bowel problems. Please let me have an easy birth with no complications for me or my baby as i have been through a lot during my pregnancy. I promise to pray a novena in your honor. Also, please heal my sister who has been through many tough situations to become healthy and live a happy life. I thank you Padre Pio for interceding for me upon God.

del_button Setyembre 11, 2011 nang 6:26 AM
Mimi Hernando ayon kay ...

Dear Padre Pio,

Please lay your healing hands over our niece Hannah may she be healed from Dengue and her platelets return to normal soon, please join us also in prayer for healing to our Lord Jesus, that he may heal not only Hannah but each every member of our family physically, spiritually and emotionally. May our Blessed Virgin mary cloak Hannah with her healing and prayers. Thank you Padre Pio.

del_button Setyembre 23, 2011 nang 4:58 AM
Hindi-nagpakilala ayon kay ...

Dear St. Padre Pio,

I most humbly beseech you to intercede for me with regard to my friends recently diagonised ailment. We are standing together in faith for his healing by our Lords PASSION.
Do pray for us dear saint Pio.

del_button Oktubre 6, 2011 nang 4:57 PM
Hindi-nagpakilala ayon kay ...

Padre Pio please help me discern what to do to earn money to assist in my family life and in the lives all the people you have given me. I have sent my guardian angel with the request and await your answer.

del_button Oktubre 10, 2011 nang 1:15 AM
kafikwa ayon kay ...

i wanna be your close fried,welcome me!!!!!!!

del_button Oktubre 13, 2011 nang 2:54 PM
LINDI ayon kay ...

Dear Father Pio

Iwould like to thank God for giving us someone like you.Through you I would like to thank God
for everything that I have.Pls be with my family;my loving husband,bless him Lord;my kids;Simphiwe;Bongeka and Anele. Help Ayanda and Andile too. Help me to have confidence when I'M DRIVING.AMEN.

del_button Oktubre 13, 2011 nang 2:57 PM
LINDI ayon kay ...

Dear Father Pio
Be with my mother she is sickly and my father inlaw;and everybody that I know who is not well to get well soon.AMEN

del_button Oktubre 20, 2011 nang 12:19 AM
Hindi-nagpakilala ayon kay ...

Precious Padre, Help us with setting up some business here. Please intercede on our behalf to our lord and grant us the favours we beg for. We need a source of income to live here and look after Mamma. please help our family. we LOVE YOU

del_button Oktubre 20, 2011 nang 12:31 AM
Hindi-nagpakilala ayon kay ...

Padre please work on Anita's faith. I want her to have her faith ignited as she has had a hard life and I feel her faith is waning.. Padre we desperately need your help too as our finances our very low and we beg for some support

del_button Oktubre 26, 2011 nang 9:20 AM
Hindi-nagpakilala ayon kay ...

Dear Padre Pio may I humbly request for you to intercede for the healing of a friend (J. Javier)who is oppressed by the spirit of envy, may she come to realize the destruction it causes her , I forgive her just as God forgives me. Protect us all from this oppression by her. Thank you very much

del_button Oktubre 26, 2011 nang 9:25 AM
Hindi-nagpakilala ayon kay ...

Padre may I humbly request for your intercession for a J Javier may the Lord free her from the spirit of envy. may she come to realize the destruction it brings her. I forgive her jus as God forgives me. Protect us from the destructive nature of what possesess her. May the Lord grant her a new place of work where she will learn to value those who are generous with her. Release us from the burden of having to work with her in our clinic. Amen

del_button Oktubre 30, 2011 nang 11:39 PM
Hindi-nagpakilala ayon kay ...

Padre Pio please pray for me and bf. enlighten our hearts and minds. Please ease the hurt we are both feeling. Bless our relationship. I pray that he forgive me and accept me again. I pray that we can immediately rekindle our beautiful relationship and that we will be both happy and content with each other. I pray for him to be the good and perfect husband for me. Thru your intercession Padre Pio.

del_button Nobyembre 4, 2011 nang 9:20 AM
Hindi-nagpakilala ayon kay ...

Dear Padre Pio, today I make no requests but humbly express my deepest gratitude for being always there for me , my family and love ones. Thank you Padre Pio, thank you Mother Mary, St. Joseph, St Benedict and St Michael the Archangel, most of all thank you God our Father in heaven and our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

del_button Nobyembre 14, 2011 nang 10:02 AM
Hindi-nagpakilala ayon kay ...

Dear Padre Pio Please intercede for my all member exspecially for sibling and they family.Also help me overcome all obstacles in my work place and send holy spirit into me to handle all those challenge i am currently facing, i make this through blessed JESUS CHRIST

del_button Nobyembre 15, 2011 nang 8:37 AM
Hindi-nagpakilala ayon kay ...

Dear Padre Pio pls pray for us. pls. help me to heal my myoma. i am hoping for a succesful operation. and pls help us to establish financial support for my operations and other obligations to other people. help those who are most in need of your help.thank you for all these I ask in the name of God. Amen. thank you for listening our prayers

del_button Nobyembre 21, 2011 nang 5:39 AM
Hindi-nagpakilala ayon kay ...

Dear Padre Pio,

Please heal my aunt PAT from her infections that is busy causing her death.You have performed many miracles in JESUS CHRIST name please my favourite saint cure her in Jesus name that she might be able to walk again.Thank you

del_button Nobyembre 28, 2011 nang 12:43 PM
Hindi-nagpakilala ayon kay ...

padre could u intercede to god. jesus. his blessed mother to pray that our grandaughter doesnt have a speech impediment maybe shes just slow but pray pls dear padre god and all the angels bless you as i do thank you st pio

del_button Disyembre 13, 2011 nang 12:26 AM
Hindi-nagpakilala ayon kay ...

Padre Pio, pls intercede for me that I may be able to pass the 2011 Bar Examination. I have great faith in you that you will intercede for me and for all those who sought your intercession that through you, we may be able to attain what we wish for. We will be forever be greatfull to you.

del_button Disyembre 15, 2011 nang 12:42 AM
Mary Ann ayon kay ...

Padre Pio, please heal my cousin’s daughter Louise. She was born with hearing impairment. They already seek for doctor’s advice and the doctor said that they could not do anything. Please intercede and heal our baby Louise. On behalf of our family we pray. Thank you

del_button Disyembre 15, 2011 nang 12:44 AM
Mary Ann ayon kay ...

Padre Pio, please heal my cousin’s daughter Louise. She was born with hearing impairment. They already seek for doctor’s advice and the doctor said that they could not do anything. Please intercede and heal our baby Louise. On behalf of our family we pray. Thank you

del_button Disyembre 20, 2011 nang 11:26 AM
Hindi-nagpakilala ayon kay ...

Help me find love with Nicola.

del_button Disyembre 24, 2011 nang 5:44 PM
Michael ayon kay ...

I believe you are a saint of God, I trust and believe that Jesus christ is the son of God and that He died for my sins to be fogiven.
I want to pray for my Family, my son who is strugling with his grades,wife who needs your miracle to cure her, I also want to pray for financial blessings next year.For all my family to be blessed.

del_button Disyembre 29, 2011 nang 5:12 AM
Hindi-nagpakilala ayon kay ...

Dear Padre Pio, may I humbly seek your intercession for the complete relaese of our sister Imee from the evil oppression of envy, anger, resentment, bitterness, lying and inability to be grayeful for all her blessings, please heal her Padre Pio with your hands in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, she has been possesed by this spirits for since childhood, she exhibits a dual personality and causes much pain to people who is the subject of her evny and loath, protect the people around her forever, may he be realeased from this very soon and may the Lord grant her husband faith in God and pateince to help her recover. I humbly ask for the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary, St Benedict and St Michael the archangel. May the Lord grant her healing soon especcially for the sake of her husband and his family. Thank you Padre Pio nd I firmly believe in your divine intervention. Lord Jesus come and save us all and protect us. Amen

del_button Disyembre 30, 2011 nang 7:33 PM
Kathryn ayon kay ...

padre pio help me find my way through my difficult time and to cope. Serenity prayer.

del_button Enero 3, 2012 nang 2:31 AM
Hindi-nagpakilala ayon kay ...

Thank You Saint Padre Pio for my beautiful little granddaughter.

The very day I was praying to you to intercede to Our Lord and the Blessed Mother. My daughter and her husband were on the way to the hospital to get the ultra sound results. They had no idea I was praying to you.

My daughter called me all excited to tell me that the baby was healthy. She had lost the previous pregnancy. She continued to tell me that her husband pointed out the Licence Plates on the Car in front of them, read "Padre Pio." She said that they were following that car for quite awhile.

I knew then I just received a mircle. I ask her if Kevin knew who Padre Pio was. She said yes and it was an older couple in an older car. She had no idea I was praying to You, Padre Pio at the very moment they were following the car to the hospital.

My granddaughter, Caitlin, was born on May 25, 2007. Your Birthday, Saint Padre Pio. I try to share this with everyone to encourage devotion to you, Saint Padre Pio. You are a miracle worker.

del_button Enero 11, 2012 nang 3:33 AM
Hindi-nagpakilala ayon kay ...

St. Padre Pio, you always know that you're a Saint given by God Almighty that helps human mankind to remember and praise Our God. I really request Your help by praying together with me to Our God. My friend is HIV positive and I'm will be having my HIV test 6 months from now. Every night I burst into tears when thinking about my family and my little baby. Before this I prayed so hard and God had answered all my prayers. I couldn't stop praising Lord Jesus with joy until one day something happened to me. It was a temptation from the devils. I had fallen into very bad thing. Now I was in misery and anxious but I still have my strong faith in God. The more closer and joyful we are with God, the more temptations are pushed to us by the devils. I need courage and hope from You and Our God. please pray for us, and all the people who are in need for the healing,hope, mercy and forgiveness.

del_button Enero 17, 2012 nang 3:26 AM
Hindi-nagpakilala ayon kay ...

Dear Padre Pio,I pray today to you to intercede for the Wife and Son,that their hard work will be protected and not to let evil enter to destroy Gods Holy gift of work and pray for me.

del_button Enero 21, 2012 nang 9:21 AM
Hindi-nagpakilala ayon kay ...

Padre Pio please hear my prayers.

del_button Pebrero 1, 2012 nang 5:40 PM
Anisa ayon kay ...

Padre pio,

Thank you so much for bringing tony to me. I'm so happy to be with him and I thank you for letting it happen this way. Thank you for also taking care of josh and helping him recover quickly. I support everything in your name and the lords name. Padre pio, please make this stuff in my face disappear quickly. Let it go away and let me never have the wish to change something I am lucky to have been given by God. Tell God that I feel very lucky to have these features and I am truly grateful. Please let everything dissipate quickly and before the wedding.

del_button Pebrero 1, 2012 nang 5:41 PM
Anisa ayon kay ...

I love padre pio and god and Jesus so much!!!!!

del_button Pebrero 2, 2012 nang 12:25 PM
Hindi-nagpakilala ayon kay ...

Padre Pio pls pray to Our Good Lord for peace in every heart on this earth. Thank you!

del_button Pebrero 4, 2012 nang 10:40 PM
Hindi-nagpakilala ayon kay ...

Dear Father Pio,
I'm asking for your intercession for my Son and his wife that if it's The Lord's Will, they may very soon be told everything is approved for the home they are wanting to purchase. Please ask for them patience from the Holy Spirit until Our Lord's Holy Will is done.

With great faith, OL

del_button Marso 6, 2012 nang 7:25 PM
Hindi-nagpakilala ayon kay ...

Father Pio,
Please ask Our father in Heaven and His Blessed Mother to heal our litle Granddaughter of an infection she has. She is only 5 1/2 months old. We have a lot of faith and know that you will intercede for her complete healing. Thank You. OL

del_button Marso 14, 2012 nang 1:33 PM
Hindi-nagpakilala ayon kay ...

Father Pio,
Thank You for your help and intercession for my little granddaughter that she be healed from an infection she had. I pray that it may never occur again. Also Thank You for interceding for my son and his wife in the purchasing of their first home. They have already moved in and are very happy. Our faith is a tremendous gift from God and one that we must live daily.

In Gratitude, OL

del_button Marso 23, 2012 nang 8:13 PM
Hindi-nagpakilala ayon kay ...

Padre Pio thank you for all your intercessions in the world. Please can you heal my back pain and leg pain it causes me such pain every day and lots of anxiety. Thank you to Jesus too.

del_button Marso 27, 2012 nang 5:52 AM
Hindi-nagpakilala ayon kay ...

Dear Padre Pio,

Please intercede on SOUTH AFRICA and ask our dear lord Jesus to bring an end to racial tension in our beautiful country.Let all races live in peace and harmony with one another.Padre Pio please ask Jesus to bring an end to all farm murders and to come into these murderers hearts that they may repent from their sins.Padre Pio you did many miracles during your life on earth and are still doing so through our lord. Please i implore you through the precious blood of JESUS to stop all pursecution in our land to different race groups.AMEN

del_button Marso 27, 2012 nang 6:17 AM
Hindi-nagpakilala ayon kay ...

Thank you Padre Pio,for all your prayers to JESUS on everyones behalf.

del_button Abril 5, 2012 nang 12:38 AM
Hindi-nagpakilala ayon kay ...

Dear Padre Pio,
Please pray for my complete healing..i been always sick for almost 12 years and my faith in God is the only thing that helps me to keep going in life. I am experiencing another pain again and I know you will intercede for me in my prayers. God had answered my prayers and I know whatever happens He will be on my side. Thank you Lord and thank you Padre Pio!

del_button Abril 7, 2012 nang 12:45 PM
Hindi-nagpakilala ayon kay ...

dear padre please intercede to god.jesus, his mother mary that my youngest finds his way in his mixed up world myself and his father arent gettin any younger,,,,so we wud like him settled before hand we wud luv him to find a nice girl get wed have kids be settled in a gd job please please dear padre do this for my son may god bless you i will never forget you holy father

del_button Mayo 2, 2012 nang 4:14 AM
Hindi-nagpakilala ayon kay ...

Dear Padre Pio,

Please intercede on behalf of Naas Van Jaarsveld and ask JESUS to receive him into heaven as he really suffered on earth the last 3 to 4 years.Padre Pio Please ask also our Holy Mother to talk to Jesus as well that Naas May enter Heaven if he is in Purgatory.Ask our lord JESUS CHRIST to have mercy and pity on his soul.We ask this in the precious blood of JESUS name AMEN.

del_button Mayo 2, 2012 nang 9:25 AM
Hindi-nagpakilala ayon kay ...


Please intercede on behalf of Naas Van Jaarsveld and ask JESUS to have mercy and pity on his soul and release him from purgatory if he's there into heaven we ask this in the precious blood of Jesus name.Amen

del_button Mayo 8, 2012 nang 5:39 AM
Hindi-nagpakilala ayon kay ...

Dear Padre Pio,

Thank you so so much for interceding on behalf of my father inlaw.Thank Jesus for all the prayers that were answered it carries more weight if it comes from you my favourite saint.Tell Jesus his weakling says thank you and that i love him.

del_button Mayo 18, 2012 nang 5:21 AM
Hindi-nagpakilala ayon kay ...

Padre Pio,

Please intercede on behalf of my son James and ask our dear Lord Jesus to help him with his studies in the up coming examinations that are coming up,that he may be aple to grasp his work quickly and effiently.Thank you

del_button Mayo 21, 2012 nang 7:25 AM
Hindi-nagpakilala ayon kay ...

please father pio save me, my daughter and my husband from incurable illneses, if there is disease in our body that our God heal us completely, and for my brother in law joel please heal him.

del_button Mayo 25, 2012 nang 5:40 AM
Hindi-nagpakilala ayon kay ...

Dear Padre Pio,

I am suffering from Kidney stones as you are already aware of as my guardian angel must have already told you.Please Padre Pio heal me in the precious blood of Jesus name that i may get better.Let me pass this kidney stone on my own.Thank you my savourite saint.

del_button Hunyo 11, 2012 nang 7:11 AM
Hindi-nagpakilala ayon kay ...

Dear Padre Pio,
Please help my husband to see the goodness in me. So that he may love me again and be reunited with us, in Jesus name. Amen I believe you will pray for me and answer my prayers. Heal me from doubts and frustrations. Amen.amen.amen.

del_button Hunyo 18, 2012 nang 4:26 PM
Hindi-nagpakilala ayon kay ...

Please Padre Pio pray for me that I am cured of this virus, of Diabetes, anxiety and depression. Please also pray for my friends' ailments, my sister's and mother's ailments as well. I am a broken woman and with your help I can be whole again. I want to serve one day as a teacher and to spread the goodness of our Lord.

del_button Hunyo 27, 2012 nang 12:12 PM
Hindi-nagpakilala ayon kay ...

p intercede thru jesus to pray that my husbands stomach pain is not cancer pleaseee he has an ulcer he is treating it, but i fear as when he takes alcohol,,,,,,,it puts the pain away, yet its 1 of the things that give u an ulcer god bless u my favorite saint keep me healthy also i will leave my plea with u my father bless mary. jesus. joseph and god and prayers for all my family please i love them all thank you my beloved saint..............

del_button Hunyo 28, 2012 nang 10:43 PM
Hindi-nagpakilala ayon kay ...

Dear Padre Pio
Please help me dear saint. I am going for D&C precedure on Thursday. Padre Pio intercede for me - please give me good results, not cancer and no major surgery. I am weak with no money so please help me. Also my car won't start and I am sure there are other problems. Do you do cars Padre Pio? Please fix my car, I don't have the means to have it fixed. Thank you for all that you done, thank you, I love you. ma

del_button Hulyo 12, 2012 nang 10:39 PM
Hindi-nagpakilala ayon kay ...

Dearest St. Padre Pio,
My son was proposed to a girl. They met each other on Tuesday 3rd July, 2012. Their friendship was ok,
till Sunday 8th July. On 8th July, my son developed some dislike towards the girl. To-day he went to meet and tell her that he
can not continue the courtship. But, he came back having made up with her. I thank God and all the saints I prayed to, including
St. Pio for having prevented the break-up. With much relief, I now pray to St. Padre Pio to intercede with God the Father in the
name of Lord Jesus Christ to save this marriage proposal by making them develop a mutual love, respect and affection for each other,
so that they may be united in marriage wedlock as good husband and good wife, in the near future. Please help them St. Pio and
prevent such break up in the future and save this marriage proposal and avoid embarrassment, humiliation and disgrace to all parties
concerned. Protect them from astrological and numerological impediments.

St. Padre Pio pray for us.


del_button Agosto 5, 2012 nang 4:05 AM
Hindi-nagpakilala ayon kay ...

Padre Pio thru your intercession please tell our Lord to grant my request to solve our financial problem.

del_button Agosto 10, 2012 nang 1:51 PM
Hindi-nagpakilala ayon kay ...

Padre Pio ...please help me to heal and be free of pain..please guide me along with Jesus in a gentle way.

del_button Agosto 21, 2012 nang 11:47 PM
Hindi-nagpakilala ayon kay ...

Dear Padre Pio- Please help my Father John O.- He is in excruciation pain every day with his back-He cannot bear the pain which he describes as Suicidal! I am so worried for his well being & his soul- Please ease his pain............
His loving Daughter

del_button Agosto 22, 2012 nang 8:29 AM
Hindi-nagpakilala ayon kay ...

Padre Pio please intercede on behalf of South Africa and ask our Lord Jesus to bless our country by bringing peace to it.Please ask Jesus to bring an end to all talk,thoughts of war among the different race groups.Amen

del_button Agosto 22, 2012 nang 8:37 AM
Hindi-nagpakilala ayon kay ...

Dear Padre Pio,

Please intercede on SOUTH AFRICA and ask our dear lord Jesus to bring an end to racial tension in our beautiful country.Let all races live in peace and harmony with one another.Padre Pio please ask Jesus to bring an end to all farm murders and to come into these murderers hearts that they may repent from their sins.Padre Pio you did many miracles during your life on earth and are still doing so through our lord. Please i implore you through the precious blood of JESUS to stop all pursecution in our land to different race groups.AMEN

del_button Setyembre 26, 2012 nang 4:34 PM
Hindi-nagpakilala ayon kay ...

padre pio please bless my family and keep us safe. also help pop pop stay heathy, and also help me to be a kinder and more loving person and help me through the drama at school.

del_button Oktubre 20, 2012 nang 7:54 PM
Hindi-nagpakilala ayon kay ...

Please pray to St Rita, St Jude & St Anthony. Please pray for the recovery of my mother. Please pray to ST Rita, St Jude & St Anthony for the health of my father. Please pray that Our Blessed Lady places these prayers before the feet of her son. Please pray for my mother to recover her health and to have the bleeding stop and that she will live a long and healthy and happy life. Please pray for my father who had a stroke last year Please pray he has a long and healthy and happy life.

del_button Oktubre 20, 2012 nang 10:40 PM
oktaviawalg ayon kay ...

Padre Pio, please give a miracle for my life and promise you paid to do something for people....thank you

del_button Oktubre 20, 2012 nang 10:46 PM
oktaviawalg ayon kay ...

Padre Pio, help me and give me a miracle for my birthday gifts tomorrow.....thank you for your kindness.....

del_button Oktubre 23, 2012 nang 1:25 PM
Hindi-nagpakilala ayon kay ...

Dear padre Pio

I am asking you heal my son's soul and mind. Please open his eyes to a healthy and drug free life. Please intercede on my son Nelson's behalf so he could live a healthy and happy life. Thank you very much

del_button Nobyembre 9, 2012 nang 2:08 AM
Garth ayon kay ...

Dear Padre Pio,

Please ask our lord Jesus through the intercession of yourself to heal my niece from her inlarged liver that she may lead a normal life we ask this in the precious blood of JESUS name.Amen

del_button Nobyembre 21, 2012 nang 4:26 PM
Hindi-nagpakilala ayon kay ...

Dear Padre Pio,
Please pray for healing and cure of my illness so I can care for my children and husband. I want to feel well again. I thank you Padre Pio.

del_button Nobyembre 22, 2012 nang 7:40 PM
vera ayon kay ...

I just wanted to stop and thank Dr Atingo for his help. You have saved my relationship twice and all that time I used your spell. I broke up twice last year with my ex first time we got back together lasted a short while because I had not followed your instruction completely second time I used your methods again and he came back. Thank you so much, now i know that there is nothing you can't do with your powers to help people to be happy. I was so confused how to act when he came back, but I had to follow your instruction. We are stronger than the first time or the second time and all because I took your well meaning spell. Thank you so much. I have a life these days, after letting go of all the drama in my life. Thank you so much for your help. contact him with email if you need his help also.

del_button Disyembre 4, 2012 nang 1:15 AM
Garth ayon kay ...

Padre Pio through your intercession my aunt can walk thank Jesus Christ for us, and we thank you for all your intercessions and your cure through our Lord Jesus Christ.Amen

del_button Disyembre 4, 2012 nang 1:21 AM
Garth ayon kay ...

Dear Padre Pio,

Please heal my father from the nausea and pain he has been experiencing.Please ask Jesus Christ to grant us this request through your intercession that he may be healed in the precious blood of Jesus.Amen

del_button Enero 4, 2013 nang 8:59 PM
Hindi-nagpakilala ayon kay ...

St. Padre Pio, please pray for a complete healing of my anguishing and debilitating mental condition which has tormented me for years. Fr. Martin

del_button Enero 9, 2013 nang 12:33 PM
Hindi-nagpakilala ayon kay ...

Dear Padre Pio, Thank you for all your intercessions on behalf of those who need our prayers and your help. I thank you for letting me be a witness to the healing of my dear friend and pray that you intercede on her behalf as we praise you and our Lord, Jesus Christ. Amen.

del_button Enero 22, 2013 nang 8:06 PM
Hindi-nagpakilala ayon kay ...

two to three days ago i wrote in this site for the healing of my mom,( i don't know her illness but she's so weak and refuse to sought medical help.) after submitting my letter, there was a video of saint pio's hand, it caught my attention, and i clicked the arrow and suddenly disappeared. after that, i saw a caption that says,video is not found. I know that it was Saint Pio's hand that telling me that my mom is healed. Thank you Saint Pio! i will continue to pray, hope , so that worry is not a part of me but a faith in our Lord will dominate my spirit.
may this experience of mine will also inspire others and will be your children too.

del_button Enero 23, 2013 nang 2:04 AM
Hindi-nagpakilala ayon kay ...

Padre Pio please intercede on my fathers behalf and heal him of his enfhysema.I ask this in the precious blood of Jesus name amen

del_button Enero 25, 2013 nang 4:55 AM
Hindi-nagpakilala ayon kay ...

DEAR dear Padre Pio,

I thank you for healing my father through your entercession and i also thank Mother Mary our holy mother as well.The biggest thank you goes to Jesus Christ for granting this request.Amen

del_button Pebrero 12, 2013 nang 4:24 AM
Hindi-nagpakilala ayon kay ...

My dear saint Padre Pio,

Please heal my father from any sicknesses that he is experiencing.We ask this in the precious blood of JESUS name.Please Padre Pio ask Jesus That you may heal him.

Thank you

del_button Pebrero 15, 2013 nang 7:27 PM
Hindi-nagpakilala ayon kay ...

Please Father Pio help me pray to our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ to pleased heal my husband of his sickness Roy Atterwaite Cooke COPD and now he is diagnosed with having a Lung Cancer......To Lord jesus Name we pray... Amen

del_button Pebrero 20, 2013 nang 3:08 AM
Garth ayon kay ...

Padre Pio,

I pleade with urgency to intercede and heal my father From a number of illnesses that we just found out about.Please i beg you to ask Jesus to heal him.Jesus is all knowing and i believe that he can heal my father.I implore you to please please through your intercession to ask Jesus to heal him of his sicknesses.Thank you.Amen

del_button Pebrero 27, 2013 nang 2:45 PM
Hindi-nagpakilala ayon kay ...

Please pray for me, I am afraid

del_button Marso 13, 2013 nang 1:00 PM
Hindi-nagpakilala ayon kay ...

Dear Padre Pio, i turn to you now in a time of great anguish for my friend Barry who has been diagnosed with a cancerous tumour and is presently in ICU after a major operation. Please CURE him 100 percent and let him feel my deep love for him tonight. I know he will be cured with your intercession. Padre Pio please let me FEEL your presence and love. there are so many other things going on here, but you know my heart. I believe that you will heal this wonderful man and bring him great peace in his heart going forward. thank you.

del_button Marso 22, 2013 nang 1:49 PM
Hindi-nagpakilala ayon kay ...

ST.Padre Pio, please help me.. Tell God to heal me. I am so sad, I can't eat, I always think of my problem. I need your miracle.i always have a faith in you, .Change me and everything around me.Cure my body and soul.Hold me tight and never ever let go.Please make my husband mark to realize things and to change his bad treatment towards me and his bad doings to me!hope i can have a good exit in my previous work and to be able to have a good and nice career in the other company,help me and my family to solve our problem in our house and most especially please heal my baby curt and live long.i love you St.Padre Pio, I love you JESUS CHRIST our KING!!!

del_button Marso 29, 2013 nang 11:04 AM
Hindi-nagpakilala ayon kay ...

Dear Padre Pio, I learned about you from spying on the instagram of the mistress of my husband.... I am lost Padre, I have anger, hate, pain, hopelessness, and I am going crazy... I am filled with jealousy and I am so tired of my life... I have become obsessed with my husband's ways and I confronted him and was really evil... I was scared Padre to be alone... I wish that you grant me peace, love, healing to be the best mother, wife, daughter, sister , friend, and most of all, to be always the person that puts God first.. I am desperate and I think I have reached the lowest point of my life.. i wish that my husband will give me my children back, that I can support financially my family and have a home and most of all, just be the daughter God wants me to be. Please Padre, heal me, heal me, mentally emotionally, physically, psychologically from all evil things, thoughts, addictions, vices, words, acts, and get rid of the devil that has implanted itself in my heart. Heal me physically and make me an instrument of God... It would take a miracle Padre to heal me since I am hopeless... I thank you for being there and I beg you please please please heal me and change my life... Heal the children from all evil amnd plant a seed in their heart that they may be good followers of God.... Father, please please show me what to do now cause I am lost. Padre, please take away all the hate I have for the mistress of my husband and for my husband... Tell me through some sign if I should grant my husband's wish for annulment... Enlighten me and reveal the truth of the Lord and may I have that miracle of always living in Christ and the Spirit and the Father.. Thank you thank you thank you

del_button Marso 29, 2013 nang 11:13 AM
Hindi-nagpakilala ayon kay ...

Dear Padre Pio, I pray for my sister in law, my mother in law, jovie, Ceana, Vina and my mom, kristy, and also to all those who hate me, and to those who love me, I pray that even for one second they will feel the love of God and may they be the children that God wants for us to be. I want to tell them that I am sorry and I want to make amends to all the wrong I have done.. Please put in their hearts that I wish them goodness and grace from God. Thank you Padre...Amanda my daughter will be safe and taken cared of by God...

del_button Abril 11, 2013 nang 7:52 AM
Hindi-nagpakilala ayon kay ...

Padre Pio,I need a miracle to unwind this financial transaction. Please help me. I am so sorry and now truly appreciate how fortunate I am. I am so afraid. Thank you

del_button Mayo 21, 2013 nang 7:48 PM
Hindi-nagpakilala ayon kay ...

padre pio. firstly thank you fir creatig amiracle for my precious son he is so happy in new school he. was tortured before i ask your intercession for my major problem im so frightened and alone im scared for our fitures my lovely dad always prays to you in your and dear lord jesus name please help us. we love you in our heart and souls

del_button Mayo 31, 2013 nang 1:22 AM
Hindi-nagpakilala ayon kay ...

thank u father pio for helping me in my prayers i have so much faith in you father pio i ask for miracle for my nephew that he in jail that u intercede and that the judge will be you as his guidence and release him he has court on 5-31-13 plz help my family and also my daughter to find a job and my son to find a good job i worry about my grandchildren i dnt want them to lose there place and to help me with my husband not to be mad and negative and remove friends and other people that trying to break us up thank father pio also for my two sisters to help my older sister with her pain that it oudisapears as im writing this letter to you thank you so much. love you for being there when we need you.

del_button Hunyo 1, 2013 nang 12:25 AM
Hindi-nagpakilala ayon kay ...

father pio i want to thank you for being the judge at my nephews court today 5-31-13 he has another court date on 6-14-13 you be the judge my father pio you have helped me and answered my prayers with our lord that has been there for me and my family my nephew lost his dad 24 years ago never met his dad the day that my nephew was born his dad was being burried help him to have a better life and a good job thank you so much also my son has had a pain in his stomach please take that pain away as i type this letter to you thank you so much love you lotts always light up a candle for you and my dear lord that has been for me and my family.

del_button Hunyo 11, 2013 nang 4:23 PM
Hindi-nagpakilala ayon kay ...

Padre Pio please let me get healed from all these disease of this chronic fatigue ,all migraine headaches,lupus.I need energy and also a new job with benefits also for my 2 children i have to believe everthing that they will get jobs. My youngest son for his father to pay child support also for my older children.i just want peace in our lives and protection from going and coming home from work for all my family members. thank you so much.

del_button Hunyo 24, 2013 nang 6:26 AM
Hindi-nagpakilala ayon kay ...

Dear Padre Pio,

Please ask Lord Jesus to let Nelson Mandela have a quick recovery that he may still grace us with his presence for a few more years. Padre Pio you have direct axis to Jesus please please let Mandela get better.Thanks

del_button Hunyo 25, 2013 nang 7:17 AM
Hindi-nagpakilala ayon kay ...

Dear Padre Pio, I have always heard about you but did not take kin interest but about a week a go a friend invited me to like your site. I have been off net but something has been bugging at me to open your website and learn more about you, am more than convinced that you are the chosen one of God! Help me to grow my faith and to put that faith into action, there's alot more about me i need to discuss with you and you help counsel me and reconcile me with the Lord. For now Padre Pio i would like you to interceed for the healing of my mum, she has bone degeneration and her legs are very bad, they make her to fall and all the time hurting her face, pray for her so that her legs may heal.Thru Jesus'name and further intercession of Mother Mary. Thank you Padre Pio.

del_button Hulyo 25, 2013 nang 9:05 AM
Eva Maria Greta ayon kay ...

I pray to you Padre Pio for protection in my pregnancy and the birth of my fourth child. I ask you to watch over and protect the closest people to my heart; my children & my mother. Keep them safe day and night, watch over their health. A very unusual thing happened to me today, you know exactly what it is I am talking about. I feel you had something to do with this, I hope you did. I welcome you fully into my life and I can only apologise that I am only seeking you now and have not done so before. Through Lord Jesus Christ hear my prayer. Amen x

del_button Hulyo 29, 2013 nang 6:58 AM
Hindi-nagpakilala ayon kay ...

padre pio would u intercede thru god, his son jesus, mother mary and st joseph ask god to help in getting my son his career choice please holy father and pray that he watches over my son all the days of his ;ife let me and my husband have a happy long life healthy wud be great, but I know u grant a lot of prayers on here god bless you your holiness st, padre pio

del_button Agosto 6, 2013 nang 9:45 AM
Hindi-nagpakilala ayon kay ...

dear padre I asked you for help with my sons career 2yrs ago, he done well got a job as carer, now, hes out of work and looking againcould u please intercede thru jesus and let him get a job of his choice again pls padre hes a gd son, god bless u padre I love you

del_button Setyembre 12, 2013 nang 5:00 AM
Hindi-nagpakilala ayon kay ...

Dear Padre Pio,

I would like to ask you to intercede to our Blessed Saviour on behalf of the children of Syria to stop the war in Syria and to soften the hearts of political leaders to stop wars across the globe please.

del_button Setyembre 12, 2013 nang 12:34 PM
Hindi-nagpakilala ayon kay ...

padre holy father, intercede thru jesus, his holy father, his mother mary st joseph and the holy ghost, I ask for my husband, he is just home from hospital he had a bad kidney infection he seems to get one thing after another bless him, his medication is making him feel sick, so he is not eating, which makes him look very ill and drawn, just help him from feeling sick dear padre, god bless you holy father, make him well pls

del_button Setyembre 13, 2013 nang 4:07 AM
IMO ayon kay ...

I have just recently began to hear about you, Padre Pio; about your miracles,your life etc. I've read , listened, even saw you in Youtube. I believe that you are the real deal. I know you have favor with God because of the many testimonies here and in other sites. Thank God we have your help in this life.
Padre Pio, my son MK needs a healing miracle. From his addiction, and his depression; these, as you know, have eaten up 13 years of his life, Padre Pio, a miracle would be the only way he can obtain healing and I am humbly asking you for it.
Please hear my petition, I believe that you can cure him once and for all. I ask you also to provide him with a solid job, a good way to earn a living and start up his life again. Provide him, if it's God's will,with a loving Catholic wife who will be with him for the rest of his life.
Padre Pio, thank you for listening to my prayer.
All for God's Glory. Amen!

del_button Setyembre 24, 2013 nang 1:59 AM
Hindi-nagpakilala ayon kay ...

St.Padre Pio Pray for me to the Lord to heal our Family Tree and i get a husband.
I need a change in the way of life of living today full of challenges i have received from Men

del_button Oktubre 7, 2013 nang 10:47 PM
Hindi-nagpakilala ayon kay ...

Padre Pio i come to you humbly ask please intercede for me that my friendship with my good friend will reconcile and restore.she will contact me again.she willing to talk to me again.Please intercede for me and ask JESUS CHRIST make peace between me my good friend MS.Please intercede for me so that there is no obstacle in our friendship.Let her know how i appreciate the friendship.I ask this in JESUS NAME AMEN.Thank you very much for interceding for me.

del_button Nobyembre 28, 2013 nang 1:10 AM
Hindi-nagpakilala ayon kay ...

i ask for your intercession St.Padre Pio for the healing of my mother on all her sickness and help her in the midst of her problem ,release her from the stress she had now. i love her very much .thank you.

del_button Disyembre 5, 2013 nang 6:18 PM
Hindi-nagpakilala ayon kay ...

My beloved st padre pio, am ur daughter emma from australia . I never heard about u before but thanks to our lord and to my sister in law(italian) who told me about u. I read ur life and knew how great humble and kind saint u are. I believe that god do miracles through his saints and u are one of them.please my beloved father st pio pray for me to have another child and pray for my husband to get beter job and bless my son in his life. All praised and glory gose to our lord jesus christ .Lots of love from ur daughter emma

del_button Disyembre 25, 2013 nang 8:22 AM
Hindi-nagpakilala ayon kay ...

Dear Padre Pio, please intercede to our Lord Jesus that i will overcome all the treatments of my breast cancer and I will be given the miracle of complete healing. Please pray for me and i beg for God"s mercy. Thank you.

del_button Enero 19, 2014 nang 4:43 AM
Hindi-nagpakilala ayon kay ...

I want to update you all if anyone is sick or have any problem to solve i will advice you to contact Dr Ekaka Email: Because last year i will having HIV/AIDS and all my friend run away from me and i lost my job i was hope less but when i meet Dr Ekaka he told me that i have not having any problem because his gods find my problem very easy to handle i thought it was a joke until now after he cast a healing spell on me and i can not feel anything in my body i went for test last December nothing was found in me again i am so happy now that i am back to my normal self thanks to Dr Ekaka.

del_button Enero 30, 2014 nang 11:40 AM
Hindi-nagpakilala ayon kay ...

Dear Father padre pio please please help us i suffer horrible anxiety and i desperately would love to have a baby although doctors are telling us donor eggs are our only hope, we want to have our own children so badly and i would like to have the confidence to get married. We want to live good lives and be good catholics please help us go back to mass. I really believe you can help us through intereceding for us to our lord god in heaven. Most sacred heart of Jesus i place all my trust in you. Please watch over my dear father he is such a good man and i love him so much keep him as well as can be as he goes through his treatment.

del_button Pebrero 8, 2014 nang 9:03 PM
Hindi-nagpakilala ayon kay ...

Padre Pio...Please ask god to forgive me and help me through my difficult times, Help my sons recover from autism, may you find it in your beautiful heart to help me and get closer to you. I love you

del_button Marso 4, 2014 nang 3:25 AM
pomi ayon kay ...

St Padre Pio Please help me! you know I am very sick! please help me! Amen!

del_button Marso 14, 2014 nang 2:19 AM
Hindi-nagpakilala ayon kay ...

Padre Pio you blessed me over a year and a half ago ,on behalf of my first born son .I truly believe you had a huge part of this miracle .I beg of you to deny the existence of his disease, to take control of his body .I do realize this disease is not life threatening but it truly is life altering. Thank you Padre Pio for all of your kindness .Your gifts have opened my heart and shed light on my life. I need your miracle to continue .....AMEN

del_button Abril 1, 2014 nang 5:49 PM
Hindi-nagpakilala ayon kay ...

I like to thank St Padre Pio for granting my petition
You have helped my soninlaw to stop his excessive drinking and abusiveness
Thank you for helping him

del_button Hunyo 28, 2014 nang 11:20 AM
Unknown ayon kay ...

My name is Logan Berry from Canada my boyfriend and I were in love for 3 and half years and we lived together almost 2 and half year. He used to care me more than his own life. He used to love me and take care of me like a baby. Then suddenly he started to act wired since February and broke up with me in two week back saying he has a new girl friend. But again he started to come back to me 6 days but But finally on the 5 day I figured out he was sleeping with that girl and me at the same time. That girl is known as a very bad girl and my boy friend knows that but still he is with her. That's little unusual for him. It almost feels like someone did something to him. Then I met on internet and I told him everything. PROPHET HARRY asked me for my boyfriend photograph then he advised me some remedies and with in a day my boyfriend come back to me and first time he said sorry to me. I am very happy now:His email is:

del_button Setyembre 4, 2014 nang 11:31 PM
Hindi-nagpakilala ayon kay ...

Dear Padre Pio,
Please pray for my sister complete healing shes now at the ICU due to stroke.

del_button Setyembre 15, 2014 nang 6:10 PM
Hindi-nagpakilala ayon kay ...

Padre Pio, please help my uncle pull through!

del_button Oktubre 11, 2014 nang 5:50 AM
Hindi-nagpakilala ayon kay ...

Dear St Padre Pio,
I am askng a request,I beg you and give mercy to me.Help me to heal my illmess of my hypertension,hepatitis b and my addiction to drugs.I leave it to your merciful hands that I will recieve my wellness starting this month of October 2014 ,if this happen then I will tell the world that you are a real Saint and I will devote my entire life to you with our saviour Jesus Christ if not happen,this is not true to ask help from you and get answers.I will wait and see this month of October in the year of our Lord 2014.-OML

del_button Oktubre 11, 2014 nang 4:14 PM
Ailyn Garciga ayon kay ...

PADRE PIO, please intercede for my healing of my body from my head to my feet after my car accident and bad treatments. Heal my brain, neck, back, spine, shoulders, all organs, muscles, and gums damage as a result of this. Heal my body so it can function back to my norm and reverse all damage caused after my car accident on 11-16-2014. If it is not God's will for me to go to heaven then perform a miracle of healing now. May your spirit be with me Padre Pio. In Jesus Name and God our Father.

del_button Oktubre 31, 2014 nang 1:07 AM
Alatarji perfumes ayon kay ...

For a subtle perfuming of your hair and clothing, spray your perfume in the air and then walk through it.

del_button Nobyembre 22, 2014 nang 3:06 PM
Hindi-nagpakilala ayon kay ...

Thank you Jesus Christ for Padre Pio, St. Vincent de Ferrer, San Martin De Porre, San Peregrino and the many saints that assists us in following You and God our Father from Heaven for all my prayers, curing me toe problems, sisters cancer and many other miracles... Thank You Jesus Christ for them. MMB

del_button Disyembre 7, 2014 nang 8:33 PM
Hindi-nagpakilala ayon kay ...

Padre Pio thank you for your intercessions on my mom Mercedes Pelina Lopez, May you grant her peace and free her from anxieties. Please heal us physically, emotionally, spiritually, Amen!

del_button Disyembre 10, 2014 nang 10:17 PM
Hindi-nagpakilala ayon kay ...

Padre Pio please ask the Blessed Mother to help those who suffer from physical, emotional and spiritual pain. Especially those that are not able to help themselves due to their affliction. Bring peace to the world, and help the Pope to bring the flock together and do Jesus will. May all our loved ones who have passed greet us one day and may the love light of Jesus shine on us all.

del_button Enero 8, 2015 nang 11:30 AM
Hindi-nagpakilala ayon kay ...

Padre Pio, Help me get closer to the church and to keep me healthy to continue supporting my children and please pray for all my children to be healthy, I ask for you to pray for my brothers to keep them safe. amen

del_button Mayo 6, 2015 nang 5:00 PM
Hindi-nagpakilala ayon kay ...

Padre, Please intercede in my life. I lost my wonderful husband Frank just three months ago very suddenly. He was my only family, I have no children or extended family for support. I have suffered from sever anxiety disorder for decades along with horrific panic attacks that have become out of control & are terrifying to me. Please Padre, my husband was the one whom I learned of you from, please heal me spiritually and physically. My name is Kathleen.

del_button Mayo 10, 2015 nang 3:36 PM
Unknown ayon kay ...

Padre Pio please help me love jesus and serve him better please bless me and forgive me my sins

del_button Mayo 29, 2015 nang 2:14 PM
Hindi-nagpakilala ayon kay ...

St. Padre Pio, please make my wife better, who suffers from several mental illnesses. Please stop her from ending our marriage. It is she who suffers greatly, and she continues to blame me. Please intercede St. Padre Pio. We have young children. Please send a sign. This pain is unbearable. Place a rosary in her hands tonight, so that she understands and accepts where this pain all started. In this I beg of Thee, in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

del_button Setyembre 23, 2015 nang 6:10 PM
PadrePiothepowerofprayergroup ayon kay ...

Please Padre Pio, ask Our Lord to grant me what I have asked in my prayers. Thank you

del_button Setyembre 23, 2015 nang 6:19 PM
PadrePiothepowerofprayergroup ayon kay ...

Please Padre Pio, ask Our Lord to grant me what I have asked in my prayers. Thank you

del_button Disyembre 23, 2015 nang 5:35 AM
Hindi-nagpakilala ayon kay ...

St. Pio please convert S., A. and P.
Thank you.

del_button Disyembre 31, 2015 nang 10:29 AM
Hindi-nagpakilala ayon kay ...

Dear Saint, Please help me. I am suffering from severe diabetes, and can no longer work. I feel so useless. Please help us.

del_button Marso 8, 2016 nang 1:55 AM
Hindi-nagpakilala ayon kay ...

Padre Pio please help & pray !

del_button Abril 23, 2016 nang 5:01 PM
Hindi-nagpakilala ayon kay ...

Dear Father Pio, I would like to ask for Your Intercession for my Baby Granddaughter Kaitlyn who is only 22 months. Please ask Our Lord & His Blessed Mother that She may be healed from the Eczema Skin Condition that She has had since being a tiny baby. Her parents have tried so many types of remedies but nothing seems to help. I have a strong faith & Believe Our Lord can & will heal Her through Your Intercession. In Grateful Thanksgiving

del_button Hulyo 21, 2016 nang 4:03 PM
Hindi-nagpakilala ayon kay ...

My mother in the Seychelles islands has raised us with a devotion to Padre Pio. In the second half of 2015, it was apparent to all that 72 year old mum was getting skeletally thin. I live in Australia and can only see her from the photos or Skype. Next thing I heard from my brother was that she was being seen by an oncologist, and then another specialist. They were very concerned about enlarged lymph nodes under the arms and in the abdominal region, her lowered white blood cells, a suspicious breast tumour. We started a prayer campaign of family and friends. I asked for the intercession of Padre Pio - I couldn't bear the thought of losing my mum.

She had a number of tests done and it seemed like her situation was beyond repair. When it came to the results of the breast biopsy, that was negative. At that point, the Specialist detected a retreat of the enlarged lymph nodes. In no time, Mum got back to 100% - all of those symptoms miraculously vanished. The Pathologist was quoted as saying that her's now looks to be the blood of a 5-year old child. She is miraculously cured of what was troubling her.
Mum has never felt better she tells me now. Glory be to God, his Holy Mother, the Saints and our dearest Padre Pio!

del_button Enero 19, 2017 nang 5:34 AM
Unknown ayon kay ...

Dear Padre Pio, you know how devoted I am to you. I truly believe in you and pray that through your intercession ask the Lord to heal my sister from her rare cancer.

del_button Abril 2, 2018 nang 12:48 PM
Hindi-nagpakilala ayon kay ...

Dear Padrio Pio, I come to you begging for you to heal my daughters injured finger and restore what was lost. I have faith in you to hear me. I will continue to Pray to you
Glory be to the Father- Glory be to the Father- Glory be to the Father

del_button Oktubre 10, 2018 nang 9:18 PM
Hindi-nagpakilala ayon kay ...

Dear Padre Pio, I have been devoted to you for many years now and I know that through your intercessory prayers the Lord has taken care of my neck issues. I love you so very much and I owe so much to you. There are so many stories to share and one day I will share them all and turn non believers into believers. I now ask for so many wonderful blessings for my family, husband, children and myself as well. For everyone on here praying. I ask that you please send us a buyer this month please. I wish to move back to Woodbridge. I pray we sell for close to asking and can afford a decent home in Woodbridge.
I love you and I thank you immensely.
Amy & family

del_button Setyembre 6, 2020 nang 1:04 PM
Hindi-nagpakilala ayon kay ...

I am not sure how I got here. Padre Pio, visit my uncle tonight and heal him. He is admitted in a hospital and is suffering from a head injury and corona virus. With trust in Our Lady and your intercession, heal him. This is my first ever post on any site. I am doing this because it is important for us.

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