Huwebes, Hulyo 30, 2009
Smith Museum of Stained Glass Windows

Last Tuesday I visited a fellow blogger in Chicago, IL and both of us visited the Smith Museum of Stained Glass Windows, which is free and open to the public on Navy Pier.

Below you will find a selection of some of the stained glass which I photographed while visiting the Museum. Remember that earlier this summer I mentioned that I am in Chicagoland for the summer months and if anyone would like, I would be happy to visit with them in Chicago.

Some of the stained glass featured picturesque landscapes:

Most of the available stained glass depicted iconic moments in Christianity such as the Magi's Adoration of the Christ Child (pictured below).

St. Patrick was honored with several images available for viewing in the Museum:

Three Persons in One God, the Blessed Trinity:

Even the Old Testament figure of King Solomon - who is venerated as a saint in Catholicism - was prominently featured in a Stained Glass Window.

Our Lord and the Apostles in the Garden of Gethsemane:

Above all, the Smith Museum of Stained Glass Windows reinforced the idea that one's environment is conduce to one's prayer. If we only frequent buildings that have eliminated statues, icons, paintings, stained glass, etc., then we are depriving our senses of the joy that can be obtained through the viewing of such a masterpiece. Such masterpieces transcend the typical and force us to contemplate the wonders of the Divine God, who is rightfully honored with many beautiful paintings, icon, glass windows, Cathedrals, and other wonders throughout the world.
Miyerkules, Hulyo 29, 2009
Tridentine Questions: Two Sung Masses on Sunday; More than one Asperges on a Sunday; Length of Matins & Lauds

Q. Is it allowed for a parish church to held two sung masses (either one Solemn High Mass and another in Missa Cantata; or both Missa Cantata) in Extraordinary Form of the Roman rite on Sundays, important/great feasts and other holy days of obligation? Assuming that the church will only have two masses for those days mentioned.

A: It seems pretty clear that according to Summorum Pontificum, this is allowed for the typical parish, so long you are not "depriving" people who want to attend the Novus Ordo of that opportunity.

Looking at rubrics alone, indeed, you may have as many Sung (Missa Cantata) or Solemn Masses (Missa Solemnis) each day as you wish. You need to have a schola for each, so that may be a problem to get singers.

One Mass on any day is the "parochial", "community" or "conventual" Mass. This is the Mass which is the primary Mass of the day. If there is a Missa Cantata or Solemnis, the more solemn form would be automatically designated as such.

Q: If the parish church has two masses in Extraordinary Form of the Roman rite on Sunday, is it allowed that both masses have the Asperges before the mass proper?

A: The Asperges/Vidi Aquam is done only once and only on Sundays. It is done only before the principle of main Mass, as defined above. For additional Masses it is omitted. If no Sunday Mass is sung, it is omitted completely, as it is never done unless at a Sung Mass or Solemn Mass.

Q: Typically, how long does a chanted Matins and Lauds will take, assuming that it is chanted in Latin and following the 1962 Roman Breviary?

A: It varies a bit. Generally, for a feria or a third class feast (one nocturn - three lessons), Matins would take about an 45 mins- 1 hr. For major feasts (three nocturns - nine lessons), figure about 1 hr - 2 hrs. Lauds is about like Vespers, perhaps 30 - 45 mins.

Image Source: Believed to be in the Public Domain
Q&A Source: Taken from Fish Eaters Forum with permission of answerer
Lunes, Hulyo 27, 2009
Tridentine Nuptial Mass Photos

Image Source: Ochie Bumanlag's Wedding, Antipolo Cathedral, Rizal, Philippines via the Flickr Profile of dennisraymondm33.
Biyernes, Hulyo 24, 2009
Choosing Music for a Tridentine Nuptial Mass

Are you preparing to have a Tridentine Nupital Mass for your wedding? Congratulations! When it comes to choosing music that is appropriate and sacred, here are some recommendations for you to share with your organist and choir at the parish. There are others but this is a good start:


Kyrie IV


Palestrina's Missa Papae Marcelli 

Credo IV


Sanctus IV

Recommendation from a Blog Reader:

Polyphonic settings are always a plus and preferred by the Church. In general, I try to avoid symphonic settings, though for a wedding, something out of the ordinary would be nice. One thing I learned while in Chicago [at the Sacred Music Colloquium] is that symphonic Masses are NOT suited to a Novus Ordo Mass. There is so little liturgical action that the priest finds himself waiting for the music to end. Back to polyphonic Masses, one that I sang recently that is very well done is the Mass for five voices by Byrd. I tried looking for it on Youtube to no avail. Perhaps you will fare better. Schubert is lovely but I hesitate to recommend it as he makes inappropriate textual changes (leaves out a portion of the Credo and includes the intonation for the Gloria).
Lunes, Hulyo 20, 2009
John C. Maxwell's "How Succesful People Think"
I just had the opportunity to read and review John C. Maxwell's "How Successful People Think". As a relatively small book (approximately 130 pages), it is an excellent "pocket-guide" resource for anyone interested in stimulating creative thought. Critical thinking is appropriately encouraged to the point of adoration in the American education system, though many students still fail to develop effective thinking. As a practical thinker myself, I believe Maxwell's guide is a fantastic resource to anyone interested in learning how to think.

Chapters from the book include:
  • Engage in Focused Thinking
  • Employ Realistic Thinking
  • Learn from Reflective Thinking
  • Benefit from Shared Thinking
  • Rely on Bottom-line Thinking
Little Office of Christ the King

I would like to pass along this message from Jovan concerning Little Office of Christ the King (also available in PDF).

Greetings in Christ and our Lady! The 'Little Office of Christ the King' which I compiled is based on various devotional 'Little Offices' from before the Second Vatican Council. There were, to my knowledge, such 'Offices' for the Immaculate Conception, St Joseph and the Holy Angels, with possibly others as well. They were designed as devotions to be said after the corresponding Hour of the Divine Office.

If you are not yet bound, under pain of sin, to recite the Divine Office, there would be no problem in substituting, but I would highly recommend either saying the Divine Office or the full Little Office of our Lady and then saying the appropriate hoiur(s) of the Little Office of Christ the King afterwards.

Also, I should point out that, while everything in the Office is taken directly from sources approved by the Church, namely the Roman Breviary, the whole compilation has never been submitted for approval by any competent ecclesiastical authority.

Hope this is helpful.

In Christ the King,

Sabado, Hulyo 18, 2009
Catholic Devotion Listing - Contest

Visit Devotional Catholicism for a contest featuring as its prize a Statute of Our Lady of Mount Carmel. The contest involves posting the name of a devotion that is not already listed on the list started by the site's founder.
Editor Note: the site is no longer available
Biyernes, Hulyo 17, 2009
The Feast of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel at St. Gabriel, Stamford

The text and images are an excerpt from a post on The Society of St. Hugh of Cluny: This evening a Missa Cantata was celebrated at St. Gabriel's, Stamford in honor of Our Lady of Mt Carmel. The pastor, Fr. Cyprian LaPastina, was the celebrant and deacon Aaron Huberfeld of the Institute of Christ the King preached.

Pope Benedict XVI Breaks Right Wrist, Hospitalized

According to the Associated Press, "Pope Benedict XVI broke his right wrist in a fall in his chalet while vacationing in the Italian Alps and underwent successful surgery Friday, hospital officials and the Vatican said." He was taken to Umberto Parini hospital in Aosta (pictured above). Let us pray for the Supreme Pontiff's recovery.

Image Source: Getty Images

Update: In the above image, Pope Benedict XVI greets Dr. Amedeo Mancini who performed the operation on his wrist. This image was taken as the Holy Father was leaving the hospital; he is expected to make a smooth recovery. His wrist will be in a cast for approximately a month.

Image Source: Associated Press
Huwebes, Hulyo 16, 2009
Our Lady of Mount Carmel

Flower of Carmel,
Tall vine blossom laden;
Splendor of heaven,
Childbearing yet maiden.
None equals thee.

Mother so tender,
Who no man didst know,
On Carmel's children
Thy favors bestow.
Star of the Sea.

Purest of lilies,
That flowers among thorns,
Bring help to the true heart
That in weakness turns
and trusts in thee.

Our way uncertain,
Surrounded by foes,
Unfailing counsel
You give to those
who turn to thee.

Hail, Gate of Heaven,
With glory now crowned,
Bring us to safety
Where thy Son is found,
true joy to see.

Prayer to Elijah from the Traditional Carmelite Rite:

Deign, we beseech thee almighty God, that we be brought to the same place in heaven as your prophet and our father blessed Elijah, who we believe to have been marvelously taken up in a fiery chariot, and rejoice in the fellowship of your saints. Through our lord Jesus Christ your son...etc."

Image Source: Our Lady of Mount Carmel by Pietro Novelli
Solemn High Mass on Feast of Sts. John Fisher and Thomas More

This is an image of a Solemn High Mass for the feast of Sts. John Fisher & Thomas More, in the parish church of St John Fisher (built 1962-64) in West Heath, South Birmingham. The Mass was said by Fr. Philip Cleevely. In the roles of deacon and subdeacon are Fr. George Grynowski and Fr. Anton Guziel respectively. Fr. Grynowski is the pastor of the parish and preaced the sermon.

Note: The blue pole is there because it is to become part of a new baldachino.

Image Source: Flickr profile of birmingham_IMS_rep
Martes, Hulyo 14, 2009
Prayer for Priests - Basilica of St. Josaphat

When I visited the Basilica of St. Josaphat this past Sunday in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, I picked up this prayer card. I am glad to see that this ornately decorated and beautiful testament of Catholicism is promoting the Year for Priests (June 19, 2009 - June 19, 2010).
Lunes, Hulyo 13, 2009
Tridentine Mass 5th Sunday After Pentecost

There photos are from the Flickr Profile dennis_raymondm30. These images are from the Parish of Our Lord of Divine Mercy, Sikatuna, Q.C., Philippines.
Linggo, Hulyo 12, 2009
St. Stanislaus in Milwaukee, Brewers Game

Today I travel to St. Stanislaus in Milwaukee, WI as I did last year. In Milwaukee I will be watching the Brewers v. Dodgers. So, there will not be any other posts today.
Biyernes, Hulyo 10, 2009
President Obama meets Pope Benedict XVI, First Lady Wears Veil

Today Pope Benedict XVI met with President Barack Obama and his wife, First Lady Michelle Obama. Of note, the First Lady wore a veil while in the presence of the Holy Father. I am quite pleased to see this tradition being observed.

Related Posts:
Image Source: Getty Images
Motu Proprio "Ecclesiae Unitatem" - in English

Motu Proprio "Ecclesiae Unitatem" - in English

My comments are few and in red below. Please comment with your thoughts on this development.

1.The goal of guarding the UNITY OF THE CHURCH, with the solicitousness of offering to all the aid to responding in opportune manner to this vocation and divine grace, belongs in a particular way to the Successor of the Apostle Peter, who is the perpetual and visible principle and foundation of the unity both of Bishops and of the faithful1. The supreme and fundamental priority of the Church, in every age, of leading men towards the encounter with God must be favored through the effort of uniting the common witness of faith of all Christians.

2. In faithfulness to this mandate, following the act with which Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre, on June 30, 1988, illicitly conferred the episcopal ordination on four priests, Pope John Paul II, of venerable memory, instituted, on July 2, 1988, the Pontifical Commission Ecclesia Dei "whose task of collaborating with the bishops, with the Departments of the Roman Curia and with the circles concerned, for the purpose of facilitating full ecclesial communion of priests, seminarians, religious communities or individuals until now linked in various ways to the Fraternity founded by Mons. Lefebvre, who may wish to remain united to the Successor Peter in the Catholic Church, while preserving their spiritual and liturgical traditions, in the light of the Protocol signed on 5 May last by Cardinal Ratzinger and Mons. Lefebvre"2.

3. In this way faithfully adhering to the same purpose of serving the universal communion of the Church also in her visible manifestation and making every effort so that to all those who truly desire unity it is made possible to remain in it or to find it anew, We have desired to widen and renew, with the Motu Proprio Summorum Pontificum, the general indications already contained in the Motu Proprio Ecclesia Dei regarding the possibility of using the Missale Romanum of 1962, through more precise and detailed rules3.

4. In the same spirit, and with the same commitment of favoring the surmounting of each fracture and division in the Church and to heal a wound felt in an always more painful way in the ecclesial tissue, We have desired to remit the excommunication of the four Bishops illicitly ordained by Mons. Lefebvre. With such a decision, We have intended to remove an obstacle which could prevent the opening of a door to dialogue, and thus invite the Bishops and the "Fraternity of Saint Pius X" to find anew the path towards full communion with the Church. As We explained in the Letter to the Catholic Bishops of past March 10, the remission of the excommunication was a deliberation in the area of ecclesiastical discipline which could liberate the weight of conscience represented by the gravest ecclesiastical censure. The doctrinal questions, however, obviously remain, and, until they are not clarified, the Fraternity does not have a canonical status within the Church, and its ministers cannot exercise any ministry legitimately. [a bold claim. Is this infallible though? Why does Rome continue to paint Archbishop Lefebvre and the Society of St. Pius X as rebellious for simply desiring to pass on that which they had received. It was because of Paul VI and John Paul II that arguments arose because at times they did not teach what the Church has traditionally taught.]

5. Since the questions which must be dealt with the Fraternity are of an essentially doctrinal nature, We have decided - twenty-one years after the Motu Proprio Ecclesia Dei, and as We had planned to do4 - to restructure the Commission Ecclesia Dei, linking it more directly with the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith.

6. Therefore, the Pontifical Commission Ecclesia Dei will be constituted thus

a) The President of the Commission is the Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith.

b) The Commission has its own order, including a Secretary and Officials.

c) It belongs to the President, aided by the Secretary, to present the main events and questions of a doctrinal nature to the study and discretion of the ordinary instances of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, as well as to submit the conclusions to the superior judgment of the Supreme Pontiff.

7. With this decision, We have desired, in particular, to display our fatherly solicitousness to the "Fraternity of Saint Pius X" so that in the end it may come to full communion with the Church. [And we should pray for the Church to be reformed in many places of the world too]

We earnestly invite all to pray to the Lord incessantly, through the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary, "ut unum sint".

Given in Rome, at Saint Peter’s, on July 2, of the year 2009, the fifth of Our Pontificate.

1. Cfr Conc. Oecum. Vat. II, Const. dogm. de Ecclesia, Lumen gentium, 23; Conc. Oecum. Vat. I, Const. dogm. de Ecclesia Christi Pastor aeternus, c. 3: DS 3060.
2. Ioannes Paulus II, Litt. ap. motu proprio datae Ecclesia Dei (2 Iulii 1988), n. 6: AAS 80 (1988), 1498.

3. Cfr Benedictus XVI, Litt. ap. motu proprio datae Summorum Pontificum (7 Iulii 2007): AAS 99 (2007), 777-781.

4. Cfr ibid. art. 11, 781.
Huwebes, Hulyo 9, 2009
Solemn Tridentine Mass in Newark on July 16, 2009

I have been told the following:

Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church, 259 Oliver Street, Newark, New Jersey, will hold a Solemn High Traditional Latin Mass in honor of its patroness, on the titular feast of the parish, July 16 at 12 noon. The Mass will be immediately followed by a procession with the Statue of Our Lady through the parish accompanied by a full symphonic Italian feast band and fireworks.
Martes, Hulyo 7, 2009
Donation Button Error Fixed

It had come to my attention this afternoon that my sidebar's Paypal Donation Button was not working properly. It would not allow anyone to connect to the donation screen. So, I have corrected the html error and the donation feature is working.

However, anyone who had attempted to donate to the blog in the past two months, approximately, would have been unable to do so. So, if you encountered problems when attempting a donation, please try again.

Your donations help keep this blog operating. I remain extremely grateful for all donations.
Traditional Latin Mass in Willoughby: Article by Fr. Michael Troha

A Catholic Life would like to thank Fr. Michael Troha for writing the following article, in honor of the 2 Year Anniversary of Summorum Pontificum. Please pray for and support Father in his ministry as he serves as Pastor for Immaculate Conception Church in Willoughby.

Fr Michael Troha
Immaculate Conception Church
Willoughby OH

July 7, 2009

Over the past few years several parishioners had asked me about the possibility of having a Tridentine Mass at our parish of Immaculate Conception in Willoughby, Ohio. At that time my response was that we should support the efforts at Immaculate Conception church in Cleveland, where I was formerly the pastor, which has a Tridentine Mass three times a week. But with the promulgation of Summorum Pontificum I began the extra-ordinary form of the liturgy every first Friday evening. Having had very good attendance over the first year I decided to have the Tridentine Mass every Friday evening at 7:30 PM.

Our number of people attending is about 50 people each Friday. When I am away from the parish it has not been a problem to enlist the help of other priests in the diocese who are willing to help and enjoy the opportunity of celebrating the extra-ordinary form of the liturgy.

This past December the parish celebrated the 50th anniversary of the dedication of our “new” church. To commemorate the day I celebrated the extra-ordinary form of the liturgy at the regularly scheduled 8:00 AM Mass. The same crowd that attends the 8:00 AM Mass year round was there for the Mass. I did not receive any negative comments. I did receive a few very positive comments. I think that if the parishioners are supportive we could have a Tridentine Mass at one Sunday liturgy every week.
Summorum Pontificum: 2 Year Anniversary Celebration

Today the Church observes the second anniversary of the publishing of Summorum Pontificum, the long-awaited motu proprio of Pope Benedict XVI replacing all former "indults" and freeing the Mass of All Times, the Traditional Latin Mass. No longer would a priest have to ask permission of his bishop to say the Mass as the Mass is to be readily offered and available to all of the Faithful.

In honor of this two year anniversary, I offer the following reflections on those individuals who have made such a celebration possible.

The Saintly Example of Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre

It is at this time that I wish to especially remember Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre, who resisted the Second Vatican Council's false propositions of ecumenism, religious liberty, and the altering of the Mass of All Times. It is through his witness and the formation of the Priestly Fraternity of St. Pius X (SSPX) that the Mass of All Times has spread. And, I will venture to say that without Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre's role, the Traditional Latin Mass would have been at last forgotten and no organized resistance to the change would have existed.

Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre

It is Archbishop Lefebvre who has been slandered in recent years. The cause of canonization of his saintly mother has long been forgotten. Instead, in the words of Bishop Bernard Fellay during a sermon in Paris following Archbishop Lefebvre's death said, "Archbishop Lefebvre has gone, but the Mass is saved, the Catholic priesthood is saved..." Because of his resistance to all of changes affecting all of the Sacraments, the Society of St. Pius X is largely responsible for Pope Benedict XVI's issuance of the motu proprio and then the clear declaration that the Bishops of the Society of St. Pius X consecrated by Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre are not excommunicated.

In the words of Father Franz Schmidberger at the Requiem Mass of Archbishop Lefebvre, "The work of the Archbishop on this earth is accomplished. Now begins his ministry as intercessor in eternity. He has given everything he could give...the miracle of a new generation of priests."

Archbishop Lefebvre only wished to teach that which he himself was taught in seminary. He wished to hand on the Catholic faith as taught and celebrated for the past centuries. And his resistance has directly led to the establishment of the Ecclesia Dei Commission and the motu proprio, Summorum Pontificum. I highly encourage the reading of Apologia Pro Marcel by Michael Davies as well as Open Letter to Confused Catholics and The Mass of All Times.

Mortal Remains of Archbishop Lefebvre

"I will finish with my testament. I would like that it be an echo of the testament of Our Lord: a New and Eternal Testament...the heritage that Jesus Christ gave us, His Sacrifice, His Blood, His Cross. I will say the same for you: for the glory of the Holy Trinity, for love of the Church, for the salvation of the world: keep the Holy Sacrifice of Our Lord Jesus Christ! Keep the Mass forever!" (Archbishop Lefebvre, 23rd September 1979)

"Amen, amen I say to you, that you shall lament and weep, but the world shall rejoice; and you shall be made sorrowful, but your sorrow shall be turned into joy" (John 16:20)

Related Posts:
The Saintly Example of Pope Benedict XVI

The response to Pope Benedict XVI's motu proprio Summorum Pontificum shows his wisdom and foresight in freeing the Old Mass in Latin.

The document was issued 7 July, 2007. Since then, the list of Diocesan Masses offered in the United States in the Extraordinary Form has grown by over 100 new Sunday Masses every week. In 30 dioceses, the Mass is now offered where none were said before Summorum Pontificum

The Old Mass in Latin is said daily at 56 locations in 47 dioceses across the United States.

Source: Pamphlet from the Coalition in Support of Ecclesia Dei (May 2009)
Our Holy Father has shown us that through his pontificate, the Sacred Traditions of our Holy Faith are being rightfully restored to their former glory. Let's look at some example of restoration by Pope Benedict XVI.

In August 2006, Pope Benedict XVI abolished the Christmas concert featuring "pop" music established by Pope John Paul II. In January 2007, he called on the Vatican Courts to tighten up the annulment criteria, as annulments have exponentially increased following Vatican II.

Pope Benedict XVI has further restored the use of the Pascal Mozetta in the Octave of Easter 2008.

Examine the vestments used by the Holy Father at the 3rd Anniversary Mass of John Paul II's death in 2008 (below). At this Mass the Holy Father has discontinued using the staff of Pope John Paul II featured a bent Christ on the Cross, aesthetically unpleasant, and replaced it with a new beautiful pastoral staff (ferula).

(Reuters/Alessandro Bianchi)

Notice in the above image Pope Benedict XVI is using a papal asteriscus, an item that, in addition to practical applications, symbolizes the Star of Bethlehem. He has restored it to use in the Papal Liturgy at times.

On the Feast of Sts Peter and Paul 2008, Pope Benedict XVI introduced a different Papal Pallium, establishing better continuity with the past than with the Pallium that became used during the pontificate of John Paul II. "This is the development of the Latin form of the pallium used up to John Paul II," explains the Master of Papal Liturgical Celebrations, Monsignor Guido Marini.

Former Pallium

Restored Pallium

In 2009, the mosaic depicting Pope Benedict XVI in the line of papal portraits in the Basilica of St. Paul Outside the Walls has been changed to reflect this shift in the Papal Pallium.(Above Images from St. Paul Outside the Walls by Pope Benedict Forum user "Benodette".)

And remember that in January 2008, His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI celebrated the Baptism of the Lord ad orientem in the Sistine Chapel.

Believed to be Associated Press (AP)

In January 2009, His Holiness wore a fiddleback chausible on the Feast of the Epiphany. This was another return back to prior Traditions. Pope Benedict XVI again shows his desire for a restoration of the Sacred Liturgy. And while vestments may seem unimportant, continuity with the past and symbolism is highly important. Each vestment has its own vesting prayer, and each particular garment holds symbolic importance (e.g. the maniple symbolizes Christ at the Pillar of Flagellation, the cincture symbols the rope by which Our Lord was bound and dragged in the streets, et cetera).

Therefore, the exteriors again are an expression of the interior. And, in the past 40 years we have lost not only the interior aspects of the Faith (e.g. lack of knowledge of integral Catholic beliefs such as Transubstantiation, etc) and a decrease in devotion but also exterior aspects of the Faith (e.g. vestments, proper Sacred Liturgy, Rosaries, etc). Coincidence or has the loss of exteriors contributed to the loss of interior Faith?

Image Sources: Franco Origlia/Getty Images

And of substantial importance, Holy Communion is to be given only to those kneeling henceforth, when Pope Benedict XVI distributes Holy Communion. EWTN reports, "To receive Communion from Pope Benedict at Papal Liturgies one will have to receive on the tongue," which is a fantastic affirmation of the Real Presence of our Lord. And as the Body and Blood of Jesus, nothing is of higher value than the Most Holy Eucharist.

St. Thomas Aquinas: "Out of reverence towards this Sacrament, nothing touches it but when it is consecrated" - Summa, Pt III Q, Q2 Art. 3

Also from Wikipedia, "Each year a papal tiara is placed on the head of the famous bronze statue of Saint Peter in St. Peter's Basilica from the vigil of the Feast of the Cathedra of Saint Peter on February 22 until the Feast of Saints Peter and Paul on June 29. Although this custom was not observed in 2006, it was reintroduced in 2007."

Finally in this example, compare the below progression of photos of the Urbi et Orbi addresses given on Christmas Day by Pope Benedict XVI.

2005, Source: MSNBC

2006, Source: REUTERS/Osservatore Romano/Handout

2007, Source: CNS photo/L'Osservatore Romano via Reuters

2008, Source: REUTERS/Osservatore Romano

The photos are from 2005 - 2008, and there is a progression in these photos. Tradition is being restored.

Therefore, on this day, July 7, 2009, we remember 2 years of Summorum Pontificum, in large part due to the saintly wisdom of Pope Benedict XVI as he seeks to reform the Church in Her Sacred Liturgy.

The Saintly Example of the Average Priest and Bishop:

Under "Catholic Categories" in the sidebar is a permanent link to the post Tridentine Latin Mass, which features numerous links that I update as often as possible. In this post is a list of parishes, chapels, etc. which have begun to offer the Tridentine Latin Mass during these past two years. Please take a moment to look through this list and consider the impact of the motu proprio. We have parishes from around the country and the world. Remember, this is not a complete list, but only the list which I currently have collected.

And we must not only remember these priests but the many others who began offering the Mass of All Times despite persecution, rejection, and hostility. At this time I can think of Fr. Robert Altier (Archdiocese of St. Paul-Minneapolis) as well as Fr. Scott Archer (Diocese of Peoria). But these are just two of the many priests who encountered rejection from those around them because they sought to make available the Mass of All Times. Let us honor them at this time. Also worth remember, the Faithful in Niafles attached to the Traditional Mass were driven from their Church less than a week before the Motu Prorio was signed.

Of note among the bishops, Bishop Robert C. Morlino responded to the Holy Father’s motu proprio by designating Holy Redeemer Catholic Church as the site for the celebration of the Tridentine Mass for the Madison area. Bishop Morlino inaugurated the use of the Tridentine Mass at Holy Redeemer by celebrating a Solemn Pontifical Mass at the Throne there on the Third Sunday of Advent (December 16, 2007) [Source].

Consider visiting these parishes and/or writing to the pastors to express your support. I have written around half of these parishes, inviting them to share how the Traditional Latin Mass has benefited their parish. If anyone responds with an article, I will publish them on the website as they become available. And do remember to pray for these bishops and priests as well as all priests and bishops who celebrate the Mass of All Times. At this time I also request prayers for the priests and bishop of the Society of St. Pius X, so that they may no longer be slandered and detracted.

Church of the Sacred Heart, Cutchogue, NY
Metropolitan Cathedral, Mexico City, Mexico
Mount St. Francis Hermitage, New York
Our Lady of Lourdes, Massapequa Park, NY
St. Andrew the Apostle, Clifton, VA
St. John the Apostle, Leesburg, VA
St. John the Baptist, Costa Mesa, California
St. John the Beloved Catholic Church, McLean, Virgina
St. John the Evangelist, San Diego, California
St. Joseph Parish, Apple Creek, Missouri
St. Leo the Great, Pawtucket, Rhode Island
St. Maurus, Biehle, Missouri
St. Matthew, Dix Hills, NY
St. Mary, Alexandria, VA
St. Mary of Perpetual Help, Chicago, IL
St. Mary’s By the Sea, Huntington Beach, California
St. Rita, Alexandria, VA
St. Therese in Alhambra, CA
Sts. Peter and Paul Church in Wilmington, CA
Holy Rosary Parish, Sacramento, California
Our Lady of Lourdes, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Holy Angels, Aurora, IL
Sts. Peter and Paul, Naperville, IL
St. Bernard, Joliet, IL
Holy Rosary, Cedar, Michigan
St. Jospeh's Parish, Middletown, NY
St. Elizabeth Ann Seton, Carmel, IN
Blessed Sacrament Catholic Church, Birmingham, Al
St. Mary of the Visitation, Huntsville, Al
St. Silvia, Tivoli, NY
Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary (Grotto) Parish, Detroit, MI
Immaculate Conception Church 4129 Superior Ave. Cleveland, OH
St Stephen Church 1920 W 54th St. Cleveland, OH
St Mary Church 750 S. Main Street Akron, OH
Immaculate Conception Church 37932 Euclid Ave. Willoughby, OH
Basilica of Saints Peter and Paul, Lewiston, ME
St. Kevin's Church, Harrington Street, Dublin 8, Ireland
St. Ann's Parish, 125 Richardson Ave., Shohola, PA
Mater Dolorosa Church, South San Francisco, CA
St. Peter the Apostle, Merchantville, NJ
Sacred Heart of Jesus, Swedesburg, PA
Chapel of Windermere on the Mount, London, Ontario, Canada
Holy Family Catholic Church in Seattle, WA
Church of North American Martyrs at St. Alphonsus Church, Seattle, WA
Holy Redeemer Cathedral Parish, Madison, WI
St. Norbert Church, Roxbury, WI
Sacred Heart, Dunn, NC
Sts. Peter and Paul, Palmyra, VA
Benedictine Monastery, Norcia, Italy
St. Paul Parish, Philadelphia, PA

Looking Ahead:

Remember that it has only been two years since the promulgation of the motu proprio on July 7, 2007, which took effect on the Feast of the Holy Cross, September 14, 2007. It was on September 14 that countless numbers of Tridentine Masses were celebrated such as the following one.

Here is a list of some of the many places that offered the Tridentien Mass on September 14, 2007.

Assumption Grotto, Detroit, Michigan
Bishop Finn, Kansas City, Missouri
Brompton Oratory, London, England
Franziskanerkirche, Vienna
Holy Trinity German Church, Boston, Massachusetts

As you watch some of the scenes from this Mass in Honor of the Promolgation of the Motu Proprio at St. Patrick's Cathedral in the Archdiocese of New Orleans, please enter into the spirit of joy event in the Liturgy and the music. Even though this Mass remembered the death of our Lord, it focused more particularly on the Cross as the Instrument of our Salvation.

Let us now move forward, seeking to help the restoration of all things in Christ (i.e. E Supremi, Encyclical of Pope St. Pius X). A Catholic Life Blog is willing to publish any and all photos of Traditional Liturgies and articles concerning them, in an effort to help this Restoration. For all such inquiries, please write me through the email address in my Blogger Profile.


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