Sabado, Marso 31, 2007
Jesus Christ, the Lamb of God

As we celebrate Palm Sunday tomorrow and remember Jesus' triumph entrance into Jerusalem, we must also realize that this same crowd would call for His Crucifixion in only a few days. Behold, Jesus, the Paschal Lamb, is preparing to sacrifice Himself. We are to spiritually journey with Our Lord during this coming week. Thus, Mass should be attended each day during the Triduum - Holy Thursday, Good Friday, Holy Saturday. I now will prepare to finish my Lenten reading project, "The Dolorous Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ" this week too.

We are soon going to share in the Passover
by St. Gregory Nazianzen

We are soon going to share in the Passover, and although we still do so only in a symbolic way, the symbolism already has more clarity than it possessed in former times because, under the law, the Passover was, if I may dare to say so, only a symbol of a symbol. Before long, however, when the Word drinks the new wine with us in the kingdom of his Father, we shall be keeping the Passover in a yet more perfect way, and with deeper understanding. He will then reveal to us and make clear what he has so far only partially disclosed. For this wine, so familiar to us now, is eternally new.

It is for us to learn what this drinking is, and for him to teach us. He has to communicate this knowledge to his disciples, because teaching is food, even for the teacher.

So let us take our part in the Passover prescribed by the law, not in a literal way, but according to the teaching of the Gospel; not in an imperfect way, but perfectly; not only for a time, but eternally. Let us regard as our home the heavenly Jerusalem, not the earthly one; the city glorified by angels, not the one laid waste by armies. We are not required to sacrifice young bulls or rams, beasts with horns and hoofs that are more dead than alive and devoid of feeling; but instead, let us join the choirs of angels in offering God upon his heavenly altar a sacrifice of praise. We must now pass through the first veil and approach the second, turning our eyes toward the Holy of Holies. I will say more: we must sacrifice ourselves to God, each day and in everything we do, accepting all that happens to us for the sake of the Word, imitating his passion by our sufferings, and honouring his blood by shedding our own. We must be ready to be crucified.

If you are a Simon of Cyrene, take up your cross and follow Christ. If you are crucified beside him like one of the thieves, now, like the good thief, acknowledge your God. For your sake, and because of your sin, Christ himself was regarded as a sinner; for his sake, therefore, you must cease to sin. Worship him who was hung on the cross because of you, even if you are hanging there yourself. Derive some benefit from the very shame; purchase salvation with your death. Enter paradise with Jesus, and discover how far you have fallen. Contemplate the glories there, and leave the other scoffing thief to die outside in his blasphemy.

If you are a Joseph of Arimathea, go to the one who ordered his crucifixion, and ask for Christ’s body. Make your own the expiation for the sins of the whole world. If you are a Nicodemus, like the man who worshipped God by night, bring spices and prepare Christ’s body for burial. If you are one of the Marys, or Salome, or Joanna, weep in the early morning. Be the first to see the stone rolled back, and even the angels perhaps, and Jesus himself.
Stational Church: Saturday in the Fifth Week of Lent

Today's Stational Church is at St. John before the Latin Gate.  Today is Lazarus Saturday.

Dom Gueranger writes, "The other custom, peculiar to this day, consisted in giving alms to all the poor. The Pope presided at this distribution, which was no doubt made ample enough to last the whole of the coming week, when, on account of the long ceremonies, it would scarcely be possible to attend to individual cases of poverty. The liturgists of the middle-ages allude to the beautiful appropriateness of the Roman Pontiff’s distributing alms with his own hand to the poor, on this day, the same on which Mary Magdalene embalmed with her perfumes the feet of Jesus. Since the twelfth century, a Station has been assigned to this Saturday; it takes place in the Church of St. John before the Latin Gate. This ancient basilica is built near the spot where the beloved disciple was, by Domitian’s order, plunged into the cauldron of boiling oil." The feast of St. John before the Latin Gate is kept pre-1962 on May 6th.

For information on this devotion, see the Stational Churches of Lent Homepage. I will post on each Stational Church for Lent. Information is from the Canon Regulars of St. John Cantius:
The Station on this eve of Palm Sunday is of a comparatively late origin—formerly, the Pope spent a part of the day distributing alms to the poor, and rested in preparation for Holy Week.

St. John's before the Latin Gate was chosen as a stational church. Near the place where the Appian Way branches off, forming the Latin Way to the left, it was built on the spot where St. John was, by order of Domitian, plunged into a cauldron of boiling oil. St. John, who with Mary shared the privilege of standing near the Cross, also joined his sacrifice to that of Christ when he gladly accepted martyrdom in the boiling oil.

May St. John teach us the spirit of active, soulful participation in the very mysteries in which he did partake in with great faith, reverence and love. The mystery of the Lord's Table, the mystery of the Lord's Cross and the mystery of the Lord's Triumph.

Let us pray: May the people prosper, who are devoted to Thee by the affection of pious devotion, we beseech Thee, O Lord, that instructed by the holy rites, they may be made more pleasing to Thy majesty, and more, may they abound in excellent gifts. Through Christ, Our Lord. Amen.
Biyernes, Marso 30, 2007
Our Lady of Sorrows

From the Liturgical Year - Vol.6 by Dom Gueranger

This Friday of Passion-week is consecrated in a special manner, to the sufferings which the holy Mother of God endured at the foot of the cross. The whole of next week is fully taken up with the celebration of the mysteries of Jesus' Passion; and although the remembrance of Mary's share in those sufferings is often brought before the faithful during Holy Week, yet, the thought of what her Son, our divine Redeemer, goes through for our salvation, so absorbs our attention and love, that it is not then possible to honour, as it deserves, the sublime mystery of the Mother's com-passion.

It was but fitting, therefore, that one day in the year should be set apart for this sacred duty: and what day could be more appropriate than the Friday of this week, which, though sacred to the Passion, admits the celebration of saints' feasts, as we have already noticed? As far back as the fifteenth century (that is, in the year 1423), we find the pious feast to be kept by his people. It was gradually introduced, and with the knowledge of the holy See, into several other countries; and at length, in the last century, Pope Benedict XIII, by a decree dated August 22, 1727, ordered it to be kept in the whole Church under the name of "the Feast of the Seven Dolours of the Blessed Virgin Mary", for, up to his time, it had gone under various names.

We will explain the title thus given to it, as also the first origin of the devotion of the Seven Dolours, when our "Liturgical Year" brings us to the third Sunday of September [now celebrated on September 15], the second feast of Mary's Dolours. What the Church proposes to her children's devotion for this Friday in Passion-week, is that one special dolour of Mary - her standing at the foot of the cross. Among the various titles given to this feast before it was extended by the holy See to the whole Church, we may mention, "Our Lady of Pity", "the Compassion of our Lady", and the one that was so popular throughout France, "Notre Dame de la Pamoison". These few historical observations prove that this feast was dear to the devotion of the people, even before it received the solemn sanction of the Church.

That we may clearly understand the object of this feast, and spend it, as the Church would have us do, in paying due honour to the Mother of God and of men, we must recall to our minds this great truth: that God, in the designs of His infinite wisdom, has willed that Mary should have a share in the work of the world's redemption. The mystery of the present feast is one of the applications of this divine law, a law which reveals to us the whole magnificence of God's plan; it is, also, one of the many realizations of the prophecy, that satan's pride was to be crushed by a women.

By St. Alphonsus Liguori


Who can ever have a heart so hard that it will not melt on hearing the most lamentable event that once occurred in the world? There was a noble and holy mother who had an only son. This son was the most amiable that can be imagined - innocent, virtuous, beautiful, who loved his mother most tenderly; so much so that he had never caused her the least displeasure, but had ever shown her all respect, obedience, and affection; hence this mother had placed her affections on earth in this son. Hear, then, what happened. This son, through envy, was falsely accused by his enemies; and though the judge knew, and himself confessed, that he was innocent, yet, that he might not offend his enemies, he condemned him to the ignominious death that they demanded. This poor mother had to suffer the grief of seeing that amiable and beloved son unjustly snatched from her in the flower of his age by a barbarous death; for, by dint of torments and drained of all his blood, he was made to die on! an infamous gibbet in a public place of execution, and this before her own eyes.

Devout souls, what say you? Is not this event, and is not this unhappy mother, worthy of compassion? You already understand of whom I speak. This son, so cruelly executed, was our loving Redeemer Jesus; and this mother was the Blessed Virgin Mary; who, for the love she bore us, was willing to see him sacrificed to divine justice by the barbarity of men. This great torment which Mary endured for us - a torment that was more than a thousand deaths - deserves both our compassion and our gratitude. If we can make no other return for so much love, at least let us give a few moments this day to consider the greatness of the sufferings by which Mary became the Queen of martyrs; for the sufferings of her great martyrdom exceeded those of all the martyrs; being, in the first place, the longest in point of duration; and in the second place, the greatest in point of intensity.
Stational Church: Friday in the Fifth Week of Lent

Today's Stational Church is at St. Stephen on Mt. Coelius.  Dom Gueranger writes, "The Station, at Rome, is in the church of Saint Stephen on Monte Celio. By a sort of prophetic presentiment, this church of the great proto-martyr was chosen as the place where the faithful were to assemble on the Friday of Passion-week, which was to be, at a future time, the feast consecrated to the Queen of martyrs."

Information is from the Canon Regulars of St. John Cantius:
This Lenten Station takes us back to a sacred area, which still preserves its aura of mystery. This area was sacred to the pagans, who had, on the nearby Palatine Hill, the black rock of the Magna Mater and who had there the sacred land, on which the "profane" outsiders were forbidden to set foot. It was sacred also to the Christians, who even today venerate it as the place, which gave martyrdom and glory to saints. 
St. Stephen on Mt. Ceolius, or St. Stephen Rotondo as the Romans call it because of its circular plan, is among the most ancient of the round churches with its altar in the center and thus visible from all sides. It was built between 400 and 450 and was consecrated by Pope Simplicius.

St. Stephen was the first martyr — or witness — of Christ. While dying, he beheld the Savior at the right hand of the Father in Heaven. Thus, it was fitting to assemble in this basilica at this holy time, consecrated to the memory of the Savior's Passion, which prepares us to celebrate His triumph at Easter.

Let us pray: Pour forth Thy grace into our hearts, we beseech Thee, O Lord, that we who refrain from sin by self-denial, may be rather afflicted in time than condemned to eternal punishment. Through Christ, Our Lord. Amen.
Liturgical Law and the Coming Paschal Triduum for the Novus Ordo


Washing of Women's feet is completely forbidden by the Apostolic See. This is reserved to men, preferably twelve of number, thus it symbolizes the twelve apostles. (Source: Paschales Solemnitatis). From Jan. 16, 1988, No. 51 of the circular letter states: "The washing of the feet of chosen men which, according to tradition, is performed on this day, represents the service and charity of Christ, who came 'not to be served, but to serve.' This tradition should be maintained, and its proper significance explained." 

Traditionally separate from Mass, the mandatum is a ceremony in which the priest (or bishop) will wash the feet of 12 men, in imitation of our Lord who humbled Himself to wash the feet of His disciples. This is kept as part of our Lord's command to do likewise.  For centuries, even monarchs would wash the feet of their subjects today. The controversy that has arisen in recent years is whether the feet of women may be washed.  Despite the bad example of some in the Church, it is against the Laws of the Church for the feet of anyone other than Catholic men to be washed.


A day of mandatory Fasting and Abstinence (Canon 1251).

Upon entering our pews, we are to genuflect to the Crucifix not the tabernacle because the Eucharist is not present today in the Tabernacle (Source: GIRM 274).

The priest, upon approaching the altar, is to prostrate himself before it (USCCB). Concerning the adoration of the Cross, "A plenary indulgence is granted to the faithful, who in the solemn liturgical action of Good Friday devoutly assist at the adoration of the Cross and kiss it." The crucifix should be covered in a red or black material. Also, the baptismal founts are drained on this day until the evening of the Easter Vigil.

This is the only day of the liturgical year in which Mass is not, and is prohibited from being celebrated in the Roman Rite. A Liturgy of the Word with Communion is done by a priest with the special rite prepared in the Sacramentary. Holy Father Benedict XVI permits black to replace the red in the Liturgy of the Word, but red most be worn for the Rite of Holy Communion in the Novus Ordo. A cope is appropriate for the Liturgy of the Word, and is permissible for the Communion Rite. This distinguishes Mass from Communion Services.


While not required by the current Code of Canon Law, Traditionalists will abstain and fast until at least the Vigil Mass, if not even until later, and wait until after Communion on Easter Sunday.

Readings should not be cut out. While the rubrics opt. for this, it is suggested that all be read. The Easter Vigil is the most important vigil in the Church and the readings "portray the whole history of human salvation, from the time of Adam to Jesus Christ." (PBXXI)

The Easter [Paschal] fast, from Holy Thursday evening through Good Friday, is sacred. According to ancient tradition, the Church fasts "because the Bridegroom has been taken away" (St. Mark 2:19-20) PS no. 39, (quoting Tertullian De ieiunio 2 et 13). Good Friday is a day of fasting and abstinence from flesh meat; (PS no. 60) it is also recommended, if possible, that the fast be continued on Holy Saturday until the Easter Vigil; so that the Church, with uplifted and welcoming heart, be ready to celebrate the joys of the Sunday of the Resurrection. (Pope Paul VI, Apostolic Constitution Paenitemini, Feb. 17, 1966, II, 3; Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy, Sacrosanctum Concilium, no. 110; General Norms for the Liturgical Year and the Calendar, no. 20; PS, no. 39.)

The Book of Blessing notes in the introduction to the Blessing of the First Meal of Easter (nos. 1701-1723) that, “The custom of blessing food for Easter arose from the discipline of fasting throughout Lent and the special [Paschal] Easter fast during the Triduum. Easter was the first day when meat, eggs, and other foods could again be eaten. According to custom, food may be blessed for consumption at the first meal of Easter, when fasting is ended and the Church is filled with joy in the Resurrection."
This was a bad week

I have not blogged much this week because this week has been one of the worst in my life. Monday I went to the interview that was required of me, and I honestly do not know the results. I feel that, while I did good on the test, I was not at all liked by the person who is writing the official report. I don't want to go into great detail, but I am hoping that personal opinions do not affect the report. Monday was a very beautiful day, and I spent the entire day in a room taking a test that was over 1000 questions.

Secondly, last Tuesday, one of my dogs died. It was a very tragic loss, and I still am very saddened. I have also dealt with my car breaking down and being repaired although the tow truck did not come after waiting for four hours.

It was truly a disappointing week, and I just did not feel like blogging a lot. I am, however, glad to have been able to carry my Cross through this Lent. Unfortunately, I know that I have complained about it and failed numerous times unlike Our Lord who quietly and peacefully carried His Cross. Lord, have mercy.
Huwebes, Marso 29, 2007
Stational Church: Thursday in the Fifth Week of Lent

Today's Stational Church is at the Church of St. Apollinaris.  For information on this devotion, see the Stational Churches of Lent Homepage. I will post on each Stational Church for Lent. Information is from the Canon Regulars of St. John Cantius:
There are actually two stational churches indicated for today. The first Lenten Station was established by Pope Gregory II (715-731) in the Church of St. Apollinaris and the second established by Pope Pius IX (1846-1878) with apostolic privilege in the Church of St. Mary the New in the Roman Forum as a closing for a Holy Year of Redemption.

A week from today we shall begin the Pascal Mysteries. The truer the sorrow for our sins and the greater the realization of the need of God's grace, the more fruitful will be the efficacy of these Pascal Mysteries.

Let us pray: Grant, we beseech Thee, Almighty God, that the dignity of human nature wounded by excess, may be reformed by the practice of self-denial. Through Christ, Our Lord. Amen.
Miyerkules, Marso 28, 2007
Stational Church: Wednesday in the Fifth Week of Lent

Today's Stational Church is at the Church of St. Marcellus.  Dom Gueranger writes, "At Rome, the Station is in the church of Saint Marcellus, Pope and Martyr. This church was once the house of the holy lady Lucina, who gave it to the Pontiff, that he might consecrate it to God."

For information on this devotion, see the Stational Churches of Lent Homepage. I will post on each Stational Church for Lent. Information is from the Canon Regulars of St. John Cantius:
A patient sufferer, condemned by his enemies to work in a horse-stable, the good shepherd, Pope Marcellus, is our leader today to the King of Martyrs, Christ, our Good Shepherd.

Why must a human being suffer, physically, spiritually, or both? This has always been and ever will be, the great problem—indeed a problem and a riddle for the worldly individual, but not for the follower of Christ, who finds the answer at the foot of the Cross.

For the Christ-loving soul, there is no suffering for suffering sake, there is suffering only for Easter sake, with its peace and strength and never fading victory. 
The mystery of the Cross is the great answer, a solution, which the carnal-minded man will never find. St. Marcellus found it, and having found it, suffered gladly as a true athlete of Christ. "I will extol Thee, O Lord, for Thou has upheld me and has not made my enemies to rejoice over me."

Let us pray: Sanctify this fast, O God, and mercifully enlightening the hearts of Thy faithful, do Thou hear favorable those to whom Thou grant the grace of devotion. Through Christ, Our Lord. Amen.
Martes, Marso 27, 2007
Christ on the Cross

"Christ Triumphed Over the Devil on the Cross"

(St. Paul of the Cross)
Stational Church: Tuesday in the Fifth Week of Lent

Today's Stational Church is at the Church of St. Cyriacus. Dom Gueranger writes, "The Station in Rome was formerly the church of the martyr St. Cyriacus, and as such it is still given in the Roman missal; but this holy sanctuary having been destroyed, and the relics of the holy deacon translated to the church of St. Mary in Via lata, it is here that the Station is now held."

For information on this devotion, see the Stational Churches of Lent Homepage. I will post on each Stational Church for Lent. Information is from the Canon Regulars of St. John Cantius:
The Sacred Texts, which like a garland, surround the celebration of the Eucharistic Sacrifice and the Divine Office must not only be understood in their literal and historical sense, but above all in their liturgical one. This is always the case, but especially during Passiontide.

The Divine Head, who nineteen centuries ago underwent the great Passion is now undergoing it in His Body, the Church. An attack on the Church is an attack on Christ. Whenever the Church suffers, her Divine head suffers. But all these sufferings lead to victory. "They have persecuted Me, they will also persecute you. The disciple is not greater than the Master." Persecutions and sufferings purify the Church. They remove what is not of God. They cast forth all that comes from Satan—the arch-enemy, and that comes from the fatal act in Paradise—the arch-sin.

May the holy Deacon Cyriacus obtain for us "God's light and truth and conduct us and bring us to His holy hill, to the altar, to Calvary, to Easter, to the immortal Christ at the right-hand of the Father.

Let us pray: O Lord, deliver me from the unjust and deceitful man. Send forth Thy Light and Thy Truth. They shall lead me on. Through Christ, Our Lord.
Lunes, Marso 26, 2007
The Annunication of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Since March 25 was a Sunday, today the Church celebrates the Solemnity of the Annunication of the Blessed Virgin Mary, recalling Our Lord's conception. This is the event recalled three times daily in the Angelus - our redemption began with the Annunciation. For more information, see my post from last year.

Image Source: Shrine of the Annunication
Stational Church: Monday in the Fifth Week of Lent

Today's Stational Church is at the Church of St. Chrysogonus.  For information on this devotion, see the Stational Churches of Lent Homepage. I will post on each Stational Church for Lent. Information is from the Canon Regulars of St. John Cantius:
We are branches of Christ, the Vine. As such, we share in His life, share in His joys, and must share also in His sufferings, and thus—as the Apostle so boldly put it—make up in our own body what is yet wanting in the sufferings of Christ, the Head. This we shall do gladly in these holy Passion days. Our mortifications, our self-discipline, our temptations, our trials from within and from without, all our sufferings, we will unite with Christ's Blessed Passion. They will then be lifted out of their own smallness and will share in the greatness and efficacy of His sufferings. He will suffer in us and we in Him.

We humbly ask St. Chrysogonus, in whose Roman home we observe today's mysteries of redemption, that he would accompany us to "the Lord of Hosts, the King of Glory."

Let us pray: O God, hear my prayer. Give ear to the words of my mouth. Save me, O Lord, by Thy name and in Thy power deliver me. Through Christ, Our Lord.
Linggo, Marso 25, 2007
Baltimore Catechism on Marriage

The Baltimore Catechism No. 2 states:

When a Catholic is "married" at a civil or non-Catholic ceremony, other Catholics are not allowed to be present, or even to send gifts or show any approval, since this is not a real marriage, but simply a terrible agreement to live together in sin.
Stational Church: Passion Sunday

Inside St. Peter's Basilica (c) A Catholic Life Blog, 2016

Today's Stational Church is St. Peter's Basilica in Rome. Dom Gueranger writes, "At Rome, the Station is in the basilica of St. Peter. The importance of this Sunday, which never gives way to any feast, no matter what its solemnity may be, required that the place for the assembly of the faithful should be in one of the chief sanctuaries of the holy city."

For information on this devotion, see the Stational Churches of Lent Homepage. I will post on each Stational Church for Lent. Information is from the Canon Regulars of St. John Cantius:
The Cross of Christ is veiled, so that we may seek it, and Him who died on it, all the more. The holiest season of the year is at hand, so holy, that "all other seasons of the year prepare us for keeping this one duly and worthily. These present days call for special fidelity seeing that they bring us so near to that sublime mystery of the Divine Mercy, the blessed Passion of Jesus Christ." (From the Divine Office)

With an open mind and a willing heart let us approach the altar to celebrate the Passion Sunday Sacrifice with our High Priest, so that His "body, which shall be delivered for us, and His blood that shall be shed for us" may bestow upon us the promise of eternal inheritance in Christ Jesus Our Lord.

Let us pray: Deliver me, O Lord, from my enemies. Teach me to do Thy will. Through Christ, Our Lord. Amen.
Sabado, Marso 24, 2007
Stational Church: Saturday in the Fourth Week of Lent

Today's Stational Church is the Church of St. Nicholas in Carcere.  Dom Gueranger writes, "This Saturday, in the early ages of Christianity, was called Sitientes, from the first word of the Introit of the Mass, in which the Church addresses her catechumens in the words of Isaias, and invites them that thirst after grace, to come and receive it in the holy Sacrament of Baptism. At Rome, the Station was originally in the basilica of Saint Laurence outside the walls; but it was found inconvenient, on account of its great distance from the city; and the church of Saint Nicholas in carcere, which is within the walls, was selected for to-day’s Station."

For information on this devotion, see the Stational Churches of Lent Homepage. I will post on each Stational Church for Lent. Information is from the Canon Regulars of St. John Cantius:
This Station is at a church built on the ruins of three pagan temples and consecrated to St. Nicholas. It is called in carcere because in ancient times it had been a dungeon—a prison devoid of light.

Water, food and light are indispensable for the maintenance and up-building of our natural life. Sacred Water, Sacred Food and Sacred Light are indispensable for the maintenance and up-building of our supernatural life.

1. "Unless a man be born again of water and the Holy Spirit, he can not enter into the Kingdom of heaven."

2. "Unless you eat the Flesh of the Son of Man and drink His Blood, you shall not have life in you."

3. "I am the Light of the world. He that follows Me walks not in darkness, but shall have the light of life."

Catechumens and Faithful both were deeply impressed while listening to the Gospel of "The Light of the World" read in today's stational church, which is over a dark dungeon. There criminals were held in confinement, deprived of light, liberty and the joys of life. A man in mortal sin walks in darkness. The light of Christ is not in Him. He sits in darkness and in the shadow of death. With God's help, we must free ourselves during the remaining days from all darkness.

St. Nicholas—lead us today to Him, who by Sacred Water has made us His living branches, to Christ Jesus, our Divine Food and Holy Light.

Let us pray: Mercifully compel our rebellious wills and make them subject to Thee, O Lord. We ask this Through Christ, Our Lord. Amen.
Mexico City: Will it allow abortion?

May 29, 2007: The law is going to Mexico's Supreme Court. So far, 180 legal abortions have taken place in Mexico City.

May 9, 2007 Update: Pope would deny communion, not excommunicate Catholic politicians who support abortion rights.

April 29, 2007 Update: Unfortunately, the bill has become law but a group of Catholic attorneys is planning to take the law to court.

April 25, 2007 Update: Pro-life groups prepare to protest when abortions begin in Mexico City.

April 24, 2007 Update: Unfortunately, city lawmakers have voted to support abortion. The bill legalizes abortion within the first 14 weeks of pregnancy. The vote was 46-19 with one absentee. Lord, have mercy!

April 6, 2007 Update: Mexico Catholic Bishop says that Lawmakers Who Back Abortion will be Excommunicated.

Original Post: This post will be dedicated to the issue of abortion in Mexico City. I will post updates as they become available.

The local legislature in Mexico City is attempting to legalize all abortions within the first 14 weeks of pregnancy and open the door to the dangerous RU 486 abortion drug. The Catholic Church is strongly opposing and working to defeat this proposal (LifeNews).

Please pray!
Baptism: New vs. Old Rite

I recently bought a 1962 Missal of the Tridentine (Latin) Mass. I absolutely love it! The Missal includes so many sections including evening/morning prayers, Mass readings for the entire year, and information on the Sacraments. I personally was interested in seeing how the sacraments have changed since Vatican II, and Baptism has changed greatly.

To see the comparison of Sacrament Baptism in the Old and New Rites, see Fr. Carota's Page
Biyernes, Marso 23, 2007
Sancta Maria

As we progress through Lent, let us not forget to pray the Rosary each day like Mary requested of all peoples when she appeared in Fatima.

Sancta Maria, ora pro nobis!
Lenten Prayer

O Jesus, it is not the heavenly reward you have promised which impels me to love you; neither is it the threat of hell that keep me from offending you. It is you, O Lord, it is the sight of you affixed to the Cross and suffering insults; it is the sight of your broken body, as well as your pains and your death. There is nothing you can give me to make me love you. For even if there were no heaven and no hell I would still love you as I do. Amen.
Stational Church: Friday in the Fourth Week of Lent

Today's Stational Church is the Church of St. Eusebius. His feast day is kept on the Vigil of the Assumption on August 14th. For information on this devotion, see the Stational Churches of Lent Homepage. I will post on each Stational Church for Lent. Information is from the Canon Regulars of St. John Cantius:
The Roman Martyr-Priest, Eusebius, whom the Arian Emperor Constantius II had imprisoned for seven months in the priest's own home so that he might slowly starve to death, is today our leader to the blessed Christ for whose Divinity Eusebius died and won eternal life.

Two weeks from today, we shall celebrate the Lord's life-giving death—the source of our resurrection and life. Christ's death is the Sacrament of all sacraments. All the Christian mysteries flow from this main-spring: "the mystery of new life" "out of water and the Holy Spirit"; restoring or healing life in the tribunal of God's mercy; the reception of the Bread of Life at the Lord's Table; as well as the great "come forth" on the last day (from our tombs as Lazarus was called from his tomb). These and all other mysteries of our Faith are rooted in the death of the Lamb of God.

Let us pray: O God, who renews the world by Thine ineffable sacraments, grant, we beseech Thee, that Thy Church may profit by Thy eternal institutions, and not be lacking in temporal help. Through Christ, Our Lord. Amen.
Daniel C. Maguire

Daniel C. Maguire hopefully will now stop teaching his heretical assertions. Finally, Roman Catholic bishops in the United States have declared two pamphlets by the "Catholic" theologian as “false teaching” because he argues that abortion, contraception and same-sex marriage are morally permissible. The pamphlets, “The Moderate Roman Catholic Position on Contraception and Abortion” and “A Catholic Defense of Same-Sex Marriage”, are simply heresy.

Let us pray for an end to all heresy! O Lord, through thy passion, thou hast redeemed the world. Misere Nobis!

Source: New York Times
Archbishop Flynn bars Mass at Gay Symposium

Archbishop Harry Joseph Flynn from March 27, 2009. Photo taken by Gaia Octavia Agrippa

Amazing! I didn't think he would do this! I truly am delighted after reading this news:
People with a homosexual orientation are children of God, not outcasts, Archbishop Harry Flynn explained, and Catholics are called to love gay people unconditionally; but the archbishop of St. Paul and Minneapolis said he was compelled to bar a national organization that ministers to homosexual Catholics from celebrating the Eucharist during its March 16 to 18 meeting in Minneapolis.

“Although I recognize the sincerity of the efforts made by New Ways Ministry to serve lesbian and gay persons, on many occasions this group has openly contested aspects of the fullness of Catholic teaching in this area,” the archbishop noted in a written statement following the event.

The Catholic Spirit
Periucundum est Catholicum esse

"Periucundum est Catholicum esse" is Latin for "It's cool to be Catholic". I just recently read about a new non-profit Catholic organization called Catholici Sumus.

Currently Catholici Sumus is selling wristbands embossed with "Periucundum est Catholicum esse". It is the organization's hope that these wristbands will become a way for Catholics to evangelize. Importantly, every time someone inquires about the purple band (the color of penance), it opens the door for dialogue and evangelization. This can be a excellent opportunity to talk about the Catholic faith. Their vision is to distribute thousands of these wristbands, leading to millions of daily opportunities to share/spread the Faith.

The leader of this new organization said that he is outraged by our society mocking Christian values. Furthermore, he states that there are many misinformed Catholics, a ‘lost generation’ from the 60’s and 70’s that was not properly taught the Catechism of the Catholic Church. This band is a small step to help catechise the lost sheep of the Flock of Christ.

For more information, please visit the website of Catholici Sumus.
Friday: Abstain from Meat

O King of Glory, have mercy on us sinners!
Today is Friday, the day we commemorate Our Lord's passion and death. It was our own sins that condemned Our Glorious Lord to death - death on a Cross. As Catholics, we are bound to abstain from meat today. Willingly ignoring the law of fasting and abstinence is seriously sinful! It was on this day of the week that Our Glorious Redeemer died for us. Please, never forget this, especially at 3 o'clock, the hour that He died. At 3 o'clock attempt to pray the 3 o'clock Mercy Prayer. Please remember Our Lord's love and repent today.

For the rules on fasting and abstinence, please see my post on the topic.

Today is a great day to pray the Stations of the Cross. Please join me in praying the Stations of the Cross. Remember, it was on this day that He gave up His life all for you.

Prayer to the Glorious Cross:

I adore You, O glorious Cross, which was adorned with the Heart and Body of my Savior Jesus Christ, stained and covered with blood. I adore You, O Holy Cross, out of love for Him, Jesus, who is my Savior and my God.

(Pope Pius IX declared that reciting this prayer five times on Friday will free five souls from Purgatory and 33 souls by reciting it on Good Friday. This prayer should be recited before a crucifix with a contrite heart and praying a few minutes for the Pope).

Prayer to Jesus Christ Crucified:

My good and dear Jesus, I kneel before you asking you most earnestly to engrave upon my heart a deep and lively faith, hope, and charity, with true repentance for my sins, and a firm resolve to make amends. As I reflect upon your five wounds, and dwell upon them with deep compassion and grief, I recall the words the prophet David spoke long ago concerning yourself: they have pierced my hands and my feet, they have numbered all my bones!
Huwebes, Marso 22, 2007
Stational Church: Thursday in the Fourth Week of Lent

Today's Stational Church is the Church of Sts. Sylvester and Martin. For information on this devotion, see the Stational Churches of Lent Homepage. I will post on each Stational Church for Lent.

Dom Gueranger writes: "The Station is at the church of Saints Sylvester and Martin, which is one of the most venerable in Rome. It was originally built by Pope St. Sylvester, and still bears his name: but in the sixth century, it was consecrated to St. Martin of Tours. In the seventh century, it was enriched with the relics of Pope Saint Martin, which were brought from Chersonesus, where he had died a martyr a few years before. This church was the first Title of St. Charles Borromeo. It was also that of the learned liturgiologist, the Blessed Joseph-Mary Tommasi, whose body is now venerated in this church, and has been miraculously preserved, even to this day, in a state of incorruption."

Information is from the Canon Regulars of St. John Cantius:
Near this church the penitents used to pass through one of the most infamous of places, near the crossroads of Mercury and the Serbian walls, where there was the merulana necropolis (cemetery). That was where pagan Rome left the bodies of slaves and criminals to rot in the open, until the Christians built a chapel with the aim of venerating the Christian martyrs.

Two weeks from today, the Church will celebrate the mystery of the living and life-giving Bread, the first source of life and health. "For he that eats this Bread shall have life everlasting." "And unless you eat this Bread you shall not have life in you."

Preceded by two stational saints, the first Confessors, who were given public veneration in the Church — St. Sylvester and St. Martin — we will go to God's altar, to the Mystery of Life, to Him who will say also to us:" I say to thee, arise!"

Let us pray: Grant, we beseech Thee, Almighty God, that we, who are chastised by fasting, may rejoice with holy devotion, and that our earthly affections being weakened, we may, more easily understand the things of heaven. Through Christ, Our Lord. Amen.
Irreverence To Jesus in the Eucharist

As readers will remember, I am currently reading "The Dolorous Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ" according to the visions by Blessed Anne Catherine Emmerich. I recently came into contact without another Traditional Catholic, who sent me an excerpt from a different book containing some of her visions. I feel that while the following excerpt is graphic and horrifying, it illustrates the need to immediately stop irreverence wherever it exists.

Taken from "The Life of the Blessed Virgin Mary", Chapter 1: Our Lady's Ancestors; the Vision of the Feast of Our Lady's Conception, page 68

"My heavenly Bridegroom said to me, pointing round me as He spoke; 'See far more evil that befalls Me every day at the hands of many throughout the world.' And as I looked about me into the distance, many things came before my soul which were indeed still more dreadful than that sacrifice of children; for I saw Jesus Himself cruelly sacrificed on the Altar by unworthy and sinful celebrations of the Holy Mysteries. I saw how the blessed Host lay on the altar before unworthy degenerate priests like a living Child Jesus, whom they cut and terribly mutilated with the paten. Their sacrifice, though an efficacious celebration of the Holy Mysteries, appeared like a cruel murder."
Words of Inspiration: March 22

"Today bring to Me the souls who are in the prison of Purgatory, and immerse them in the abyss of My mercy. Let the torrents of My Blood cool down their scorching flames. All these souls are greatly loved by Me. They are making retribution to My justice. It is in your power to bring them relief. Draw all the indulgences from the treasury of My Church and offer them on their behalf. Oh, if you only knew the torments they suffer, you would continually offer for them the alms of the spirit and pay off their debt to My justice" (Paragraph 1226, Our Lord to St Faustina).

"Keep strongly and constantly united to God, consecrating all your affections, torments, and your entire self to Him, patiently awaiting the return of that beautiful sun, whenever the Spouse is pleased to visit you through trials of aridity, desolation and darkness of spirit" (St. Padre Pio, Letters III, p. 674.)

This week I am taking my midterms, and I would greatly appreciate any prayers offered on my behalf.

God Bless!
Miyerkules, Marso 21, 2007
Stational Church: Wednesday in the Fourth Week of Lent

Photo (c) A Catholic Life Blog 2016

Today's Stational Church is the Basilica of St. Paul Outside the Walls. Today is the Feria of the Great Scrutiny.  Information is from the Canon Regulars of St. John Cantius:
At one time, a pilgrimage to the tomb of St. Paul in this Lenten penitential procession took on an exceptional character in view of the riches of doctrinal teaching, which has come down to us from the Apostle to the Gentiles. For this reason, it used to happen, that in this particular Lenten Station, the Pope carried out a "third scrutiny" for the baptismal candidates—that is, for those catechumens, who wanted to be baptized in water.

In this church, at the tomb of this great convert-exemplar, the catechumens, turning westward—towards darkness—renounced Satan, his pomps and his works. Then, turning eastward—towards the light—they pledged their loyalty to Christ and His Church.

Here at the tomb of the Apostle, who was "the salt of the earth," the catechumens received a morsel of salt. Accipe sal sapientiae—Receive the salt of wisdom! Receive the taste for the doctrine of God. Hereafter, speak no longer the language of the flesh, but let your conversation be heavenly.

Let us pray: O God, who grantest to the just the reward of their merits, and to sinners pardon through their fasts, have mercy on Thy suppliant people, that the confession of our guilt may enable us to obtain the forgiveness of our sins. Through Christ, Our Lord. Amen.
Martes, Marso 20, 2007
My Great Grandmother May be Dying

Update in late 2007: She has died.  Unfortunately she was never baptized and never rejected our atheistic ways.

Update: Today she was given a life expectancy of three more days by her doctor. Please pray for her soul.

Original Post: Her name is Lucille, and she is very ill and currently at a hospital. I would appreciate any prayers for her health, so that, if it be God's will, she will improve. But, most of all, I ask you to pray for her soul. She has held atheistic views all of her life. Please pray for her soul so that she might repent and believe like the Good Thief while she bears her final cross.
Into the Great Silence

If you are a reader of The New Liturgical Movement blog, you would have undoubtedly read about the opportunity to order a copy of "Into the Great Silence" as well as been able to see a few truly amazing pictures from the film.

However, if you have not done so, I would like to post about "Into the Great Silence". The movie is a documentary of a Carthusian monastery in France produced by filmmaker Philip Gronin. "Into the Great Silence" reveals the austere life that the monks like.

In the 169-minute film, talking does not appear until roughly 20 minutes into the movie. The film does contain the chanting of the monks, which they do daily, and viewers can watch the lives of one of the strictest Christian, monastic orders. Contemplative silence governs the life of the monks.

Charity by Pope St. Leo the Great

This excerpt is especially important to read during the penitential days of Lent:

On Charity

~by Pope St. Leo the Great

In John’s gospel the Lord says: By this love you have for one another, everyone will know you are my disciples. In a letter by John we read: My dear people, let us love one another since love comes from God and everyone who loves is begotten by God and knows God. Anyone who fails to love can never have known God, because God is love.

So the faithful should look into themselves and carefully examine their minds and the impulses of their hearts. If they find some of the fruits of love stored in their hearts then they must not doubt God’s presence within them, but to make themselves more and more able to receive so great a guest they should do more and more works of durable mercy and kindness. After all, if God is love, charity should know no limit, for God himself cannot be confined within limits.

What is the appropriate time for performing works of charity? My beloved children, any time is the right time, but these days of Lent provide a special encouragement. Those who want to be present at the Lord’s Passover in holiness of mind and body should seek above all to win this grace. Charity contains all other virtues and covers a multitude of sins.

As we prepare to celebrate that greatest of all mysteries, by which the blood of Jesus Christ destroyed our sins, let us first of all make ready the sacrificial offerings — that is, our works of mercy. What God in his goodness has already given to us, let us give it to those who have sinned against us.

And to the poor also, and to those who are afflicted in various ways, let us show a more open-handed generosity so that God may be thanked through many voices and the needy may be fed as a result of our fasting. No act of devotion on the part of the faithful gives God more pleasure than the support that is lavished on his poor. Where God finds charity with its loving concern, there he recognises the reflection of his own fatherly care.

Do not be put off giving by a lack of resources. A generous spirit is itself great wealth, and there can be no shortage of material for generosity where it is Christ who feeds and Christ who is fed. His hand is present in all this activity: his hand, which multiplies the bread by breaking it and increases it by giving it away.

When you give alms, do not be anxious but full of happiness. The greatest treasure will go to the one who has kept the least for himself. The holy apostle Paul tells us: He who provides seed for the sower will give bread for food, provide you with more seed, and increase the harvest of your goodness, in Christ Jesus our Lord, who lives and reigns with the Father and the Holy Spirit for ever and ever. Amen.
Stational Church: Tuesday in the Fourth Week of Lent

Today's Stational Church is the Basilica of St. Lawrence the Deacon. Dom Gueranger writes, "The Station is in the church of Saint Laurence in Damaso; so called, because it was built, in the fourth century, in honour of the glorious archdeacon of Rome, by Pope St. Damasus, whose body rests here." For information on this devotion, see the Stational Churches of Lent Homepage. I will post on each Stational Church for Lent. Information is from the Canon Regulars of St. John Cantius:
We celebrate the holy mysteries in spirit in the church of St. Lawrence in Damaso, built by the "poet-Pope" and "lover of the catacombs," St. Damasus, whose remains rest in this venerable edifice.

Mother Church points today to two leaders: Moses and Christ — figure and fulfillment. Both of them were unappreciated by their flock. Both of them were unmoved in their consecration to God and their holy calling. Their people were superficial, proud and selfish, while they, the leaders, were filled with the spirit of prayer, humility and the love of God.

In the spirit of our prayerful, humble and God-loving leader, St. Lawrence, let us make a sincere oblation of ourselves. Then the Divine Victim, through the prayers of this holy deacon, will increase in our souls what is so strikingly expressed in today's Mass:

1. Humility— "With expectation I have waited for the Lord and he was attentive to me."

2. Prayerfulness— "And He heard my prayer."

3. Love— "And He put a new canticle in my mouth, a song to our God."

Let us pray: Hear, O God, my prayer and despise not my supplication. Be attentive to me and hear me. Through Christ, Our Lord. Amen.
Words of Inspiration: March 20

Blessed Mother Teresa:

"Am I convinced of Christ's love for me and mine for Him? This conviction is like sunlight which makes the sap of life rise and the buds of sanctity bloom. This conviction is the rock on which sanctity is built. What must we do to get this conviction? We must know Jesus, love Jesus, serve Jesus. I must not attempt to control God's actions; I must not count the stages in the journey He would have me make. I ask Him to make a saint of me, yet I must leave to Him the choice of that saintliness itself and still more the choice of the means which lead to it."

St. Padre Pio:

"If you suffer with resignation in doing His will, you do not offend Him but love Him. And your heart will find great comfort in remembering that in your hour of pain Jesus Himself suffers in you and for you. He did not abandon you when you fled from Him; why should He abandon you now that you are proving your love for Him by the martyrdom of your soul?" (GF, 174).

Let us remember to continue practicing prayer, almsgiving, and fasting (voluntarily throughout the week not just on Fridays) as we continue our Lenten journey.
Lunes, Marso 19, 2007
Pray for the Soul of Fr. Daniel Johnson

I ask for your prayers for the repose of the soul of Fr. Daniel Johnson. It is a righteous act to pray for the dead, and I ask prayers for this priest. He was a holy, traditional priest, who held to the enduring Traditions of the Holy Catholic Church.

Requiem aeternam dona ei, Domine, et lux perpetua luceat ei. Requiescat in pace. Amen.

Image Source: Photo of Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen, Believed to be in the Public Domain
Thanks: I have found two charities

I want to take this time to thank my readers for responding to my February post on Looking for Charities. I just want to say that I have found a Traditional Catholic School that offers the Tridentine Mass thanks to one of my kind readers. I have sent in my Box Tops for Education, and I hope to continue sending more in to support a Catholic School. Secondly, I have found a worthwhile way to donate my pop tabs. However, I have decided not to describe my almsgiving in detail on account of Our Lord's warning: "But when you give alms, do not let your left hand know what your right is doing, so that your almsgiving may be secret. And your Father who sees in secret will repay you" (Matthew 6:3-4)

I just want to thank everyone for any help offered!
Stational Church: Monday in the Fourth Week of Lent

Today's Stational Church is the Church of the Four Crowned Martyrs. For information on this devotion, see the Stational Churches of Lent Homepage. I will post on each Stational Church for Lent. Information is from the Canon Regulars of St. John Cantius:
The Station is on Mount Caelius, in a church erected in the seventh century in honor of four officers of the Roman army, who having refused to adore a statue of Aesculapius, received the crown of martyrdom. These were the "Four Crowned Ones," whose relics are venerated in this sanctuary together with the head of St. Sebastian, an officer of the army of Diocletian.

Under the leadership of the Four Crowned Martyrs let us celebrate the divine Sacrifice. May the Eucharistic Action "refresh us and defend us," as it refreshed these great athletes and filled them with heavenly fortitude to go forth to make the supreme sacrifice for a true ideal, for their faith, for Christ, the King of Martyrs.

Let us pray: Grant, we beseech Thee, Almighty God, that as we keep with devotion year by year this holy fast, we may please Thee both in body and soul. Through Christ, Our Lord. Amen.
The Solemnity of St. Joseph

Today, according to the 1969 and Traditional Calendars, is the Solemnity of St. Joseph, Spouse of the Blessed Virgin Mary. See my post from last year for more information on today's Solemnity.

Here is a reading for today:

~by St. Bernardine of Siena

There is a general rule concerning all special graces granted to any human being. Whenever the divine favour chooses someone to receive a special grace, or to accept a lofty vocation, God adorns the person chosen with all the gifts of the Spirit needed to fulfill the task at hand.

This general rule is especially verified in the case of Saint Joseph, the foster-father of our Lord and the husband of the Queen of our world, enthroned above the angels. He was chosen by the eternal Father as the trustworthy guardian and protector of his greatest treasures, namely, his divine Son and Mary, Joseph’s wife. He carried out this vocation with complete fidelity until at last God called him, saying: “Good and faithful servant enter into the joy of your Lord”.

What then is Joseph’s position in the whole Church of Christ? Is he not a man chosen and set apart? Through him and, yes, under him, Christ was fittingly and honourably introduced into the world. Holy Church in its entirety is indebted to the Virgin Mother because through her it was judged worthy to receive Christ. But after her we undoubtedly owe special gratitude and reverence to Saint Joseph.

In him the Old Testament finds its fitting close. He brought the noble line of patriarchs and prophets to its promised fulfilment. What the divine goodness had offered as a promise to them, he held in his arms.

Obviously, Christ does not now deny to Joseph that intimacy, reverence and very high honour which he gave him on earth, as a son to his father. Rather we must say that in heaven Christ completes and perfects all that he gave at Nazareth.

Now we can see how the last summoning words of the Lord appropriately apply to Saint Joseph: “Enter into the joy of your Lord”. In fact, although the joy of eternal happiness enters into the soul of a man, the Lord preferred to say to Joseph: “Enter into joy”. His intention was that the words should have a hidden spiritual meaning for us. They convey not only that this holy man possesses an inward joy, but also that it surrounds him and engulfs him like an infinite abyss.

Remember us, Saint Joseph, and plead for us to your foster-child. Ask your most holy bride, the Virgin Mary, to look kindly upon us, since she is the mother of him who with the Father and the Holy Spirit lives and reigns eternally. Amen.
Linggo, Marso 18, 2007
Stational Church: Fourth Sunday of Lent

Today is the joyous reprieve during Lent - Laetare Sunday!

Today's Stational Church is the Basilica of the Holy Cross in Jerusalem. For information on this devotion, see the Stational Churches of Lent Homepage. I will post on each Stational Church for Lent. Information is from the Canon Regulars of St. John Cantius:
In the year 320, Constantine placed here the relics of the Holy Cross, which his mother, St. Helen, had brought to Rome from the Holy Land. Also, there is soil brought from Calvary, placed under the floor of the Chapel of the Holy Cross. Today, in the Church of Calvary at Rome—that is of the Cross—our hope, the Church, sends a ray of light upon our souls to stir us up to persevere in the struggle against the world, the flesh and the devil, until the great feast of Easter is reached.

"Rejoice, rejoice with joy," we are told in the Introit, for having died to sin with our Lord during Lent, we are shortly to rise with him by the Paschal Confession and Communion.

Our whole life is a texture of sorrows and joys. Good Fridays and Easters accompany us on our journey to the land of perennial Easter. But as there is no Good Friday without the assurance that "by the wood of the Cross joy has come into the whole world," so in the soul of a true Christian there is no sorrow without the joy that will come from living faith, strong hope and sincere love. It is a joy ever sustained and increased by that wonderful Bread, which Christ's loving hand multiplies for us in this desert of life.

By the wood of this Cross joy has come into the world and into your heart, also. Lætare Sunday, Jerusalem! Endure the thorns of life courageously. Supernaturalize them. 
On this day, it was the custom to solemnly bless the "golden rose," which was then presented by the Holy Father to a Catholic, who was zealous and outstanding in the Faith.
Living Lent: The Fourth Sunday by Cardinal Rigali

Today is the Fourth Sunday of Lent, also called Lætare Sunday.
Sabado, Marso 17, 2007
Stational Church: Saturday in the Third Week of Lent

Today's Stational Church is the Church of St. Susanna. For information on this devotion, see the Stational Churches of Lent Homepage. I will post on each Stational Church for Lent. Information is from the Canon Regulars of St. John Cantius:
Today's liturgy places before us three women—one in the white garment of virginity, the other in the blue mantle of chastity and the third in the purple robe of penitence. The first shows the triumph of Christ's redemption, the second, the power of faith in the coming Messiah, the third, the compassion of the Good Shepherd, who came to seek what was lost.

The first is today's stational guide—St. Susanna, to whom the vow of virginity and consecration to Christ, the royal Bridegroom, meant more than the princely hand of the unprincely Galerius Maximianus. She refused his hand in marriage and was put to death.

The other Susanna is the chaste wife of Joachim living in Babylon in the days of Daniel, the prophet. Two adulterous men, ever to be remembered as a disgrace to manhood, two judges, who perverted justice and drowned their manly honor in the pool of perjury, were this pure women's adversaries. But Susanna prefers to be a victim of the hellish vengeance of her accusers than sin against her God.

And now the third one—the woman caught in adultery. She lost her virginity, her chastity, and has broken fidelity to her marriage vows. "she must be stoned," was the cry. She was an outcast in the eyes of her merciless accusers, who themselves were whitened sepulchers inwardly full of worms. Jesus, the new Daniel, came to her rescue. He condemned her sin, but raised her from an erring sheep to a penitential follower. "Has no one condemned you, woman? No one, Sir. Neither will I condemn you. Now sin no more."

Let us pray: Extend to Thy faithful the right hand of heavenly help, that they may seek Thee with their whole hearts and deserve to obtain what they ask for worthily. Through Christ, Our Lord. Amen.
American Cancer Society funds Planned Parenthood

Again, the American Cancer Society is funding Planned Parenthood. Read about this news on LifeNews. Contact information to write to the American Cancer Society is available via that link.
Biyernes, Marso 16, 2007
Photo: Tridentine Christmas Midnight Mass

I had to post this beautiful image from a Tridentine Christmas Mass that I found on an online message board.

Note: The place is so beautifully lit not by electricity but by nearly 1,000 lit candles. This is an image from St. Vicent de Paul Church, Kansas City, MO (SSPX)
Video: Last Days of Pope Paul VI

I recently found this video on Roman Miscellany showing many of the struggles in Pope Paul VI's final years as Pontiff. I found the video fascinating since I have never seen many videos of Pope Paul VI.
Isaiah 53:11-12

Isaiah 53:11b-12

"Through his suffering, my servant shall justify many, and their guilt he shall bear. Therefore I will give him his portion among the great, and he shall divide the spoils with the mighty, Because he surrendered himself to death and was counted among the wicked; And he shall take away the sins of many, and win pardon for their offenses."
Stational Church: Friday in the Third Week of Lent

Today's Stational Church is the Church of St. Lawrence the Deacon. For information on this devotion, see the Stational Churches of Lent Homepage. I will post on each Stational Church for Lent. Information is from the Canon Regulars of St. John Cantius:
For the second time this week, the chaste Deacon Lawrence is our processional leader to the Savior of the world. Last Sunday, we knelt at his tomb and heard his encouraging words: "walk as children of the light …"

Today, we are making our pilgrimage to the church containing a large portion of the gridiron on which this holy Deacon made his last and most perfect oblation to God.
It was during the forty years passed in the desert that Moses and Aaron asked God to bring from the rock - a figure of Christ - "a spring of living water," so that all the people could quench their thirst. During these forty days of Lent, the Church asks Christ to give us the living water about which he spoke to the woman of Samaria near Jacob's well-the water, which quenches our thirst forever. This water is our faith in Jesus. It is grace. It is the blood, which flows from the wounds of the Savior, and which through baptism, penance and the other sacraments, purifies our souls, and gushes forth into eternal life, of which it assures us a share.

Let us pray: Show me, O Lord, a toke for good; that they, who hate me may see and be confounded because Thou, O Lord, hast helped me and hast comforted me. Through Christ, Our Lord. Amen.
Huwebes, Marso 15, 2007
Czech Republic: 50% are Atheists

This is very disheartening news.

O Lord, misere nobis!

Half of the people of the Czech Republic do not believe in God, according to a new survey.

The poll by the STEM research organization found that 50% of the country’s people reject belief in God, while 26% believe and the remaining 24% profess uncertainty.

Source: Catholic World News
Stational Church: Thursday in the Third Week of Lent

Today's Stational Church is the Church of Sts. Cosmas and Damian.  For information on this devotion, see the Stational Churches of Lent Homepage. I will post on each Stational Church for Lent. Information is from the Canon Regulars of St. John Cantius:
This church, made from two pagan temples, holds the bodies of the holy martyrs, Cosmas and Damian, who were put to death during the Diocletian persecution. The sick came in crowds to visit the tomb of these two brothers, doctors by profession, imploring them to restore their health.

The "unsalaried" physicians, Cosmas and Damian, devoted time and talents to the service of the poor and the sick, so that, by curing the infirmities of the body without renumeration, they might more easily win immortal souls for Christ.

Today, the Divine Physician will again come and refresh you. He carries with him the divine antidote, the Eucharistic medicine for the healing of our infirmities.

Let us pray: May the blessed solemnity of Thy saints, Cosmas and Damian, magnify Thee, O Lord, by which Thou hast both granted eternal glory to them and assistance to us by Thy ineffable providence. Through Christ, Our Lord. Amen.
What is fascinating is that the Collect Prayer or today's Lenten feria Mass mentions the station of Ss. Cosmas and Damian.  There is only one other occasion, Sexagesima Sunday at St Paul Outside-the-Walls, on which the Collect mentions the Saint at whose church the station is held, even though it is not the feast of that Saint.

Dom Gueranger, in his "Liturgical Year," also insightfully notes the connection of today's station with Lenten fasting and abstinence:

At Rome, the Station is at the church of Saints Cosmas and Damian, in the forum. The Christians of the middle ages (as we learn from Durandus, in his Rational of the Divine Offices) were under the impression that this Station was chosen because these two saints were, by profession, physicians. The Church, according to this explanation, would not only offer up her prayers of this day for the souls, but also for the bodies of her children: she would draw down upon them—fatigued as she knew they must be by their observance of abstinence and fasting—the protection of these holy martyrs, who, whilst on earth, devoted their medical skill to relieving the corporal ailments of their brethren. The remarks made by the learned liturgiologist Gavantus, in reference to this interpretation, lead us to conclude that, although it may possibly not give us the real motive of the Church’s selecting this Station, yet it is not to be rejected. It will, at least, suggest to the faithful to recommend themselves to these saints, and to ask of God, through their intercession, that they may have the necessary courage and strength for persevering to the end of the holy season in what they have, so far, faithfully observed.

Today also marks the midpoint of Lent. See: Mid-Lent Thursday Exhortation from the Mozarabic Rite 
Miyerkules, Marso 14, 2007
Exsurge Domine

I have just updated my page entitled What's wrong with Martin Luther? by adding a link to a papal document concerning his heretical errors. I strongly suggest all Catholics read Exsurge Domine by Pope Leo X, which was issued on June 15, 1520.

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