Martes, Pebrero 21, 2006
My personal reflections from today

I wanted to post my personal reflections for today.

Today I overheard a conversation that deeply saddened me. One woman was talking with a friend and said that she was an ex-Catholic and proud of it. She claimed that growing up Catholic was a horrible time for her, so she was re-baptised last October in a non-denominational Church! How absurd. No one can be re-baptized if the baptism was valid, and it was obviously valid if done in a Catholic Church.

What deeply saddens and troubles me are stories like these. For this reason I started blogging and hoped to bring others in a deeper relationship with Christ - a relationship only found through the Catholic Church.

I was wondering what is the makeup of my readers? Were you a cradle Catholic, a Catholic that returned to the flock after falling away, or a convert? Are you stilling going through discernment or RCIA or are you not Catholic?

I must very must enunciate my the sadness that I feel when I know of someone leaving the Church. The Church is the Body of Christ! As St. Joan of Arc said, "About Jesus Christ and the Catholic Church, I simply know they are one and the same and we should not complicate the matter." Let us pray for deeper faith and more conversions to our faith.

On a positive note, the Catholic Population worldwide has grown 1.1% between 2003 and 2004, the latest statistics.

Let us also pray in reparation for the sins of the world. As Mary revealed to us at Fatima, "Do not offend the Lord our God any more, because He is already so much offended."

23 comment(s):

del_button Pebrero 21, 2006 nang 8:50 PM
Hindi-nagpakilala ayon kay ...

Cradle Catholic here!

del_button Pebrero 21, 2006 nang 10:02 PM
Edward ayon kay ...

cradle catholic; and proud of it....

del_button Pebrero 21, 2006 nang 10:51 PM
Hindi-nagpakilala ayon kay ...

Captain of the Tiber River Swimteam - coming from Missouri Synod Lutheran. :D I'm in RCIA, and will be received at the Vigil this year.

del_button Pebrero 21, 2006 nang 11:10 PM
DB ayon kay ...

I'm in RCIA and will be coming into the church on Easter Vigil this year.

del_button Pebrero 22, 2006 nang 12:20 AM
Cathy ayon kay ...

I fall into two of your categories:
Cradle Catholic/

del_button Pebrero 22, 2006 nang 12:33 AM
AC ayon kay ...

Cradle catholic here too

del_button Pebrero 22, 2006 nang 3:13 AM
Hindi-nagpakilala ayon kay ...

Charismatic Protestant(Baptist, Lutheran) considering conversion to the Catholic Church.

del_button Pebrero 22, 2006 nang 3:49 AM
Hindi-nagpakilala ayon kay ...

I'm in RCIA and will be baptized and confirmed at the Easter Vigil this year.

del_button Pebrero 22, 2006 nang 6:57 AM
Hindi-nagpakilala ayon kay ...

Cradle Catholic, the confession you heard reminds me of my teacher...except I'm not in Illinois.

del_button Pebrero 22, 2006 nang 7:13 AM
Essy ayon kay ...

Cradle Catholic...unfortunately many of my family members have drifted away from the has joined another church and the others just don't practice anything. So definitely, lots of prayers are needed. The
Lord had put this in my heart already for it to be my Lenten Mission.

del_button Pebrero 22, 2006 nang 7:31 AM
Hindi-nagpakilala ayon kay ...

From cradle to grave...

del_button Pebrero 22, 2006 nang 12:11 PM
Hindi-nagpakilala ayon kay ...

cradle Catholic.
Happy to have found your blog due to the awards contest.


del_button Pebrero 22, 2006 nang 12:54 PM
Hindi-nagpakilala ayon kay ...

I am a cradle Catholic whose participation in the Church waned in my 20s and early 30s, but I returned "with zeal" to a committed Catholic life three years ago.

Half of my family in my generation have left the Catholic faith, and many of my high school friends consider themselves "recovering Catholics," which is a term that I find offensive. Many of the students in my classes (I teach college) identify themselves as non-participating Catholics or "former" Catholics.

del_button Pebrero 22, 2006 nang 2:22 PM
K ayon kay ...

Cradle Catholic with little to no faith formation.

Truly began to embrace my faith 15 years ago. It has been a wonderful journey.

del_button Pebrero 22, 2006 nang 2:39 PM
Layla ayon kay ...

I'll finish my Tiber swim at this year's Easter Vigil. Coming over from an Assembly of God baptism/childhood, Presbyterian junior high and high school, and a year or so of Southern Baptist church attendance. :)

del_button Pebrero 22, 2006 nang 11:04 PM
Jennifer ayon kay ...

Grew up Lutheran.
Converted 8 years ago and glad :)

del_button Pebrero 23, 2006 nang 1:12 AM
Deacon Mike ayon kay ...

Cradle Catholic. Had serious problems with the implementation of teh Vatican II reforms but never really left the Church. I do know people who have left the Church or simply do not aatend any more. I too am saddened by that. I have a cousin who was all but driven from her church after her divorce. This was particularly troubling to me because she had not remarried yet and really had not done anything that would bar her from the sacraments. We are very close so I have hope that someday she will return.


del_button Pebrero 23, 2006 nang 1:30 AM
Fidei Defensor ayon kay ...

Cradle Catholic getting more devout each day, and only 19!

del_button Pebrero 23, 2006 nang 10:49 AM
Staying in Balance ayon kay ...

I am a Cradle Catholic who "reverted" back to Catholicism when my son was small.

del_button Pebrero 23, 2006 nang 9:07 PM
Audrey Yu ayon kay ...

Am a cradle catholic but my parents have never brought me up in the catholic way until I was about 10, they sent me to Sunday class. It was then that I started to discover about Catholic faith.

del_button Pebrero 23, 2006 nang 10:03 PM
Hindi-nagpakilala ayon kay ...

My husband and I are cradle Catholics who stopped going to church when the kids were out of school. It took us 15 years to see the error of our ways. We've been back about a year now - better and stronger than ever. Don't ever underestimate the power of your blog - our returning to church was due in large part to The Anchoress and the beautiful way she shares her faith with us. We are now on a most beautiful journey and have learned more about Catholicism in the past year than we did in our entire lives. We are so thankful to be back! Feel better soon and know we are praying for you!

del_button Pebrero 24, 2006 nang 9:51 AM
antonia ayon kay ...

Cradle Catholic & SO thankful to God for such a grace!

del_button Pebrero 24, 2006 nang 10:20 PM
Hindi-nagpakilala ayon kay ...

I'm proud of being a cradle Catholic!!!! (ya know, that sounds like a t-shirt logo!hmmm...)

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