Lunes, Hulyo 30, 2007
Summorum Pontificum Contact Database

The motu proprio has been released! The next step is to start putting the Catholic faithful who want to assist at the Traditional Mass in touch with Catholic priests who want to say the Traditional Mass. Please fill out the form below with your contact information so we can help you make a connection.

Please make sure to include your geographical information (it will be difficult to link you up with others in your area if you don't), as well as an email address so that you can be contacted when a match is found. Your information is private and will not be shared with anyone without your consent. Also, including your parish of registry will be very important for helping to connect people in the same parish who may be unaware of each other.

Image Source: Hallowedground

9 comment(s):

del_button Hulyo 11, 2007 nang 11:27 AM
Hindi-nagpakilala ayon kay ...

Thank you for this, Matthew.

del_button Hulyo 11, 2007 nang 1:15 PM
EC Gefroh ayon kay ...

Our bishop has been permitting the Latin Mass for quite a while now. Should we still fill out the database?

del_button Hulyo 11, 2007 nang 8:14 PM
Matthew ayon kay ...

If you like the Latin Mass, I'd fill out the database.

del_button Hulyo 12, 2007 nang 12:49 AM
Hindi-nagpakilala ayon kay ...

I'd agree with Matthew.

Put it this way, there is one indult Parish here in the Archdiocese, and the Cardinal seems okay about it. But the parishioners have no way of knowing/getting in touch with other people who might know announce that they like it. With this database, we could see a quicker spread of the Latin Mass.

del_button Hulyo 12, 2007 nang 10:22 AM
Sanctus Belle ayon kay ...

It will be interesting to see if the TLM will be actually taught in our nation's seminaries. Matthew, do you plan or hope to learn it in your preparation for the priesthood?

del_button Hulyo 12, 2007 nang 10:48 AM
Matthew ayon kay ...

Yes, I do plan to learn to celebrate the TLM at seminary.

del_button Hulyo 12, 2007 nang 12:22 PM
DRS ayon kay ...

Terrific. Thanks for providing this link. I have entered my contact information. In your estimation, how long will it take to have priest train to begin celebrating the Latin mass?

del_button Hulyo 12, 2007 nang 2:45 PM
Cathy ayon kay ...

Dear SM,
Could you please pray for the baby whose mother has an abortion scheduled for tomorrow. Thanks.

del_button Hulyo 12, 2007 nang 6:17 PM
Matthew ayon kay ...


For a priest who knows Latin, training will not take long. I have a copy of the video "The Most Beautiful Thing This Side of Heaven" by the Coalition in Support of Ecclesia Dei. It is fabulous for priests to learn the Tridentine Mass if they are familiar with it and have a knowledge of Latin.

For a priest that does not know Latin, he would need to learn the language and then the rubrics of the Mass. At the earliest, it would take at least one year for such a priest to learn the Tridentine Mass.

Ma Beck, I will pray

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