Miyerkules, Hunyo 25, 2008
Greater Than You Think by Fr. Thomas D. Williams

Over the past few days I have read "Greater Than You Think" by Fr. Thomas D. Williams. This book is simply superb. Fr. Williams writes this book as a response to the arguments of popular atheistic writers - Hitchens, Dawkins, Harris, and Dennett. Breaking down their arguments into several sections - Religion in General, Religion in Society, Faith/Science/Reason, and Christianity under Fire - Fr. Williams offers thoughtful and highly effective counter arguments to the atheistic writers. How exactly do the atheist's arguments compare to the facts? Do the atheists use logic fallacies such as ad hominem attacks? Fr. Williams responds powerfully. In the final chapter, Fr. Williams turns the tables on atheists and asks "What are the real fruits of atheism for both the individual and society?" Once again, Fr. Williams uses facts and not opinion.

Tired of the blasphemous, outrages tirades from atheistic authors? Tired of lies said about Christianity and our Lord Jesus Christ? Have you read some of these atheistic works and would like to read the counter position? Are you an amateur apologist who enjoys evangelizing? If you have answered yes to these questions, please consider this excellent recourse. Every apologist should have a copy of "Greater Than You Think" readily available on their bookshelves.
Product Description

The recent runaway bestsellers God Is Not Great and The God Delusion have left Christians feeling defensive but not necessarily equipped to refute the accusations of nonbelievers. The bestsellers have also provoked those who are the fence about whether God exists, and if so, whether He's good. In his trademark elegant prose, Father Williams provides accessible but intellectually rich answers for both groups. Questions include "Isn't religion just another name for superstition (or magic or myth)?""If God is all-good and all-powerful, how can evil exist in the world?" and "Hasn't science disproved God's existence?" For believers and those searching for something to believe in, Father Williams offers an easy-to-use resource for building up one's own faith and igniting others'.

About the Author

Thomas D. Williams, LC, ThD, is Vatican Analyst for CBS News and a professor of theology at the ReginaApostolorumPontificalUniversity in Rome. He has also worked extensively for NBC News and Britain's Sky News, covering church and ethical issues, including the final illness and death of Pope John Paul II, the 2005 papal conclave, and the election of Pope Benedict XVI. Father Williams also regularly appeared in the MSNBC series The Ethical Edge and is author of several books and dozens of articles, both scholarly and popular.
"Greater Than You Think" is available for sale on Amazon.com.

Book Giveaway

Note: The contest is now closed. Thank you to everyone that participated.

Attention Readers of This Blog! I am hosting a book giveaway of "Greater Than You Think". The first five readers who respond via email with the correct answers to the following questions will win a free copy of "Greater Than You Think".

The following answers can all be found on my website (A Catholic Life). If you do not remember some of these answers, simply search my blog using the search feature in the right-hand column. When you have the answer to each question, email me the answers at acatholiclife[at]gmail.com

In your subject line include the words "Book Giveaway". Be sure to include your mailing address in case you are a winner. If you are a winner, I will notify you. As soon as five winners have been chosen, I will add a note in this post informing everyone that the contest is closed. Only citizens of the United States of America and Canada are eligible for this giveaway.


1) According to the Traditional Catholic Calendar of 1955, what day of the year is the Feast of St. Pius X?

2) How did our modern musical notes (do, re, mi, et cetera) obtain their names? (Hint: Because of which saint)

3) In which year was Visitation by Mariotto Albertinelli painted?

4) Who said the following? "Wherever applause breaks out in the liturgy because of some human achievement, it is a sure sign that the essence of liturgy has totally disappeared and been replaced by a kind of religious entertainment." And, what similar words did St. Pius X have to say on this topic?

5) At what Chapel in Jerusalem are our Lord's footprints still visible? What event occurred their in the earthly life of our Lord?

4 comment(s):

del_button Hunyo 26, 2008 nang 5:13 AM
Hindi-nagpakilala ayon kay ...

Hello Matthew,

My name is also Matthew. I am from Australia. I have recently felt the call to a vocation, possibly in a religious order. Like you, I believe in the older traditions of the Church and could only ever go to a seminary or religious order which offers the Latin Mass. I am trying to work out if I am called to a monastic life - in which case I am leaning towards a Benedictine monastery, perhaps the one in Clear Creek - or to be a diocesan priest here at home, where there is only 1 Latin Mass priest, and thus the need is great. My personality however, pushes me towards a monastic life and I feel I am more suited to that. What advice do you have, seeing as you have experienced the same questions?

del_button Hulyo 16, 2008 nang 1:47 PM
Unknown ayon kay ...


It seems that i was the fifth lucky winner of this contest and i would like to simply say a big thank you! for sending me this book that i believe shall be devoured in a single reading session. It arrived in the mail today and a first glance it looks excellent!

God bless and congratulations to the other lucky winners!

Fr. Daniel

del_button Hulyo 18, 2008 nang 11:07 PM
Matthew ayon kay ...

Fr. Daniel:

Greetings on the Feast of St. Camillus de Lellis:

I am very glad to hear that your book has arrived. I hope that you enjoy it. I would be interested in reading your thoughts on it after you complete the text.

del_button Setyembre 4, 2008 nang 10:44 AM
Unknown ayon kay ...

On this feast day of Blessed Dina Bélanger (pianist and consider like a little St Thérèse de Lisieux of America), it would be difficult to leave a better comment than what has been stated here:


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