Biyernes, Setyembre 14, 2012
Photo Commemoration of Tridentine Latin Mass on the 5th Anniversary of Summorum Pontificum

On this 5th anniversary of Summorum Pontificum, I wish to present the following series of 70+ images.  Let us lay aside politics and disagreements and appreciate the Mass of the Angels and Saints.  This is truly the "most beautiful thing this side of Heaven."  Let us wonder in amazement at the work of God, who through the Holy Sacrifice continues His work of Redemption!

Should you know of the title or authors of any of these images, please leave those details in the comment box so credit may be given to where credit is due.

3 comment(s):

del_button Setyembre 14, 2012 nang 12:13 PM
Josemaria Paulo Jeromino Martin Carvalho-Von Verster ayon kay ...

The priest in Rose Vestments is Fr Z.

del_button Setyembre 14, 2012 nang 6:34 PM
Mary ayon kay ...


What a collection of pictures!

What a darling picture of the little altar boys in capes!

You could attribute the places where you found the pictures.

del_button Setyembre 16, 2012 nang 12:14 PM
Barbara Schoeneberger ayon kay ...

Great photos and art. Thanks.

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