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Linggo, Pebrero 7, 2016
45 Seminarians of the SSPX Receive the Cassock

Throughout the world in the SSPX's seminaries, a total of 45 seminarians have taken the cassock, or clerical habit, during the 2015-2016 academic year. We offer some news and images of this important event, a formative step towards the ultimate goal of the sacred priesthood.
St. Thomas Aquinas Seminary, Winona, MN, USA

On February 2, Bishop Bernard Fellay (the SSPX's Superior General), blessed the cassocks for 10 seminarians and gave the clercical tonsure to 8 other young men during the Pontifical Mass of Candlemas. He was assisted by Fr. Yves le Roux (seminary rector), Fr. Jurgen Wegner (U.S. District Superior), and Fr. Patrick Abbet (seminary vice rector).

Despite the the snowfall of 10 inches—which made travelling difficult for various families—the sacred ministers and servers did make a short procession outside with the lighted candles, celebrating Our Lord as the Light of revelation for the Gentiles.

On February 2, Bishop Bernard Tissier de Mallerais blessed the cassock for 9 seminarians and gave the clerical tonsure to 7 as announced by Fr. Franz Schmidberger (seminary rector). The day after the bishop gave the minor orders to 7 others, with 3 becoming porters and lectors, and the other 4 being ordained exorcists and acolytes.

In the absence of Bishop Alfonso de Galarreta—whose attendance was prevented by a last minute difficulty—Fr. Niklaus Pfluger, the SSPX's 1st Assistant, blessed the clerical habit for 12 seminarians of the first-year: 4 Swiss, 3 Frenchmen, 2 Italians, 1 Gabonese and 2 Nigerians. He was assisted by Fr. Patrick Troadec (seminary rector) and Fr. Prudent Balou Yalu (prior of the St. Pius X Mission in Libreville, Gabon).

Interesting statistics have been published by Fr. Troadec. Since 1996, 347 candidates have entered the seminary to become priests or brothers; i.e., an average of 20 per year. The average age is 21-years old. Candidates consistently come from large families (with an average of 5.8 children ) where 80% of the mothers are mothers at home. 73% of the French candidates come from SSPX schools.

More than 50% of the candidates have received a first calling to the priesthood or religious life before the age of 12 either when serving Mass, helping in the sacristy, or on the day of their First Communion. Many of these seminarians have said that the education received in the family prepared them to make this choice, or they remember being impacted by the good example of a priest or a brother in their surroundings.

After a period where the idea of being fully consecrated to God has faded during their teenage years, a second call comes around the age of 19, which eventually leads them to the seminary or brothers novitiate.

Source (Continue Reading...)
Linggo, Nobyembre 22, 2015
SSPX Response to Paris Attacks

Terrorist acts of great gravity have been inflicted upon our country. Hundreds of people were killed, injured or traumatized, and we pray for the repose of the souls of those who lost their lives in this tragedy, and we pledge our prayers for their families and loved ones in mourning, and for the injured victims, that they may regain their health quickly.

Such an attack certainly warrants a prompt response from French political and military authorities. But will this be sufficient to restore order, peace and security in France? We insist that it will not.

Indeed, Pope Pius XI in his beautiful encyclical Quas Primas on the social Kingship of Christ, seeing the early twentieth century clouds gathering over the whole world, proclaimed:

These manifold evils in the world are due to the fact that the majority of men have thrust Jesus Christ and his holy law out of their lives; that these have no place either in private affairs or in politics: and that as long as individuals and states refuse to submit to the rule of our Savior, there will be no hopeful prospect of a lasting peace among nations.

Only Christ, the Prince of Peace, is able to restore in the heart of human society the reign of justice, love and peace which has been shattered by sin and by the rejection—public and private—of God's law. That is why we must work every day to establish the "peace of Christ through the reign of Christ," that is to say the fruitful union of faith and of the fatherland, the Church and the State.

These tragic events are the terrible consequences of the divorce (for more than two hundred years now) of France from the Catholic Church, which led our leaders to reject Christ the King and drag our country in the direction of gradual apostasy.

Thus we must all begin to work with all of our strength for the restoration of the reign of Christ the King.

We call on the bishops, priests, Catholics and all people of good will to rediscover the courage of our fathers and to work every day for the proclamation of Christ’s rule for the greater good of souls and of all society.

May Christ the King of all nations have mercy on our country, and may the Virgin Mary, Patroness and Queen of France, inspire generous souls and brave men and women to dedicated themselves to the restoration of the Catholic soul of France that made this country great.

Linggo, Oktubre 4, 2015
Donate Your Old Missals to Africa

Our Lady of Sorrows Priory (SSPX) in South Africa is in need of used hand missals for the children of the parish and school.   The following note comes from Fr. Peter Scott:
Thank you also for asking what we might need. It is in fact second hand missals for the faithful that we need, whether they be Sunday Missals or daily Missals. New missals are extremely expensive here, since they have to be imported from the US, and the South African Rand is very weak. Many of our school students and African parishioners cannot afford missals, and would dearly appreciate having a Missal to follow the Mass, especially the children in the school who assist at daily Mass.

If you were able to locate any such second hand missals and send them to us, it would certainly be a very big help.  It does not matter when they date from, provided that they are not after 1962. The children are so happy to be able to follow the Mass. If you can also ask around your friends and see if anyone else has second hand Missals that they are no longer using, it would also be helpful.

The mail address is:

Our Lady of Sorrows Priory
P.O. Box 878
South Africa 1725

Yours faithfully in Christ Our Lord,

Father Peter R. Scott
Martes, Hunyo 30, 2015
The Year of Mercy: What is Mercy?

With the announcement of a Year of Mercy by Pope Francis, we should start by asking ourselves "what is mercy?"  And let us follow up that question with another: "what does mercy require of me?"  Far too many think mercy is a nothing more than a complacency with sin in practice: "God loves me.  I am forgiven.  I can go and not feel bad about my sins."

On the contrary, true mercy is found in prayer and penance.  It is found in our spiritual works of mercy: admonishing sinners to repent, go to Confession, and reunite themselves with the Sacraments.  True mercy is not a "feel good ideal" similar to how the protestants view salvation.  True mercy is inseparable from Catholic notions of penance.

Bishop Fellay in his Letter of May 2015 provided a reflection on True Mercy.  The following an except from that document:
What exactly is [mercy] about? In itself mercy is a word that is dear to the heart of every Catholic, because it designates the most touching manifestation of God’s love for us. In past centuries the apparitions of the Sacred Heart were nothing but a more intense revelation of this mercy of God toward mankind. The same must be said about devotion to the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary.

Nevertheless true mercy, which implies this initial, extremely touching movement of God toward the sinner and His misery, continues in a moment of the creature’s conversion to God: “God desires not the death of the wicked, but that the wicked turn from his way and live” (cf. Ezek 33:11). Hence the Gospels insist on the duty of conversion, renunciation and penance.  Our Lord went so far as to say: “Unless you do penance, you shall all perish” (cf. Lk 13:5).

This call to conversion is the heart of the Gospel, which we find in St. John the Baptist as well as in St. Peter. When sinners, touched by preaching, ask what they must do, they hear only this recommendation: “be converted and do penance.” The Blessed Virgin in her apparitions in recent centuries, both in La Salette and in Lourdes or Fatima, says nothing different: “prayer and penance”.

Now the new preachers of a new mercy insist so much on the first step taken by God toward human beings who are lost because of sin, ignorance and misery that they too often omit this second movement, which must come from the creature: repentance, conversion, the rejection of sin. Ultimately, the new mercy is nothing but complacency about sin. God loves you... no matter what.
Huwebes, Hunyo 25, 2015
Video: The Traditional Dominican Foundation of Belgium

As I mentioned previously, I am in the processing of becoming a Third Order Dominican.  The specific community that I will be attached is located in Belgium.

In this video, Fr. Albert, who I know personally, shares some wonderful insight into the spirituality of the Dominican Order.  I share this for those of you who may benefit from knowing more about the mission of St. Dominic's order.

St. Dominic, pray for us!
To Form Future Priests: The New Seminary Project of the SSPX

The seminary is all about forming priests. We're a priestly society, we take care of faithful, we take care of parishes, but we need priests to do that.

Of all the projects that we could possibly do in the Society, this new seminary is the most important project.

The formation of the seminarians, which is the formation of the priests, is the formation of the officers of the Church. When you support the formation of the seminarians, you support the building of the Church.

It's fitting, perfectly fitting, that we do all we can, all our best, to build seminaries, and to form vocations, to form future priests, the future of the Church.
Linggo, Hunyo 21, 2015
Why is There a State of Necessity in the Church?

It's an important question, as souls have the right to obtain the necessary aids for their salvation, particularly sound doctrine and properly administered sacraments.

But the disastrous state of affairs in the Catholic Church today—which constitutes a danger for the Faith—has made the attainment of these aids very difficult, if even impossible.

Inherent to this crisis is the daily dilemma of Catholics having to choose whether to obey the teachings of the Faith or the errors of Modernism.

For their fidelity to Tradition—what the Church has always taught—such Catholics find themselves persecuted and usually unable to obtain the sacraments without a modernist compromise.

This grave crisis of the Faith has led to a state of necessity in the Church and the consequent application of supplied jurisdiction for the salvation of souls.

Source: SSPX.org
Martes, Abril 21, 2015
SSPX Re-Dedicates St. James Church in Pittsburgh

The following is taken from the website of DICI.  “On Saturday, March 28, 2015, the Society of St. Pius X triumphantly re-dedicated the church of St. James in Pittsburgh, PA, Fr. Niklaus Pfluger, the First Assistant of the SSPX, was on hand to lead the solemn ceremonies.”  Some of the photos are as follows:

To help this apostolate of the Society, please consider sending in a donation of any size:

St. James Catholic Church
326 South Main Street
Pittsburgh, PA 15220
Biyernes, Disyembre 19, 2014
Bishop Fellay Blesses Nativity Scene at the EU Parliament

This exciting update comes from the Society of St. Pius X:
On December 9, 2014, Bishop Bernard Fellay, Superior General of the Society of St. Pius X, was invited to bless the Nativity scene that is set up every year in the hall of the European Parliament of Brussels. Before the ceremony, he addressed a few words to the 30 people present, including 10 deputies. Bishop Fellay first called God’s blessings down upon all those who serve Him in their undertakings. He explained that if Christ is invoked as “Our Lord”, it is because all authority and all good come from Him: “Without Me you can do nothing,” declared Jesus in the Gospel (John 15:5). The bishop commented: “all good comes from God, from Whom we receive all things, be they temporal or spiritual.”

The Superior General of the Society of St. Pius X pointed out that the Nativity scene reminds us of the truths of the Gospel, and that we must have not only the courage, but also the honesty to recognize that Europe’s true roots are at the foot of the manger. Bishop Fellay added that “while the Child was surrounded by shepherds, he was also honored by the three kings, who represent the authorities come from different countries to adore God made man.”

Indeed, it was He who came to save men, hence his name Jesus, which means “savior”. He is also called Lord—Dominus—for He is the King of kings, and individuals and societies need Him. And he quoted Cardinal Pie’s words to Napoleon III: “If the time has not come for Jesus Christ to reign, then the time has not come for governments to last.” The Child of the creche is the Lord, who gives stability and peace.

Continue Reading...
Martes, Nobyembre 4, 2014
Does SSPX Mass Attendance Fulfill the Sunday Obligation?

Yes, a Catholic may fulfill their Sunday obligation by assisting at Masses said by the priests of the Society of St. Pius X (SSPX).

The Ecclesia Dei Commission on 18th January 2003, stated that it is possible to satisfy the precept of hearing Sunday Mass by assisting at a Mass celebrated by a priest of the Society of Saint Pius X.

Msgr. Camille Perl of Ecclesia Dei wrote in a letter to Una Voce America in 2003:
"...Points 1 and 3 in our letter of 27 September 2002 to this correspondent are accurately reported. His first question was "Can I fulfill my Sunday obligation by attending a Pius X Mass" and our response was: "1. In the strict sense you may fulfill your Sunday obligation by attending a Mass celebrated by a priest of the Society of St. Pius X." (Source: http://www.cfnews.org/sspx-obl.htm)
Biyernes, Oktubre 31, 2014
SSPX Response to Bishop Marcello Semeraro

Bishop Bernard Fellay, superior of the Society of St. Pius X, celebrates an early morning Mass at the society's headquarters in Menzingen, Switzerland, May 11, 2012. Source: The Catholic World Report

The Society of St. Pius X has issued a response to the unjust and illegal attempt to prevent Catholics from attending their Masses. 
Press Release of SSPX-Italy

ALBANO, ITALY – 10-31-2013

In a notification dated October 14 of this year, Bishop Marcello Semeraro, Ordinary of the Diocese of Albano Laziale (Italy), made particularly odious statements about the Society of St. Pius X, for the purpose of keeping the faithful away from Masses celebrated by our Society and from the religious instruction given to young people, declaring that the Society was not “an institution of the Catholic Church”.

Bishop Semeraro cannot be unaware of the fact that the Society of St. Pius X was erected with the approval of the Bishop of Fribourg (Switzerland) on November 1, 1970, and that this establishment was ratified by Rome with a decree issued by Cardinal Wright, Prefect of the Congregation for the Clergy on February 18, 1971. [see the SSPX's founding documents]

The house itself of the Society in Albano, with its semi-public oratory for the administration of the sacraments, was canonically erected by the decree of Bishop Semeraro’s predecessor, Bishop Raffaele Macario on February 22, 1974 (Protocol n. 140/74).

Despite the problems with the ecclesiastical authorities that developed following the deviations in the Faith and the liturgy brought about by the Second Vatican Council, and notwithstanding the illegitimate attempts to suppress our Society because of its fidelity to the Tradition of the Church, the Holy See itself, through the Roman Ecclesia Dei Commission, affirmed that one can perform one’s Sunday duty “by attending a Mass celebrated by a priest of the Society of St. Pius X” (January 18, 2003) and, as everyone knows, it no longer considers the bishops of that same Society to be not in communion with the Catholic Church.

It is very odd that Bishop Semeraro should intervene in this way when he has made himself the champion of ecumenism in his diocese. In 2009 he granted the Church of San Francesco in Genzano, which was built with the labors and sacrifices of our ancestors for Catholic worship, to schismatics and heretics. On January 28 of this year he organized an ecumenical vigil in the cathedral to pray with persons who are certainly not “in communion with the Catholic Church”, such as an Evangelical Lutheran pastor and an Orthodox bishop.

In the month of November alone, three [ecumenical] meetings are scheduled in the diocese, and the bishop will preside at one of them, thus supporting religions that deny truths of the Faith that have been defined by the Church and spreading the false doctrine of indifferentism, which says that every religion is helpful for salvation. He does not seem to care that this openly contradicts the teaching of the perennial Magisterium of the Church, in particular of Pope Pius XI in his encyclical, Mortalium animos.

Moreover from March 26 to 28 of this year the house of the Somaschi Fathers in Albano hosted the First Forum of Christian Homosexuals, at which the practice of sodomy was defended in principle as an act of true love!

All this is possible in the diocese... but not attending the Masses or classes of those who hand down the Church’s Tradition in doctrine and the liturgy!

This blatant inconsistency is an obvious symptom of the terrible crisis that is affecting the whole Church and that was manifested again recently in the last Synod, in which, under the pretext of mercy, there was discussion of the possibility of changing the Sixth Commandment of God and of abandoning the indissolubility of Christian marriage!

The Society of St. Pius X, following the example of its founder, will continue to transmit in its entirety the deposit of the Catholic Faith and morals, openly taking sides against all the errors that try to distort it, without fear of threats or of unjust canonical sanctions, because neither Bishop Semeraro nor any other member of the ecclesiastical hierarchy will ever be able to change this deposit. As St. Peter said, “It is better to obey God rather than men.”

All who wish to receive the sacraments as the Church has always administered them, or to receive authentic catechetical instruction for their children, adult formation, spiritual direction and comfort for the sick will always be welcome in our chapels.

Society of St. Pius X, District of Italy
Martes, Oktubre 28, 2014
Bishop Williamson Ordains a Brazilian Deacon

Just a few days ago His Excellency Bishop Williamson ordained a deacon in Brazil.  Photo source: Militia Jesu Christi.

For those unfamiliar with His Excellency’s current dealings, you should check out his newly released website on the St. Marcel Initiative.  

Prayer for Vocations by Ven. Pope Pius XII

Lord Jesus, High Priest and universal Shepherd, Thou hast taught us to pray, saying: "Pray the Lord of the harvest to send forth laborers into His harvest" [Matt. 9: 38]. Therefore we beseech Thee graciously to hear our supplications and raise up many generous souls who, inspired by Thy example and supported by Thy grace, may conceive the ardent desire to enter the ranks of Thy sacred ministers in order to continue the office of Thy one true priesthood.

Although Thy priests live in the world as dispensers of the mysteries of God, yet their mission demands that they be not men of this world. Grant, then, that the insidious lies and vicious slanders directed against the priesthood by the malignant enemy and abetted by the world through its spirit of indifference and materialism may not dim the brilliance of the light with which they shine before men, nor lessen the profound and reverent esteem due to them. Grant that the continual promotion of religious instruction, true piety, purity of life and devotion to the highest ideals may prepare the groundwork for good vocations among youth. May the Christian family, as a nursery of pure and pious souls, become the unfailing source of good vocations, ever firmly convinced of the great honor that can redound to our Lord through some of its numerous offspring. Come to the aid of Thy Church, that always and in every place she may have at her disposal the means necessary for the reception, promotion, formation and mature development of all the good vocations that may arise. For the full realization of all these things, O Jesus, Who art most zealous for the welfare and salvation of all, may Thy graces continually descend from heaven to move many hearts by their irresistible force; first, the silent invitation; then generous cooperation; and finally perseverance in Thy holy service.

Art Thou not moved to compassion, O Lord, seeing the crowds like sheep without a shepherd, without anyone to break for them the bread of Thy word, or to lead them to drink at the fountains of Thy grace, so that they are continually in danger of becoming a prey to ravening wolves? Does it not grieve Thee to behold so many unplowed fields where thorns and thistles are allowed to grow in undisputed possession? Art Thou not saddened that many of Thy gardens, once so green and productive, are now on the verge of becoming fallow and barren through neglect?

O Mary, Mother most pure, through whose compassion we have received the holiest of priests; O glorious Patriarch St. Joseph, perfect model of cooperation with the Divine call; O holy priests, who in Heaven compose a choir about the Lamb of God: obtain for us many good vocations in order that the Lord's flock, through the support and government of vigilant shepherds, may attain to the enjoyment of the most delightful pastures of eternal happiness

Sabado, Oktubre 25, 2014
Traditional Dominican Friars of Steffeshausen

Note (2018): This particular community no longer exists

Find out about a new traditional religious community, the Dominican Friars of Steffeshausen, Belgium, and see how you can help them... or even join the Third Order of St. Dominic.

A video has just been published about a new foundation of traditional Dominican friars in Belgium and the Third Order that they are offering to the faithful.

This new community of traditional Dominican friars was founded on November 15, 2013, in Steffeshausen, a little village in the southeast corner of Belgium. They were invited there by the villagers after the death of their parish priest, who had kept the traditional Mass and was persecuted by his bishop some 25 years ago. They offered the church and rectory built by this priest to these friars as a first home for their fledgling community. Bishop Alfonso de Galarreta, who assists those religious communities affiliated with the SSPX, accepted to help the foundation as its ecclesiastical superior.

The goal of the community is simply to continue the true spirit of St. Dominic as it has been embodied for eight centuries, an ideal summed up perfectly by St. Thomas Aquinas in a few words in his Summa Theologica which have become a sort of motto of the Order: "To contemplate and give to others what has been contemplated."

Thus a Dominican must be first and above all a true contemplative, and in order to achieve this end the Constitutions prescribe all of the monastic practices followed by contemplative orders: the Divine Office in common, silence, fasting, chapter of faults, etc. Of course, this includes the three vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience common to all religious.

On top of this, however, Dominicans add the obligation of study, in order to be able to attain the secondary end of the Order: the preaching of the Word of God, to “give to others what has been contemplated.”

Since November the friars at Steffeshausen have been living this life of contemplation and preaching. There are at present four priests and one lay brother, three of whom are French and two Canadian. Some young men have already presented themselves to ask to join them and they plan to begin to receive postulants in the fall of 2015.

The Dominicans belong to an Order of mendicant preachers. It is by alms that they are able to lead their life of prayer and study that will permit them to prepare their apostolate.

Source: E-Pistola of 10/24/14
Sabado, Oktubre 4, 2014
2014 SSPX Starkenburg Pilgrimage

Come join us with your family in this 3-day, 40-mile pilgrimage in honor of Our Lady!

Renew and increase your devotion to the Blessed Mother!

The SSPX is pleased to coordinate this Pilgrimage of Tradition in honor of Our Lady of Sorrows to Starkenburg, MO. The pilgrimage route will be along the historic and beautiful Katy Trail.

We offer both a 3-day and a 1-day option for pilgrims.

The 3-day pilgrimage will start at the Katy Trail access point in Jefferson City, MO, proceeding through Tebbetts, Mokane, Portland, and Bluffton to conclude near the Shrine of Our Lady of Sorrows in Starkenburg, MO.

The 1-day pilgrimage will join the 3-day pilgrimage at Portland, MO on the morning of October 18 for the final 12.5 miles.

Learn more by clicking here.
Sabado, Setyembre 27, 2014
Rosary Novena for the Defense of the Family

The following is taken from the recent SSPX Newsletter.  Let us join our prayers for this intention:

Approaching rapidly is the October 2014 Extraordinary Meeting of the Synod of Bishops: “Pastoral Challenges to the Family in the Context of Evangelization”. This Synod will be held from October 5-19 and potentially has the grave danger of undermining the Church's doctrinal and moral teachings on marriage and family issues.

To counteract this danger, the USA District Superior, Fr. Jurgen Wegner, is asking everyone to join in a rosary novena for the defense of the family:
I request that all pastors dedicate at least three sermons in October and November to the fundamental truths about marriage. I request also that you invite all the faithful to join us in a novena of rosaries from September 29th to October 7th. We will offer our rosaries for the defense of the family. Please encourage everyone to pray the 15 decades of the rosary."
Lunes, Setyembre 22, 2014
Massive Outpouring of Reparation for the "black mass" in Oklahoma City

It is simply outrageous that public space was used for a blasphemous mockery of the Catholic Religion. God is not mocked.  He will conquer.  The Immaculate Heart of our Lady will triumph.

The act of reparation hosted by the local Archbishop for the public satanic "black mass" was well attended in Oklahoma City. At 3:00 PM thousands of Catholics gathered at St. Francis Church for a holy hour, which included a procession and Benediction. About 1,200 people prayed at the Civic Center from 4:45 to 7:00 PM, as the "black mass" was perpetrated against God. At the end of the final rosary, a rainbow appeared over the skyline of Oklahoma City, it was a heavenly reminder of Our Lady's victory over Satan referenced in Genesis. "She shall crush his head." 

Taken from the SSPX Website:
Catholics of Tradition responded with extraordinary generosity to the calling of a crusade of reparation against the Satanic Black Mass in Oklahoma City. With only 9 days for notice and planning, 6 priests, 7 seminarians, a group of Franciscan sisters and almost 1,000 lay faithful from across the country converged on Oklahoma City on September 21.

A Solemn Mass was offered by Fr. Daniel Themann in a ballroom filled past capacity and with hundreds of faithful pouring out into the hotel foyer watching the Mass on live video feed. In his sermon, Fr. Themann reminded the faithful that a good soldier is motivated not by the hatred of that which is in front of him but by the love of that which is behind him. Condemning the Satanic blasphemy permitted by civil authorities to occur in the Civic Center, he also reminded the faithful of how each of us has also offended God. He echoed Fr. Wegner’s call for reparation.

Following Mass, the crowds moved through the hotel in profound silence to march to the gates of the Civic Center. Despite a predicted 80% chance of torrential rain, a blazing sun beat down on the procession as it wended its way through the city with the fifteen decades of the rosary and the Christus Vincit reverberating across town. The Knights and Honor Guard from St. Mary’s, Kansas led the column and a choir from La Salette Boys Academy from Olivet, Illinois sang the Mass and acted as gracious ushers.

Humanly-speaking such a result from Fr. Wegner’s call to arms would have been impossible in so short a time. Faithful came in a spirit of reparation from Kansas, Oklahoma, Texas, Illinois, Kentucky, New York, and Pennsylvania with some chapels organizing chartered buses to make the trip.

Following the Mass and Rosary procession of reparation, the U.S. District provided lunch to the participants in the Sheraton Hotel where the Mass had been sung and in a local restaurant as the crowd exceeded the capacity of the hotel. The response of Tradition demonstrates how God can use even the most base and repulsive evil act to manifest His greatness. The clergy and faithful of the U.S. District joyfully served as His instrument in manifesting His omnipotence over the tiny forces of evil pathetically attempting to mock His power.

 For those unfamiliar with this whole issue, Fox News provides some details:
Protesters far outnumbered attendees of a Satanic 'black mass' held in Oklahoma City Sunday.

The Oklahoman newspaper reported that between 40 and 50 people attended the ritual, which was held in a small theater in the basement of the Oklahoma City Civic Center. The ceremony was led by Adam Daniels, a self-proclaimed Satanist, who had said that his group would tone down the ritual's more decadent elements to comply with state law.

Daniels told the Tulsa World prior to the ceremony that he would include a ritual denouncing Jesus Christ and stomp and spit on a wafer representing the Communion host. He added that private rituals conducted by his group featured sex, urine, and nudity.

Meanwhile, about 1,200 Roman Catholics crowded into St. Francis of Assisi Church to hear a holy hour prayer service led by Archbishop Paul S. Coakely. Those who couldn't get into the sanctuary filled an adjacent gym and cafeteria area, while approximately 400 others gathered outside to hear the service piped through speakers.

Coakley told attendees in his homily that Oklahoma City had been targeted by "dark forces," but noted that as Christians "we know that Christ conquered Satan. The war has been won, Christ has conquered, though skirmishes will continue until Christ comes to reign forever."

The service was followed by a procession to the Civic Center, where protesters from around the region had gathered to demonstrate against the Satanic ritual. Security had been stepped up for the event and Oklahoma City Police told KOKH-TV that someone had called in a bomb threat during the service. The Oklahoman reported that one woman was arrested after she knelt in front of one of the entrances to the Civic Center and refused to leave.  [May she be praised for her actions to defend our Lord.  She is the modern day Veronica from the Via Dolorosa]

Despite the outrage over the service, city officials said they would not block the ritual from going forward because the Civic Center is a public building.
Image Sources: SSPX Website
Biyernes, Setyembre 19, 2014
Pray for the Ordination of Rev. Mr. Jamey Rigi

The USA District Office is happy to announce the forthcoming priestly ordination of Rev. Mr. Jamey Rigi at Immaculate Conception Church in Post Falls, Idaho on September 20th, Ember Saturday. Bishop Bernard Tissier de Mallerais will perform the ordination during the celebration of a solemn Pontifical Mass.

The faithful are cordially invited to attend this important occasion in the life of our priestly society and further details will be announced in the near future. In the meantime, please keep deacon, Mr. Jamey Rigi, in your prayers.

Extending now to 589 priests (and then 590 as of September 20th), the Society of St. Pius X continues to push forth fruit as a living branch of the Roman Catholic Church.

Source: SSPX.org
Linggo, Setyembre 14, 2014
7th Anniversary of Summorum Pontificum

Today the Church observes the anniversary of the implementation of Summorum Pontificum, the long-awaited motu proprio of Pope Benedict XVI replacing all former "indults" and freeing the Mass of All Times, the Traditional Latin Mass. No longer would a priest have to ask permission of his bishop to say the Mass as the Mass is to be readily offered and available to all of the Faithful.

The Saintly Example of Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre

It is at this time that I wish to especially remember Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre, who resisted the Second Vatican Council's false propositions of ecumenism, religious liberty, and the altering of the Mass of All Times. It is through his witness and the formation of the Priestly Fraternity of St. Pius X (SSPX) that the Mass of All Times has spread. And, I will venture to say that without Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre's role, the Traditional Latin Mass would have been at last forgotten and no organized resistance to the change would have existed.

Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre

It is Archbishop Lefebvre who has been slandered in recent years. The cause of canonization of his saintly mother has long been forgotten. Instead, in the words of Bishop Bernard Fellay during a sermon in Paris following Archbishop Lefebvre's death said, "Archbishop Lefebvre has gone, but the Mass is saved, the Catholic priesthood is saved..." Because of his resistance to all of changes affecting all of the Sacraments, the Society of St. Pius X is largely responsible for Pope Benedict XVI's issuance of the motu proprio and then the clear declaration that the Bishops of the Society of St. Pius X consecrated by Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre are not excommunicated.

In the words of Father Franz Schmidberger at the Requiem Mass of Archbishop Lefebvre, "The work of the Archbishop on this earth is accomplished. Now begins his ministry as intercessor in eternity. He has given everything he could give...the miracle of a new generation of priests."

Archbishop Lefebvre only wished to teach that which he himself was taught in seminary. He wished to hand on the Catholic faith as taught and celebrated for the past centuries. And his resistance has directly led to the establishment of the Ecclesia Dei Commission and the motu proprio, Summorum Pontificum. I highly encourage the reading of Apologia Pro Marcel by Michael Davies as well as Open Letter to Confused Catholics and The Mass of All Times.

Mortal Remains of Archbishop Lefebvre

"I will finish with my testament. I would like that it be an echo of the testament of Our Lord: a New and Eternal Testament...the heritage that Jesus Christ gave us, His Sacrifice, His Blood, His Cross. I will say the same for you: for the glory of the Holy Trinity, for love of the Church, for the salvation of the world: keep the Holy Sacrifice of Our Lord Jesus Christ! Keep the Mass forever!" (Archbishop Lefebvre, 23rd September 1979)

"Amen, amen I say to you, that you shall lament and weep, but the world shall rejoice; and you shall be made sorrowful, but your sorrow shall be turned into joy" (John 16:20)

Biyernes, Agosto 29, 2014
SSPX Offers Mass in St. Peter's Basilica

Taken from the SSPX Website:

Watch a video of a Society priest offering Mass at St. Pius X's altar in St. Peter's Basilica. 
In conjunction with the ongoing 100th anniversary of our patron, St. Pius X, it gives us immense joy to convey some recent news of an important event that occurred at his very tomb in St. Peter's Basilica. 
On August 9th, a pilgrimage group from the SSPX's chapel in Noisy-le-Grand, France, had the privilege of attending Mass offered by their chaplain, Fr. Michel Sivry, at the altar of St. Pius X. Not only has it been reported that this occurred with the prior knowledge and consent of the basilica's "highest authority", but a video team even filmed the event for the French District's website, LaPorteLatine.org, where it may be watched. 
This video of Low Mass is unique in that it was shot at up-close angles so the celebrant's actions could be clearly seen, whereas usually the faithful are unable to view these sacerdotal gestures. Thus one of the striking features of this recording is the great reverence accorded to the Sacred Species throughout the ceremonies. 
We hope that this video will help Latin Rite Catholics everywhere to better appreciate the beauty, reverence and sacredness integral to the traditional Roman Mass, aspects that are visible signs of the true and unmitigated doctrines of the Faith, thus fulfilling the liturgical axiom: lex orandi, lex credendi (the law of prayer is the law of belief). 
Perhaps too, this example from certain authorities in Rome (as also occurred during the SSPX's Jubilee Pilgrimage in 2000) will influence those who have authority over certain pilgrimage shrines here in the States to modify their injunctions against our devout pilgrims and their chaplains.
Huwebes, Agosto 21, 2014
Catholics & Cremation: Why It Is Not Allowable



The burial (inhumation) of the bodies has always been the most general and constant practice of the people. Egyptians and Persians buried their dead. The Egyptians even embalmed the cadavers of famous persons. Tacitus (History V, 5) says that the Greeks and the Latins buried the dead. In the Old Testament, Tobias is praised by St. Raphael the Archangel because he buried the dead at the risk of his life: “When thou didst bury the dead by night, I offered thy prayer to the Lord” (Tob. 12, 12).

In the gospel of St. Mark, we see Joseph of Arimathea “buying fine linen”, and after that “taking down the Body of Jesus, he wrapped Him in the linen and laid Him in a sepulchre (…) and when the Sabbath was passed, Mary Magdalene and Mary, the mother of James, and Salome brought sweet spices, that coming, they might anoint Jesus” (Mk 15, 46; 16,1). At the time of the first Christians, cremation was spread among the Romans. It was a consequence of the decadence of the society for instance, at the time of Sylla and Marius the proportion between burial and cremation was one to fifty.

But the first Christians vigorously reacted against this practice. They buried their dead at the risk of their life. It was indeed very dangerous for them, because burial made them be recognized as Christians, and the persecuting Romans, when they discovered the cemeteries of the Christians, confiscated them and exhumed the bodies, as under the order of the emperors Valerian or Diocletian.

Such resistance has only one possible explanation: it came from a commandment given by the Apostles themselves.

Pope Saint Innocent I (401-417) said that the violation of this order is one of the most serious scandals, and it will never be changed. No dispensation can be given, adds the pope, except in the case of necessity (epidemic, war, etc.). When the barbarians converted to the Catholic faith, the Church obliged them to bury their dead and to stop burning them, even under death penalty as it was at the time of Charlemagne (eight century).

As Christianity spread, proportionally the practice of burial prevailed over cremation.

When cremation is used against the Catholic Church.

It is the French Revolution of 1789 which talked again about cremation. And in the last quarter of the XIXth century, the Masonic societies obtained from the governments of Europe the official recognition of this practice. It was accepted in Italy in the year 1876, in France in the year 1887.

The motives given by the advocates of incineration were hygiene, lack of space in the great cities to put cemeteries, risk of burying somebody alive. These reasons are still put forward today. But are these motives really serious?

Concerning hygiene, this objection is an insult to all the civilized nations, which practiced inhumations. Monastic orders, which buried their dead in the cloisters never had, because of this, infections, epidemic or stain in the water they drew nearby!

Concerning the alleged lack of place in the great cities, everybody knows that many dead are buried one over the other, and above all, what is this “progress” of the world which would make us now incapable to give a decent burial to our dead?
Not to be troubled by the argument of the partisans of cremation, let us quote the testimony of a witness of an incineration:

“It was the most poignant impression of horror I ever had. I have shivers, and cold sweat on the forehead when I remember this body twisting, these arms thrashing the air as to ask mercy, these fingers tightening, these black leg giving great kicks, catching fire as torches”.

Which son would dare to burn like this the body of his mother, or of his father! Bishop Freppel (bishop of Angers in France, last century) called this action savagery, and said “How can we make disappear the cadaver of our beloved parents which such violence on the day of their funeral?”

How can we pray in front of a funeral urn containing the ashes of our parents? Cemeteries, where they quietly rest, waiting for the general resurrection, are on the opposite a continual invitation to pray for the repose of their souls.

But we understand better the profound motive of this campaign for cremation when we read, in an advertising leaflet for this practice. “To choose cremation is to enter in the universal humanistic chain of union attached to the defense of human values” (Cremation Association of the Basque Coast).  Here, it is no more question of hygiene, lack of space, etc. but we find the objective of Freemasonry, this occult society whose goal, under the pretext of human values, is to destroy Catholicism and all the orders put by God in the world.

Doctrine of the Catholic Church

The first intervention of the Holy Office against cremation date from the period when Freemasonry began to revive the pagan custom of cremation: January 12th 1870; May 19th and December 15th 1886; July 27th 1892; May 3rd 1897.

When Canon Law was promulgated in 1917, it summarized the previous condemnation of cremation in the following three canons:

Canon 1203: “The bodies of the faithful must be buried, and cremation is reprobated.  If anyone has in any manner ordered his body to be cremated, it shall be unlawful to execute his wish.”

Canon 1240, 5° says that “Persons who have given orders for the cremation of their bodies are deprived of ecclesiastical burial, unless they have before death given some signs of repentance.”

Canon 2339 says that “Persons who, in violation of the prohibition of Canon 1240, dare to order or force the ecclesiastical burial (of those who are to be deprived of it) incur excommunication ipso facto; and persons who of their own accord give ecclesiastical burial to the above mentioned, incur an interdict from entering a church.”

In an Instruction dated June 19th 1926, the Holy Office said that the Last Sacraments could not be given to a person who is asking for cremation for itself.  It adds that, entering in a society for cremation linked with Freemasonry makes this person incur the penalties for joining Freemasons, especially excommunication.  Public Masses for the repose of the soul of persons who asked for cremation, are also forbidden.  It comes from Canon 1241, which forbids public Masses for persons having been deprived of ecclesiastical burial.

Obviously let us not forget that the Holy Church permits cremation in exceptional circumstances, as in times of epidemic, war, etc. (same Instruction)


The first reason comes from the particular circumstance which made cremation having been newly promoted by Freemasonry.  Because of this fact, cremation becomes a public profession of irreligion and materialism.  But it is important to understand that it is not the most important reason.  The Catholic Church does not condemn cremation only because Freemasonry promotes it.

The Holy Catholic Church condemns cremation because it is a barbarous custom opposed to the respect and piety that one must have for our dead, even on the natural level.  And in the eyes of faith, by burial, the body laid under the earth where it will wait for its resurrection.  St. John Chrysostom says that the cemeteries are as dormitories where the dead are waiting for the day of resurrection.  Only  exceptional reasons (as in epidemic or war, etc.) can obliged for the burning of the bodies

Conciliar modernism and the doctrine of the Catholic Church. In the new Canon Law promulgated in 1983 (n. 1176 paragraph 3), the actual authorities of the Church do not forbid anymore cremation “unless it was chosen because of reasons opposite to the Catholic doctrine” (for example, denial of the dogma of the resurrection of the bodies).

But isn’t it in fact a great help given to all these associations for cremation founded all over the world now to spread this practice?  These associations are inspired by Freemasonry which is now spreading cremation to fight the Catholic Church and its beliefs.

Even if the new Canon Law continues to deeply recommend the burial of the bodies, its new politics of no-condemnation favors once again the action of the enemies of the Church who, by their diabolical hatred of the creation of God, kill the fetus by abortion, the sick and the old people by euthanasia, and savagely destroy the bodies of the dead by cremation.

One can also add that cremation endangers the practice of the veneration of relics.

Practical Conclusion

In the churches and chapels of the Society of St. Pius X, as we teach the traditional doctrine of the Catholic Church, we also keep its traditional practices. Therefore, we continue to follow the teaching of the traditional Canon Law of 1917, which expresses the constant thought of the holy Catholic Church:

S The bodies of the dead must be buried - cremation is forbidden.

S   Ecclesiastical burial will be denied to those who asked for the cremation of their bodies.

Let us honor our dead by burying their bodies with respect in a cemetery, and taking care of their souls by Masses, prayers and sacrifices. N. B.  What is said about the bodies must be applied to the members of the body (if cut by surgery for example) or to the dead fetus: they must be buried and not incinerated.
- Quoted From an article of Fr. Pinaud, SSPX  published in “Le Sel de la Terre.”


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