Lunes, Hunyo 27, 2005
Ten Commandments statue may be displayed on government land

"WASHINGTON - A sharply divided Supreme Court on Monday upheld the constitutionality of displaying the Ten Commandments on government land, but drew the line on displays inside courthouses, saying they violated the doctrine of separation of church and state..."


I firmly believe that God should be an active part of all of our decisions. He should be the ultimate center of our faith and life, and He should be available for all to see His glory and honor. After all, it is "Freedom of Religion" not "Freedom from religion".

What is your opinion on the Ten Commandments, or "under God" in the Pledge, or "In God we trust" on our currency? I'm for these active reminders of God's grace and love, and anyone can choose to ignore these reminders, but we shouldn't be forced to give them up.

Image Source: Moses Showing the Ten Commandments by Gustave Dore.

2 comment(s):

del_button Hunyo 27, 2005 nang 8:26 PM
Hindi-nagpakilala ayon kay ...

From a perfectly objective standpoint--the Ten Commandments are an extremely important part of history. I should like to think that the government and the people of this nation would support the celebration of history. The phrases "Under God" and "In God We Trust" are also slogans of historic significance. We should celebrate the Christian heritage of the Founding Fathers, because without them, we would have no great nation.

As far as my religious standpoint goes--if the government can tell me that my heritage cannot be celebrated publicly, then what is America? What is 'religious freedom'? God may bless America, but does America praise God?

Anyway, there's my two cents. Keep God on the penny.

~ AleX

del_button Hunyo 28, 2005 nang 8:19 PM
Matthew ayon kay ...

I think Buddha was a wise person that, although not Christian, lived a good life. I wouldn't object to his writings being in publish as long as it wasn't used by another person trying to promote Buddhism as the only faith.

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