Miyerkules, Pebrero 1, 2006
Pope's February Prayer Intentions

Here are Pope Benedict XVI's February prayer intentions:

General: That the International Community may be ever more aware of the urgent duty to bring an end to the trafficking of human beings.

Missionary: That in the Missions the lay faithful may recognize the need to serve their own coun­try with greater commitment also in its po­litical and social life.

Please add these to your prayers as well as the intentions list from the Community Catholic Forum, which I organize each month.

3 comment(s):

del_button Pebrero 1, 2006 nang 1:42 PM
Fidei Defensor ayon kay ...

Thanks for checking out my blog, i can't believe I am just finding yours now, its great! A few days ago I prayed for the Pope's intentions, now I actually know what they are!

del_button Pebrero 1, 2006 nang 3:15 PM
Matthew ayon kay ...

Thank you very much, Fidei.

del_button Pebrero 1, 2006 nang 10:33 PM
Edward ayon kay ...

Thanks for the intentions. I am now going to daily mass because i'm on employability skills for first hour study hall. Each day Fr. asks for our petitions, I'm going to start praying, For the respect of all Human life and the intentions of our Holy Father. Which I now know.

Yours in Christ!

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