I ask for your prayers for the repose of the soul of
Fr. Daniel Johnson. It is a righteous act to pray for the dead, and I ask prayers for this priest. He was a holy, traditional priest, who held to the enduring Traditions of the Holy Catholic Church.
Requiem aeternam dona ei, Domine, et lux perpetua luceat ei. Requiescat in pace. Amen.
Image Source: Photo of Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen, Believed to be in the Public Domain
3 comment(s):
Praying MB. May Father Johnson's soul rest in peace.
I live in Mahony Land, one of my first exposures to tradition was an article written about the discontinuation of the 'indult' at St Mary's by the Sea and how much Fr Johnson was loved and respected. Requiescat in pace.
Praying for the repose of his soul.
God bless you,
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