Miyerkules, Hunyo 6, 2007
St. Norbert

Optional Memorial (1969 Calendar): June 6
Double (1955 Calendar): June 6

Today, the Holy Catholic Church remembers the life of St. Norbert (c. 1080 - June 6, 1134). Born in Xanten, Germany, into nobility, St. Norbert served as an almoner for Emperor Henry V. Living a worldly life, St. Norbert decided to receive Holy Orders only as part of a career move. St. Nobert joined the Benedictines at Siegburg and, after a narrow escape from death, took his vows seriously and experienced an interior conversion.

Ordained a priest in 1115 AD, St. Norbert accepted the duty of preaching, particularly in France and Germany. St. Norbert founded a religious community of Augustinian canons at Premontre, France, who became known as the Norbertines or Premonstratensians. St. Norbert was also a friend of Blessed Godfrey of Cappenberg.

Elected Archbishop of Magdeburg in 1126, he reformed clergy in his area and used force when necessary. St. Norbert worked with St. Bernard and St. Hugh of Grenoble to heal the schism caused by the death of Pope Honorius II. St. Norbert also opposed heresy in Cambrai with the help of St. Waltmann. Because of his work, the Faith was spread to nearby pagan nations. St. Norbert died in 1134 AD at Magdeburg, Germany. His relics are in Prague. St. Norbert was canonized in 1582 by Pope Gregory XIII. A principal feast was approved for his Premonstratensian Order for July 11 by Pope Urban VIII in 1625, which was celebrated as a "triple of the first class" with a Common Octave in the traditional Premonstratensian Rite, which is a distinct Rite of Mass that, due to its venerable age, was allowed to continue after the changes imposed by Pope St. Pius V in Quo Primum.


Norbert established a clergy dedicated to the ideals of the Gospel and the apostolic Church. They were chaste and poor. They wore the clothing and the symbols of the new man; that is to say, they wore "the religious habit and exhibited the dignity proper to the priesthood." Norbert asked them "to live according to the norms of the Scriptures with Christ as their model.

The priests lived in community, where they continued the work of the apostles.

When Norbert was appointed as archbishop, he urged his brothers to carry the faith to the lands of the Wends.

Faith was the outstanding virtue of Norbert's life, as charity had been the hallmark of Bernard of Clairvaux. Affable and charming, amiable to one and all, he was at ease in the company of the humble and the great alike. Finally, he was a most eloquent preacher; after long meditation he would preach the word of God and with his fiery eloquence purged vices, refined virtues and filled souls of good will with the warmth of wisdom.

Source: The Life of Saint Norbert


O God, Who didst make blessed Norbert, Thy Confessor and Bishop, an illustrious preacher of Thy word, and through him dist bestow new offspring on Thy Church: grant, we beseech Thee, that through his merits and prayers we may be able to practice by Thine aid what he taught both by word and deed. Through our Lord.

Prayer Source: 1962 Roman Catholic Daily Missal

3 comment(s):

del_button Mayo 25, 2010 nang 2:35 PM
Hindi-nagpakilala ayon kay ...

What is he a patron of? What symbols represent St. Norbert?

del_button Agosto 19, 2010 nang 2:00 AM
Hindi-nagpakilala ayon kay ...

it dosnt say wat he is the patron st for

del_button Hunyo 6, 2013 nang 11:29 AM
Unknown ayon kay ...

May God help those of us that answers the name Nobert cos it will be difficult to get to that level that he got without his intersession.
Nobert Ezejiofor

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