Sabado, Hunyo 23, 2007
Traveling for a Week

After Mass this evening, I will be leaving on a 20-hour trip to the state of Florida. While there, I hope to be able to visit several historical landmarks and Catholic sites. However, I will have no access to the Internet until July 1, 2007, at the earliest. I ask for your prayers for a safe trip.

Let us all remember to continue our Devotions to the Sacred Heart during June, the Month of the Sacred Heart. If we stay close to the Sacred Heart like St. John, the Beloved Disciple, we too shall follow St. John to life everlasting. I will try to pray the Rosary and the Breviary during this week. If you have fallen out of the practice, now is a perfect time to rekindle these devotions. Let us never forget the words of Mary: "One day through the Rosary and the Scapular I will save the world."

And, to the kind readers who sent me donations through Paypal, thank you!! Your donations are highly appreciated. Thank you again for the generosity.

4 comment(s):

del_button Hunyo 24, 2007 nang 7:11 AM
tlwest ayon kay ...

Wonderful that you are coming to visit our state! I hope you get to go over to St. Augustine and se some of the beautiful church history there!

del_button Hunyo 25, 2007 nang 9:18 AM
Vidimusdominum ayon kay ...

Have a safe and blessed trip. Prayers assurred.

del_button Hunyo 28, 2007 nang 5:38 AM
Hindi-nagpakilala ayon kay ...

I haven't commented in awhile, but rest assured that I visit!

God bless you on your journey! Prayers will be going up on your behalf!

del_button Hunyo 29, 2007 nang 2:35 AM
Deacon Mike ayon kay ...

Hi Matthew. My prayers go with you on your trip. The summer is loking like it's going to be a little busy for me in our parish. I baptized my first baby a couple of weeks ago and I have four baptisms coming up on Sunday. No Weddings yet but I will be preaching at Mass for the first time next week. Please keep me in your prayers, Matthew. This is both an exciting and somewhat nerve wracking time in my life as I begin the ministry of deacon.

God Bless,

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