Huwebes, Abril 10, 2008
Father Michael Pfleger of the Archdiocese of Chicago: Supports Barack Obama

Catholic Priest Has Only Glowing Praise for Pro-Abortion, Pro-Homosexual Marriage Candidate Barack Obama

By Cassidy Bugos

CHICAGO, January 18, 2007 ( – Catholic priest Father Michael Pfleger of the Archdiocese of Chicago wants people to know that pro-abortion, pro-homosexual marriage Senator Barack Obama "is the best thing to come across the political scene since Bobby Kennedy."

Father Pfleger says he has known Obama for 20 years. "I think Barack Obama is in a class of his own," he said.

As an Illinois Senator Obama had the unstinting approval of the Illinois Planned Parenthood Council for his dependable support of pro-abortion legislation. Now, after a short two years in the U.S. Senate, Obama has earned 100% ratings from pro-abortion groups across the board, including NARAL Pro-Choice America and the National Organization for Women.

In 2002 he voted against a bill to protect or offer medical care to babies that survive botched abortions. Prior to that he opposed an Illinois State ban on partial-birth abortion, and refused his vote to a bill mandating internet pornography filters in schools.

In 2006, Obama cast his vote against the Federal Marriage Amendment. "Personally, I do believe that marriage is between a man and a woman," he said the day he voted against defining marriage as between a man and a woman.

But Father Pfleger is just concerned for Obama's "vulnerability."

"When anybody comes with that much hope, whether it's a Bobby Kennedy or whether it's a Martin Luther King Jr., they do become vulnerable. They become vulnerable because they tell the country and the world that we can be better and we don't have to accept what is. And unfortunately, we live in a world where not everybody wants it to be different."

Although Father Pfleger says he is pro-life, he has a long history of inviting outspoken pro-abortion advocates into his pulpit – this despite the fact that the Chicago Archdiocese has a longstanding policy explicitly forbidding the use of Church property, under any circumstances, by pro-abortion advocates.

Yet in January 2003 singer Harry Belafonte was invited by Pfleger to speak at a Sunday Mass, where he criticized Bush for being pro-life and threatening a "woman's right to abortion." [His website reveals that he has invited many people with heretical views to speak at this parish, or as well calls it, a "faith community"]

Pfleger has also hosted Muslim firebrand Louis Farrakhan, a known ridiculer of the Pope who has condemned Judaism as "a gutter religion."

Nor is this the first time Father Pfleger has been outspoken in his support of pro-abortion politicians. In February 2003 he invited pro-abortion Presidential candidate and Pentecostal minister Rev. Al Sharpton to speak during Mass.

For Sharpton, that was the first time he had spoken in a Catholic church.

"The comfort," he told the Chicago Sun-Times after the event, "is that Father Pfleger is a different kind of a Catholic priest."

Different indeed.

11 comment(s):

del_button Abril 12, 2008 nang 8:52 PM
Katherine ayon kay ...

In 2006, Obama cast his vote against the Federal Marriage Amendment. "Personally, I do believe that marriage is between a man and a woman," he said the day he voted against defining marriage as between a man and a woman.

1. Senator Obama voted with Senator McCain on this matter.

2. Neither of them voted "against" defining marriage as between a man and a woman. That definition already exited in law (DOMA).

3. Unlike Senator McCain, Senator Obama supports traditional marriage.

del_button Abril 12, 2008 nang 8:55 PM
Matthew ayon kay ...

I support neither candidate for the presidency. However, Fr. Pfleger should do the same since he is a priest and should not campaign for either candidate.

del_button Abril 12, 2008 nang 9:21 PM
Katherine ayon kay ...

I think it is wise for clergy not to endorse candidates for public office. But comments about candidates should also be accurate.

del_button Mayo 2, 2008 nang 4:46 PM
Hindi-nagpakilala ayon kay ...

I agree that it is not wise for clergy to get in the endorsement business. Mr. Obama's website has a considerable number of clergy endorsements. One is by a Catholic priest, Fr. Pfleger, who was rebuked by his Bishop for calling for a crowd demonstrating in an effort to shut down a lawful firearms dealer's business to "snuff out" that person by name. Pfleger appears to have no regard for the laws of God or the state. I have found no public apology for his urging the crowd to commit homicide. Obama's involvement with the Rev. Wright and Fr. Pfleger, both of which have extended over many years raises troubling questions about his judgment.

del_button Mayo 2, 2008 nang 8:36 PM
Katherine ayon kay ...

[Father] Pfleger appears to have no regard for the laws of God or the state. ... Obama's involvement with the Rev. Wright and Fr. Pfleger, both of which have extended over many years raises troubling questions about his judgment.

Really? A single comment means a priest has NO regard?

Father Pfleger has many attributes than a single, once uttered comment. And Father has a much more direct association with Cardinal George than Senator Obama.

Let's try to keep our dialogue to the highest degree of quality.

del_button Mayo 15, 2008 nang 8:38 PM
Hindi-nagpakilala ayon kay ...

Despite being rebuked by his bishop for calling for the homicide, there is no evidence of any apology by Pfleger to the victim of his violent hate speech. If he has any regard for the law of God he would have the decency to apologize to his victim.

del_button Mayo 30, 2008 nang 1:03 PM
strugglin ayon kay ...

... well after listening to MR.pfleger speak at Rev.Wrongs ecclesial community the other day regarding white racism and Hillary Clinton, it is obvious that these "highest quality" goals can never be met. when speaking of a man who betrays his calling whenever it suits him, standars are hard to apply.

del_button Mayo 30, 2008 nang 2:43 PM
Hindi-nagpakilala ayon kay ...

Father Pfleger's has a long list of transgressions that deem him unfit to be a priest in the Catholic Church. He should be defrocked.

del_button Setyembre 23, 2010 nang 12:32 AM
Hindi-nagpakilala ayon kay ...

He is a fake.

del_button Hunyo 22, 2011 nang 9:39 AM
Hindi-nagpakilala ayon kay ...
Naalis ng may-ari ang komentong ito.
del_button Hunyo 23, 2011 nang 12:18 AM
man suits ayon kay ...

Thanks for posting this I appreciate and I like it so much.

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