Miyerkules, Abril 2, 2008
Lay Catholics Attracted to Traditional Catholicism

I wish to thank Joie for sending me the following comment. Comments like these emphasize that the desire for Traditional Catholicism strongly exists in Catholics of all ages. Traditional Catholicism is growing and thankfully, the only Catholics that continue to have large families are traditional Catholics.

Hello I am also a catholic that believes in what you feel. I am not a religious but do believe that the Catholics of today need tradition more than ever. The kids as well need to know a church of what it was and not what it is. Religious life is a gift and wearing a habit is a commitment and shows the world there are those that carry faith for all. I have an aunt who is a sister in an order that still wears a habit The Apostles Of the Sacred Heart Of Jesus. They have the choice of wearing either the long habit or a shorter habit. Though many wear the shorter I still believe in the long because of the respect I think it serves to a testimony of faith and sacrifice. I only wish my calling would have been stronger so I could have carried out that faith years ago. I always seeked help with the vocation but many of the priests here in Saint Louis only never paid any attention to my calling when I was younger I am now 45 and still love my faith in my own way. many prayers to those religious young and older who still believe that a habit is a beautiful statement of faith. Thank you.



Image Source: Unknown, Believed to be in the Public Domain

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