Biyernes, Marso 23, 2012
SSPX's new Priority in Nigeria set to open in August

I would like to direct your attention to the short newsletter to the Friends of Nigeria published by St. Michael's Priority of the Society of St. Pius X. I wish to quote from the opening of this newsletter.  Please do read the remainder online and consider sending in a tax-deductible donation to help support this new priority in its missionary work of saving souls.  All donations are appreciated and very much needed.

What would have happened to the young Christian communities of the first centuries if the Second Vatican Council had happened around 70 or 80 years after the Apostles’ preaching? The question seems astonishing. However, this is the sad history of the Roman Catholic Church in Nigeria. The Catholic evangelization of Nigeria started in 1884 in the Niger Delta with the African Missions of Lyon, and in 1889 in Biafra with the Holy Ghost Fathers. These first missionaries spread out over the whole country during the first half of the 20th century, taking precedence over animism in the south and over Islam in the north, and competing with the Methodists who had started their propaganda in 1874 in Lagos. We then saw in Nigeria the joy of a new born Christianity enthusiastic in discovering the basics of the Faith, the knowledge of Our Lord and Our Lady, the devotion to the Holy Mass, and the devotion to the Papacy. A wonderful Christian civilization started to dawn and to gain ground on the fetishes and witchcraft, which the new Christian could hardly forsake.

But the Second Vatican Council takes place between1962 - 65, with its religious freedom, ecumenism,  collegiality, “novus ordo” Mass and inculturation. Henceforth, the hierarchy of the Catholic Church teaches that all religions are equal, that we have the same God as the Muslims, the same cult as the Protestants and that a certain wisdom is to be found in pagan superstitions. Worse still, one must dialogue with these false religions and adapt Catholic belief with the cult of the animists. And to compound the scandal for the African people who are traditionally so respectful of any authority, collegiality deprives the Pope and the bishops of their authority! This Council and its reforms have been disastrous for the Kingdom of God, so much so that, as a poison exudes drop by drop, these reforms have slowly but surely been imposed in Nigeria. For instance, Communion in the hand was only introduced in 2008.

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