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Sabado, Hunyo 3, 2006
St. Charles Lwanga & Companions

St. Charles Lwanga was born in 1865 at Bulimu, Buganda, Uganda. He was a servant of King Mwanga of Uganda. In 1885 he converted to Catholicism and for that he was burned to death in 1886 at Namugongo, Uganda because they refused to give in to the homosexual demands of King Mwanga. Yet, St. Charles did not scream in pain as he burned to death. He even helped arrange the sticks for the fire and said he was pleased to die for the True Faith. The Gift of Fortitude was very strong in him. St. Charles Lwanga is one of 22 people that we remember for dying for their faith in Uganda. 

Canonization of St. Charles Lwanga:

"The African martyrs add another page to the Church's roll of honor - an occasion both of mourning and of joy. These African martyrs herald the dawn of a new age. If only the mind of man might be directed not toward persecutions and religious conflicts but toward a rebirth of Christianity and civilization! Africa has been washed by the blood of these latest martyrs, and first of this new age (and, God willing, let them be the last, although such a holocaust is precious indeed). Africa is reborn free and independent."

From the homily at the canonization of Saint Charles Lwanga and companions by Pope Paul VI

Huwebes, Hunyo 1, 2006
The Church Will Never Recommend Condoms

I've noticed that over the past few weeks several groups are claiming the Church will allow condoms. This is preposterous. As the Pontifical Council for Health Care has recently emphasized, the Church will never do such a thing. Cardinal Alfonso Lopez Trujillo, president of the Pontifical Council for the Family, also said the Catholic Church would not back down from its long-standing teaching against condoms.

Why you ask are we against condoms?

Artificial contraception damages the gift of self. It destroys martial bonds because it prevents the transmission of life. For those who argue condoms should be supported because they will save lives in the fight against AIDS, condoms will not save lives. What is needed is education to change the lifestyles of these people. They must be taught that chastity is to be valued and sexual relations outside of marriage is wrong. This is a must and if we can teach this we can save more lives.

If condoms are allowed then many countries will begin to support sex outside of marriage and I guarantee that AIDS will skyrocket. People do not realize that the AIDS virus is so small that it can be transmitted through a condom.

From a comment in the article linked above:
We can see from results in Africa that the use of condoms spreads AIDS rather than stopping it. Tanzia went from 3 cases to over 2 million with condom use, while Uganda went from a 30% AIDS rate to only 6%, after it stopped condom use. Clearly condoms spread rather than stop AIDS transmission. The Church is right in rejecting them.
And again it comes down to our faith. We are not to question God's Church. We should seek to understand everything and not just believing statements immediately, but we must never go against the Church's teachings on faith and morals. As Pope Paul VI proclaimed in his encyclical, Humanae Vitae, artificial contraception is contrary to the will of God.
Miyerkules, Setyembre 7, 2005
Gay Marriage in California?

Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger of California just recently announced this Wednesday night that he will veto a bill that would have made California the first state to legalize same-sex marriage through its elected lawmakers 

Update: He has thankfully vetoed the bill!
Miyerkules, Hulyo 13, 2005
Homosexual Marriage in Uganda

I heard about this piece of news today and wanted to post it. Following the legalization of homosexual marriage in Spain, I learned that Uganda has actually criminalized same sex marriage.

The amendment specifies that "marriage is lawful only if entered into between a man and a woman." It also states that "it is unlawful for same-sex couples to marry." One-hundred eleven members of parliament voted in favor of the amendment while 17 opposed it and 3 abstained.

The penalties for violating the amendment have not yet been set, but will be determined at a later date when the penal code is revised to accommodate the change in the Constitution.

Source: Catholic World News
Huwebes, Hunyo 30, 2005
Spain Legalizes Homosexual Marriage

Today the country of Spain legalized gay marriage and now numbers among the Netherlands, Belgium, and Canada, as of last Tuesday, which has legalized gay marriage. According to media reports, polls that 75% of the electorate supports the government's liberal policies.

That is extremely sad that people that consider themselves Catholic would go against Church teachings. Look clearly to St. Francis of Assisi and other saints; St. Francis was a man that greatly opposed the bureaucracy of the Vatican at the time, but he remained Catholic and loved the Catholic faith.

Spain is 94% Catholic, but Socialist Prime Minister José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero has done a lot against the Church, and therefore against Christ, including legalizing homosexual marriage in Spain. Spain is a highly Catholic nation but is falling to the "dictatorship of relativism". Seeing the faith of the majority of Spanish citizens, I strongly disagree with the quotation above.

If you begin to doubt just one article of the faith or a moral teaching then you begin the lose the entire faith. This has been proved time and time again when people leave the Church because they believe in their own morals and ideas. But, in truth, only God's morals matter because, after all, it is the Ten Commandments, not the Ten Suggestions.

The Bible, both directly and indirectly, condemns gay marriage.

SCRIPTURE: Genesis 19:1–24; Leviticus 18:22; 20:13; Mark 10:17–23; John 8:3–11; Romans 1:18–32; 3:23; 1 Corinthians 6:9–11; Galatians 6:1–5; 1 Timothy 1:9–10; 2 Timothy 3:16–17; James 3:2; 5:17

One key example: "Thou shalt not lie with mankind as with womankind, because it is an abomination" (Leviticus 18:22, Douay-Rheims)

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