Biyernes, Abril 27, 2007
Ave Maria Award

I am honored to accept this beautiful award from the author of Holy Reflections because of my post, The Power of One Hail Mary. I am so thankful for the graces I have received through blogging, and I hope to continue spreading the Catholic Faith over the Internet for years to come.

I wish to express my sincere gratitude to Holy Reflections, and I strongly encourage all of my readers to visit the website. It is a truly beautiful website. Again, I humbly accept this most beautiful award.

5 comment(s):

del_button Abril 27, 2007 nang 5:21 PM
Hindi-nagpakilala ayon kay ...

HI, here it is nearly May,and I am just now learning about your site, which is so nice ! Not being very astute with much of the computer - I cannot figure out how to ask to have a "Saint for the year" given to me to learn about, ask for help from, can you help ? this is, without leaving my e-mail address all over the web ? LEH (Thank You)

del_button Abril 27, 2007 nang 7:58 PM
EC Gefroh ayon kay ...

Congratulations SM!

del_button Abril 27, 2007 nang 8:21 PM
Hindi-nagpakilala ayon kay ...

I am so happy that the Spirit Daily linked to your site! The column on the 'Hail Mary' was wonderful and I've already had the occasion to call on our mother husband has seriously hurt his back. Please keep up the great work...I'll be back.

del_button Abril 27, 2007 nang 8:32 PM
Diane Korzeniewski ayon kay ...

Matthew - please toggle on your email address in your profile if you want me to use it. Or, email it to me privately at the email address

When I switched to the new blogger, I too did not realize my email had defaulted to "off". It has to be toggled back on. Check your profile and you'll see.

I'll email you that address as soon as I get it.

God Bless!!!

del_button Mayo 7, 2007 nang 9:47 PM
Matthew ayon kay ...


Thank you for asking to take part in the 2007 Saint for the Year Devotion. Thank you for your patience since there was a communications problem over the course of the past month. I pray that through this devotion, all participants ultimately grow closer to God. You were chosen by St. Raymond Nonnatus.
Please let me know that you receive this message as well as any connections between your saint and you that you would like to share. Please just reply to this message so that I know you receive this message.

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