Martes, Abril 3, 2007
The Chrism Mass

Last night I was honored to dress in cassock, surplice, and Roman Collar as I journeyed to my Cathedral to celebrate the Chrism Mass. Dozens and dozens of priests were there from all corners of my diocese. I was honored to sit with other seminarians and take part in the Chrism Mass. In the Mass, my bishop blessed the oil of catechumens, the oil of the sick, and he consecrated the oil of chrism. All parishes in the diocese will use the newly blessed oil in the coming year.

Information on Chrism Masses can be found at these websites:

7 comment(s):

del_button Abril 3, 2007 nang 11:56 PM
Hindi-nagpakilala ayon kay ...

You have got to post a pix of you dressed in cassock and collar!

del_button Abril 4, 2007 nang 1:01 AM
PBXVI ayon kay ...

What position did you serve as? I'm so glad you were able to dress in the traditional garb which looks so much nicer than the plain alb! God Bless!

del_button Abril 4, 2007 nang 1:45 AM
Hindi-nagpakilala ayon kay ...

Sounds like it was a good Mass.

I'm almost jealous you get to wear traditional garb... I am a bit tired of albs.

del_button Abril 4, 2007 nang 4:06 AM
Cskaaren ayon kay ...

Sounds cool. Cassocks are the way to go if you ask me. Another step in your journey to be ordained a most holy priest, as I am sure you will be.

del_button Abril 4, 2007 nang 6:19 AM
tlwest ayon kay ...

I am going today to our Chrism Mass and tomorrow night I carry the Chrism oil into my church. This whole week is so exciting for me as well as so many others. God Bless!

del_button Abril 4, 2007 nang 6:32 AM
Matthew ayon kay ...

PBXVI, I did not serve in the Mass. Several seminiarians did, but I was not one of them. However, many other seminarians and I processed into and out of the Mass. We still were able to wear the cassock and surplice. And I will try to post a picture of me in one sometime in the future.

Mark, I also am quite tired of seeing servers wear albs.

del_button Abril 4, 2007 nang 1:31 PM
Hindi-nagpakilala ayon kay ...


It's worse still when they're just boys and stand and squirm, and the albs are squint, and the stand with arms crossed. OHHHHH; it's so infuriating!

I know it was an Anglican Church I went to, but we were trained to perfection--hands always praying position, genuflect lots, walk properly, always black shoes, etc., etc.

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