Martes, Abril 24, 2007
Changing my Display Name

After thinking about it, I have decided to change the display name on my blog. Since I am a Roman Catholic Seminarian I do not feel it looks appropriate to use my previous screenname of "Moneybags". The idea for my screenname was a result of Monopoly. I love the boardgame, so I planned on calling myself "Pennybags". However, since I like to be original, I changed it to "Moneybags". Also, when I was very young I enjoyed playing the video game Spyro. And one of the characters on the game was named Moneybags. That was what caused me to take my original idea of Pennybags and turn it into Moneybags.

However, I do not think it looks appropriate since I am now an official seminarian. Most people won't know the reason for my original display name, and they might assume it deals with greed. From now on, my display name will be Matthew, named after St. Matthew the Apostle and writer of the Gospel according to St. Matthew.

Update (May 2009): I am no longer a seminarian.

9 comment(s):

del_button Abril 24, 2007 nang 5:49 PM
EC Gefroh ayon kay ...

Aloha Mathew! :-)
BTW, I did not know that MB was from Spyro the Dragon. That was Joey's favorite game when he was a little kid.

del_button Abril 24, 2007 nang 6:50 PM
Micki ayon kay ...

I agree with your insight. I love Matthew and think it will be much more appropriate. I know that personally when I first saw "Moneybags" it was a "wrinkle your nose moment"...didn't see the connection of the name to your fantastic site. You will be in our prayers as you go through your seminary program.

del_button Abril 24, 2007 nang 9:14 PM
Jean Heimann ayon kay ...

Matthew is a good choice. Not only is Matthew the name of one of the Apostles, but the name Matthew means "gift of God."

God bless you!

del_button Abril 25, 2007 nang 2:30 AM
Saint Peter's helpers ayon kay ...

Matthew is one of my favorite names! Greetings dear friend Matthew. You shall be in my prayers as you begin your life in the seminary.

del_button Abril 25, 2007 nang 11:51 AM
L. ayon kay ...

I am blessed whenever I read your blog and have found out so many things I did not previously know from your writings.

Matthew is a beautiful name and one of my 4 sons name as well. I will pray for you in the seminary.

del_button Abril 25, 2007 nang 8:48 PM
Staying in Balance ayon kay ...

Excellent choice.

del_button Abril 25, 2007 nang 10:15 PM
Vicki aka Diva Mom ayon kay ...

We just welcomed a little Matthew into our family 8 days ago! Wonderful name choice!

del_button Abril 26, 2007 nang 6:42 AM
Leticia ayon kay ...

You're right to change the name, that was the second thing which came to my mind when I heard you were to be a seminarian, after, "wow, that's great!". Matthew, may Our Lady and Our Lord be with you as you prepare to serve them as a priest.

del_button Agosto 21, 2007 nang 9:05 PM
FloridaWife ayon kay ...

Hey, just wanted you to know that I'm posting late, but I like "Seminarian Matthew." Great choice.

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