Lunes, Abril 16, 2007
Students Killed at Virginia Tech

I am asking all of my readers to pray for the souls of those students murdered at Virginia Tech today. Pray also for their families and all affected by this tragedy.

Kyrie Eleison!

4 comment(s):

del_button Abril 16, 2007 nang 11:05 PM
Hindi-nagpakilala ayon kay ...

Hi Moneybags,
What happened today was such a sad thing. So good of you ask for prayer on your blog for the souls of the victims and for their families. And to think that it happened the day after Divine Mercy Sunday. Also I want to thank you for visiting my site and putting a link to it in your sidebar! I added a link to your blog as well on my Links Page. God bless you!


del_button Abril 17, 2007 nang 2:46 PM
Matthew ayon kay ...

Thank you for the link, Lee!

Let us encourage others to pray about the shooting at Virginia Tech too.

del_button Abril 18, 2007 nang 12:49 AM
PBXVI ayon kay ...

Yes, definitely will keep this in my prayers!

del_button Abril 20, 2007 nang 8:49 PM
Hindi-nagpakilala ayon kay ...

This event is so terrible I can scarcely think of it without crying. A boy who grew up in my nighborhood was one of the victims of this horrific random violence. The families will need ongoing prayers and support for much time.

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