Lunes, Enero 29, 2007
Avoid Gossip

Saint Philip Neri once gave a lady who gossiped the following penance:
"Go to the market, buy a chicken, and pluck it on your way back here, scattering the feathers as you walk. When you give me the plucked chicken, I'll tell you the rest of your penance." 
The woman was baffled did as she was told. After she handed the plucked chicken to the saint, St. Neri said, "Now that you've spread those feathers about, go pick them up." 
"But, Father! It's impossible to know where they've all gone!" 
"Just like the words of your gossip," he said.

5 comment(s):

del_button Enero 30, 2007 nang 1:58 PM
EC Gefroh ayon kay ...

Good reminder!

del_button Enero 31, 2007 nang 3:03 AM
Hindi-nagpakilala ayon kay ...

Thanks will me watch what l say the next time l open my mouth.

del_button Nobyembre 28, 2007 nang 2:35 PM
Dennis ayon kay ...

Is thisa true story or a folktale?
Please help if you can.
Thanks, Dennis

del_button Nobyembre 28, 2007 nang 2:38 PM
Matthew ayon kay ...

I am uncertain but I do believe this is considered a true story.

del_button Nobyembre 28, 2007 nang 2:45 PM
Dennis ayon kay ...

Thanks, Dennis

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