Lunes, Enero 29, 2007
Bendigo Cathedral will stay the way it is!

After comments from Traditional and Faithful Catholics, liberal activists will not see the magnificent architecture of Bendigo Cathedral altered. I found this post on Marty's, a very good blog that I have just recently found. The article:
Altar to stay says bishop

From the Bendigo Weekly:

THE internal layout of the Sacred Heart Cathedral will not be altered.Head of the Sandhurst Diocese, Bishop Joe Grech, has no plans to move the altar from the sanctuary to the area in front of the pews, nor remove the altar rails. However, he said the idea was raised during a discussion on how to encourage a closer relationship between the clergy and parishioners."At the cathedral parish, we are always looking at how we can do things a bit better, how we can involve people in what we do," he said."

We said maybe we need to do something about the altar because it still feels as if there’s a gap between the people and the sanctuary." You talk about these things, part of our mission is how to get closer." But the structure itself of the cathedral is what we have at the moment, we will work with that and that’s the important thing." If the idea was on the agenda, Bishop Grech said he would have discussed such a move with his parishioners." If there were plans, I would have done it different, I would have presented it to the people for debate firstly, for discussion," he said." You have ideas about so many things in life and then you come to make a decision, you see whether it’s practical, or good or not so good and you work that way." Suggested changes to the altar have prompted a heated community debate between traditional Catholics and those who support change. The debate has centred on liturgical and historical arguments, along with sentiment and emotion. Bishop Grech believes every person is entitled to express their beliefs on any issue, but urges others to remember that regardless of the issue, there is a need for sensitivity."Any change is difficult," Bishop Grech said. "Some people feel with change there is a loss of something, that’s why you have to be sensitive, you have to be practical in life." It’s good for people to have freedom to think and be able to express it." Faith is something of the heart."

2 comment(s):

del_button Enero 29, 2007 nang 10:56 PM
_ ayon kay ...

And in turn I have found your blog!
Thanks for this, the more people see other Catholics stand up for what is right, in a Catholic sense of the word, the more courage it gives to those who are trying to resist the bollocks they see week in week out.
The Bishop of Bendigo is a very weak man, being told what to do by a liturgical team gone mad.
We must pray for him.
Again, thanks mate!

del_button Enero 30, 2007 nang 3:06 PM
Unknown ayon kay ...

Outstanding site! I too, found your blog today by very fortunate accident....

Thank you for your work in defending the sanctity of life!

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