Lunes, Enero 29, 2007
Fr. Drinan Has Died

Fr. Robert Drinan, 86, the first Catholic priest to become a voting member of Congress, has died. He was an example of what a priest should not represent. Not only did he support contraception, but he also strongly supported the horror of abortion! What a scandelous man, who was supposed to be serving the Flock of Jesus Christ! He even openly supported Clinton's veto of the Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Act. A priest is called to lay down his life so that others may have life. However, Fr. Drinan supported the murder of millions of innocent, unborn children. He is a disgrace to the Holy Catholic Church.

Saint John Chrysostom said: "Few bishops are saved and many priests are damned". Let's pray for the soul of Fr. Drinan; may he have repented from his grave errors before his death.

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