Linggo, Enero 28, 2007
Book Recommendations for Lent

With Lent only three weeks away, it's time to start thinking about Lent. Not only should we fast, abstain, and give up something during Lent, but also we should do spiritual reading. The Rule of St. Benedict stipulated that monks must read one spiritual book during Lent. We could find great benefit in imitating their example.

'"A willow tree,' says Pope St. Gregory the Great, 'bears no fruit, but by supporting as it does the vine together with its grapes, it makes these its own by supporting what is not its own.' In like manner, he who warmly recommends a book calculated to do much good makes his own all the good that is done by the book" (Father Michael Mueller in The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass)

Here are some Lenten Book Recommendations:

3 comment(s):

del_button Enero 28, 2007 nang 8:24 PM
FloridaWife ayon kay ...

Good post. I had never thought of reading a special book during Lent. I'm going to come back to this and order something soon.

del_button Pebrero 7, 2007 nang 2:54 AM
Hindi-nagpakilala ayon kay ...

The only book I can think of is some kind of exposition of the Via Crucis.

del_button Pebrero 19, 2012 nang 10:14 PM
Geremia ayon kay ...

Meditations for Lent from St. Thomas Aquinas is very good, too.

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