Martes, Mayo 15, 2007
Cause for Beatification of Pius XII Advances

The Cause of the Beatification of Pope Pius XII has advanced. Pius XII led the Catholic Church from 1939 to 1958 and immediately beforehand he was the Secretary of State for the Vatican. Pius XII saved thousands of lives during the Holocaust and was a leader for the Catholic Church. I am extremely glad to see his Cause for Beatification advancing.
Members of the Congregation for Saints' Causes met May 8 to consider the cause of Pope Pius XII and apparently voted to recommend that Pope Benedict XVI formally declare him venerable. Passionist Father Ciro Benedettini, vice director of the Vatican press office, confirmed the congregation had met, but since the result of the vote still had to be presented to the pope he would not say May 9 what the result was. However, Jesuit Father Peter Gumpel, who has spent years officially shepherding the cause through its various stages, told Catholic News Service May 11 that the vote was "unanimous and totally positive." 
Source: Catholic News Service

1 comment(s):

del_button Setyembre 17, 2011 nang 3:56 AM
Hindi-nagpakilala ayon kay ...

Highly how Pie XII is béatifié!
This Pope is undoubtedly one of the largest popes of the history which does not remove anything in Jean-Paul II, who is him also a very large Pope. For small reminder, here what says Gary Krupp* in connection with Pie XII: “Pie XII was the largest hero of the second world war… he saved more Jews than Roosevelt, Churchill and all those which are associated for them. It should not be a reason of litigation between the catholics and the Jews”.

And also information: Among the evidence that Gary Krupp could advance, figure a dated November 30, 1938 circular, signed of the Pacelli cardinal, addressed to nonciatures, to the apostolic delegations and 61 bishops. This circular required “to find 200.000 visas to allow “catholic not-Aryan” (formula coded to designate the Jews…) to leave the territory of Reich”.

One can read the following precision there: “that lenon day before so that sanctuaries are placed at the disposal to safeguard their spiritual life and to protect their worship, their habits and their traditions religious”. Little time after, in a letter gone back to January 1939, Pie XII confirmed the contents of her circular in these terms: “Do not only undertake to save the Jews but also the synagogues, the arts centres and all that belongs to their faith: rollers of the Torah, libraries, etc…” …. I do not invite that to help Hitler!

* Gary Krupp is a Jew, 62 years old, with the retirement, after having been industrial manufacturing medical equipment. In 2003 it created a foundation Pave the way “Your way” having for goal Prepares “to fill the fractures of comprehension between the religions” But most important is that this foundation financed the investigations and surveys carried out about the relations between Germany main road-Socialist and Pie XII, at the end of which it could affirm in an unquestionable way: “Did you Know that the Pie XII pope had saved more than 860.000 Jews of the camps of death? I want to say that I did not know it before. That is a characterized assassination, a “shanda” (a dishonour in Yiddish), that as well Jews says as he was anti-semite”. He added, betraying all the pressure that he had had to undergo: “Believe me, when I was child, I did not dream whom I would defend one day a man that we believe a sympathizer Nazi”.

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