Miyerkules, Mayo 16, 2007
Rogation Day Procession

Antiphon Ps. 43,26.- Arise, Lord, help us and redeem us for Thy honour's sake. Ps. O God, the tale has come to our ears: have not our fathers told it? V. Glory.

Today is the 3rd and final day of the Minor Rogation. These are days of prayer and fasting for repentance as well as for a good harvest. Today is also the Vigil of the Ascension since it is the final of the three Minor Rogation days.

1 comment(s):

del_button Mayo 17, 2007 nang 5:29 PM
Cathy ayon kay ...

If a person attends a Tridentine Mass only, they MUST go to Mass today, otherwise, they will completely miss the Feast of the Ascension.
For instance, I attend the Tridentine Mass, so in order to go to Ascension Mass, I MUST go tonight - this Sunday for me will be "Sunday after Ascension."
Hope that makes sense.

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