Lunes, Mayo 14, 2007
Mark Your Calendars: May 14-16

This year the Minor Rogation, the days leading up to Ascension Thursday, are May 14-16 inclusive. Today is the first day of the Minor Rogation, a day which should be a day of fasting.

These were traditionally days of penance, fasting, and praying litanies. If you are in good health, please remember to observe these days. For more information on Rogation days, see the links in my post entitled Rogation Day: Fasting and Penance.

I greatly encourage people to observe these days and spend time praying the Litany of Saints not only for a bountiful harvest but also for mercy and repentance.

9 comment(s):

del_button Mayo 1, 2007 nang 7:08 PM
Sew ayon kay ...

Do we fast on all of the days?

del_button Mayo 1, 2007 nang 7:18 PM
Matthew ayon kay ...

Yes, fasting was done on all of those days. Since observing the days is not required, even abstaining from meat would be a good way to observe the days leading up to the Lord's Ascension into Heaven. It's just important to do some penance.

del_button Mayo 1, 2007 nang 7:34 PM
Sew ayon kay ...

Thanks Seminarian Matthew! Count me in. I will try not to devour the bread isle in the process! :)

del_button Mayo 3, 2007 nang 1:06 PM
Hindi-nagpakilala ayon kay ...

Will try to remember!--not easy these days, despite leaving myself many notes.

del_button Mayo 3, 2007 nang 1:07 PM
Matthew ayon kay ...

I usually have to write everything in my planner in order to remember it :)

del_button Mayo 4, 2007 nang 11:10 AM
Hindi-nagpakilala ayon kay ...

Phew! So I'm not going crazy! ;-)

del_button Mayo 14, 2007 nang 9:52 AM
Hindi-nagpakilala ayon kay ...

THANKS for the reminder and will try the fast.

del_button Mayo 15, 2007 nang 7:02 AM
Cskaaren ayon kay ...

Thank so much for this important post Seminarian Matthew. There seem to be a bit confussion about the subject of fasting on those days. When did it become a custom to fast on those days, and when did the Church say we don't have to?

I do not do a "hard" fast this time because I do not think I could do it 3 days in a row yet, but I skip a meal, which is lunch, and then I eat 3 normal sized meatless meals. Breakfast, Dinner and supper. I also sung the litany of the saints which can be found in latin at fisheaters. It was quite fun actually, and latin is the most beautifull language!

del_button Mayo 15, 2007 nang 1:33 PM
Matthew ayon kay ...

Viking, I only know that it has been a custom to fast for centuries. And fasting is described as eating one full meal and two other meals that do not equal the one meal.

I don't know much else about the days. Perahps more information is available on Fish Eaters. I did pray the Litany of Saints, and I did bless my plants/trees yesterday with holy water.

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